Ok so I genned up the 5 HA Dreamworld Legendries from the Dream Radar, those being Ho-oh, Lugia, Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina. They are all Lvl 5, 6IV and Modest Nature, because they are for fun not competition. I have 22 of each on me at the moment. If you would like one then reply to this post telling me which one you are after, what you have put on the GTS so I know what to search for, and preferably either your IGN or put /vp/ in the message so I can find you easier. First come first serve. You can try and get the whole set, I don’t care, but please don’t try and get multiple of a mon. I’ll do this again later sometime, so if you miss out now it isn’t the end. Happy new year anons.
IGN: Atrium
>>22376631 I currently have a Terrakion on the gts asking for a Dialga. That would be cool
Julio 3411-1100-2475
>>22376631 I put a shuppet asking for dialga. Thanks op.
OPisaConfagrius !!ULetF1O9rDo
>>22376657 Anymore info you can give me? There are a few Terrakions up for Dialgia, but I can't see yours.
>>22376631 Farfetch'd up for ho-oh!
IGN: Kale
Quoted By:
Throwing up a Farfetch'd for Dialga. Thanks!
IGN: Atrium
>>22376704 Ill re up it if you want, I think my message is /gg/
Poochyena up for Lugia, thanks in advance if I get it :3
Quoted By:
>>22376631 Got a Skrelp up for a Dialga. Thanks OP.
Quoted By:
>>22376631 put machop for dialga
ign: dude
thank you OP
OPisaConfagrius !!ULetF1O9rDo
>>22376722 Yeah you might need to. Best to request a Lvl1-10 Dialga as well to help narrow it down.
Quoted By:
>>22376709 Just got ho-oh, thank you based Anon!
Threw up another farfetch'd for Lugia this time.
IGN: Atrium
Quoted By:
tentacool fot palkia. :)
IGN: Kale
Quoted By:
Got the Dialga and going back in for Palkia with another fetch'd. Thanks again!
IGN Nico
Quoted By:
>>22376631 Kangaskhan is up for Lugia! Message will be /vp/.
Thanks in advance.
OPisaConfagrius !!ULetF1O9rDo
>>22376782 Are you in Straya mate? I hope that was you. Otherwise I can't see it on there.
IGN: Zaahar
Pooch up for ho-oh. Thanks!
Quoted By:
tentacool for palkia! IGN; Francis
IGN: Atrium
>>22376845 No im in the US..
I have dialga spelled right and all..
Bahahaha. My farfetch'd was sniped by a legit lugia. Guess I have to re-up.
Quoted By:
>>22376631 Put up a kabuto for giritina
op is real
Quoted By:
>>22376733 thanks for the lugia dude! gonna drop a scragg for a girratina if that's cool
3411 1751 8898 Haruka
Quoted By:
>>22376763 Requesting for dialga palkia and giratina.
Put a eevee for Palkia 1st with message vp
IGN: Atrium
>>22376845 Also its in moon runes I got from a wonder trade
>>22376631 Hey I put up a Ralts for a Dialga
Julio 3411-1100-2475
Quoted By:
>>22376680 Thanks, op. Putting up a shuppet for a Giratina if that's ok.
>>22376872 so was mine I think lmao
IGN: Maybe
Quoted By:
>>22376631 I just put up a Snorunt for Ho-oh. Is it alright if I do the same for Lugia as well?
Quoted By:
>>22376910 Fuck forgot IGN
Ralts Message /vp/
Quoted By:
>>22376918 I got a legit Lucia from OT Jimmy. I ain't even mad.
Also reupped for Dialga, thank you based OP for allowing more than one pick of different Mons!
Quoted By:
>>22376631 Luvdisc for Dialga, commented '/vp/ dialga'
IGN: Kale
Quoted By:
And back up with another fetch'd for Giratina. Thank you based anon.
OPisaConfagrius !!ULetF1O9rDo
>>22376893 >>22376869 Still not seeing it. What is your message? There are 1 or 2 possibles I can see.
Quoted By:
>>22376631 Male Lairon lvl 39 up! Ign ash looking for Ho-oh, thanks op
Quoted By:
duskull up for lugia IGN: Queen Bee comment: /vp/
Quoted By:
>>22376631 i put poochyena for lugia
ign: dude
thanks again
IGN: Atrium
>>22376992 /gg/ its lvl 55
and thats about it
IGN: Griffon
Quoted By:
Just threw up a Heracross for a Ho-Oh, let me know if you can't find it.
Ign: Benson
Quoted By:
Poliwag up for Lugia
Quoted By:
Skitty for Lugia. IGN: Francis
Quoted By:
>>22376631 I'll take a HA dialga. Steel typing and all now-a-days.
I'll put up a zubat with the message "HA Dal"
IGN: Atrium
Quoted By:
>>22376992 I guess ill just re up a Squirtle for the same thing with /vp/ as the message for it??
IGN: Zaahar
>>22376854 Thanks man, got the ho-oh. Upping tentacool for a Palkia next. Also, happy new year for you too.
IGN: Kale
Quoted By:
OP is best anon. Another Farfetch'd for Lugia up.
OPisaConfagrius !!ULetF1O9rDo
>>22377024 Sorry don't see any Lvl55 Terrakions on the GTS. Something else you can put up? Just any old shitmon.
IGN: Atrium
Luis (5086-3298-8523)
Quoted By:
>>22376631 Swirlix with Ganlon berry up for Ho-oh
>>22377116 Did you see my scraggy for the giratina yet ;_:
Quoted By:
Thank you for the GA! I think me and my farfetch'd are done for the night, thank you!
>>22377134 >retard puts a terrakion >gets sniped like a dumbass >wasting everyone's time for not putting a shitmon fuck yourself piece of shit
IGN: Atrium
Quoted By:
>>22377162 >still has Terrakion. Piss off, go back to /gg/
Quoted By:
treecko up for palkia ign is Sera
>>22377153 wait your turn fag
>>22376631 Pawniard upped for a Ho-oh, message is /vp/
Hopefully I'm not too late
mikey 3496-9810-3314
Quoted By:
>>22376631 put up a chikorita for the palkia
Quoted By:
Holy shit THx, Op, now can I bother you for a Lugia? Another ralts up!
Quoted By:
Skytty for lugia plesase IGN: Francis
3411 1751 8898 Haruka
Quoted By:
>>22376631 Thanks got another eevee for dialga this time
IGN Ruby
Quoted By:
Zig for a Dialga Message: VP
Quoted By:
>>22376631 Bagon up for Giratina. Message is "/vp/ new year"
IGN: Atrium
Quoted By:
>>22377116 Thanks!
could i trouble for a Ho-Oh?
upping a magikarp..
then im done and out
Quoted By:
>>22377192 its ok i got sniped anyway 8)
Quoted By:
Duskull up for giratina plz.
IGN: Kale
Quoted By:
Thank you OP for this. Last one up, Magnemite for Ho-oh.
IGN Acerosa
Quoted By:
>>22376631 Put up a Basculin, looking for a Giratina.
Zigg up for Dialga, thanks in advance man :3
IGN: Mags
Quoted By:
>>22376631 Put up a JP Snorunt for a Dialga
>>22377322 Autism kicking in here. Your post number reads the same forwards and backwards.
Quoted By:
>>22377341 Isn't there a term for that? Or does that only apply to words
Quoted By:
>>22377341 holy shit it does. palindrome alert
IGN: Zaahar
Quoted By:
>>22377101 Hey, I had to take the tentacool back, I'll reup it later. You can skip me without wasting time.
Requesting lugia and dialga. IGN: Col. Sanders Put up a poochyena for dialga first with message /vp/. Will put up another for lugia once it is done. Thanks in advance op and happy new year!
Quoted By:
>>22376631 Gardevoir lvl 32 up! Ign Ash, Searching for Lugia
IGN Ruby
Quoted By:
>>22376631 my final request OP
magikarp for giratina
thank you and happy new year
IGN Nico
Quoted By:
Puttin' up Slakoth for Giratina now. Thanks OP! U da best.
Quoted By:
Larvesta for dialga Message /VP/
Quoted By:
Munchlax for Ho-Oh. IGN Francis
Quoted By:
Shuppet up for Ho-Oh IGN: Queen Bee /vp/
Quoted By:
>>22376631 Re-upped a pawniard asking for a Ho-oh, message is /vp/, IGN is Thommy
OPisaConfagrius !!ULetF1O9rDo
I am still around and going as fast as I can. Up to here;
>>22377200 at the moment.
Quoted By:
>>22376631 Treecko up for Dialga message /vp/ giveaway
Quoted By:
Last one, I SWEAR Ho-oh ralts up
mikey 3496-9810-3314
Quoted By:
>>22377443 thx anon. if you still have some; i would really like a Ho-oh. chikorita up with /vp/ as the mesage
IGN: Griffon
Quoted By:
Awesome, thanks for the Ho-Oh! Throwing up a Mantyke for Lugia and that's the last for me.
3411 1751 8898 Haruka
>>22376631 Thanks again! Last one will be eevee again for giratina!
Btw were you the one to gen these?
OPisaConfagrius !!ULetF1O9rDo
Quoted By:
>>22377572 Yes I was. Genned a few weeks ago.
IGN Ruby
Quoted By:
>>22376631 Many thanks for the Dialga. Zig for Giratina this time, please
>>22376631 Throwing up a Larvesta with the message /vp/ looking for a Lugia, then I'm out. OP is like the only giver today who is not a faggot
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
IGN Ruby
>>22376631 Er, quick question. Wasn't nature supposed to be modest?
IGN: Zaahar
Quoted By:
Reupped my Tentacool asking for a Palkia. Thanks again man.
OPisaConfagrius !!ULetF1O9rDo
>>22377611 It is Docile. Brain was not functioning at 100% when I wrote the OP.
Didn't realise my mistake until later into the thread.
My bad.
>>22377611 Just fix it with powersave
IGN Ruby
Quoted By:
>>22377630 Ah I see. I'll take em anyways. Thanks
Quoted By:
>>22377630 Happy New Years dude! Hope you have a good one and thanks for them sweet mons
Quoted By:
>>22377630 Which trade are you up to?
IGN Ruby
Quoted By:
>>22377639 Don't have it unfortunately
IGN: Kale
Quoted By:
>>22377630 Doesn't matter much to me. As you said before, these are for fun :D
>>22377630 Op, is it over? I want a Dialga, I have a 5IV Buneary to offer.
Quoted By:
Munchlax for Ho-Oh. IGN Francis
>>22377596 >Bob No. Please no. Not now. Please.
IGN Ruby
Quoted By:
Last one: Pooch for Lugia please
Paris 5343-8752-6330
Quoted By:
Luvdisc up for Palkia. Thanks OP!
IGN Acerosa
Quoted By:
Thanks OP, I put a Karrablast up for a Palkia.
IGN: Kale
Quoted By:
Thank you based anon! Got my full set. It's wonderful. Hope you have a happy new year!
OPisaConfagrius !!ULetF1O9rDo
>>22377675 No not yet. Though running low on Dialga.
I'm up to here;
>>22377375 Quick pee break then back to sending.
IGN Ruby
Kyle 1521 3987 4706
Quoted By:
>>22376631 remoraid for giratina. thank op
Quoted By:
>>22377738 Ops, no, the one I need is Palkia. Bunny is up either way, thanks OP.
IGN is Homura
Quoted By:
Putting up aerodactyl for giratina if you still have them wit /vp/ as the message
Quoted By:
>>22376631 Zigzagoon up on GTS for Giratina, message /vp/
Quoted By:
Duskull for giratina plz /vp/ in message
Quoted By:
>>22377738 Did I miss out on the Dialga? :(
Quoted By:
>>22377782 Forgot ign: Matthew
Message: /VP/
Harvey S.O F.C 0189-8632-7249 !!Pe8/IxcXVF4
Harvey S.O F.C 0189-8632-7249 !!Pe8/IxcXVF4 Wed 31 Dec 2014 06:28:13 No. 22377799 Report >>22376631 I would like a Ho-Oh please.
l dumped a Vespiquenl onto GTS
With the Message "/VP/ Ho-oh"
Quoted By:
Ghastly up for Palkia
Quoted By:
>>22376631 Zigzagoon up for Lugia, IGN Brute
Quoted By:
>>22377261 Shit. Forgot message.
The message is /vp/
Ign: james
Quoted By:
>>22376631 frillish for giratina
Quoted By:
>>22377738 Thanks Op! Lugia received!
Quoted By:
>>22376631 Lunatone up for Lugia, message is /vp/, cheers OP
IGN Aussmantel
Quoted By:
>>22377738 Put up a Farfetch'd, looking for a Lugia. Hope I'm not too late!
OPisaConfagrius !!ULetF1O9rDo
Up to here;
>>22377590 There are only a few Dialga left. Like less than 6. I will be sending them on first post first serve.
>>22377596 >>22377687 ???
Quoted By:
>>22376631 Taillow up for a Dialga. The message is Dreamworld /vp/. Thank you OP.
Quoted By:
>>22377927 I've had my zigzag up for Dialga for ages :(
OPisaConfagrius !!ULetF1O9rDo
>>22377675 Anon I can't see a Buneary up for a Dialga. You may want to put something up before I run out. Any old shitmon will do.
>>22377927 He's been sniping trades before people can get them off and on all night. I've been trying for a Dialga for like, 20 minutes now.
IGN: Griffon
>>22377927 Thanks for the Lugia and have a Happy New Year!
>>22377927 He ruins giveaways (for some unknown reason) by sniping GTS trades with shitty 'mons.
He's a massive dick, just ignore him and he'll go away.
mikey 3496-9810-3314
Quoted By:
>>22377927 thx again op. if you you have another one. i would really like a giratina please. chikorita up. message is /vp/
Homura 1306-7424-4000 (Audino, Teddiursa, Eevee)
Homura 1306-7424-4000 (Audino, Teddiursa, Eevee) Wed 31 Dec 2014 06:50:30 No. 22378006 Report >>22377978 Palkia anon, I already have Dialga. Left a Buneary and IGN is Homura.
Quoted By:
>>22377981 oh so he's the one taking all those blue doggie dudes
Quoted By:
>>22376631 Treecko up for Palkia. Message /vp/ giveaway
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>22377998 >He's a massive dick, just ignore him and he'll go away. You honor me.
Mons sniped as of now: 14. Slow night.
Quoted By:
>>22377927 Dropped a pumpkaboo.
Message is /vp/oreons
>>22378021 I didn't want a Lugia anyway....
>>22378021 Do you count double snipes in that? I've lost my mon about 7 times now.
Homura 1306-7424-4000 (Audino, Teddiursa, Eevee)
Homura 1306-7424-4000 (Audino, Teddiursa, Eevee) Wed 31 Dec 2014 07:03:14 No. 22378146 Report Quoted By:
>>22378006 Just got it, thank you OP.
OPisaConfagrius !!ULetF1O9rDo
>>22378021 14 from this giveaway? Though really it should be easy for people to avoid if they request lvl 1-10 mons. If you went out of your way to gen some of those specifically for this then all I can do is salute your dedication.
>>22378098 There is still Dialga friend. What did you put up?
>>22378113 Still Lugia.
Up to here;
>>22377799 AoN
Quoted By:
Thanks op. If any left, dialga for duskull.
Tessera 4399-1314-3018
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>22378160 I specially gen mons for each thread that I snipe with 0ivs and crappy natures.
>>22378154 Ahahahaha.
>>22378180 Joke's on you mate, I just want a living dex. :3
Quoted By:
>>22378160 >Still Lugia. I'm not even going to try. A giveaway is pretty dead once Bob shows up.
At least I can watch the thread play out....
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>22378187 Then I am glad to help, enjoy your mon. Whichever it was.
Quoted By:
>>22378206 MotherFUCKING ZERO IV DIALGA. Fucking go away.
golgoroth (IGN:JoJo) 1779 - 2230 - 7067
>>22378160 Would love a Dialga if there's one left, chucking up a Furfrou. Message is /vp/. Thanks heaps!
Quoted By:
Put up a Feebas for a Ho-Oh, ign satchmo. Thanks op
>>22378206 >Then I am glad to help. Then why bother doing this if it helps people? Are you trying to become the new
Bui ?
>>22378226 It bothers me THIS fucker is gonna get a Dialga when I have been in line all night and constantly sniped.
I am pretty sure that asshole is just targeting me specifically.
For everyone dealing with the bob faggot, just go to the powersave thread at a later time and have them fix the ivs/natures at another time. They're docile anyway, so you need to get the nature fixed anyhow.
Tessera 4399-1314-3018
Quoted By:
>>22378274 He's takin all our dialgas ;_;
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
Quoted By:
>>22378265 People go on the GTS asking for low level legends. I give them low level legends.
>>22376631 I'll take a Palkia. I think I got the others, except for the HA Giratina
Quoted By:
>>22378309 Put up a luvdisk for it. My bad
Message: HA Pal
>Bob is also asking for Dialga under his known alternate game MOTHERFUCKER. WHY?! IS SNIPING THEM NOT ENOUGH?!
Quoted By:
>>22378292 We need them for the HA, which powersave can't fix
IGN Aussmantel
Quoted By:
Put up another Fafetch'd, hoping for that Dialga (unless Bob snipes it).
Quoted By:
>>22378320 10/10, glad I already got mine.
Go get em, sniper.
golgoroth (IGN:JoJo) 1779 - 2230 - 7067
Quoted By:
>>22378274 If it's any consolation, it's Docile not Modest?
>>22378160 Also, if you'll let double dipping slide, putting a Gloom up with same message for a Palkia. Of course I understand if you're not cool with that though. Thanks!
IGN Aussmantel
Thanks OP, got my Dialga. Going to reup for another one. Put up another Fafetch'd
IGN Aussmantel
>>22378351 Oi, get the fuck out of here. You're not me.
IGN Aussmantel
>>22378358 The shitposters always follow Bob. Just going to ignore him.
IGN Aussmantel !berry/cjXo
>>22378371 Alright, I'm sticking my tripcode on now. I'm flattered by the impersonation, but try someone else.
IGN Aussmantel !CSZ6G0yP9Q
Have a trip now. This should solve the problem.
>>22378358 fight him at redfern train station dude
OPisaConfagrius !!ULetF1O9rDo
>>22378386 If he brings it to Parra station I'll back him up.
But it has already been sent to problem is solved anyway.
I've got one Dialga left.
IGN Aussmantel !berry/cjXo
Quoted By:
>>22378417 Thank you based OP.
>>22378384 Eat shit copycat. Nyeah
>>22378417 >I've got one Dialga left. Fuck. FUCK. FUCK. HE KEEPS TARGETING ME.
Tessera 4399-1314-3018
>>22378417 Meet @ 24 hour westfield
>>22378429 Westfield Parra? I have been meaning to get that Eon Ticket...
IGN Aussmantel !CSZ6G0yP9Q
Got sniped, putting another bird up.
OPisaConfagrius !!ULetF1O9rDo
>>22378429 We don't have a 24 hour Westfield.
We do have a 24 hour Maccas in North Parra though.
>>22378427 Put up something obscure and tell me what it is.
golgoroth (IGN:JoJo) 1779 - 2230 - 7067
>>22378417 Gonna jew out of control and ask for a Giratina too. Ditto up etc. You're a fucking legend whether you do this one or not. Thanks a shitload, dude!
Quoted By:
>>22378438 This is just sad to watch...
OPisaConfagrius !!ULetF1O9rDo
Quoted By:
>>22378435 I got mine walking around there. Pop into Gametraders, and go up to JB and EB. You should usually pick up a few Streetpasses from hitting those shops.
>>22378445 I'll put up a level 100 Muk. He shouldn't have one of those laying around.
Quoted By:
>>22376631 Putting up for one more if you got it. Giratina for a Luvdisk, message HA Gir
(Doom song not included)
Thank you very much
Tessera 4399-1314-3018
>>22378445 Ahh it must've been a christmas thing, was 24 hours on Christmas eve
Guess i'll put down my Zigzag and grab a Ho-Oh
r.i.p Dilagas
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
OPisaConfagrius !!ULetF1O9rDo
>>22378456 What did you put up? Couldn't see a Ditto.
>>22378463 Is it up yet?
Thats what she said, etc >>22378474 Most likely. They were open late in the last week of Christmas. Though the JB closest to me wasn't. The fuckers.
Quoted By:
>>22378481 Team rocket rp at its best
Quoted By:
>>22378481 Why!? Please tell me why. *How* do you keep doing this?!
golgoroth (IGN:JoJo) 1779 - 2230 - 7067
>>22378500 lvl48 Ditto, message should be /vp/. Should I re-up?
He isn't alone. I have been sniped by at least three people now.
OPisaConfagrius !!ULetF1O9rDo
>>22378518 Yeah not seeing it sorry.
>>22378527 >THE SNIPERS ARE ORGANIZED golgoroth (IGN:JoJo) 1779 - 2230 - 7067
>>22378540 Re-upp'd. Think I managed to mis-spell Giratina like a fuckin' muppet. Cheers!
Quoted By:
>>22378540 You still have a Ho-Oh up for grabs, OP? I put up another Farfetch'd.
OPisaConfagrius !!ULetF1O9rDo
>>22378570 Still not there.
>>22378566 This is far more organized than it should be, holy shit.
golgoroth (IGN:JoJo) 1779 - 2230 - 7067
>>22378604 Hmm... I'll try something else. That's fucking bizarre. Thanks so much for dealing with this bullshit though.
Right, lvl3 Scatterbug up, message is /vp/.
Tessera 4399-1314-3018
>>22378540 Re-upped the Zag for a Ho-oh
You wouldn't be the dude I always catch playing fire emblem/pokemon on the train to the city would u ;3
IGN Aussmantel !CSZ6G0yP9Q
>>22378623 The asshat needs to get a life, who snipes threads for this long anyway? Normal people get bored.
IGN: Col. Sanders
Quoted By:
Requesting girantina, palkia, and ho-oh in that order to complete the set. Will put up a poochyena for each in succession. Thanks a million op!
Quoted By:
>>22378639 You're still imitating me?
OPisaConfagrius !!ULetF1O9rDo
>>22378635 Fuck they sniped it.
>>22378638 Think they got yours too.
No not me. I used to catch the train going to Strathfield, but haven't for a good few months.
Right it looks like Bob and the rest of Hydra are set on ruining what is left of this giveaway.
I'll do this again sometime though.
Quoted By:
>>22378500 He got my Muk. I'm done. I just can't do this anymore. Fuck him.
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>22378682 >Right it looks like Bob and the rest of Hydra are set on ruining what is left of this giveaway. Multiple people makes it more fun, but I find my greatest helpers are those that have been already sniped. They begin to snipe each other and crap gets silly from there.
golgoroth (IGN:JoJo) 1779 - 2230 - 7067
>>22378682 They did, got a jap shiny instead. I ain't even mad. Thanks for all the effort though, mainly wanted it for dex anyways. You're a champ!
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>22378707 You were one of the lucky ones to get the random shiny mixed in, then. I have about 10 of those left if the thread goes on.
Tessera 4399-1314-3018
>>22378682 my zigzagoon needed a new home ;( fk u bob
>>22378707 I don't get Bob. He snipes me 4 times and then sends me a shiny.
>>22378723 ...so thanks for the shiny Giratina?
mikey 3496-9810-3314
Quoted By:
>>22378682 got the giratina thx. i guess the last one i would like is a lugia. im up an aerodactyl now. thx and happy new years!
Quoted By:
>>22378740 >>22378707 >sends you two shinies FUCK IT NOW I'M EVEN MADDER.
OPisaConfagrius !!ULetF1O9rDo
Not that I expect people to read this given people have trouble following the simplest of requests.
If you put up any mons after this post you deserve what you get.
>>22378705 I applaud your dedication to this endeavor, but holy shit man you need a better hobby. For all this effort you could be legit ripping people off on ebay or something.
Quoted By:
Doubke dipping for Palkia with a frogadier, IGN satchmo
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>22378760 You go to ebay and buy a pokemon. Open a support ticket and say your item was never shipped. You get your paypal back because e-goods is against e-bay policies and they can't supply a shipping number.
I don't do it, but it works.
OPisaConfagrius !!ULetF1O9rDo
>>22378730 Which ones are you still after?
I could put up my FC and give you them out of spite.
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
Quoted By:
>>22378760 >but holy shit man you need a better hobby I'm still getting pokemiles and trading pokemon. It's like a more personal wondertrade.
mikey 3496-9810-3314
Quoted By:
>>22378784 i would still like a lugia I have you as an acquaintance
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>22378784 >give you them out of spite It's fine, theres nothing wrong with person to person trades. If spiting me gets people free stuff, more power to ya.
>>22378760 >but holy shit man you need a better hobby I'm still getting pokemiles and trading pokemon. It's like a more personal wondertrade.
Quoted By:
>>22378776 H-holy shit. I need to try this.
Quoted By:
>>22378776 What the actual fuck.
mikey 3496-9810-3314
Quoted By:
>>22378784 you are awesome. Thank you anon. Happy new years to you
Quoted By:
>>22378776 Stop letting the masses know.
Quoted By:
pidgey up for Dialga, thanks OP!
>>22378822 So, I see you all the time in these threads.. I gotta ask. What's your purpose? Why do you snipe so many people on so many giveaways? I mean, you've got to have a reason for doing this, and you almost seem to have a righteous air about you when speaking about it, so I cant help but be curious.
OPisaConfagrius !!ULetF1O9rDo
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>>22378866 I am pretty sure he is crashing this pokeconomy with no survivors.
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>22378866 >and you almost seem to have a righteous air about you when speaking about it Because there is nothing wrong with trading pokemon. I like trading pokemon.
>>22378882 So just trolling huh? I guess it makes giveaways a hell of a lot more exciting when there's an actual obstacle to overcome.
Tessera 4399-1314-3018
>>22378784 Just Ho-Oh and Dialga :c
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>22378896 Pretty much right on both counts.
If it makes you feel any better I mass clone shinies and dump them into wondertrade when I need pokemiles.
OPisaConfagrius !!ULetF1O9rDo
>>22378897 I tried sending two trade requests through. I'll get back on now and try again.
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
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>>22378896 >>22378896 If it makes you feel any better I mass clone shinies and dump them into wondertrade when I need pokemiles.
>>22378905 I've been sniped by you a couple times, but I'm really not all that salty about it. Its hard to get mad without feeling entitled when youre getting free shit anyway.
I just feel bad for the givers, if anything.
Evan FC: 4425-1466-4144
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>>22376631 dialga please if im not too late
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>22378922 >I just feel bad for the givers, if anything. No need. If they are doing it out of the goodness of their hearts one sniper isn't going to change the outcome too much.
Tessera 4399-1314-3018
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>>22378911 Thank you!!! Best guy 8)
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Is this still going?
OPisaConfagrius !!ULetF1O9rDo
>>22378938 To be fair Bob might be a cunt, but he is a well mannered and well spoken cunt. Which does count for something. Things could be worse, at least he isn't spamming the thread with inappropriate pictures.
I'm off for now. I'll leave the stragglers to Bob and co.
Night all.
Hail Hydra Anonymous
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Could I get a Dialga?
Tessera 4399-1314-3018
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>>22378981 if I see you in the city today for the fireworks ill give u a big kiss
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>>22378981 >Hail Hydra This be Cobra territory, boi.
IDGAF at this point, I just want my palkia. Bob, I'm putting up a shedinja.
IGN: Zoey
>>22376631 I've got a shiny lv.30 electabuzz with elecitrizer up,
could i get a lugia in return?
Thanks in advance
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>>22379894 You are lucky I still have this thread open.
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I'd really like a Lugia if at all possible to start over Alpha Sapphire. I have everything level 1 to 5 sans my own lowbie Lugia~ Pokemon posted is Larvesta, thanks in advance OP.
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Just deposited a Psyduck for Ho-oh, IGN: Gabranth
Do you still have lugia, giratina, and dialga? I really need them for my legendary set. I put up a poochyena for a giratina. Thanks! and Happy New Year
The Lesbian Korra
Lathy !!U1jK6cw+qDQ
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>60 more posts >mfw
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Well if anyone is still here, I'll try and cover the last few now.
If there are any still available, I have a pawniard up for Giratina
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>>22387730 Sent
And if you are
>>22382113 please be aware that the Dialga are all gone already.
Upping for Lugia if this is still going. Put up a lv 38 frogadier
Pedriana 3840-8109-3172
Uploaded level 2 lotad for giratina if this is still happening
IGN: Maya
>>22388327 3 Giratina
4 Ho-oh
2 Lugia
9 Palkia
Pedriana 3840-8109-3172
>>22388347 Hate being greedy but do you think I could get a lugia? I uploaded a level 35 Corphish if so
IGN: Maya
>>22388347 I'll put up a Poochyena for a Lugia if that's okay
IGN: Maya
>>22388347 I can't request Lugia. Why is that....?
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>>22388836 You haven't seen one in your game yet.
There's a "What Pokemon?" option at the bottom of the alphabet list you can use, just type in Lugia and you're all set.
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>>22388836 Are you spelling it right?
>>22388723 >>22388836 Well I am ready to go once you have got it up.
Thats what she said. Anonymous
>>22376631 luvdisc up for Giratina thx happy new year
IGN: Maya
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Alright, I don't have a pooch. Zigzagoon is too common so I'm putting up a Gloom for Lugia.
IGN: Maya
>>22388918 Gloom is up. Thanks:3
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>>22388952 >>22388990 Sent.
And with that Lugia is now all gone.
>>22376631 i put pidgey for palkia
if there is still any
>>22376631 Can I have one of each what do you want for them?
I'll put up an eevee for a lugia Message /vp/
>>22389858 Lugia and Dialga are gone. You'll have to wait until I do the giveaway again.
>>22389955 Lugia is gone. Only some Giratina, Ho-Oh and Palkia left anon.
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
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>>22390031 Excellent. I'll clone some up.
Hey, if still available I put up an Eevee, for a Ho-oh. Message /vp/ thanks heaps
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>>22391519 You're 2 days late
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>>22391519 Don't see it. Bob might have sniped you.
Eevee for Ralts nicknamed 'Jufri' for Ho-oh. Have a nice year~
>>22391805 wait wtf did I say
I meant Ive put a Ralts for a Ho-oh (Why did I say anything about an Eevee)
Can I get a Dialga? Ive put an Illumise, msg is "/freeshtwhere/"
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>>22391889 Shit this is the same thread, sorry for my overwhelming jewishery, OP
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Ign is fishy ill give u an aerodactyl named perry for anything u have left over
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Can i get a dialga my ign is Kikin i will sent a wingull and message saying thanks /vp/
IGN: Kenzie 2122-6765-1271
Slowpoke up for a Palkia, if theres any left, message '/vp'! Thank you!
>>22398272 Sent
There are still;
2 Ho-oh
2 Giratina
7 Palkia
>>22398362 disking up for Giratina
Thank you.
IGN Nick
message /vp/
>>22398362 I put up a lv 1 larvesta up for palkia. Thank you in advance.
>>22398362 Disc up for Giratina
IGN Jeremy
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>>22398580 Oh yeah my luvdisc is level 15 and female if that makes it easier
>>22398362 disc'd up for palkia, the jew dream :^)
>>22398362 Swinub up for Palkia
>>22398362 Put a Lv. 1 Togepi for Palkia
IGN: Cristian
>>22398772 Ralts up for Ho oh. Name is memo with /vp/ message
Zigzagoon up for palkia message is /vp/ IGN: Caleb
>>22398904 Not seeing it. You sure it up?
>>22398772 Putting an Eevee up for a Palkia
IGN: Carl
disc up for palkia /vp/ IGN Wolfy
>>22398933 yeah, its a female lvl 4 zigzagoon
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>>22398991 >>22399002 Sent
>>22398989 No worries mate. Enjoy your mon.
Only 1 Ho-oh and 1 Palkia left.
>>22399025 Fucking bizarre. Didn't show up when I searched for all Zigs, but when I put the Female filter on it it finally shows up.
Ok only the Ho-oh left now.
>>22399065 thanks man, dont know whats up with that
anybody have lugia?
>>22399101 You might have to wait until I do the giveaway again unless someone has cloned them.
>>22399134 well then in that case, you have that ho-oh left right?
>>22399276 Yes. Put something up and I'll send it.
Then it will finally be over.
>>22399287 doduo
message /vp/
IGN Caleb
What ever happened to Alleh and his glorious babymon?
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>>22399369 The tripfag who would do like 600 babymon nonsmogon gives
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Is there anything left? Or am I too late? ;_;
ign: Damian
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>>22376631 Wingull up for Ho-oh if there's any left.
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Is there anything left?
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>>22376631 I'd like Giratina. I'm sending over GTS a male Lv. 1 Riolu with the message /vp/ and my IGN is Waru (from Alberta, Canada). Be waiting for it!