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Wonder Trade, Passerby and GTS stories.

No.22385915 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /vp/ post your WT, PB and GTS stories.

Wonder Trade

>Playing X use wonder trade after 4th badge and get KOR male Sandslash.
>Becomes key member of team.
>Buy OR use wonder trade for first time get KOR female Sandshrew.
>becomes OR sis and one shots primal groudon (level 38 one swordsdance and earthquake)
>becomes level 100 trade over level 100 KOR male and breed them hatch a Shiny female Sandshrew Perfect IV's in ATK, HP, DEF parent have no perfect IVs.


>Get request to trade, accept I always keep a few loose shinies in box 31 to give away.
>Offer level 1 Shiny Scizor, they offer up shiny zigzagoon.
>Zig vanishes then they put up shiny zubat.
>realize they just want to show off their shinies.
>flick wireless switch off to disconnect
>wait 20 minutes, turn wifi back on.
>get offer to trade off different person, same shit again.
>refuse all passerby requests now.


>Go looking for rares with people requesting no nicknames.
>Trade them nicknamed mon with all moves deleted besides frustration.