[322 / 25 / ?]
eggyemporium.com (Wolfe Glick and Markus Stadter's VGC blog)
http://www.oldmanvgc.com/ (jap meta site, has English translations)
youtube channels: http://pastebin.com/kKEpQSUN (embed)
http://3ds.pokemon-gl.com/battle/oras/#double (usage stats and recommendations)
http://nuggetbridge.com/articles/defend-yourself-with-a-question/ (how to stop playing like a fag)
Remember: FLAWLESS OR BUST when resetting for legends
ToTT: What is one thing you will miss about the VGC 14 format?
eggyemporium.com (Wolfe Glick and Markus Stadter's VGC blog)
http://www.oldmanvgc.com/ (jap meta site, has English translations)
youtube channels: http://pastebin.com/kKEpQSUN (embed)
http://3ds.pokemon-gl.com/battle/oras/#double (usage stats and recommendations)
http://nuggetbridge.com/articles/defend-yourself-with-a-question/ (how to stop playing like a fag)
Remember: FLAWLESS OR BUST when resetting for legends
ToTT: What is one thing you will miss about the VGC 14 format?