>lel why would you use some group of autist's arbitrary bansCause they're the only ones providing a 6v6 format (singles AND doubles) that doesn't boil down to "harass strangers who may be using anything from an in-game team to six box legendaries."
Until Gamefreak provides a place to battle that's as tolerable as sims, you can just forget it. 3v3 singles are shit, most effective strategy is also bring your three fastest and strongest sweepers regardless of the other opponent's team. 4v4 dubs are okay but they're still worse than 6v6.
And totally agree with
>>22291581, it's baffling that most karenfags here rattle on about "just use ur bros" but then hate smogon when they're the ones preventing their underpowered shitmons from getting curbstomped by le balanced dragon.