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Two questions about what makes us like pokemon.
What gives a pokemon staying power? You know what I'm talking about, you'll be really into a particular pokemon for a few months or maybe a year, but then it fades and you don't care about them anymore. When X/Y Came out for example, I fucking loved Chesnaught and I thought Pyroar was my favorite fire type, and one of my favorite pokemon of all time. Now I don't give too much of a shit about either.
The second point is usage in the games. I'm not sure how much this taints the way people actually like pokemon, but maybe it isn't their designs that I stopped enjoying, maybe it was just because well.. Pyroar has one viable fucking moveset, is boring as shit to use, and has no useful abilities.
Can a pokemon being not fun at all to use in the games make you dislike their design? What pokemon do and don't have staying power for you? Which favorites have come and gone?
What gives a pokemon staying power? You know what I'm talking about, you'll be really into a particular pokemon for a few months or maybe a year, but then it fades and you don't care about them anymore. When X/Y Came out for example, I fucking loved Chesnaught and I thought Pyroar was my favorite fire type, and one of my favorite pokemon of all time. Now I don't give too much of a shit about either.
The second point is usage in the games. I'm not sure how much this taints the way people actually like pokemon, but maybe it isn't their designs that I stopped enjoying, maybe it was just because well.. Pyroar has one viable fucking moveset, is boring as shit to use, and has no useful abilities.
Can a pokemon being not fun at all to use in the games make you dislike their design? What pokemon do and don't have staying power for you? Which favorites have come and gone?