Nico and Ryan: I'll be ready for you very soon. Just reply when you're ready for a rumble.
Zack (4871-4090-1177) !BIRDSB5m6E
Rena 0361-6748-0990 !woOPeRagSE
>>22424891 Fuck, forgot name.
Quoted By:
bear and Chris pls respon
Hoppip 2895-6998-6566 !hoPPiPzMj6
Quoted By:
>>22424724 I'm here, but I can't battle yet because I need to check something with Callum first
Joey 1564-2569-1144
Danny 1977-0735-4116 !wtP.water2
Quoted By:
Capnjazz or greywarden, around for the day if you guys are around.
Nico 4570-6971-6045 !TwnhgkRzTQ
Nico 4570-6971-6045 !TwnhgkRzTQ
>>22425172 also, is it 2/3 or?
Quoted By:
>>22425181 Yeah, best two of three
Rena 0361-6748-0990 !woOPeRagSE
Quoted By:
>>22425172 Almost ready.
Just doing some online battles to get warmed up.
I live! Bob III and Nathan... I'm coming for you.
Rena 0361-6748-0990 !woOPeRagSE
>>22425181 You alive, man?
Nico 4570-6971-6045 !TwnhgkRzTQ
Quoted By:
>>22426386 yeah sorry got pulled away. here now
Nathan [IGN: Grandiose] !ELECTriC22
Nico 4570-6971-6045 !TwnhgkRzTQ
>>22426386 GGs Rena
Rena 0361-6748-0990 !woOPeRagSE
>>22426609 I'm a bit confused as to how Water Pulse did away with half your TFlame's HP the first round but barely did anything during the second.
Nico 4570-6971-6045 !TwnhgkRzTQ
Rena 0361-6748-0990 !woOPeRagSE
Nico 4570-6971-6045 !TwnhgkRzTQ
Quoted By:
>>22426674 still though, had me sweatin that first match, and was lucky as fuck the second.
Nips beats Nathan 2-0! That was a good time The bullshit hax continue to work in my favour.
Liam 3952-8038-1169
Ayy Zach, I'm ready to roll whenever you are. lmao.
Nikko 1246 9219 2298
Quoted By:
Back for a while, I'm juggling a few things but I'll be around to battle. Looking for MATTHEW and Sean
>>22426747 Any battle video codes?
Nathan [IGN: Grandiose] !ELECTriC22
>>22426856 No, we both forgot to save the first one and then I got super butthurt over RNG in the second one so I flipped my DS shut.
Quoted By:
>>22426856 >>22426877 I have battle one saved. Battle two ended with his Hydreigon missing his fire blast and my mawile finishing it off with a play rough. that said, the battle DC'd before i was able to save it.
JoJo/Joaco [Muh Dwagons] 4270-1507-2013
Summoning Grvio and Bob III
Liam 3952-8038-1169
>>22426832 Zack* lel whoops.
Also searching for Luna the Ice-Typer for when this first fight ends :^)
Danny 1977-0735-4116 !wtP.water2
Joey 1564-2569-1144 !JOEYWUV0Ow
anyone wanna have a practice match?
Marcus 2509-0886-0985
I'm down since my opponents weren't online today.
Marcus 2509-0886-0985
Quoted By:
>>22427309 >>22427314 Woops mean't to quote.
Joey 1564-2569-1144 !JOEYWUV0Ow
Quoted By:
>>22427314 ok cool, getting online. I believe i already have you added
Grvio [Electric Rep] !!19oOkoWwyVY
Quoted By:
I'll be available for batteru in an hour or so.
Sam 5172-0542-5867
Quoted By:
Sam (Bug) and Pedriana (Fighting) Rd. 1 - Pedriana - AZNW-WWWW-WWWS-JR9Y Rd. 2 - Sam - ZXVG-WWWW-WWWS-JRDF Rd. 3 - Sam - 22UG-WWWW-WWWS-JRHS
Joey 1564-2569-1144 !JOEYWUV0Ow
Quoted By:
>>22427314 GGs man those were fun
Marcus 2509-0886-0985
Good spar Joey, I forgot rock was weak against ground on the 2nd round. Pretty solid well rounded team.
Joey 1564-2569-1144 !JOEYWUV0Ow
Quoted By:
>>22427521 yours too. Sableye is a huge pain for normal types so im glad i was able to actually put yours down.
Callum !!4KFpWNDnsH9
Quoted By:
I'm available to battle for the next 6 hours or so if you're around Cordell. I'll shoot you an email tonight if not.
Grvio [Electric Rep] !!19oOkoWwyVY
JoJo/Joaco [Muh Dwagons] 4270-1507-2013
Nico (spits hot fire) 4570-6971-6045 !TwnhgkRzTQ
Nico (spits hot fire) 4570-6971-6045 !TwnhgkRzTQ Mon 05 Jan 2015 03:28:38 No. 22428161 Report Quoted By:
>>22428150 yo is sapphire around?
Sorry 0232-8027-7992
Quoted By:
Wynnona and Brian, please be alive
JoJo/Joaco [Muh Dwagons] 4270-1507-2013
Quoted By:
GG's, Grvio! Round 1: FQ4G-WWWW-WWWS-KZ8B Round 2: GSQW-WWWW-WWWS-KZAF JoJo wins 2-0
Grvio [Electric Rep] !!19oOkoWwyVY
Quoted By:
>>22428139 >>22428150 Grvio gets rekt 0-2!
not shocking. :^) Hamwall 0834 1708 5329
If the dudes I need to battle are around come at me. I'll be here for a bit
Tobias/Octavius 2895-7731-9396 !0HkOn0hqGU
Tobias/Octavius 2895-7731-9396 !0HkOn0hqGU Mon 05 Jan 2015 04:19:14 No. 22428660 Report Quoted By:
Open all night to battle, if my two opponents are available tonight. Thuggin' and Logie Bear, just let me know on here when you're free, and we'll get going!
Ryan 5344-0488-6288 !!auUhdsFDvhU
Quoted By:
>>22428336 Fighting Rena now, might be able to battle in a while if you're around.
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
What happens if you dont get battles in on time? I've been searching for my opponents for te past 2 treads but they're kill and I'm not.
Frisbee !FlyingoOUw
Quoted By:
>>22424901 I came here to say that you are officially the best person in this tournament.
Callum !!4KFpWNDnsH9
Quoted By:
>>22429051 Email and try to sort a time. Realistically it's only 10-20 minutes for each battle over a full weak.
There is absolutely zero flexibility for deadlines.
Depending on the circumstances of the no shows, it'll count as losses.
Emilio 4012-4113-8164 !f14/dNnTkY
Quoted By:
Stratos or Butler, I'll be around for about 2 hours for sure starting now
Rena 0361-6748-0990 !woOPeRagSE
Quoted By:
Quoted By:
Posting in hopes to organise battle with Sean [water]
>>22429036 I sent you an email saying I was busy today. But I'm free tomorrow, when is good for you?
>>22429275 most of the day, usually on afternoons/nights EST
Does anybody want to run practice rounds against bug? Non-tourney related obv. I havent heard back from my opponents
>>22429342 Sounds good. I'll hit you up tomorrow evening.
Marcus 2509-0886-0985
>>22429511 I'll spar with you, just let me get through this blissey base.
Callum !!4KFpWNDnsH9
Quoted By:
Still lurking for Cordell.
>>22429558 Sweet. You down for several batterus? I've got nothing to do here at work.
Danny 1977-0735-4116 !wtP.water2
Quoted By:
Greywarden or capnjazz here yet? Trying not to keel over of boredom.
Marcus 2509-0886-0985
>>22429605 I'm down for best 2 out of 3 matches. FC?
>>22429634 One sec. Configuring my phone's hotspot. FC is 2852-7965-0173st
Marcus 2509-0886-0985
Marcus 2509-0886-0985
Sweet jesus that was a close call, great game! 2 more now.
Marcus 2509-0886-0985
>>22429976 Or just that 1 spar is fine too.
>>22429981 Oh you meant 2/3 of 2/3? I am confus
Marcus 2509-0886-0985
>>22430003 Yeah, sorry I figured a match would be an entire game. I should've said 3/5.
Right now I'm grinding for a bit, but I'll be back in ~20 Minutes.
Marcus 2509-0886-0985
>>22430067 8/12* Can't into math.
>>22430077 Np. I work till 6 am just shoot me a "nice" etc. I have steam mobile too if you wanna talk shit while we batteru
Marcus 2509-0886-0985
>>22430085 Alright I'll let you know. And I don't have steam.
>>22430102 Getaloadofthisguycam.jpg
No messenger clients at all?
Marcus 2509-0886-0985
Quoted By:
>>22430146 I have FB and Skype, the latter doesn't work on my computer so I should fix that someday.
Also, getting online now.
Marcus 2509-0886-0985
Says I cannot battle the opponent's party.
>>22430568 What in the ever living fuck
Quoted By:
>>22430568 this might be caused because one of you has XY while the other has ORAS or that one of you has an illegal poke
Marcus 2509-0886-0985
>>22430573 Sweet jesus that yanmega puts work, great game.
It wasn't speed boosted last time if I recalled correctly, so aren't you already locked in one or the other?
>>22430672 Yeah. Im gonna withdraw tho
Marcus 2509-0886-0985
>>22430685 Ouch, sorry to hear that. I think this team would've pull through.
>>22430693 Probably. Its my x/y team. I quit pokemon awhile ago because of my disgust with where the franchise is heading and the pseudo random rng bullshit. I much rather like playing with randoms than eventually losing to a double missed air slash. 10/10 games tho gg
Marcus 2509-0886-0985
>>22430726 Alright then, great game again.
Friendly reminder that you should email your opponent to organise a time to battle.
Quoted By:
>>22431485 >emailed 2 days ago >no response Friendly reminder, don't be a dick to your opponents.
Callum without a trip FC: 5241 2433 5825
Quoted By:
gg sparky i got rekt FSLG-WWWW-WWWS-QXR6 675G-WWWW-WWWS-Q2XY
Nico (spits hot fire) 4570-6971-6045 !TwnhgkRzTQ
Nico (spits hot fire) 4570-6971-6045 !TwnhgkRzTQ Mon 05 Jan 2015 15:30:11 No. 22432228 Report Quoted By:
good morning all/bump
Quoted By:
>still no matches opponents pls Remember to check email, folks
I didn't know /vp/ had monotype threads. How often do you guys hold this tournament thing? I kinda really want to try this some day.
Quoted By:
>>22426832 >>22426966 I crashed out way early last night, you up for a battle later today?
Hamwall 0834 1708 5329
Here for a few hours if Ryan or Cordell is here to battle
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
im back and it seems i have to fight tim and a bug userfug
Joey 1564-2569-1144
>>22432943 What type are you daniel?
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
Quoted By:
>>22433127 grass as always bby
Quoted By:
>>22424891 Ruby and Thuggin - I'm around now for at least the next few hours.
Ruby and Thuggin - I'm around now for at least the next few hours.
Quoted By:
>>22429539 I'll be able most of today.
Ryan 5344-0488-6288 !!auUhdsFDvhU
Quoted By:
>>22432647 Im here if you still are
Quoted By:
>>22430726 >franchise is heading and the pseudo random rng bullshit luck has always been part of the game
they've even increased accuracy on a lot of the older moves
Nathan [IGN: Grandiose] !ELECTriC22
Quoted By:
Miro if you pop in I'm going to keep an eye on this thread while playing vidya so don't worry if I don't respond immediately
Nips [poopin at work]
Bob III Wherefore art thou?
Quoted By:
>>22434298 Wherefore is he what? Pls continue
>>22432943 Hey daniel, ill be home in like an hour! Battle then??
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>22434298 "wherefore" means "why", not "where"
>>22434606 Romeo, Romeo, why are you Romeo?
>>22434631 That's correct. By those lines, Juliet is basically saying "god dammit, of all the men I could've fallen in love with, why did you have to be a fucking Montague"
Quoted By:
>>22434648 The more ya know.
Liam 3952-8038-1169
Ayy Zack, I am ready to roll and lurking waiting for your flying ass ;^)
>>22434759 I'm here, let me hop on real fast and we can have a battle of the ages. :^)
Liam 3952-8038-1169
Liam 3952-8038-1169
>>22434857 GG mang.
My bench mons were shit against your type lel. I did what I could :^)
Zack (4871-4090-1177) !BIRDSB5m6E
>>22435073 GGs. I wasn't sure if Mandibuzz was gonna be able to tank that last Ice Beam.
Videos up soon.
Danny 1977-0735-4116 !wtP.water2
alright capnjazz and or greywarden, i'm just sitting around fisting myself when you guys are ready.
Liam 3952-8038-1169
>>22435089 That Mandibuzz was tanky as hell. Good work. I goofed hard putting Malamar in that fight though.. whoops
Zack (4871-4090-1177) !BIRDSB5m6E
>>22435089 888W-WWWW-WWWS-UCNR
>>22435112 Shit happens. I thought you were about to try some silly shenanigans and I wanted it taken out ASAP. Thing can get scary.
Danny 1977-0735-4116 !wtP.water2
Quoted By:
>>22435128 couldn't be better.
Liam 3952-8038-1169
>>22435125 I mean that 'mon is set up fro silly shenanigans, but I wasn't able to get them pulled off lel
Zack (4871-4090-1177) !BIRDSB5m6E
>>22435310 I suppose it's hard to pull shenanigans off with big purple rocks falling on your head. :^)
Liam 3952-8038-1169
>>22435402 dem meteors tho :^) Zack (4871-4090-1177) !BIRDSB5m6E
>>22435416 Specs Noivern has just enough oomph to make em hurt too while still being sanic fast.
Speaking of sanic fast, that Starmie tho Liam 3952-8038-1169
Quoted By:
>>22435453 Dat.Scarf I had been running orb on it and it kept getting BTFO when I was doing test fights with a bro, so I switched it out.
I am searching for an ice-type user named Luna next. I am posting here and about to send you an e-mail. Hope to fight you soon!
the more you know
>>22434606 anyways, home now. Bob III you disorganized Italian, pls respond
Zack (4871-4090-1177) !BIRDSB5m6E
Quoted By:
Waiting on one Ruby, got an email out and everything. Hope you didn't back out on me :^)
Tim (All up in your mind) 1478-4207-2056 !DrTimsFU2Q
Tim (All up in your mind) 1478-4207-2056 !DrTimsFU2Q Mon 05 Jan 2015 22:25:14 No. 22435637 Report Hey Daniel, Haris. I'm home from work now and ready to roll!
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
Actias 5300 9493 0648 !ACTiASEoyI
I didn't post this as it happened, but here's Round 2 results: Actias 1 - 2 Mike Z5QW-WWWW-WWWS-84R6 CVHW-WWWW-WWWS-84SD DZFW-WWWW-WWWS-855G Round 1 with Joey will be later tonight (I assume). Hopefully it will be crit-free...
Neckbear and Chris, pls respon
Tim (All up in your mind) 1478-4207-2056 !DrTimsFU2Q
Tim (All up in your mind) 1478-4207-2056 !DrTimsFU2Q Mon 05 Jan 2015 23:20:45 No. 22436198 Report Alright, so Daniel and I just finished our matches Tim 2-0 (All Hail Totem) Match 1 (Uga Chucka): Daniel has this one saved! After an unusual opening, Totem sets up, totem sweeps. Match 2 (Stall Bore): Stall...about 38 minutes of it. Daniel ends up forfeiting so no battle video
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>22436198 i knew i would lose to you so i wanted to end it quickly, i hate stall so much.
now hopefully i can beat neckbear and his bugs
>>22436228 >losing You weren't supposed to do that, daniel.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>22436252 im sorry skitty bby i cant handle the blood totem
Tim (All up in your mind) 1478-4207-2056 !DrTimsFU2Q
Tim (All up in your mind) 1478-4207-2056 !DrTimsFU2Q Mon 05 Jan 2015 23:31:47 No. 22436309 Report >>22436268 I;m sorry about the stall :(
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
Quoted By:
>>22436309 no pls is okay buddy don be sorry it was fair win.
have a sleeping dedenne
Danny 1977-0735-4116 !wtP.water2
apparently won both rounds due to double forfeit.
Quoted By:
>>22436336 >sent from my iphone Joey 1564-2569-1144
Joey 1564-2569-1144
>>22436336 You actually don't get a win. Next round you will have a "make-up" match with someone else who's opponent didn't show
Quoted By:
>>22432262 It does a cycle every 3 months. The gym leader challenge takes place straight after the tournament finishes.
Danny 1977-0735-4116 !wtP.water2
>>22436774 they did show up though, they forfeited themselves and were not no-shows.
Haris 4425-1624-7304
Quoted By:
Sorry Tim and Greywarden, I won't be ready to battle until tomorrow. But after today I should be free to battle whenever, just hit me up.
Jaime 3067 5397 5309
Quoted By:
>>22436824 They're treated the same. No free passes!
Quoted By:
Who else waiting on deadbeat opponents? Why even sign up if you won't play? C'mon man.
Callum !!4KFpWNDnsH9
If anyone else knows of players that have decided to withdraw, let me know. I can adjust the pairings so you'll still get your battles in these first two rounds. Danny vs Haris is now a round 1 match due to Capnjazz and Greywarden bailing last minute despite signing up. Danny vs Lex is the adjusted matchup in round 2.
IGN: Ruby 0946-3194-7273
>>22433705 Hey, I'll be around for a little while tonight. As well as around the same time tomorrow. If we can't arrange it today or tomorrow, I should be free all day Wednesday.
Zack (4871-4090-1177) !BIRDSB5m6E
Quoted By:
>>22437093 Ayy, when can we get one in?
Tobias/Octavius (PHONE) !0HkOn0hqGU
Quoted By:
>>22437062 I've sent an email to both opponents and posted a few times in the previous threads, but they may just be slow.
Thuggin and LogieBear, let me know when/if we can get this going!!!
Kirzi 0190 0057 7161 !INFERNOzQk
>>22437093 I'm still on if you want to knock it out. Probably only for a bit though.
IGN: Ruby 0946-3194-7273
>>22437417 I've got you added and I'm online, ready to go.
Kirzi 0190 0057 7161 !INFERNOzQk
>>22437492 GG. Realized a bit too late that I could have done a thing but fucked up. Oh well.
IGN: Ruby 0946-3194-7273
Quoted By:
>>22437674 I assume that the bracket was randomized, but regardless, that was an unfortunate match up. Still, good use of Drought, and good battles.
I went 2-0
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
Callum !!4KFpWNDnsH9
Quoted By:
Always lurking for Cordell is he happens to pop into the threads.
Joey vs Actias happening.
Callum !!4KFpWNDnsH9
Quoted By:
>>22438366 Game 1 to Actias.
Rng too strong.
actias wins 2-0 vs joey. witnessed by callum and multiple others in a tinychat stream since neither have vs recorders.
Actias 5300 9493 0648 (Bug) !ACTiASEoyI
I'm into the 3rd round! Never would have made it if it weren't for every rock move against me missing
SuperSwog 4313-1004-8027
wow how do I register for this exciting and sugoii as fuck Pokemon tournament? it seems to have peaked my interest
>>22438736 you're two days too late, retard.
SuperSwog 4313-1004-8027
>>22438759 Did you just call me retard? Why did you do that? Oh we'll it's just words over the internet anyway, guess there's no point to getting upset.
And it's a real shame I missed out on signing into this astute and more so upper pokeclass tournament that is being held on 4chan.orgs own /vp/, dang it.
SuperSwog 4313-1004-8027
Quoted By:
>>22438861 Good whale picture, I like it.
>>22438673 >Tinychat A-Are we back there?
Callum !!4KFpWNDnsH9
>>22438894 I don't think so.
It was just to watch the game out since neither of them are into the post game stuff yet.
JoJo/Joaco [Muh Dwagons] 4270-1507-2013
Bob III, if you're here, I'm available for our battle
>>22438995 what he said, but sexier so i go first
:^) Marcus 2509-0886-0985
Olivia and logiebear you here?
Bob I I I !!ly8DIs9Mu4C
>>22438995 >>22439080 Hey, I'll be on in a sec. I guess Nips is first, since we set up the battle beforehand. After I lose to him, I'll go against you, JoJo.
Quoted By:
>>22439213 jumping online now
JoJo/Joaco [Muh Dwagons] 4270-1507-2013
>>22439213 Very well, I'll be waiting
>>22439213 shame. i'm rubbish against dark teams, but that said, you played masterfully. good games!
Bob wins 2-0
Bob I I I !!ly8DIs9Mu4C
Quoted By:
>>22439315 Good games to you too, your team looks great! Sorry it didn't work out.
>>22439263 Let me just submit these battles and then I'll be ready.
Grvio [Electric Rep] !!19oOkoWwyVY
>>22439343 Grvio, I need you to do the time honoured Japanese tradition of
licking my shithole :^) Bob III !!ly8DIs9Mu4C
>>22439263 Looks like the communication was interrupted. Everything ok on your end?
Druides !EKFQM0g0TA
Quoted By:
>>22439393 He forgot his megastone
JoJo/Joaco [Muh Dwagons] 4270-1507-2013
>>22439393 >>22439393 Uh, sorry about
I forgot to put my mega stone in charizard Grvio [Electric Rep] !!19oOkoWwyVY
JoJo/Joaco [Muh Dwagons] 4270-1507-2013
>>22439393 Same leads/moves?
Bob III !!ly8DIs9Mu4C
Quoted By:
>>22439402 No worries, let's try that again.
Grvio [Electric Rep] !!19oOkoWwyVY
Quoted By:
>>22439415 I'm sorry, I got rekt too don't feel bad.
>>22439410 Is your connection all right?
JoJo/Joaco [Muh Dwagons] 4270-1507-2013
Bob III !!ly8DIs9Mu4C
Quoted By:
>>22439452 Hm, all right. Let's try that again, I guess.
Olivia 2938 6402 0732
Callum !!4KFpWNDnsH9
Bob III !!ly8DIs9Mu4C
>>22439452 Ouch, that RNG during the 2nd match hurt. Good games though, sorry I wasn't more of a challenge.
JoJo/Joaco [Muh Dwagons] 4270-1507-2013
>>22439573 Don't be so hard on yourself, it was a great match anyway! And yeah, that d-meteor miss was game-changing
JoJo/Joaco [Muh Dwagons] 4270-1507-2013
Quoted By:
>>22439600 >>22439573 Here are the battle replays, if anyone is interested
Jojo wins 2-0
I get the feeling that I'm going to get thrashed once the second set of rounds comes along
Sam 5172-0542-5867
Quoted By:
Anyone want to spar?
>>22439659 Have you already done both your battles?
>>22439788 I've one the first round and am waiting on the second, but I thought it only took one win to move onto the next round?
Quoted By:
Well, I end the first two rounds at 1-1 Safe to the next round. Have yet to unload based Meta.
Marcus 2509-0886-0985
>>22439468 If you're still here let's battle.
Luna 1891-2279-0345
If Liam or Lex are around I'm up for battling within the next hour or so.
Quoted By:
>>22439828 That true, but if you win your second one you'll still have a life line. Plus you only get matched up against people with a similar record.
Liam 3952-8038-1169
Quoted By:
>>22440079 I am here, but about to head to sleep (East Coast here and I work tomorrow lel). I sent you an e-mail a few hours ago and posted somewhere above, we can try to work out a time tomorrow. I will certainly be free after 8:30 or so Eastern.
Just let me know!
Danny 1977-0735-4116 !wtP.water2
Quoted By:
fight me haris
Marcus 2509-0886-0985
Holy shit Olivia that match was full of hacks jesus christ, really tensed. Round 2 pairings Marcus 2 - 1 Olivia 1st match 9UUG-WWWW-WWWT-3MKH 2nd match A55W-WWWW-WWWT-3MRQ 3rd match LHSW-WWWW-WWWT-3N35>mfw 3rd match
Olivia 2938 6402 0732
>>22440051 Marcus vs Olivia
Dark vs Dark
Olivia 2938 6402 0732
>>22440379 Shit sorry. Double posted. Those fucking sableyes.
Marcus 2509-0886-0985
Quoted By:
>>22440402 I know right, like holy fuck.
>>22438948 >>22438894 >>22438673 >>22438724 hey you nerds
you can get a vs recorder by going to the battle institute in mauville, a guy there gives it to you
Quoted By:
>>22440713 Wow. I had no idea.
>>22440379 >>22440391 >4 turns later and he still doesn't know what magic bounce does I didn't know it was possible to be this retarded
Marcus 2509-0886-0985
Quoted By:
>>22440808 I-I was out of ideas.
And I didn't want to forfeit.[/spoiler:lit] Marcus 2509-0886-0985
Quoted By:
>>22440808 It was inevitable, might as well speed up the process.
I didn't want to forfeit. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>22440808 >I didn't know it was possible to be this retarded You poor sheltered child.
Quoted By:
Praying for an email response.
Quoted By:
Daily reminder to email your opponents.
Ryan 5344-0488-6288 !!auUhdsFDvhU
Quoted By:
Hamwall I should be available most of the day so just let me know when you're good to go
Sorry 0232-8027-7992
Just to confirm; we can battle our round 2 opponents before our round 1 opponents, right? Because I haven't heard back from my round 1 opponent yet.
Actias 5300 9493 0648(Bug) !ACTiASEoyI
Quoted By:
>>22442243 Yeah, everyone was paired with two opponents at the start for this reason. Hopefully your first round isn't a no-show
Quoted By:
does this thing end on friday evening or saturday evening?
Shit, Im really sorry to my matches. I had a long busy past few days. But I'll be online anytime all day for the next few days. Hit me up J Sal and Daniel.
Quoted By:
Prepare your man punani haris. Tim's coming in hard. In about 25 hours or so. I dont think ill get a chance to battle today but will let you know if I can
>>22444639 Hey, who are you? I added both J Sal and Daniel and am online.
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>>22444753 Sal, I'll add and be on in a bit.
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>22444753 >>22444931 or you can be kill again
Emilio 4012-4113-8164 !f14/dNnTkY
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Stratos where are you m8? Anyways I got into contact with my other opponent should be happening today hopefully
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>>22445070 I'm on, haha. the wifi was kill for a bit.
Hoppip 2895-6998-6566 !hoPPiPzMj6
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grvio I am here for the next 2ish hours
Danny 1977-0735-4116 !wtP.water2
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wishing to fight Lex or Haris, i'll be around for a good while.
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
GGs. I was close to burning you, but was fearing you'd expect it and switch to bulkarona. Kinda haxy.
>>22445282 Haha yeah I had no idea what I was doing. Good game, man.
Emilio 4012-4113-8164 !f14/dNnTkY
GG Butler, looks like my team can still pull out tricks without confusion and subbing 2-1 victory baby 1: SM8W-WWWW-WWWT-BT3N 2: C5JG-WWWW-WWWT-BT5L 3: DKDG-WWWW-WWWT-BT72
>>22445353 RIP myself, should've stuck with my Mandibuzz. That last battle was tense and I'm beating myself up for thinking you would counter on that Dragonite encore you got off.
Emilio 4012-4113-8164 !f14/dNnTkY
>>22445381 Yeah m8 that was probably the best part of the whole match damn it was great
>>22445397 That first battle was pretty crazy too. Your Jinx missing on the frost breath was a god send.
I used to hate Dragonite but after building my team he's easily become one of my bros. Emilio 4012-4113-8164 !f14/dNnTkY
>>22445424 I literally went wide eyed when I saw how much that dang Dragonite tanked the +2 bullet punch man that was crazy
>>22445451 The best part?
He's uninvested in DEF. Emilio 4012-4113-8164 !f14/dNnTkY
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>>22445451 was multiscale active?
Emilio 4012-4113-8164 !f14/dNnTkY
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Oh yeah, I've been out of the loop for so long that I completely forgot about that ability. that was probably it. I normally don't do too well against Talonflame or Dragonite though so I was still on my toes the whole time
Stefan 1392-6011-0216
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GGs Mige, Ferrothorn hung on with 1 HP that first battle. 2-0 victory for me 4EEW-WWWW-WWWT-CA4A 6G4G-WWWW-WWWT-CAXW
Maybe I'm dumb, but how do we see who our round 2 opponent is?
>>22445760 >tfw there are links to both round 1 and 2 rosters in the op post. you might be dumb.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
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>>22445340 u still here buddy?
>>22445786 I don't know about that. The links for rounds 1 and 2 are exactly the same. There is literally no difference between the two.
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>>22445800 >both links when opened separate specifically say round 1 or 2 pairings at the top. Anonymous
>>22445800 they are not the same at all. you might be retarded
>>22445831 For some reason some people, including Callum, have this issue. I think it might have something to do with extensions fucking things up. Is it different if i post it? This should be for round 2. Anonymous
Jaime 3067 5397 5309
>>22436895 >tfw my oppononents don't post in these threads >tfw didn't give an email If any of my opponents are here, I'm free for the rest of the day, ERRYDAY
Free on weekends , around the time of this post.
I'll be checking this periodically for the next few hours in case any of my opponents show up.
Druides !EKFQM0g0TA
>>22445896 Why don't you try shooting them an email?
>>22445934 >>tfw didn't give an email Druides !EKFQM0g0TA
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>>22445937 He didn't but one of his opponents did and his other one might have but it doesn't look like a real email. but that guy showed in the thread before anyway
What happens if our opponent doesn't respond to an email and the deadline passes for the round? If we give proof that we emailed them does it count as a win for us?
Druides !EKFQM0g0TA
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>>22446040 You'll get a make up match against their other opponent iirc, there are no free wins.
Nikko 1246 9219 2298
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Still looking for Sean. I emailed him but didn't get a response so far.
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>>22445844 There we go. That's better. Thank you.
IGN: Ruby 0946-3194-7273
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Hey Zack, I'll be around for a while if you want to knock ours out.
Callum !!4KFpWNDnsH9
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Lurking for Cordell. Starting to get a little worried that he might be a no show.
Sparky 4141-3453-3120
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sent an email to Wynnona almost 2 days ago, no response so far. post here if you can so that i know you're not dead
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Trying to do some battlespot while waiting for a response from my next battle and all you see is Japs with Lucario, Lando T, Talonflame, Aegislash and them some outsiders. Fun ensues.
Tobias/Octavius 2895-7731-9396 !0HkOn0hqGU
Tobias/Octavius 2895-7731-9396 !0HkOn0hqGU Wed 07 Jan 2015 02:26:45 No. 22447678 Report Quoted By:
Another request for life for Thuggin LogieBear Hope to hear from you soon!
Pedriana 3840-8109-3172
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Lurkin for spencer
Liam 3952-8038-1169
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>>22440079 Hey Luna, I am ready to go if you are around.
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>>22446040 You automatically win the tournament.
Callum !!4KFpWNDnsH9
Shooting out a generic email to all registered emails just as reminder for these games. If you're active in thread or in trying to communicate with your partners don't read into this too much.
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>>22448425 Callum a shit :^)
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>>22448425 >phone buzzes from Callum Oh god what did I do
Nikko 1246 9219 2298
I'm done with my round 1 but I don't know how to generate the codes for the battle videos because I'm a scrub. Please tell me what to do.
>>22448497 In the Vs Recorder there should be a square with an arrow in it. Touch that and it will ask which saved video you want to upload. The codes will show up after you have done this for each video.
Nikko 1246 9219 2298
Hamwall 0834 1708 5329
I keep missing who I need to battle by like an hour. Here for a few hours if Ryan or Coredell are here to battle.
Callum !!4KFpWNDnsH9
>>22448648 Out of curiosity, have you heard anything from Cordell?
Hamwall 0834 1708 5329
>>22448703 Not a word. Now again I haven't gone out of my way to contact him. He also haven't added me back on the 3DS. Most likely a no show
Callum !!4KFpWNDnsH9
>>22448743 That's what i'm thinking too. He hasn't replied to any emails i've sent him either.
Ryan 5344-0488-6288 !!auUhdsFDvhU
>>22448648 Let's get this done
Stefan 1392-6011-0216
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Is Lapdog here at all? I have a couple hours if you want to get our match in. Otherwise if you get this after I'm gone please check your email.
Hamwall 0834 1708 5329
Ryan 5344-0488-6288 !!auUhdsFDvhU
>>22448855 lel gg, tried to pull something on the second match but i knew it was no good. Keys was too ebin a strat for me to work around. Very creative :^)
>>22448538 How many videos can you have saved at once?
How many videos can you have uploaded at once?
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>>22449077 I think you can have up to 100 saved or something, but only 10 uploaded at a time.
Hamwall 0834 1708 5329
Round one
Round two
>>22449061 >Keys was too ebin a strat for me to work around. Very creative :^) Not sure if you're really talking shit or not. Still loved your team. GG
Ryan 5344-0488-6288 !!auUhdsFDvhU
>>22449115 Thanks, I loved my team too. The comment was just poking fun at the ironic lack of creativity that yours has. Creativity is just how I build my teams, but some just resort to commonly used things. At the end of the day it's all pokemon.
Hamwall 0834 1708 5329
>>22449168 >just poking fun at the ironic lack of creativity that yours has. I just picked my favorite 'mons of my favorite type, sorry it's not "Creative". I promise if I become a leader again I'll use a Dedenne, or a Mega Audino or something
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>22449240 im cheering for you to win right now
Ryan 5344-0488-6288 !!auUhdsFDvhU
>>22449240 So, that toge is a para-flinch set right?
Idk how you can stomach to play like that, but all the power to ya
Hamwall 0834 1708 5329
>>22449257 I knew you'd like that
I already has Dedenne breed. I named him Useless, and he once helped me win an OU game I had with a friend. Shit was hype
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>>22449275 >Dedenne >Useless Fitting.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>22449275 >I named him Useless wow rude
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
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>>22449271 >Idk how you can stomach to play like that Usually it's just casuals. Once you play for a while, it becomes stale very quick to play that way.
The only other type to play that way is the e-sports fiend who thrives on MOBA and FPS arena.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>22449271 also im truly sorry about ur loss ryan cuz ur good frend and ill miss u in the tourney but don worry im on the same boat yay
Hamwall 0834 1708 5329
>>22449271 Air Slash
Nasty Plot
With Key that's + Screens and a possiable t-wave from key. It's great when it makes people like you mad as fuck.
>>22449292 Sorry her* It came out female... And 6IV
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>>22449352 Did you just call me retard? Why did you do that? Oh we'll it's just words over the internet anyway, guess there's no point to getting upset.
And it's a real shame I missed out on signing into this astute and more so upper pokeclass tournament that is being held on 4chan.orgs own /vp/, dang it.
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>>22449352 >you mad as fuck >Literally saying u mad bro >6IV >on a special attacker Literally trash.
Tobias/Octavius 2895-7731-9396 !0HkOn0hqGU
Tobias/Octavius 2895-7731-9396 !0HkOn0hqGU Wed 07 Jan 2015 04:57:31 No. 22449396 Report Quoted By:
>>22449352 Your Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V skills are ebbin, good luck in the rest of the tourney!
Ryan 5344-0488-6288 !!auUhdsFDvhU
>>22449352 Yep. GG no re. Good luck next rounds, have fu- nvm
>>22449331 We will have a pika party
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
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>>22449399 yay
remeber u can always battle the ppl in the threads im eager to battle your mono team with my weeds and many other monos i have
don worry is just a game ryan dont be sad be happy that u participated with the pokemon u like, all of my weed mons are super karen too Anonymous
>all this drama Ryan, stop beng so fucking salty Hamwell, don't be a sore winner You guys are ruining my birthday.
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>>22449443 happy birthday faggot
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
Hamwall 0834 1708 5329
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>>22449443 How am I being a sore winner? I'm not trying.
I'm sorry for being a big shit.
And how the fuck do people keep calling me Hamwell? It's an a. How does this happen so often? Anonymous
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>>22449443 >all this drama >You guys are ruining my birthday. >my birthday is ruined by two of the people on a 4chan /vp/ thread tournament posting 2 catty messages to each other My no-life shut-in detector just exploded.
Callum !!4KFpWNDnsH9