>be me
>go to gamestop to buy X/Y
>I'm 25, fat neckbeard
>smell like doritos
>cute girl behind counter
>forced to conversate
>too embarrassed to tell her I want a kids game
>"X please"
>She smiles and hands me the game.
>"I love Pokemon, it's so much fun!"
>I feel slightly better
>Maybe this is a sign. Maybe she's my soul mate
>She slighly touches my hand giving me the game
>I instantly ejaculate
>I make an audible moaning noice
>She looks at me in disgust
>Shit my pants
>She covers her mouth and vomits into her hand
>I run out of store
>Slip on spaghetti as it pours out of my pocket
>Fat ass hits the ground so hard car alarms in the parking lot go off
>Left my copy of X on the counter
>Had to ask mom to go buy me one
>Stupid bitch made me wait until Christmas