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Hey /vp/ you motherfuckers. I am trying to finally make a living dex, but I am missing 2 key pokemon. The pokemon I need are Mew and Keldeo. I need legit copies of these mons, I don't care if they are cloned, as long as they are legit. I can offer you the dream world Arceus, a legit Darkrai named SPORTACUS, Diancie, shiny Gengar from the event, shiny Giratina from the event, a Hoenn Latios (jpn copy, so the name looks weird, but its legit I got it from a buddy like 7 years ago), PLASMA Deoxys, Bank Celebi and that's pretty much it. I also got a legit shiny Lugia I found while Legend hunting in AS. Just let me know which one you want, and which one you have for trade.
Revan 3411-1576-0248
I'll trade you a Keldeo for the Diancie.
>>22306597 >I don't care if they are cloned, as long as they are legit. >I don't care if someone cheated to get them, as long as no one cheated to get them. Pedro 2122-5566-5882
Pedro 2122-5566-5882
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>>22306868 Well, there's a difference between genned pokemon and clones.
A clone is just a copy. All the Pokemon I am offering are copies of the real ones, maybe even the real ones. I don't know and I don't care. They are all the same.
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>>22306870 Thanks mate, finally completed my living dex.
Pedro 2122-5566-5882
>>22306855 Thanks man.
To anyone interested I am still looking for Mew. I can get you a Diancie, just let me know.
Pedro 2122-5566-5882
These are the Pokemon I have up for trade. I can get the person interested another Diancie, just let me know.
Ponder 5386-9515-7784
>>22306914 A Mew? I can hook you up. I don't need Diancie or any other legendary, i'm working on a living dex and if you got any of these:
>Vespiqueen >Burmy/Wormadam/Mothim >Oshawott/Dewott/Samurott I'll take them, otherise any old shitmon will work. Added you already, so you can add me.
Pedro 2122-5566-5882
>>22306988 Sure, I can get you a Dewott.
Oh yeah, I am also looking for a Genesect, forgot about that one.
Ponder 5386-9515-7784
>>22307006 I can get you a Genesect as well. I'll go dig it out of bank.
Pedro 2122-5566-5882
Ponder 5386-9515-7784
>>22307026 No problem man, it's Christmas Day and I got plenty to spare.
Lenin 3625-8990-9856
>>22306597 Hello motherfucker! I would really love to have a diancie! I don't care if it is cloned or something else. I can't offer you much.
> 6 IV Goodra > Some Battleitems > Megastones Oh boy, please respond.
Pedro 2122-5566-5882
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>>22307056 Alright, thanks.
I'll clone my new Pokemon so that my cousins can also enjoy them.
Cheers man.
Pedro 2122-5566-5882
>>22307073 Stay around for a bit, I am going to clone the fuck out of a Diancie.
Lenin 3625-8990-9856
>>22307095 Yes please ! Fill your filthy boxes with diancie senpai. I wait.
Pedro 2122-5566-5882
>>22307116 Ok. I'll take the G.oodra.
It better be f.emale Lenin 3625-8990-9856
>>22307164 one moment, it is in my battle box
Pedro 2122-5566-5882
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>>22307116 What happened?
It was merely a joke, I don't care about the gender.
Pedro 2122-5566-5882
Pedro 2122-5566-5882
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>>22307170 Enjoy your legendary.
Lenin 3625-8990-9856
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>>22307186 I love you. no homo
Anyone here have a Shaymin, Genesect, or Manaphy? They're the only three I need.
Jazz 0774-5401-3898
>>22308880 I got an extra genesect. Do you have a contrary snivy by any chance?
>>22308952 I do not, unfortunately. :c
Greg 1993-9713-2562
>>22308880 I'll trade you Manaphy for a Mew, Celebi, or Meloletta.
Jazz 0774-5401-3898
>>22309022 Oh well. Any spare shinies then? It's my only genesect besides the one in my living dex so i don't want to give it away for nothing.
James 3652 - 0643 - 0302
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>>22306597 I could trade you a Mew if you're interested. It is from the HG/SS event, however, it has been altered to have perfect IVs.
What do you say? I really need one Diancie.
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>>22309038 I also don't have any of those, sorry.
>>22309039 Spoke too soon, I actually might have a contrary snivy in bank now that I think about it. One sec.
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>>22309039 Yeah, I do have a contrary snivy. You still up for a trade?
Bonnie 1676-4289-0437
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>>22306972 The only extra legendary I have is a Ho-oh...
Fug, I hate being poor.