Thread. They are Hexaperf. They are GER. They are Shiny. They are FREE! If you want one just follow these easy steps:>Reply on this thread with your IGN and FC. >put a Luvdisc on the GTS with "Wynnona" as the message. >wait until I deliver. >Enjoy your free Ditto. Just one for ditto per IGN.
No luv
Why Does it always have to be luvdisc?
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
>>22303117 it's more than a tradition fro the old /ggg/ days, feel free to upload anything, just let me know what it is :}
No luv
>>22303128 Thanks cubchoo up with message "thanks Wynnona"
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
>>22303142 ok, sent, enjoy your new ditto :}
No luv
>>22303063 Don't have a Luvdisc, lol. Putting up a Kecleon with "Wynnona" if that's ok.
IGN: Logan FC:2320-6647-0878 Luvdisc up and Merry Christmas!
Disc up. IGN - Edward Thanks for doing this.
Nico 5086-1142-8374
Quoted By:
Thank you sir, finally i got one for my ORAS
Quoted By:
Got the Ditto. Thank you, and have a Merry Christmas!
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
Quoted By:
>>22303176 >>22303190 >>22303212 sent, enjoy it :}
>>22303199 your disc was sniped, please upload anther oe
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
Quoted By:
>>22303199 ok, sent
remember, let me know what your IGN is to properly deliver your ditto
I'm putting it up. IGN: Pollolo FC:0791-2210-87
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
IGN Johnnie FC: 4038-5985-2167 I don't have a luvdisc, so I put up a seedot. If that's okay!
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
ok, let's do this, IF you don't have a Luvdisc with you you can send me one of the following pokes:
X/Y: Fletching, they are verycommon on the first routes.
ORAS: Zigzagoon, again they are early pokes and are incredibly common
>>22303310 sent
>>22303272 Thank you so much.
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
Quoted By:
>>22303354 enjoy it and give it a good home :}
>>22303339 IGN 613, disc up
IGN Emulex fc 0447-5714-8115 Put one up.
Glen 2852 7802 6717
>>22303063 Disc up! Merry Christmas! Thanks for doing this :)
Put one up. IGN Dawnphoenix. Thank you
Quoted By:
>>22303453 Nice name on the Ditto's
>>22303063 Level 15 Luvdisc is up, IGN is Takoto, friend-code is 1891-1334-0480
Thanks OP!
Luvdisc in. IGN: Luna FC: 1891-2279-0345
IGN: Lanni FC: 3995-7522-0815 Hopefully I'm not too late. Disc up.
5386 - 9635 - 6919 IGN is Coty I really appreciate this!
Quoted By:
>>22303501 FC is 4313 1817 1559 btw, sry
Thank you for sending anyways
5086 3479 0496 Harmy Thanks!
Quoted By:
Saw you sent it already. Thanks a ton OP! Now I have a BreedMachine in ORAS as well
Quoted By:
You're a beautiful person OP, thanks a bunch and happy holidays.
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
>>22303728 I fail to find your disc, can you reupload yours please?
ign: azure fc 5344 0238 3968 uploaded a magby
>>22303790 Sniped, reupped a zigzagoon as im fresh out of luv
Quoted By:
>>22303790 >>22303796 got the blue blob
thanx a lot
IGN: Fede FC:5043-2813-0369 Mine is a Makuhita :)
disc is up! I hope you are still available
>>22304009 OT is Mephisto by the way
Beata [4038-6235-6086]
Quoted By:
fuck, I got sniped re-discing now, IGN is Mephisto
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
Quoted By:
>>22303796 sent
to the rest, sorry for the delay but I got some problems with my modem, gave me a minute please
Tokyo Drift
Robin (0688 6263 6573) Safari: Electric [Electabuzz, denenne,garvantula]
Robin (0688 6263 6573) Safari: Electric [Electabuzz, denenne,garvantula] Thu 25 Dec 2014 12:33:03 No. 22304154 Report Quoted By:
It's up
I put a charmander up, ot is Crystyanyan
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
>>22303830 please tell me your IGN, also, I can't see any zig
>>22303853 can't sse it, please re-upload it
>>22303984 >>22304017 >>22304048 >>22304131 sent
>>22303339 Zigzagoon up, IGN Czeczen
Beata [4038-6235-6086]
I got the ditto. Thank you very much.
Quoted By:
>>22304170 Viele danke OP.
And loving the nature (seriously im doing a perfect ditto collection and lax helps out)
>>22304170 Got it! Thanks OP, Happy holidays!
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
>>22304042 >sent >>22304168 >>22304171 can't see your pokes, please reupload them
>>22304179 >>22304196 enjoy it :}
Tokyo Drift
Quoted By:
>>22304170 Super, thank you! Merry Christmas!
Quoted By:
>>22304198 thanks a bunch, meme christmas! :^)
Is it too late to deposit one now?? if not i already uploaded one. OT: Geomania Thanks!
>>22304198 Reuploaded the charmander
Elisha [0404-6760-9875]
>>22303063 Good morning! Is it too late? If not, disc (imposter) is up!
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
>>22304239 still can't see it, try withany other mon instead
>>22304235 >>22304246 feel free to deposit the disc they are plenty of dittoes waiting for a good home
>>22304266 I've put up a delibird. If it doesn't work this time,then its not meant to be.
Kaiser - 1650-1821-3652
Threw it up there. Thanks, Wynnona.
Quoted By:
>>22304170 Ign is Harmy , Zigzagoon re-uploaded
Sorry for the hassle
>>22304198 Zigzagoon reuploaded
Disc up named winnona. Message is vp winnona. Ign:marlon
IGN Jack FC 0061 1017 0919 Disc up! Thank you!
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
>>22304287 >>22304356 for some reason I can't ee your pokes in the gts, but let's do this insted, gave me your FCs, add mine and send me a TR so I can give it to you in "person"
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
Quoted By:
>>22304378 Thank you so much, youve made my christmas sick
Quoted By:
>>22304374 >>22304287 Don't worry,just leave it like this. Merry Christmas!
Quoted By:
>>22304378 Danke schoen.
Merry chrimbus
Trade dude
Quoted By:
>>22303063 IGN:luam
Kaiser - 1650-1821-3652
>>22304290 Shit, I got sniped. And I have no more luvdiscs, and I don't wanna go through anymore trouble.
Ah well, I'll go back to breeding Tyrunts. Thanks anyway Wynnona.
>>22304374 4570-9587-0926 Czeczen, added your FC already
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
Quoted By:
>>22304411 don't worry just upload anything else and it will e fine
>>22304414 ok adding
>>22304378 Damn mine got sniped! reuploading another one if it happens again i guess it is meant to be. Thanks anyways and a merry christmas!!!
>>22304421 IGN is geomania btw
uploaded a Luvdisc OT is John
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
>>22304414 >Zigzadisc my sides went into orbit with that, anyways enjoy your Ditto :}
Quoted By:
>>22304434 Friend code is 5026-4864 -5356
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
>>22304434 your disc was sniped, please put another one.
>>22304428 sent
Quoted By:
>>22304457 Thanks a lot Wynnona!! Merry Christmas!
>>22304457 shit, that was the only luvdisc i had..
Is it okay if i upload a rattata?
Jay 1950-8754-3734
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
>>22304489 Great! rattata is up
Trade dude
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
>>22304487 >>22304498 ok, sent them, be happy with them :}
Quoted By:
IGN: Dan FC: 4313-0453-9990 Disc is up, Merry Christmas!
Jay 1950-8754-3734
Quoted By:
>>22304503 I will be. Thanks & Merry Christmas
IGN: Fisk FC: 2191-7628-5048 Deposited just now, Merry Christmas :3
IGN Judge Judy FC 1950-8340-4846 PLZ WYNNONA I LUV U 5EVER
Christopher 5172-1204-9662
Luvdisc is up. Merry Christmas.
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
>>22304530 sent
>>22304548 >>22304554 sure they are on the gts already?
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
Christopher 5172-1204-9662
Quoted By:
>>22304564 Just got mine. Many thanks!
Quoted By:
>>22304564 Reuploaded the zizagoon
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
ok everyone, right now I can't stand my sleepiness, so I'm going to close this distribution temporarily, later today I'm going to re-open it. If you got one be happy with it, to the ones who doesn't... try later today Have a good day and see you later /vp/
Quoted By:
IGN: Casual FC: 1779-2121-3864 Put up a corphish on gts
Quoted By:
>>22304609 Based Wynnona. Will try later. Sleep well
Quoted By:
>>22304609 Bah, just missed it. Well, I'll send info now anyhoo. Thanks!
IGN: Zesh
Quoted By:
May. 0662-4296-0677 Thanks OP It's named Power Lens because I was porting over some items using mons from X/Y
IGN: Gallifrey 3411-1620-0527
Quoted By:
>>22303063 Thanks OP. <3 Happy Christmas!
>>22304609 IGN: Peter
Fc: 2165-6090-0335
I put up a wurmple instead of a luvdisc because I recently restarted my game and I don't have a luvdisc yet.
Thanks in advance OP, you are doing Santa's work.
Kevin 0130 - 1845 - 4803
Julie 2380-3034-2476
Quoted By:
Disc up and merry christmas!
zeke 4682-8980-8650
Quoted By:
>>22304609 discing up for later if thats cool
Quoted By:
>>22303063 Disc is up with message "thanks wynnona"
Quoted By:
Disc up, thank you!
Quoted By:
Disc up, IGN is 0Lunar
Quoted By:
IGN: Nick FC: 3325-2644-3871 You're the bee's knees Wynnona
Quoted By:
IGN: S FC: 2251-6838-2315 I don't have a Luvdisc, so I'm putting up a Onix lv 38. Thanks a lot.
Quoted By:
1950-8612-7377, IGN: Squire Thanks, and Merry Christmas.
Quoted By:
>>22303063 up
Odin 4914-5072-8445
IGN: Nemparpheyna FC: 2681 - 0096 - 1674 Luvdisc up for Ditto :D
Afroman 2981-7260-4977
Quoted By:
>>22303063 Disc up with the message "based op"
Why do you need IGN and Friend Code if it's a GTS giveaway?
>>22305546 Good question. Why?
>>22305607 This is a honeypot and nintendo is going to ban all of us for using hacked Dittos.
Quoted By:
>>22303063 IGN: Mike
FC: 0688-5261-4469
Luvdisc is up. If you're able to get to me, thanks in advance; if not, that's OK.
5129 2547 0324 Oten Linoone up as I'm only midgame Happy holidays bro
Quoted By:
wurmple up. IGN justin. Thanks homie
IGN: Leigh FC: 1908-0779-4860 Disc up. Merry Christmas!
>>22303063 Aww my pokemon as doesn't arrive until tomorrow I'll put a luvdisc called wynnona up then and it would make my Christmas if you would please send me that ditto
Quoted By:
FC 3480 3076 4001 IGN Matt Thank you
Quoted By:
IGN: Kiva FC: 0318-7750-6235 Caught a Luvdisc specifically for this.
Ign james
Quoted By:
IGN: Will FC: 4055-3535-1970 Putting a Zigzagoon, if that's OK. Merry christmas, and thanks!
Quoted By:
IGN : Haris FC : 14188-8033-9303 Disc up! Merry christmas OP, and thanks!
Quoted By:
Hey, how long are you going to do this? I'd really like one but I can't put my luvdisc up for a few more hours.
Quoted By:
>>22303063 Disc up! IGN: Pedriana and thanks!
Trade dude
Quoted By:
this still up?
Quoted By:
IGN: Sprak Thanks in advance if this is still going! Merry Christmas
Quoted By:
disc up IGN abe friendcode: 4613-7462-0249
Harvey S.O F.C 0189-8632-7249
Quoted By:
>>22303063 Can't I just put up a Zakrom? I have like 2 of them and I would like my Ditto to be nicknamed ISeeUIBeU2
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
Hi everyone! I'm back and wow, tey are a lot of requests! well if any of you are still here please reply to this very post so I can deliver your Ditto. again if you want it just follow this little steps:>Put a Luvdisc/Zigzagoon/Fletching on the gts with "Wynnona" as the message >wait for me to deliver it >Enjoy your new Ditto.
>>22312470 IGN abe
friendcode: 4613-7462-0249
Harvey S.O F.C 0189-8632-7249
>>22312470 My internet is Satellite-Based....Kinda having troubles getting my Fletching online.
But anyhow I got your FC added. GTS is giving me some troubles.
HughesNets sucks by the way. I need to move back into the city.
Fletchling is up and its nicknamed "FreedomFlyer" and it has Pokerus.
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
>>22305546 >>22305607 I need them to check for same FCs, why? easy, even when I mass cloned it (6 whole boxes), if people get more than one less people that really need it will be able to get them
>>22305613 I didn't know that I worked for Nintendo...
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
>>22312509 sent
>>22312520 >>22312543 I can't see your pokes on the gts please re-upload them
>>22306549 >>22312550 This is me from earlier. Just threw the disc back up if you're still willing to trade some.
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
Quoted By:
>>22312626 Thank you so much! You have made my breeding life so much easier °^°
>>22312608 I got sniped
I'm oten, I put up a lotad just now
Thanks for the patience
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
>>22312648 sent and be happy with it
Harvey S.O F.C 0189-8632-7249
>>22312550 >>22312608 I sent my Fletchling through but I got a nonshiny Ditto from another Trainer. I prefer if you are to trade with me is to accept my FC and do a 1 on 1 Trade with me via the Trade. No GTS. I don't trust GTS anymore.
I don't have the pokes of those 3 anymore so it will take time till I have another *Don't have fly and just got my 3rd Gym Badge in X.*
>>22312664 Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>22312664 >that name Hahahaha
(Tony 0318-9314-3242) (Nur 4914-3954-8491)
(Tony 0318-9314-3242) (Nur 4914-3954-8491) Fri 26 Dec 2014 06:08:55 No. 22312696 Report >>22303063 Just put ours up. People like you are rad
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
>>22312683 ok, just let me add you, once you see me online please send me a TR
>>22312470 I put up a Wingull male lvl2!
IGN - Sapphire
FC - 1779 - 0064 - 8389
Thanks dude!!!
Harvey S.O F.C 0189-8632-7249
Quoted By:
>>22312702 Alright just caught a fresh Luvdisc let me try to get on my shitty net to get the TR sent.
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
>>22312696 thanks and enjoy your new Ditto :}
>>22312726 sent
Quoted By:
>>22312755 Thank you so much!!!
Quoted By:
abe here, thanks wynnona. hope you have a good night. :]
>>22312755 is this still going?
Quoted By:
>>22303063 IGN: levi
theres a kecleon up with the message :thanks wynnona"
Quoted By:
>>22312470 Put a zigzagoon up!
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
Quoted By:
>>22312683 hey harvey looks like you have conectivity issues...
>>22312837 yes, it is still going
Harvey S.O F.C 0189-8632-7249
Quoted By:
>>22312755 My Net isn't agreeing with me....
I will try again via GTS.
Harvey S.O F.C 0189-8632-7249
LuvDisc is up. Waiting for you to nab it Wynnona. Playing Pokemon for Streaming Player to Player on Satellite just won't work at all. Esp with a Bandwidth limit...Fuck living in the countryside.
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
Time to start mixing in some crappy Dittos.
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
Hey everyone I have to go for a couple of hours (a family issue) please be patient I'm going to return ASAP.
>>22312912 I can see your ditto now, but you asked for a level 1-10 one... these are lv100, please change it
Quoted By:
>>22312932 Normally I would curse you, but there is a general for this shit and Op is ignoring it.
Harvey S.O F.C 0189-8632-7249
>>22312938 Done. Thank you for telling me the generalization of it.
Tell me how exactly did you dupe these Shinies? Via Gamebreak or another method? Mind telling me your ways?
>>22303063 Tropius up
IGN Jordan
FC 1478-4911-5038
Thank you, merry Christmas!
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
>>22312959 I mass clone my Distributions with the old two 3DSs trade clone, I was planning to get a PowerSaves for mass cloning but I can't find one on my area and due the fact that my job has needed me on diferent areas of my country I can't order one online...
well, seeyou later guys, I promise I'm going to return in a couple of hours
Harvey S.O F.C 0189-8632-7249
>>22303063 U'bermensch Lvl 100 Ditto
Attack 145
Defense 118
Sp Atk, Sp def and Speed
Now I can be a professional with this Ditto.
Many thanks for the German Ditto that is Uber Powerful
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
Quoted By:
>>22313001 >I mass clone my Distributions with the old two 3DSs trade clone I almost feel bad for giving out these 2iv dittos.
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
Quoted By:
>>22312989 you got the last one until i return, please be happy with it :}
>>22313007 well see you later and be happy :}
Harvey S.O F.C 0189-8632-7249
I say we should have a Battle of the Dittos No other Pokes allowed. Only Transformed and Struggle is allowed.
>>22312470 Sorry to repeat, just saw this, will post mine again just in case you aren't looking at the op.
IGN Jordan
FC 1478-4911-5038
Thanks and merry christmas!
Harvey S.O F.C 0189-8632-7249
I got an english ditto with no good ivs. Wat.
Quoted By:
>>22313041 Nevermind...thanks!
Vonlocke 4253-3621-9551
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
I've got some extra time so I'm going to saty here a bit more
>>22313038 really? I'm pretty sure I gave you a Übermensch GER shiny, if not please tuck another mon please :}
>>22313056 ok, give me a minute
Mine wasn't shiny or natured as specified. Op is a fag.
Quoted By:
Bob is here. thread ruined.
Harvey S.O F.C 0189-8632-7249
Quoted By:
>>22313090 Its no biggie I got the Shiny Ditto Wynnona. I don't need another. I might as well get on conqouring the rest of the Gyms in my playthrough.
By the way. No Ids here makes it so that someone else can impersonate anyone without a Tripcode.
Harvey S.O F.C 0189-8632-7249
>>22313090 Got a non shiny Ditto again. Is something wrong?
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
anyone who got a non-shiny one feel free to add my FC so I can deliver your ditto personally :}
>>22313097 >>22313043 >>22313125 I don't know if someone is being a dick to you guys but OP delivered for me. Be sure you're asking for level 100 dittos.
A level 100 japanese Ditto. Have I been rused?
>>22313144 pretty sure Bob is the responsible of this or the /gg/ fags
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
>>22313154 It seems like it, mine are
>GER >Named Übersmen >Shiny Anonymous
>>22313158 >or the /gg/ fags At least that place actually delivers. For some reason Bob is like, allergic to them.
>>22313167 did you just admit to sending me a japanese ditto and lying?
>>22313170 >actually delivers being this delusional
Quoted By:
>>22313180 Better than the ruses and snipefests this thread has been.
Quoted By:
>>22313144 Well I got my Shiny German lvl 100 Ditto.
Thanks Wynnona.
This is the real Harvey. I should tell you because I sent a LuvDisc to you nicknamed "Wynnona".
Also the one impersonating me isn't doing a very good job. So I got what I needed.
Quoted By:
This time an American Ditto. I'm just gonna go elsewhere.
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
Quoted By:
>>22313176 sorry, I misquoted myself, what I'm trying to say is that I'm just sending Shiny GER ones, sorry for the confusion
woe 0817-4049-7790
>>22303063 putting muh luvdisc.
woe 0817-4049-7790
Quoted By:
Aron 2320-6123-0625 Thanks in advance OP!
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
>>22313229 ok, please send me a TR :}
Jackie (1993 - 7951 - 3566)
woe 0817-4049-7790
Quoted By:
got sniped. reupping.
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
woe 0817-4049-7790
>>22313296 I didn't get a German ditto, are you sure it was me?
Quoted By:
>>22313274 The trade option is greyed out for some reason ;-;
woe 0817-4049-7790
Seems fishy as of recent comments, but... Name: Dave FC: 3582-9508-7919 luvdsic is ready and waiting
Quoted By:
>>22313315 OP just delivered to me personally, is legit
Oh god thank you Winnona you are the best. Merry Christmas!
woe 0817-4049-7790
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
Date: 3067-5546-5083 And now I wait.
IGN: AJ FC: 2938-8412-3609 Luvdisc is up, Merry Christmas! :) Thanks!
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
>>22313315 >>22313332 ok... now I'm confused...
Wynnona, p-please be my waifu!and if you're male, p-please be my husbando, senpai~
woe 0817-4049-7790
Quoted By:
>>22313296 thanks. I got a lv 100 german ditto.
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
>>22313341 >>22313342 I can't see your discs on the gts please re-upload them asking for a Lv 91 or more Ditto
Hey OP, just added you. IGN: Chris FC: 0275-9869-1686
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
woe 0817-4049-7790
>>22313349 someone used my IGN and FC as their own.
>>22313357 I got sniped, re-upping now
Quoted By:
Sure, i'll give this a shot. Basty:---- 4270-0538-2650
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890]
Quoted By:
>>22313351 thanks for the offer anon...
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
>>22313363 yeah I know, !iuPUH6jcNQ tends to derail distros not in certain general...
>>22313365 Op is fucking with people, there are no german dittos. probably.
I got japanese ones twice. TWICE.
>>22303063 Ceveth 0104 1445 3402
Don't have the option to ask for a ditto on the GTS, could we trade instead?
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>22313374 People ask for level 100 Dittos, I give level 100 Ditto. Attention seeking glory hogs just don't understand charity, it seems.
>>22313379 Yeah, the same just happened. I'm gonna hatch a speed boost Torchic and try that instead of a disc.
Name: Darkness FC: 3582-9508-7919 Body: READY
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
>>22313379 >>22313386 add my fc and gave me your please :}
>>22313381 >>22313389 adding :}
>>22313383 >tripfag vigilante > Attention seeking glory hogs just don't understand charity, it seems. Oh the Irony!
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>22313398 I don't see how its being a vigilante, I'm just helping OP out.
Quoted By:
>>22313391 IGN: AJ
FC: 2938-8412-3609
I've added you, and I'll be trading you a Speed Boost Torchic :)
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
Quoted By:
Im going to test if this is legit myself once and for all IGN: Ender FC: 5429-7868-1642 I shall be waiting, Wynnona.
People like you are my least favorite kind of people.
Quoted By:
>>22313391 Thanks again!
Merry Christmas!
10 minutes and no add or disc response. Gonna hafta doubt this one...
I am
>>22313389 Anonymous
>>22313424 dont you dare talk about my waifu like that
hey Bob why you deleted your FC?
>>22313436 My bad, I was talking about
>>22313409 Anonymous
>>22313439 >people are so assmad at Bob they are photoshopping his trip onto other posts. Anonymous
>>22313443 ok, i guess we won't have to fight. do you wanna kill some nattys and play gamecube?
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>>22313447 >supporting the sniper Vixer 4699-7107-8559
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
hey Bob you registered mine already?
>>22313434 sorry let me add you :}
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>>22313456 >>22313360 pls don't forget about me. :(
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
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>>22313456 You bet I did. Just added that FC to delete and cause paranoia, I don't need a Ditto.
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
>>22313381 I will hold your Ditto until you get online
>>22313389 >>22313360 added
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Bob ass kissing in every thread he snipes makes me sick.
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>>22313478 >>22313478 Thank you so much OP! Merry Christmas, you da MVP.
>>22313478 Thanks! I hope you like the Torchic! And just ignore those who are doubting you. You're doing a wonderful job! :)
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
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kek I just found out I'm some anon waifu...
>>22313500 Have been waiting TWENTY minutes now with no add. Either Op is faking or just playing blatant favorites.
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>>22313450 Good, I'm to tired to fight. Unless it's Melee on GCN.
>>22313478 How long will you be on for? I don't have internet but I can get to a Starbucks in like fifteen minutes.
Drew 0903-3188-8565 pls still have some, luvdisc going up in a few minutes
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
>>22313504 I'm sorry if I skipped you, please give me your FC :}
>>22313512 Was supposed to leave for "family matters" a fair amount of time ago but stayed around because pokemon is more important.
Probably in it for the long haul.
>>22313504 Just be patient, I believe OP is manually cloning these dittos, coupled with going through 100+ requests means mistakes will be made and people may be overlooked. None of it is intentional and none of it is directed specifically at you.
>>22313532 There is no need to be patient that when people AFTER ME are getting Dittos and others are clearly being skipped.
I posted, that Ditto is mine, and OP is just being a douche.
>>22313520 can i trade you for a ditto? i already had you added from another thread. ign capnjazz
>>22313520 Hey can you add Me? I would like a Ditto but I really don't trust it with a sniper around.
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
>>22313512 don't worry I wil be here :}
>>22313522 yes, aparently my brother was sent to the hospital from his work, but we got a call from him telling us that he was fine and was going back to his home, that's why I just relaxed and focused on the distro alongside some stuff I'm working into
>>22313539 You sound exactly like a child who didn't get what he wanted for Christmas. Just chill out dude, you'll get your ditto.
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
>>22313531 ok, added, once you add my fc back feel free to send me a TR :}
>>22313541 hi capn, sure feel free to sent me a TR
>>22313548 sure, just give me your fc and ign
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>>22313519 Added you and the Luvdisc is up.
>>22313566 >ok, added, once you add my fc back feel free to send me a TR :} I added you going on half an hour ago.
>>22313539 >>22313539 nigga chill the fuck out, you're getting free shit, quit acting so entitled. type of nigga that stick a four leaf clover in his ass hoping he lucky enough to get fucked in the butt, foh breh. OP has no reason to give you a ditto if you're gonna be such a dumbass about it
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Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
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>>22313569 sure? I double checked your fc and it is still grey
>>22313519 added
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>>22313566 Okay 5129 1604 0634 ign Serena.
>>22313565 Not with that attitude he won't, lol
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>>22313571 >OP has no reason to give you a ditto if you're gonna be such a dumbass about it Anybody who posts what the OP said to *is* entitled. Thats why it's a GIVEway.
If the asshat isn't going to give, just delete the thread.
>>22313553 Luvdisc up. IGN is JAKE. You're a saint
Jack [2363-6136-4139]
Merry Christmas, enjoy the froakie
>>22313565 Except in this case said properly was already promised and OP is snubbing his job instead of doing what he is required.
>>22313583 More should have this attitude. Will keep the kids from giving away 1-9 mons to their favorites and calling it a thread.
>>22313599 >what he's required A-are you for real?
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>>22313601 >A-are you for real? What seems to be the problem?
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
>>22313591 im delivering them personally
>>22313592 froakie? I'm afraid you got sniped, add my fc and send me a tr to get your real one
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>>22313608 this is jazz, thanks a bunch! and it's in a luxury ball too so that's perfect.
JAKE (1977 0952 9548
>>22313608 Okay, anything in particular you want for a ditto then? I have a shiny modest kyogre i got in a wondertrade
>>22313599 So fucking do it and you'll get your ditto, you'll see
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
hey capn you sure don't need the Shiny Frog?
>>22313622 anythin will be fine :}
>>22313624 >So fucking do it and you'll get your ditto, you'll see If Op would add people back, then maybe someshit would get done.
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>>22313608 Thanks for the trade. I needed it on my sub game so I'll start up my Y and give you something not a Fledgling!
>>22313630 yeah it's fine, you gave me a few pokes i really needed a few days ago so keep it
plus he's the worst starter Jack [2363-6136-4139]
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>>22313608 Added, it wasn't sniped thankfully.
FC: 0404-8129-9815 IGN: FIFI
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
>>22313644 ok, thanks, and feel free give me a call when you need something :}
>>22313654 >>22313591 adding
JAKE (1977 0952 9548
>>22313630 Thank-you very much. I hope you like the Pokeball Vivillion!
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
>>22313671 thanks for it, you are sure you don't need it?
>>22313662 hey jake, are you sure about the Kyogre? I like it but I can accept anything for the dittoes
>>22303063 IGN: Lydiara
FC: 3007 8886 5319
JAKE (1977 0952 9548
>>22313695 I'm sure you'll have more of a use for it than I will, with the whole "being able to clone" thing
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
>>22313704 adding
>>22313709 ok,thanks for it :}
btw tomorrow I'm going to giveaway some of mu older distridutions feel free to give it a try :}
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>22313719 I'll ready the powersaves.
Jack [2363-6136-4139]
>>22313719 Did my FC request go through? You're still not marked as a friend
>>22313553 122082427513
>>22303063 My ign is smax
>>22313632 As much as I hate to agree with this entitled shithead, he seems to pose a decent point.
Why is Wynnona ignoring certain people? Why are some people getting bad Ditto? Did I, personally, do something wrong?
>>22313608 Hey mind if i grab one as well? FC is :1719-4588-1410
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
>>22313726 tomorrow at some point...
>>22313704 are you here? I already added
>>22313732 I added you already, but I can't see you online
>>22313739 adding
>>22313744 I'm adding every request back, and as I say before If I skipped someone, please tell me so I can fix that, plus seems like vp's favorite derailer landed here earlier than I expected... and as a matter of fact I been giving distributions since 2013 back on the (now defuncted) /gg/
>>22313752 adding
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>>22313765 thanks! added as well!
Jack [2363-6136-4139]
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>>22313765 Thank you very much, have a Merry Christmas
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>>22313765 Thnx alot Wynnona.
Happy Holidays.
>>22313765 this is jazz, would you trade me a cacturne, crawdaunt and sableye for a few kalos shinies? you can do this whenever, like in a few days
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>>22313765 Thanks, Merry sassy Christmas!
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
>>22313796 hi, I can give you those for free if you want, but right now I'm a bit overloaded between some extra work i'm doing and this distro, but if you are not in a hurry I can either let you touch trade the ones in my living dex or I can breed you ones tomorrow :}
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>>22313814 you can get me them whenever you want, i just wanna fool around with them on wifi
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>>22313814 i just chucked one up thanks m9
>>22313814 You aren't online anymore. You still here?
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
>>22313941 yes, I'm still here, feel free to give me your fc and IGN :}
>>22313991 I already did. It's smax. You added me already. But I took down my luvdisc for another giveaway couse I thought you where gone. Maybe another time.
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
>>22314017 ok, I'm online now, feel free to send me a TR :}
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Hey there! About to upload a disc if I'm not too late. My ign is Teresa and my FC is 1504-6221-5782 Thank you!!
>>22314027 Doesn't let me offer you a trade request.
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>>22314027 Ok got it, thanks a bunch friend.
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
>>22314053 try again please
>>22314064 Thank you so much for the ditto!!!!! You're fantastic.
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
>>22314067 smax... I won't give you anything yet... well I'm not sure... I delivered one to some gts request... yours is a shiny german?
>>22312550 >IGN: Kiva >FC: 0318-7750-6235 >Caught a Luvdisc specifically for this. Thanks based Wynnona
>>22314072 Yeah it it's uber something
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
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>>22314084 ok, what a relief, Bob mined the place a while ago, anyways be happy withthe ditto :}
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890] !!ms0ElU2M7i+
>>22314083 well with you I officialy close this distribution, feel free to drop in tomorrow (later today) distribution, good night /vp/ and happy tradings :}
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>>22313090 Hey here it's me
>>22305421 I already have my luvdisc at the GTS if you still have those shiny Ditto :)
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>>22306773 Got oras name is zebabaru and fc is 2509-3708-9187 . Thanks :).