>>22352308You need to invest some time into breeding when you want perfect pokemons, however only do it if you feel like you're losing just because you have less numbers than your opponent and you want to win. I'm usually fine with getting perfect IVs in HP and two other important stats. Picking the right nature is easy with an Everstone, and just look at bulbapedia to find out what mon can learn what move through breeding.
To get into competitive, there's two ways – Pick your favorite mons and play (online or battle maison) until you find a consistent problem with your team, then adjust by switching out pokemon, items or moves. The faster, less fun way is to read up on smogon stuff to figure out what pokemon are dangerous and what counter them well.
EV training is far more essential, but incredibly easy since XY. You might pick Super-Training, but horde battles are far better. Here's what you do:
Get a Pokemon with Pokerus. Through online trading Pokerus is very common, so if you don't get it through wondertrading, just ask for any shitmon with 'rus on GTS.
Get a Tropius and teach it Fly, Razor Leaf and Sweet Scent.
Buy the Power items (Power Anklet, Scarf etc) at the Battle Maison, you can afford them all after a single round of normal singles.
Once you got all that, breed a pokemon you'd like with the right nature, ability and moves. Give it the Power item respective to the stat you want increased and put it next to the pokemon with pokerus. Check out Bulbapedia to find out what hordes appear on what route and what EVs that pokemon yields, find the one appropriate to your required stat and use Sweet Scent to lure the horde. A single Razor Leaf should kill them all, and after that your newbred mon should have caught pokerus, meaning it'll gain EVs twice as fast. For instance, If I wanted to train my Shroomish in Speed, I'd give it a Power Anklet. After defeating a horde of Zubats, it'd get 50 out of 255 EVs in speed.