Trading | Breeding | Battling | Giveaways | Mystery Eggs | General Questions | Autism | Old Thread:
>>22450901 Read this for more information and useful links/images: Keep hacks and clones out of this thread, there are other threads for those things.
Text lists are shit, all the cool kids use images, pastebins, and spreadsheets.
Chat with other posters in the IRC: #wfg on TOTT:
Favorite legendary and why.
JESUS 0275-9861-1372 !3Gd1JhmKaA
>>22458094 Yo. I got your Pinsir ready. I'll be back in about 20 minutes though.
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first for furriest legend
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>>22458096 Halp
Lugia, was amazed when i found it back in Silver day, i just wish it was a Water type Rushu [4570-6996-2564]
Posting list. Feel free to request stuff or offer trades. ick if you're here, I finished your pokemon.
If not I hope things worked out with your truck Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
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>>22458114 no big just give me a heads up.
Not sure if this is relevant here, but it relates to online vs: Will this moveset/stats work for a primal groudon? 252 atk/252 hp/4 def, naughty nature Precipice Blades Fire Punch Rest Sleep talk I only ask because of my shitty 19 iv in speed, and 31 in everything else
Reminder that tomorrow at 10am EST, I will be getting the HA Serperior event. Breeding will begin shortly after.
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
http://goo .gl/CWWm1t Check the Freeleftovers tab at the bottom for free stuff!
Gina pls respond
F pls respond
Regice because it's cool Anonymous
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Again looking for Modest Magnemite with good IVs and HP fire. Can offer a good variety of things
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !Mr9DONG22U
>>22458150 Anything in particular you want in return?
I can start breeding it now.
Go go get your free leftovers from a freshly updated list.
>>22458166 Breed me a shiny Mew.
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>22458172 Dream Skunky get!
Harry 0705-2065-7962
Looking for: Heal Ball HA Swirlix, Dream Ball Timburr, Dream Ball HA Slowpoke and Dream Ball HA Ralts (IV's don't matter, just decent natures and egg moves is fine) Have: Dive Ball HA Swablu, Dream Ball HA Swablu, Love Ball Buneary, Dream Ball Pawniard and Premier Ball HA Gothita
Jaime 3067 5397 5309
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !Mr9DONG22U
>>22458178 Will a Dive Ball be ok? :^)
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
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>>22458191 Kirzi is Yapanese
>>22458183 You really want a non-HA one?
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>22458244 Yeah it's fine Keen eye is shit
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>>22458191 Japanese 3DS.
>>22458230 No. Breed it in a dragonball.
>>22458185 I have the timburr. fem too
Justin 5215-1710-5371
>>22458172 I'd like Cottonee and Carvanha. I have two lefties you're after just grab one from the bank.
>>22458255 I'll be TRing you to gib litwick shortly.
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
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>>22458288 Oh bby~
>>22458172 Thanks a latte
ick !zrp88i4yy6
>>22458124 Hey I'm here. Currently working on finishing up your mons.
it's not nearly as fucked up as I thought it was, fortunately also listan for the first time in forever Anonymous
>>22458161 Nice Heracross, may i put something for it? Another leftover, of course.
But nah I'm just going to give them away. 4IVs will be free. 5IVs will probably also be free but I won't have as many of them so I'll only give those to people I decide are worthy. They'll all have egg moves thanks to be being brilliant and having four egg moves ready to go always and forever and ever. Also they'll all be in pokeball because, ha, fuck you, you won't be able to get them in any other ball, so deal with it, fuckers. I need sleep.
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>22458348 You can put up a derp for it I don't mind. Just lemme know what you put up~
Anyone have a ha hyper voice Sylveon
Harry 0705-2065-7962
>>22458286 Awesome, what are you after?
Justin 5215-1710-5371
>>22458172 I actually have four things for you. Yanma and moon Clamperl would be cool.
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>>22458361 Tired shitposting is best shitposting.
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>>22458358 Damn, forgot i have a sewadlle up for that Vivillon giveaway. Maybe another time. Thanks anyway, mate.
JESUS 0275-9861-1372 !3Gd1JhmKaA
>>22458136 Intimidate pls.
I'll add ya so add me back.
>>22458358 Back. TR me soon.
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !Mr9DONG22U
>>22458172 I think I may have decided on my next MM, if I can be bothered with it.
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>>22458382 Yeah just trade whenever.
>>22458398 Looks delicious.
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>22458396 Sorry I wasn't able to penta it
Rushu [4570-6996-2564]
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>>22458343 Cool. I'll be lurking for a while so take your time and let me know whenever you're good.
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !Mr9DONG22U
JESUS 0275-9861-1372 !3Gd1JhmKaA
>>22458467 No Biggie.
Mine wasn't Penta either ;*) Mige !mige.pXHBU
>>22458352 Do you have an idea on what egg moves to breed on it?
>>22458493 Sweet dreams.
>>22458382 Thanks for the trades.
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>22458497 I know but I was convinced I would get a penta fem with correct ability before penta female with wrong abiility.
Thanks a lot booboo~
Jonah 1177-8157-0482 Just looking for a friend safari ditto and help me figure out what my type is.
JESUS 0275-9861-1372 !3Gd1JhmKaA
>>22458515 No problem bby.
Justin, Chanizu, and You check my stuff please, more importantly my SPA collection and read the cells in the far right, you might like it. :*)c
MY STUFF In Pastebin Format.
> Recovery 3626-0618-9593
>>22458525 i can add you and tell you what you are but my FS is bug
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>>22458372 ha fem premier goth
>>22458509 They'll have awesome egg moves like Hyper Beam and Quick Attack and things.
Actually I just looked at my egg moves and they're pretty shit. Might breed up a Smeargle and Sketch some to get better ones.
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>22458548 Oh bby.
Let me know if you get any 31/31/31/31/31/0 spreads that are not in the fairy or mineral group.
JESUS 0275-9861-1372 !3Gd1JhmKaA
Kyle ~1048 - 9233 - 2741~
>>22458548 Hey sorry, adding you now
Rushu [4570-6996-2564]
>>22458561 I can donate a 6IV Smeargle of either gender if that will help. I've got a few leftover I think.
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
JESUS 0275-9861-1372 !3Gd1JhmKaA
>>22458586 Okay. TR me soon!
Justin 5215-1710-5371
>>22458514 You too.
>>22458548 Save me oddish and solosis special pentas pls
>>22458588 I can breed my own, but I won't say no to one if you have a male on hand.
Anything you want for it? Don't have much on my Japanese cart except some stuff for MMing.
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>22458615 You can always borrow my EMM if you need to
Glare / Pursuit / Iron Tail / Mirror Coat
Mige !mige.pXHBU
>>22458561 Hm, alright then.
Are you planning on getting HA Oshawott and Tepig too?
Kyle ~1048 - 9233 - 2741~
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>>22458594 Thanks! Lucky for you there happened to be a Vital Spirit one I hadn't checked the IV's on, turned out being pentaperfect!
JESUS 0275-9861-1372 !3Gd1JhmKaA
>>22458610 You got it. TR whenever you want them. Do give me a heads up though.
>>22458586 Mind giving me a Female Lilipup with that ball, if you have one anyways, nature/ability don't matter.
>>22458631 Ooh those were pretty much what I was going to do. Can I grab it?
>>22458633 Those codes aren't released yet, but assuming they're nonunique serial codes like the Serperior is, yea I'll be able to get them too.
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ToTT: Rayquaza. Green is my favorite color and it was generally great, especially in Destiny Deoxys.
Does anyone have a prankster Whimsicott?
Recovery 3626-0618-9593
>>22458637 water type with octillery n quagsire
Kyle ~1048 - 9233 - 2741~
>>22458656 Yeah get online and I'll trade you one
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>22458661 Yeah bby git online
Rushu [4570-6996-2564]
>>22458615 Well, apparently I have three 6IV females but no males. I do have a few 5IV males (only missing special attack), so if you'd like to take both and go for a male 6IV you're welcome to.
Sorry about that. Probably better to go with
>>22458631 's male.
Unrelated, has anybody been having trouble posting? I keep getting communication errors.
>>22458674 thanks, how does the third slot work?
Anyone that got some Electrike leftovers? Also LF any leftover with the EM Gravity.
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>>22458690 Onlining.
>>22458691 Yea I'll just grab the thing that saves me the most trouble. Thanks for the offer though.
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
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Pls gib Hoopa ToTT:Uxie
>>22458455 May I take a Skrelp? I will put up a Pidgey on the GTS. My game name is Sophie. Thanks!
Recovery 3626-0618-9593
>>22458693 i think we gotta be online at the same time and play the same version of the game i think
0018 1124 8314
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>>22458369 If you have the pokemon, I'll tutor hyper voice onto it for you. I'll take any battle point item in exchange for this.
JESUS 0275-9861-1372 !3Gd1JhmKaA
ToTT: Zapdos, Cuz he a busta, and my nigga. >>22458684 Thanks!
>>22458094 ToTT:
If events count Shaymin, otherwise it is Moltres Anonymous
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ToTT: Ho-Oh something about it being so mystical from the anime i just loved it
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>22458754 Why wouldn't events count? Don't let an event ruin your favorite pokemon!
tfw no SRable Keldeo Anonymous
Kyle ~1048 - 9233 - 2741~
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>>22458724 No problem, thanks for the 'lax
>>22458802 Get Japanese 3DS, get SRable Keldeo.
Source: Has legitimate, SR'd 31/x/30/31/31/31 Timid HP Ice Shaymin. It's glorious.
Best thing ever.
>>22458713 Ohh, I had to go online myself, could you tell me my 3rd one now?/
>>22458824 stop showing off for the nerds
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>>22458802 I-i don't even have a Shaymin ;_; except the one in my living dex Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>22458824 >HA Ice >not HA Ground tbf it's becoming more and more tempting to get a jap 3ds.
>>22458670 I have a cottonee if you need one. it's prankster
>>22458834 Never.
>>22458837 >Hidden abiliity ice >Hidden ability ground Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>22458859 Don't change the subject you know what I meant :3c
>>22458834 I actually suspect one of the nerds bought it for her.
>>22458867 >Shaymin gets Earth Power Try again.
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>>22458882 I did, in an attempt to seduce her
it didn't work :^( Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>22458885 Then what the fuck legend am I thinking of that prefers HP ground?
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>22458710 I couldn't find your Pidgey! ;_;
Recovery 3626-0618-9593
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>>22458833 third once are very nice frogadiers
Recovery 3626-0618-9593
>>22458833 can u also tell me whats in mine
>>22458894 Like I know what goes on in your mind.
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>22458920 Sorry I thought you wrere psychic. I mean you did predict when bank would come out
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>>22458808 Sorry dumb luck got me there.
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Anyone know how to get the old man public icon in ORAS?
Is there a tool or easy way to calculate which 'mons I'd need to kill to get this EV spread? 116 HP / 36 Atk / 100 Def / 20 SpD / 236 Spe
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>22458941 Yeah it's called math
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Hey guys would anyone happen to have a shiny swablu that you could name Blu and that you would not mind trading, I don't care what nature or anything like that. Whatever you guys are lookong for I'll see if I can get for it. Thanks.
>>22458927 i predickted you were a faget,
as for hp ground
only kyogre and cresselia ever run it
according to smogon xy sets Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>22458988 I predick your dubs.
Has Shaymin always had Earth Power?
>>22459003 since plat/hgss
Ben 4227-1759-4023
>>22458853 Yes thank you, what would you like?
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>22459011 Welp I am a faggot time to go drown myself in cocks.
>>22459003 Only since Gen IV.
>>22458988 LC Magnemite.
Or if you are Volcarona and/or really want to fuck up Heatran.
>>22459047 legendaries nigga
>>22459043 >implying you weren't already doing that Anonymous
anybody else enjoy going on Omegle to watch people jerk their sexy cocks?
Justin where are you? day 2 1/2
>>22459083 You just assume legendaries because Ramsey is confused.
Latias in sun teams. To fuck up Heatran. JESUS 0275-9861-1372 !3Gd1JhmKaA
>>22459043 Yo.
I can do Premier Ball HA Phantump with 4 Egg Moves and Dream Ball HA Pachirisu with 4 Egg moves for Level Ball Makuhita and Love Ball Aipom females.
JESUS 0275-9861-1372 !3Gd1JhmKaA
>>22459204 Scratch Makuhita. I already have it. Kek. I'll check what else you got.
Nate !AfagtF18t2
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
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>>22459083 Pls don't judge me. I was doing my bible studies with Ravi. Just ask Jesus.
>>22459131 Only when I can hear them call me a worthless faggot. ~
>>22459200 I must have just fucked up and forgotten Earthpower completely then.
>>22459204 Jesus pls how come u always want what I've already done.
>>22459224 K will do Aipom and somefing else
JESUS 0275-9861-1372 !3Gd1JhmKaA
>>22459224 Repeat Ball Cyndaquil female for that Dream Ball HA Pachi sound good?
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>22459250 >Shit gender ratios Ahuehuehue. Pick something else pls.
>>22459228 Hi Nate bby.
Nate !AfagtF18t2
>>22459260 Is it... Time?
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Are hidden ability luxury ball Infernape possible yet?
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>22459276 No try agen latur
Justin 5215-1710-5371
http://goo .gl/aF7zSB LF shaded cells / offers of things I don't have.
>>22459190 Me?
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
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>>22459315 maybe you should git
a calculator JESUS 0275-9861-1372 !3Gd1JhmKaA
>>22459276 Heya.
>>22459260 :*( Okay. let me look futher.
Nate !AfagtF18t2
>>22459288 >already drunk another_night_in_WFG.png
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>22459340 I think I bricked my skype ;; And I'm not drunk I'm
huntin larvetsa Ben 4227-1759-4023
Anyone have a prankster Whimsicott?
Nate !AfagtF18t2
>>22459348 Im legal and have beer not dont be gay, fix skype. Also the new update is balls There is no reason to fix skype, there are no calls going, i hate my life >>22459335 YEA MAN
JESUS 0275-9861-1372 !3Gd1JhmKaA
>>22459348 >Skype Add me? Fast Ball Paras for the Pachirisu?
Dr. Cyndaquil 0275-7940-0320
>>22459300 I love you
pls gib free lefty dream koffing, f heavy phanpy, level f cubone,f pineco
this is all from memory so let me know how dumb I am
Nate !AfagtF18t2
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Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>22459368 I couldn't avoid that update on my laptop, my desktop still has classico skype though. >>22459372 If only I could get it to work bby Sure so Paras and Aipom for Phantump and Pachirius. 4iv for 4iv?
Nate !AfagtF18t2
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>>22459406 I woke up to the horror that is the latest version.
I couldnt stop it. ;_;
>>22459417 Im single~ The Ant Guy - 1435.4670.7116
Anyone have a cool google doc template for trading pokemon and stuff?
I started HGSS today I caught a female sudowoodo in a heavy ball did I do good or bad? also if I turn the 3ds clock does it restart Kurt time or does it work just fine like in XY weather?
JESUS 0275-9861-1372 !3Gd1JhmKaA
>>22459406 Yes. 4IV for 4IV females are fine.
red-d-4(Jaime Garcia) is my account name and my email is add me whenever baby Nate !AfagtF18t2
JESUS 0275-9861-1372 !3Gd1JhmKaA
>>22459300 I can also do Lure Ball Poliwag.
Justin 5215-1710-5371
>>22459383 Sure. Let me grab one of them from bank.
>>22459475 Cool. What do you want me to add?
>>22459488 you still have all of those right?
Justin 5215-1710-5371
JESUS 0275-9861-1372 !3Gd1JhmKaA
>>22459514 Level Ball Zigzagoon.
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
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>>22459417 Beleeber in yourself bby.
>>22459447 http://goo .gl/sfKPJw For Template
Dr. Cyndaquil 0275-7940-0320
>>22459514 alright I'm on so let me know
appreciate it
Sorry, I went to play Bayonetta and when I came back the thread was dead. I'm the guy with a box of Riolus that I'm willing to get rid of. I've got multiple 5IV males and several 3-4 IV females, most of them Prankster. If you want some, put some minor stuff on GTS and I'll get to it. I also dunno what to breed next.
Ben 4227-1759-4023
Justin 5215-1710-5371
>>22459528 Sure. Is it adamant/physical? because that is what i'm looking for.
>>22459536 I recall adding you but don't see you online. TR me if you see me.
Dr. Cyndaquil 0275-7940-0320
Quoted By:
>>22459605 I've cleared out some ppl to add you
>>22458455 yo can I cop a skrelp? voltorb is up on gts for one, IGN is emma. the voltorb knows some neat moves thanks to dexnav in case you wanted to breed it or whateber
>>22458455 yo can I cop a skrelp? voltorb is up on gts for one, IGN is emma. the voltorb knows some neat moves thanks to dexnav in case you wanted to breed it or whatever
Dr. Cyndaquil 0275-7940-0320
>>22459746 bought slowpoke theme today
$2 well spent
>>22459746 Could i get that Loveball Pooch?
Prefer direct or GTS?
>>22459746 zigzagoon up for froakie
IGN is emma, message is /vp/
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>22459723 >>22459733 Looks like either someone else copped your Voltorb or it's berried somewhere. :^(
Justin 5215-1710-5371
>>22459746 Minccino up for Cubone. Thanks.
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>>22459450 if you restart i think you have to wait longer.
also heavy is good. level is better imo.
>>22459573 breed some HA heal bulba or repeat charmande
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>>22459751 I'll get it if I have some spare $2 credit in the future, I love that dopey blob.
>>22459769 The latter.
>>22459789 Sent, enjoy.
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>>22459806 oh sorry I took it down to get a froakie from that other guy cause I figured you were gone by now since your post was a while ago. I'll up the voltorb again right now
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>found ss after buying hg online >no returns guess i should sell sell sell
Recovery 3626-0618-9593
>>22459573 can i has a male 5iv riolu please n tnx. luvdisc up
Anyone have a ha hyper voice sylveon or eevee
>>22459855 >can i has nigga
, you can has this dick Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>22459913 thanks bby, i try.
but really though, who says that anymore? 3024-6368-8604
>>22459012 Sorry, I had to leave for a while. If you still need the Cottonee I can just give it to you.
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>>22458901 I had to leave for a little bit and I think in the meanwhile I got sniped. Can we try again if you're still around? Thanks!
>>22458150 >tfw would love a legit HA Snivy >being bred by Kirzi so may as well just get a PowerSaved one Anonymous
>>22459855 Sent.
I should mention they're all in Luxury Balls because you're a bad person if you don't put your pokemon in Luxury balls.
don't you hate it when this happens?>goes on GTS >wants a shiny beartic bc polar bears are fuckin dope, and my last shiny beartic got lost in a corrupted save file >sees one >he wants a zapdos for it >puts landorus up 4 zapdos bc no good offers when seeking for zapdos >gets traded >go back to beartic page >it got traded the moment i get the zapdos also GTS bullshit thread
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>>22460005 >tfw caught shiny Budew in Quick Ball back when I was just starting out in XY because I really wanted it to be my friend and now I can't put it in a Luxury Ball Anonymous
>>22459751 >MGS3 Theme >finally no more cutesy kid garbage >plays snake eater >mfw Fian 4012-4215-0458
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>>22458455 May I have one of those Skrelp as well? I've put up a level 31 Cryogonal. Would you be able to name the Skrelp "Phycostic" please?
Mew, had toys of it as a child. It's a qt. Also being able to learn any attack is bretty good too. Dr. Cyndaquil 0275-7940-0320
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>>22460085 the best thing about the themes is the added music
Idk if ps or xbox do it too
Honky !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
Quoted By:
Live Journal still exists. We can get a group together there.
>>22460021 >1 year ago when XY came out >get 9999 WTs so have a butt load of rare candy >search shiny Greninja for weeks >finally find one for level 90 houndoom >spend forever feeding it rare candies >get back and it's gone Anonymous
>>22459854 pooch and ekans female?
>>22460021 >>22460105 how do you know they're even legit
Quoted By:
>>22460143 >when XY came out before bank
Honky !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
>>22458094 Reshiram because it's the most beautiful legendary ever. Can't wait to SR for shiny one~. Day
34 of Lati SR. I'm sure its impossible at this point but sources still say otherwise.
Honky !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
>>22460254 Are you doing anything while SRing to break up the monotony?
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
>>22460331 Watching Dispicle Me and playing with my cat, currently~
New to the most recent gens... So these IV checkers He said: Outstanding Potential Overall Greatest Stat is HP and all other stats are equally as good. They simply can't be beat. Does that mean those are perfect IVs? Or are they lower than perfect? Because I was told the guy would say like "It can't get any better" or something....
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>>22460591 >IV of 31: "Stats like those... They simply can't be beat! That's how I judge it." Alison 1461 6226 3092
I did it guys. It took me weeks but I have a hexaperfect seven now so I can breed better pokemon faster. I have a question about listmaking before I repost mine--how does one export google docs in the view only manner?
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>22460352 At first I read that as 'Discipline Me'
N-not that I'd watch those kinds of movies Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>22460602 Just go to file and hit the publish button. The downside to publishing is they can't see notes you insert
Alison 1461 6226 3092
Trading this bitch way, it's a Shiny Calm Latias with Dragon Pulse, Psyshock, Recover, and Defog I already got another Shiny Latias, and to be honest I'd much rather have a Competitve-Ready Landouris-T. So, anyone who has a spare one can have her.
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
>>22460613 M-maybe I will watch that next. It will keep me awake at least~
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>22460645 Terrible. There aren't any fun pictures or colors. ;_; you might as well just use pastebin.
Or try this template to help you get started~
http://goo .gl/sfKPJw >>22460664 You won't get it til day 73, calling it now
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Quick question: I got a shiny Darkrai holding enigma berry. OT in runes and in cherish ball. Is this legit?
IGN Bobby FC 3668-9795-2335 !zrEHM0.vy.
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>>22460650 Hurry while supplies last, because she's going on the GTS soon!
No really you better claim her because I'm putting her up on the GTS as I type Alison 1461 6226 3092
>>22460673 I know, yours is so much better. I'll get there someday but it's gonna be a baby step process because I'm a turd. It won't be terrible forever.
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
>>22460673 As long as I get it, its worth it. ;;
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>22460712 Is okay. I believe in you~ Let the autism flow through you.
>>22460721 ;;
Alison 1461 6226 3092
Quoted By:
>>22460736 >let the autism flow through you every day man, every day
Does anyone have a fancy pattern Vivillon? Even if it is hacked? I can offer a shiny lv100 Manaphy, or a legit shiny magnemite, that is about it though I'm afraid
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>>22460970 get the fuck out faggot.
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Anyone have a spare HA Volbeat?
So wfg, I have a question to ask. I am trying to face off my best friend IRL with a doubles team. He opens with garchomp and zapdos with Mega Kanga and Togekiss as his back ups. I'm building an extremely experimental weather team currently: Charizard@Charizardite Y (Jolly) 252Speed/252Attack/4Hp -Tailwind -Roost -Uturn -Sky Drop Castorm@Choice Scarf/Focus Sash/Life Orb (Modest) 252 Speed/252 SpAttack/4 HP -Weather Ball -Hurricane -Thunder -Protect/Tailwind/Icy Wind/Blizzard/Thunder Wave/??? With back ups: Abomasnow and Politoed I have a good idea of their movesets... but they are not set in stone. The idea of this team was originally to set up tailwind with MZardY, but against his team, this is impossible because of Garchomp's rock slide and Zapdos' discharge. As such, I bet immediately switching abomasnow in and giving castform a choice scarf with weather ball will do wonders. Can my team hope to win against him? Or should I start all over?
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>>22461304 It should be noted that he only EV trains whereas I IV breed and EV train. His Zapdos Is perfect (timid) however, as I got someone from /vp/ to gen him one since his event one didn't pass through bank. My zard might outspeed his chomp, but I'd rather not take the risk.
>>22461304 If you know exactly was he's going to use why would you bother leading with something useless?
But yeah, physical megazard Y with Sky Drop sounds absolutely disgusting so I wouldn't bet on you winning this fight
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>>22461304 he's gonna wreck u m8
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>>22461355 Ok, instead of being an asshole, tell me a perfect counter to his team.
>>22461355 Also, sky drop can help quite a bit in doubles. Giving your teammate an extra turn... it's almost like you don't doubles at all.
>>22461304 >jolly charizard Y >tailwind >u turn >sky drop here's your rely
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>>22461304 I built this team for maison, just as my friend built his for maison. But I'd gladly build a new team to wreck him. I'm just asking for some help.
>>22461383 Ah, that's cute, let's argue of the huge situational uses of Sky Drop in doubles to the point that it would make up for using a weak physical move on a special attacker
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>>22461407 4got 2 trn autocrrct on sry :P
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>>22461408 some people went as far as to take sky drop zapdos to worlds but it's not something i would reccomend a newcomer to take, much less waste a mega slot like that.
The best way to take down a garchomp + zapdos disquake combo is Mamoswine. HP ice only does so much to it, ice shard wrecks it.
Now, you will need 2 teammates to handle mega-kangaskhan and togekiss. Mega Kangaskhan is one of the strongest megas whose coverage changes depending on its move tutors, but there are a few ways to handle it. The best way is a Lucario with inner focus and close combat. As for togekiss, a poison or another steel type should do the trick.
Hence your best lead would be something Lucario + Mamoswine. That way, you're guranteed to inflict damage to the opposing lead regardless of what he's got, and once the main threats are removed switch in char-y and have an easy endgame.
>>22461408 Aww. That IS cute. Ostensibly, English must be your second language. Elsewise, you are just stupid. How can you discredit a free turn for your teammate? I'm not an idiot. I know it's a gimmicky idea, but I like to have a little fun when I battle. MChar Y is used more for utility than anything else. Please, tell me how you would run a doubles team with castform?
Inb4 I wouldn't. Don't be a dick pig.
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>>22461464 why are you alive?
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I just want more friends so I can get more safari zones. Mikey 4682-8599-8598 Reply and I'll add.
I'm super late to the party. Do people still play X/Y online? Or has everybody moved on to ORAS? I've also read that ORAS is not compatible with X/Y. Is that true?
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>>22461570 You can trade with ORAS as long as your friend isn't trading you any of the new stones. You can battle with ORAS, just not if he's using the new stones.
I think that's the gist of it
>>22462358 Okay, RNG abuse or 6V Ditto breeding?
>>22462389 Those seem to be the topics that get this place riled up
>>22462394 oh let's talk about RNG abuse then. 6IV dittos are clearly cheating, RNG abuse is more grey, that should get people talking.
RNG abuse is fine, not cheating, and encouraged by GF, prove me wrong.
>>22462414 >encouraged by GF Naah, it was just poor RNG programming, Gamefreak even said, citation needed, that it was "against the spirit of the game" to use them in competitions
Plus if you're gonna RNG abuse you'll be tempted to get that 6IV Ditto so it's hacking gateway at best
Devin 2664-2139-4368
>>22462436 >not dexnaving good iv ditto Anonymous
>>22462436 RNG abusing a 6IV ditto isnt hacking. If you have an RNG'd 6 IV ditto its legit, you had to work to get it
>>22462472 Oh so 6IV Dittos are okay as long as they're RNG'd
Devin 2664-2139-4368
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>>22462478 Yeah. Taking advantage of a deterministic machine by cracking b the RNG is super fair. I don't know why people get their titties twisted up by it so much.
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>>22462470 Im still waiting for the ditto mirage spot
>>22462394 >>22462389 >>22462374 hey look it worked!
See how long it takes to get a HA female.
>>22462890 Hah, this apparently isn't obtainable if you only have a Japanese language game on a foreign DS
A male will be enough for me if there's no ball to pass so keep 2 or 3 of those
1907-8648-1812 !ignRoyalHk
>>22462890 I'll buy it at a high price Kirzi !INFERNOzQk
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>>22462932 >>22462939 I'll start giving out leftovers once I get a HA female and then get egg moves on it. Hopefully won't take ages.
Shamble 2380 3594 6297
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>>22459746 if youre still on putting an aron lvl 1 male for spinda
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>Go on Battle Spot >About to win >Get disconnected by faggot-tier unstable university wifi >Reconnect and play again >About to win >Get disconnected by faggot-tier unstable university wifi
>>22462890 I'm sad the offspring will be illegitimate.
>>22463092 why would they be?
>>22463109 Are you joking?
>>22463109 Because Kirzi is a filthy gaijin, bring back Ami
>>22463118 >>22463124 ..what's wrong with Kirzi's pokemon?
>>22463137 I breed with an RNG'd Ditto. Not everyone is a fan.
Can anyone here give me a spare shiny charmander?
Zappa 1461-6225-8951
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>>22463182 Why would anyone just have a spare sitting around to give away?
Hi wfg, don't suppose anyone has a Heal Ball Female Swirlix going spare? IV / Nature don't matter
Well I've been resetting my game several times while working on another project, so I have an extra one of the event Serperiors if anyone wants it. I'm not going to breed them since Kirzi seems to already be on that.
Devin 2664-2139-4368
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>>22463166 I don't see what the big deal is.
Incidentally, anyone have Ditto or Chansey safari and want to post their friend codes?
Devin 2664-2139-4368
>>22463250 I can try to catch one for you real quick.
>>22463259 Yes please, let's 4828 6812 8056
>>22463270 That's very kind, thank you! Anything in particular in exchange? Mostly just have starters, cutemons or the usual caught stuff
>>22463277 Okay, I'm an idiot. I forgot I can't trade on that version yet since it's still at the start of the game. Let me put it through bank real quick and I'll be on.
Hi dawny Anonymous
>>22463297 God, I remember your OT from gen 5 (the same as your 3DS name) but I forgot which WFG name you went by, I'm sure it was different!
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Anyone here doing pokesav at all?
>>22463306 It was
Rika , the same as my first gen 5 OT. I've had
リカ さくら ゆりえ and now すみれ as OTs though. Glad you remember me! Thanks for the dream ball skunk!
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>>22463335 Oh right it was Sakura nurse OT I vividly remember associating as who you were and Rika your WFG name, not the other way around
Thanks yo
Zappa 1461-6225-8951
Devin 2664-2139-4368
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>>22463294 So. I lied. Sorry, had no idea it was X only.
Zappa 1461-6225-8951
>>22463277 >>22463297 I remember a Dawny in /wfg/ from the early X/Y days, are you the same?
>>22463476 Yes this must have been me
Is there a gallery of all 3D models of shinies? All the galleries I find via Google use Gen 5 sprites for most Pokemon, and a lot of those Pokemon's shinies look different in 3D.
kitefish 3368-1572-9864 !!M3x6sLlfWDS
>>22463507 Oh hey Dawny! I don't know if you remember me, but I still have and use the Maudizzio the Klefki you gave me. I mentioned how I envied your Arcanine's nickname just the other day. Good to see you around.
>>22463507 >>22463507 cool we did a few trades, I think it was conkeldurrs or solosis or sableyes or something
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Could someone PLEEEEEAASE register my friend code already? I need Rufflet and Teddiursa real badly I also have a Charmander in the GTS up for a Squirtle
>>22463571 If you're looking for something like this you could try Serebii. I don't think it has all of them in a single image though, so you'll have to look at each Pokemon's page individually.
Mac 2767-0894-9736
Could someone PLEEEEEAASE register my friend code already? I need Rufflet and Teddiursa real badly I also have a Charmander in the GTS up for a Squirtle
>>22463580 I sure do, I even remember you telling me about that after we'd battled and I ended up naming all my new Arcanines variations of that original name because of it.
Good to be back and other embarrassing lines
>>22463592 I almost completely remember, especially that something part!
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>>22463622 Yeah, that's what I've been using, but like you said I have to scroll through each Pokemon individually, and that is somewhat of a hassle.
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>>22463166 >RNG'd And I'm a talking microwave made of green tea and kitten whispers!
Zappa 1461-6225-8951
>>22463642 Come back to multis with Ben and I
>>22463764 I see you want to challenge my ability to guess which pokémon will turn into some terribly ugly mega with barely conceivable offensive base stats in this new game and I would accept the humiliation, probably
>>22458131 Does no one want to help or doesn't know?
Maj 4098-4888-1693
Anyone wanna battle singles ? I'll be available in about half an hour.
kitefish 3368-1572-9864 !!M3x6sLlfWDS
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>>22463828 >majiyice Good to see you back, man.
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>>22463828 Maybe YOU'RE single hahahah nerd virgin faggot
Zappa 1461-6225-8951
>>22463800 We haven't done multis recently because there's always some poorfag anon that wants to join but doesn't have ORAS. The only megas I ever bring are Ampharos or Glalie. Ben and I still bring our Mr. Mimes and such
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>>22463808 Don't know. Sorry anon.
>>22463868 Not wanting to deal with more bullshit megas than absolutely necessary doesn't make you a poorfag.
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Anyone here got an extra shiny HoHo I could get?
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
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>>22463868 I've even been that poorfag once a few days ago before I had transferred any pokémons onto ORAS, I sort of envisaged it would be the consequence of them gamefreak fucking up connectivity that bad, good to know things were terribly shitty!
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>>22463637 Nevermind, I just got Rufflet
>MFW today I also catched Larvatar, Nidoran male and female