I'm a powersaver on a Y cart and I'm willing to take requests. Can't do ORAS stuff like new megastones so bare that in mind. If anybody wants to help me out I'm looking to get contrary Serperior or Groudon/Kyogure to clone from ORAS. Other than that tell me your /r/.
Quoted By:
>>22492595 >Kyogure Illegal players, everyone.
Just remember that cheating deteriorates the mind, filthy degenerate.
Toran 1676-4027-7682
>>22492595 I need a Sableye changed to Calm 31/0/31/31/31/5.
>>22492655 >Change any IV to 0, 1, 30 or 31 Toran 1676-4027-7682
Quoted By:
>>22492662 right shit didn't see that
i guess 31/0/31/31/31/0
Mike: 0061-0809-9150
>>22492595 I have a Jolly Groudon I'd trade for a Shiny 5iv Timid protean Froakie
Toran 1676-4027-7682
Quoted By:
>>22492662 actually never mind, i don't need you to
Mike: 0061-0809-9150
>>22492595 If you cant do the Froakie and still want the Groudon im sure I could pick out somethin more manageable
>>22492738 >>22492783 Sure, gimme a sec to breed it.
Groudon is ORAS caught, right?
I can make it 6IVs easily.
Mike: 0061-0809-9150
>>22492793 yes its ORAS had to watch the 5 minute cutscene 15 times to get the jolly but more then worth it for the froakie!
>>22492805 Want anything customized on the Froakie?
Ad me while I do the breeding: Arc FC :2122-6006-0390
>>22492595 Could you make my zapdos into a modest nature with 31/31/31/30/30/30 ivs?? It would be super helpful!
Mike: 0061-0809-9150
Quoted By:
>>22492835 premier ball please! name can just stay froakie adding you now
Mike: 0061-0809-9150
Quoted By:
>>22492835 and a boy please if its not tooo late if not its cool
>>22492595 I have 6IV flawless eevee that i bred,
please make it shiny & I'll give you whatever you want
Arc FC :2122-6006-0390
>>22492895 >>22492856 Sure, guys. Just add me for now and I'll add you back shortly.
Arc FC :2122-6006-0390
Quoted By:
I assume you're gonna EV train it in Sp Atk and Speed so I went ahead and added them in during the powersave.
Quoted By:
>>22492935 Omg thank you so much!!! I am the one that would like the zapdos. My fc is 0946-3108-2759 ign is Alex
What would you like in return?
Mike: 0061-0809-9150
Quoted By:
>>22492935 Thank you so much!!!!
>>22492935 2879-0902-2150
ign jonnie
thanks so much adding right now and getting online
ive hatched thousands of eevee eggs in search of shiny, now i can finally live my life normally
>>22492935 >>22493105 are you in xy or oras?
or does it even matter for trading purposes
Arc FC :2122-6006-0390
>>22493221 It doesn't matter for trading purposes but I am on a Y cart. I sent you a TR but it wasn't accepted or it timed out.
>>22493235 sorry online now
>>22493235 I attached a master ball to him. Thank you so much for helping out man!
>>22493285 Wait...did you just change ivs? Cause I need him to be 31/31/31/30/30/30 and modest nature
Arc FC :2122-6006-0390
>>22493243 Want to keep the traditional pokeball or what a different one?
>>22493315 Woops my bad. Trade me and I'll get that done.
>>22493327 It is fine.
Could you also put him in a pokeball?
>>22493235 >>22493285 I'm also doing this
let me knw if theres anything in particular you need anon
Arc FC :2122-6006-0390
Quoted By:
>>22493368 I'm mostly looking for a contrary snivy/serperior or a ORAS Kyogre to clone.
>>22493339 Sure.
Arc FC :2122-6006-0390
>>22493368 >>22493339 Not to get things confused since you guys are both anon right now.
Alex, what Pokeball do you want Zapados in?
Retain it's Ultra or you want Poke?
And for Eevee is it staying in its default ball?
>>22493419 you can change eevees ball if you want to match shiny espeon, but i only care about the shinyvalue as i already bred perfect IVs myself in all stats
Arc FC :2122-6006-0390
>>22493446 I personally enjoy my Espeon in a Dream Ball but tell me which one you prefer. Anonymous
>>22493464 if its legal that sounds lovely
Arc FC :2122-6006-0390
>>22493486 Yea, it's legal. Pokemon used online may have to be Gen 6 bred but if a female eeveelution travels from gen 5 and gets a dream ball it can still be passed down legally.
Quoted By:
>>22493514 especially cool since i spent a lot of time in the dreamworld with my younger sister
>>22493419 I would like pokeball
Thank you
>>22493558 You are the best man!! Thank you so much for everything!! :D
very excited to raise this shiny eevee! wish i could be of more use anon... was participating in a giveaway thread for your contrary snivy but to no avail
Arc FC :2122-6006-0390
Quoted By:
>>22493602 It's all good, bro. The thought counts.
>>22493573 No prob. Enjoy!
Doesn't cloning corrupt your save?
Seven 2165-7618-4508
>>22492595 You around? Think you can modify me two Ditto I need for breeding? I got them ready. One with 30 IVs and one with 31 IVs and 0 Speed. I'd really appreciate it.
Arc FC :2122-6006-0390
>>22493640 No, it's pretty easy and safe. Plus you can save your data before doing any thing to have a back up.
>>22493644 You just want Dittos with:
1 with 30 IVs across the board
1 with 31IVs in everything except 0 in Speed
Is that right? Does the nature matter?
Seven 2165-7618-4508
>>22493723 Exactly. Natures don't matter, thanks.
Arc FC :2122-6006-0390
Seven 2165-7618-4508
Quoted By:
>>22493871 There. Thanks a lot, I can finally start working on my Jolteon and Sylveon.
FC: 3969 6370 7184 - IGN: May
Will take 2 requests, hurry!
Dan 1547 6339 4135
>>22494047 Me, me!
Just a couple of 6iv jobs
FC: 3969 6370 7184 - IGN: May
>>22494053 Send me trade, nigga
Dan 1547 6339 4135
>>22494120 Ok, awesome. Could you also change my Pancham's nature to Adamant?
>>22494047 I need a couple things shinied
FC: 3969 6370 7184 - IGN: May
FC: 3969 6370 7184 - IGN: May
>>22494143 yup, just send me trade. i'm online
>>22494145 Let me finish with dave and gonna take your request, ok?
Dan 1547 6339 4135
>>22494183 Ok those two 6iv and the nature change to Pancham please.
Dalai 3840-6650-2781 IGN COLA
Quoted By:
Can someone help me modify these plz: Phantump 31/31/31/X/31/31 Careful nature Buneary 31/31/31/x/31/31 Jolly nature Chatot 31/31/31/31/31/31 Timid nature
FC: 3969 6370 7184 - IGN: May
FC: 3969 6370 7184 - IGN: May
>>22494202 I finished Dan's request.
Send me trade, dude
I already added you
Dan 1547 6339 4135
Quoted By:
>>22494395 Thank you very much!
Sneezo 1177 - 7747 - 3972
>>22492595 I need a ditto made 6 IV, I have it on X.
1177 - 7747 - 3972
Can anyone help me with a Snivy's IVs? I need hidden power rock. 31/31/30/31/30/30
IGN: Abe FC: 3995-6541-2361
Quoted By:
>>22494543 forgot my stuff.
Can powersaves change gender?
>>22494438 You still here? I have a 6 IV Ditto available.
IGN: Abe FC: 3995-6541-2361
>>22494649 You powersaving?
Sneezo 1177 - 7747 - 3972
>>22494649 Yeah still here, if you want anything for it I dont have too much though.
Kazi 1564 2766 4171
Quoted By:
Can anyone help me trade evolve my Syther?
>>22494654 I'm not a Powersaver.
>>22494670 Throw something up on the GTS for a level 100 Ditto.
victini guy
Quoted By:
Does any powersaver have pokescraps Victini? Don't need anything special just a clone of one.
Sneezo 1177 - 7747 - 3972
>>22494688 Threw up lvl 1 female Gible for lvl 91 or higher Ditto
>>22494745 Just sent it. Enjoy, m8.
Quoted By:
>>22494563 Anyone? I really want this Mawile to be a girl
Sneezo 1177 - 7747 - 3972
>>22494762 Holy shit thanks <3 It's perfect!
IGN: Abe FC: 3995-6541-2361
>>22494543 Any genners here?
Any powersavers active in this thread? I'd like my Heatran, Raikou and Landorus to be made competitive, and my Clawitzer to be made competitive and made shiny. i can send over any tradable in-game items.
IGN: Abe FC: 3995-6541-2361
Quoted By:
>>22495035 Woops meant powersavers
>>22495056 Do you have them set up move wise yet? If so I can set up their IV's EV's and natures/shininess.
>>22495082 Yeah, I can handle the moves, its just basically needs done what you said.
>>22495092 K I can do it if you don't mind me cloning them for my own use like the mad scientist powersaver that I am. Name Andrew, Friend Code 2337-3307-5131
IGN: Abe FC: 3995-6541-2361
>>22495103 Can you do a Snivy for me? I need it for breeding.
>>22494543 Ivs are there. I need hidden power rock.
>>22495129 If you give me the IV combination using only 30,31,and 0 sure.
>>22495103 Sure, clone whatever you want.
dm - 1693-3353-5646
Raikou | n/a | Pressure | Timid | 31/30/30/31/31/31
Heatran | M | Flash Fire | Timid | 31/31/31/31/31/31
Shiny Clawitzer | F | Mega Launcher | Modest | 31/31/31/31/31/31
Landorus-Therian | M | Intimidate | Adamant | 31/31/31/31/31/31
Hopefully thats all the information you need, please pay particular attention to the Raikou's IVs, its for Hidden Power Ice.
dm - 1693-3353-5646
>>22495103 Also, name the 4 items you want put on them, and i'll send them over with them and you can take them off.
IGN: Abe FC: 3995-6541-2361
Quoted By:
>>22495134 It was right there, 31/31/30/31/30/30
Quoted By:
>>22495157 The magic of the powersave is that I have 9000 of every battle item and berry in the game so no worries about items, thanks though! I'll get through as many of them as I can tonight and any I don't I can have for you tomorrow around 5 est
>>22495149 Feel free to keep the shinies/diancie I'm giving you, I have spares.
dm - 1693-3353-5646
>>22495206 I already have them, so i'll just send them back when you're done.
IGN: Abe FC: 3995-6541-2361
>>22495206 Already added you, you're andrew right?
>>22495242 Kk well lemme get to work.
>>22495254 Lemme help out DM first.
IGN: Abe FC: 3995-6541-2361
Ruben 4785-5021-1169
Hello. If anyone has the time I have an unusual request. Clone my Cosplay Pikachu and then make one Jolly with all 6 IV's perfect and the other one Timid with 31/30/30/31/31/31 IV's
>>22495149 What Ev's did you want on them, or did you already EV train? I didn't check before loading up the powersave.
dm - 1693-3353-5646
>>22495307 Sorry, i wasn't aware you could do EVs.
Raikou | n/a | Pressure | Timid | 31/30/30/31/31/31 | Thunderbolt, Extrasensory, Volt Switch, Hidden Power [Ice] | 252 SpA / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Heatran | M | Flash Fire | Timid | 31/31/31/31/31/31 | Fire Blast, Ancient Power, Earth Power, Flash Cannon | 252 SpA / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Shiny Clawitzer | F | Mega Launcher | Modest | 31/31/31/31/31/31 | Dark Pulse, Water Pulse, Sludge Wave, Aura Sphere | 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpA
Landorus-Therian | M | Intimidate | Adamant | 31/31/31/31/31/31 | U-turn, Earthquake, Rock Tomb, Knock Off | 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
dm - 1693-3353-5646
>>22495519 i'm online
if you post your paypal i can send you like 20 bucks if you want
>>22495302 >not naive Do you not want that beautiful icicle crash thunderbolt boltbeam coverage
>>22495527 Do you have skype? I can send it to you there, but has my name in it so I prefer to stay anonymous. If not no worries, glad to do it to be a bro.
Ruben 4785-5021-1169
Quoted By:
>>22495530 It feels too weak to really go mixed. That's my thought at least.
dm - 1693-3353-5646
>>22495535 sure, my skype name is itsdmfromtheinternet
IGN: Abe FC: 3995-6541-2361
>>22495535 Are you going to be able to do mine?
dm - 1693-3353-5646
>>22495535 once i can remember my fucking password argh
also did you shinify the raikou? i kind of didnt want that D:
>>22495547 Invite sent, expandedcelt
>>22495556 Probably not tonight because Im going to bed but add me on Skype and I got you
>>22495557 Shit I thought you wanted all of them shiny. I'm going to bed but if you add me on skype I can deshiny them tomorrow
IGN: Abe FC: 3995-6541-2361
Quoted By:
>>22495562 Um okay thanks.
>>22497233 None? Little bump.
>>22498366 what were you looking to get done?
Could someone generate me the European Meloetta event here? I can offer a shiny Sandshrew. Just add me and tell me your friendcode, thanks.
Quoted By:
>>22499036 Powersavers can only do events from X&Y and ORAS
Is there a powersaver still around? I have a few things I wouldn't mind to tweak. Just simple stuff, Tweak IVs, shinify, that's it.
>>22498899 I wanted to get four pokemon shinified but with that method that keeps my ot so I could nickname them later on... Any chance you could help?
>>22499186 I'll be around in about an hour or so to do some powersaves for you. What do you need doing?
It might take a bit of time for me to be back but I'll do my best
>>22499203 That method will change their IVs tho, also I'm unavailable now maybe i can do it later
Quoted By:
>>22499240 Sure, I'll lurk in the chance you're able to do them.
I just need some work done if there are still some powersavers around. I have a Conkeldurr that needs an IV change to the following: 31/31/31/1/31/31 I have a Togepi that needs a nature change to Bold, gender change to female, ball change to Luxury Ball and the IVs set to the following: 31/0/31/31/31/31 I also have a Raikou that needs to be unshinied and have an HP Ice Spread. of the following. 31/0/30/31/31/31. IGN:Edgardo FC: 2036-6962-1172 Thanks to the kind anon who takes this request..
Quoted By:
>>22492564 Is there a way I can create a pokemon with custom moves? I tried an android app but it went down and I don't have an iphone for what that other app is
Quoted By:
>>22492564 hey guys i've been thinking of buying a powersaves, is there something i should know before buying one? Is the there any difference with the powersaves pro?
Quoted By:
Anyone around able to help me out with something?
Can anyone here help me with one request, well maybe 2?, a name change and a clone
Jack 4527-7481-7402
>>22499237 I need IVs tweaked for Terrakion, and to Shinify two of my bros and adjust one's IVs.
You cant;' change nicknames right? I fucked up and bought over a bro I bred in X, and I forgot to name it.
Nai | 5000-3192-1245 | TSV 2507/0545/4007 | Sunkern, Ivysaur, Gogoat !Yiff..FObw
Nai | 5000-3192-1245 | TSV 2507/0545/4007 | Sunkern, Ivysaur, Gogoat !Yiff..FObw Sun 11 Jan 2015 20:44:14 No. 22500457 Report Quoted By:
>>22500429 Can you generate me a JP Keldeo?
Quoted By:
>>22500429 Can you help me with my request
>>22499388 0104-1445-3402
>>22500429 Could you alter my Suicune in to a Timer Ball & NOT shiny, Kyroge in to a Timer Ball and lastly Rayquaza in to a Timer Ball with 6IVs?
I guess that's technically three requests.
Quoted By:
>>22500429 Can you do this for me? I need a Snivy with these IVs 31/31/30/31/30/30
Jack 4527-7481-7402
Quoted By:
>>22500455 >Can you do this for me? I need a Snivy with these IVs 31/31/30/31/30/30 I can't do nicks sorry, but i can do everything else, post your friend code.
Ill go through the other requests in reply order
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
I have a power save will be doing up to six requests Please note that I don't generate new pokemon, just modify the ones you have 0/6
IGN: Abe FC: 3995-6541-2361
Quoted By:
>>22500493 What do you mean you can't change Ivs? I have the snivy.
Ruben 4785-5021-1169
Quoted By:
>>22500493 Hello.
Please clone my Cosplay Pikachu and then make one
Jolly with all 6 IV's perfect
and the other one
Timid with 31/30/30/31/31/31 IV's
Quoted By:
>>22500493 >>22500461 Could take mine so Jack has less to do if you feel up to it!
Lanni 3995-7522-0815
>>22500493 Can you make my mawile a girl please?
Jack 4527-7481-7402
not able to do request since internet is being shitty and my DS won't connect. So I'm out
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
>>22500524 What defines a "girl"?
Quoted By:
>>22500493 Can you help me with just my Togekiss Request then?
>>22499388 IGN: Abe FC: 3995-6541-2361
Quoted By:
>>22500532 Fuck. I had already added you.
>>22500542 Can you do mine then? Change a Snivy's IVs to this? 31/31/30/31/30/30
Lanni 3995-7522-0815
>>22500546 The red symbol beside their name, as opposed to the blue one.
Quoted By:
>>22500581 Are you implying red is a feminine color? Why can't a girl wear blue?
Quoted By:
Can anyone hel pe with my request?
>>22500385 Gabriel 3995-6605-9789
can someone make my honedge pawniard buneary carvanha and ralt 6ivs and shinify them. anyone please?
Ruben 4785-5021-1169
Quoted By:
Thanks A bunch mate.
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
will be doing two more requests. I was going to do more but, my powersave is acting funny so it may take longer to complete requests, and again I will not be generating new pokes, just modify the ones you have
Gabriel 3995-6605-9789
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
>>22500830 Choose one, not doing all of them
IGN: Abe FC: 3995-6541-2361
>>22500828 My snivy please?
Gabriel 3995-6605-9789
>>22500838 okay my pawniard please?
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
>>22500841 i'll do you after gabriel
IGN: Abe FC: 3995-6541-2361
>>22500854 >31/31/30/31/30/30 Thanks. Ivs are that ^ Its for hidden power rock.
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
>>22500846 k
>>22500865 ok again my PS is acting funny be prepared to wait like 15-20mins
Gabriel 3995-6605-9789
>>22500871 alright thanks man do you need this darkrai back
Quoted By:
>>22500871 Okay. I'm waiting online.
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
>>22500894 im done, and no keep it if you want, I could get as many as I want
Gabriel 3995-6605-9789
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
>>22500865 You still there?
IGN: Abe FC: 3995-6541-2361
Quoted By:
>>22500954 yeah I added you Im online.
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
>>22500949 No prob, and if nobody wants anything I could do the others
Quoted By:
>>22499388 Still looking for a powersaver to help out. Also, dismiss Raikou as I forgot that I traded it away a while ago.
IGN: Abe FC: 3995-6541-2361
>>22500973 you dont want these darkrais back?
also repostin so yo dont have to look for it 31/31/30/31/30/30
>>22500973 I have a request, can you change My Palkia to a mild nature 6iv and clone it?
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
>>22500991 Keep it, it may take a while so bare with me
>>22501003 after him I guess
>>22501020 Here's my FC: 4682-8763-5227 ign: Scott
Quoted By:
>>22501020 can you shinify my froakie and make him hexaperfect?
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
>>22500991 im done, are you ready?
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
Alright last one first request gets it
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
>>22501197 CAn you also change the name of a Mon?
>>22501161 Can you just make my pignite shiny? I don't really know much about stats, if ya wanna change something that's cool but you don't have to... F.C. 1891-1388-6601Ray
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
>>22501221 done
>>22501318 srry just finished my last request
>>22501351 Damn. Are you gonna do more eventually?
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
>>22501371 its a real pain to do this since my PS is acting funny, I suggest just buying one from Amazon for 20$
Quoted By:
>>22501402 I've been thinking about it. Do you know if there's a way to build pokemon and transfer em over?
Quoted By:
Any savers around?
Landon 4570 7978 1538
Please I need someone to shiny my mons. I've been asking, please anyone?
help "an error has occured processing your game file" how do I fix this?
>>22501838 >being this desperate for a pallette swap Pathetic.
Post your requests with details. What pokemon with which powersaves. Maybe it'll actually attract some savers. Not just generic "i have some mons i want shiny durr"
you faggots never told me about reddit and their power saves you literally just need to put ":)" and they'll clone and shinify everything
Quoted By:
>>22501867 What if I just want to shinify a mon? If there is a saver he'll appear there is no need to waste an entire post that'll likely be ignored.
Quoted By:
>>22501869 You seem to like it, why don't you go back and never come back, faggot?
>>22501842 this is happening to me too, it looks like a server issue
so we just wait it out
that means for anyone else here, go outside or something since powersavers can't powersave
1306 7918 8351 Stephan
Anyone who can 6v Adamant shinyfi my honedge?
>>22502376 This is correct. We can only clone right now.
>>22502555 Learn to read, newfag.
>>22502795 do clone codes still work?
one thing i noticed is that it doesn't shut you out immediately when it gets to "server process" so maybe that is the case but i didn't consider it
Quoted By:
>>22502818 No. You have to use the bank method.
1306 7918 8351 Stephan
>>22502809 Whats the matter dipshit
>>22503014 powersave servers are down
makes sense that the kind of retard to want 6iv adamant, not to mention blood edge honedge, wouldn't even have that much brainpower
Quoted By:
>>22503014 see
>>22502376 Powersaves is fucking down. Back to Reddit
>>22503046 >replying to that faggot He is literally always on this threads requesting everybody his shitmons because he's too retarded to breed.
1306 7918 8351 Stephan
Quoted By:
>>22503059 I requested 3 Mons Ever , 2 of them legendary u huge faggot
Landon 4570 7978 1538
What the fuck is wrong with you people? Don't reply I know the awnser.
Quoted By:
Still looking for someone.
>>22500461 Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>22503376 Learn to english faggot.
Compulsive 4699-7268-4756 (Kakuna, Ariados, Toxicroak)
Compulsive 4699-7268-4756 (Kakuna, Ariados, Toxicroak) Mon 12 Jan 2015 03:17:33 No. 22504502 Report why I am always so late to these threads
>>22504502 Because you show up when Powersaves is down. Try again tomorrow.
>>22504512 so powersaves is down? im late im sorry just looking for info
Quoted By:
>>22504907 not even trying to get any pokemon i have a powersave
Quoted By:
>>22504907 Well lurk faster next time
>>22504907 What do you even mean by late? Please, newfag, go to reddit or something and leave /vp/
>>22504930 go to hell faggot i dont get on this thread on /vp/ im trying to use my fucking powersave and it isnt working
Quoted By:
>>22504945 Well if you actually read the thread you'd know Powersaves is fucking down and wouldn't need to bump a defunct thread for no reason.
Quoted By:
>>22492564 Can someone get me a ability capsle? I just need one please
Quoted By:
>>22492595 You still here?
Need my two Feebas' Shinfied and given IVs in everything so I can have a shiny Milotic.
I usually don't care if something is shiny but the name I'm giving it works best if it is 2638 - 0389 - 4164
Is anyone available to shinify? I don't have much to offer outside of heart scales if that`s ok.
Dylan 0018-1813-1455
Anyone able to clone a Diancie? I missed the event like a dumbass
Quoted By:
>>22506211 Me too, please? I'll post my id in a few mins
Landon 4570 7978 1538
Quoted By:
Anyone taking request?
Powersaves servers are down atm, stop spamming requests for no reason.
Also, to
>>22506121 :
People with Powersaves can spawn 999 heart scales in one click, so keep them.
Quoted By:
powersaves appear to be working once again so get back to begging everybody
Quoted By:
>>22506610 i suggest you attempt to use a code since i just ran a bunch at once and it worked this time
Jonas 5172 - 0548 - 2095
Quoted By:
>>22506589 Are the servers up?
Also I can't think of anything to give you in return other than my gratitude
Mateo (Y) 4038 - 6336 - 4381
Quoted By:
can someone change my swampert's nature to jolly, my umbreon's nature to calm and give them 6iv?
Alright, you fucks. Servers are up and I'm willing to take requests only if you give details on what you want. Example: I want my Pikachu shiny with an Adamant nature, max IVs and in a Friend Ball. What I won't take: i have some pokes i want done hurr I'll take maybe 2 max per person unless it's dead which I'll call.
Stephan 1306-7918-8351
>>22508978 hey man , can u shinify and 6 iv a aegislash for me pls and put a heartscale on it maybe
>>22509044 Sure. Add me.
Arc FC :2122-6006-0390
>>22508978 Hey could you gen me this pls?
>Pokemon: Breloom >Nickname: Broloom >Level: 100 >Shiny: Yes >Nature: Adamant >Sex: Male >Ability: Poison Heal >Pokeball: Nest Ball >IVs:31/31/31/31/31/31 >EVs:252HP/252ATK/4DEF >--Moves-- >Drain Punch >Seed Bomb >Thunder Punch >Leech Seed >OT Name: NEMO!!! >OT Gender: Male >ID/SID: 25966 >(Optional) Language: German >(Optional) Origin Game: Emerald thx in advance
>>22509079 >PowerSave thread >Gen me a mon xD Go away newfag
Quoted By:
>>22509099 geez anon you really showed me there
mixed up the thread sorry imma take my newfag ass elsewhere
Stephan 1306-7918-8351
>>22509077 thanks alot
also that darkrai
>>22509142 Keep it if you want. Done with your Aegislash. Sending a TR.
Stephan 1306-7918-8351
Nemo 4398-9992-6237
>>22508978 hey anon could you cange my rayquazas nature to jolly and teach it V-Crate insteat of dragon pulse if possible?
Also if you could change the ball to a luxury ball that' d be great!
TubbyHobo 4699-6226-7191
>>22508978 If you're still taking requests, could you change my Serperior's IVs to 31/30/31/30/30/31? I'm already good with its nature and ball.
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>>22509201 No prob. Guess you were the only one.
>>22509282 Sure. Hopefully it's contrary so I can clone it.
Add my FC here
>>22509077 TubbyHobo 4699-6226-7191
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>>22509299 Added and yea it is. Only problem is it doesn't know leaf storm yet.
Nemo 4398-9992-6237
>>22509299 could you do my request after that too please?
>>22509280 Anonymous
>>22509320 I can change it's nature and put it in a Lucury but cannot teach it V-Create. It's an event only move just like Ice Punch T-Tar.
>>22500461 Add me. Look for my FC in a previous post.
Nemo 4398-9992-6237
>>22509391 okay that' s fine too, already added you.
>>22509407 Oh btw if your Ray has Dragon Ascent you'll have to delete it. I'm on a Y cart so it won't be tradable.
You can always reteach it afterwards. I can slap a heart scale on him when I trade him back.
TubbyHobo 4699-6226-7191
>>22509442 Thanks bro. Really appreciate you
Nemo 4398-9992-6237
>>22509442 okay I' ll do that and thanks again!
>>22509462 No prob.
>>22509464 Send me a TR once you're ready.
>>22509328 Doesn't seem like you've added me yet.
>>22509442 Can I et my Manaphy's nature changed to modest? Also if possible, can you change its IV's to 31 in everything but attack? FC - 0473-8271-9669. Any help would be much appreciated
>>22509476 Alright, added you.
Would it be possible to stick an Ability Capsule on one of them as well?
>>22509512 I'm assuming you're the dude with the 3 pokes?
>>22509502 Sure. Add me. It'll be a bit though so be patient.
BTW guys please use your FC or IGN when you post.
It's difficult keeping track of who's who when everyone is just fucking anonymous.
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>>22509534 added you, thanks in advance! Can you delete my FC when you're finished?
>>22509534 I'm getting "a Pokemon in your party cannot be traded." Do Kyrogue know something it shouldn't?
>>22509579 I'm on a Y cart so if your Ray or Kyogre have Dragon Ascent or Origin Pulse you'll have to delete em since Y doesn't recognize them.
I'll put a heart scale on em so you can reteach it afterwards.
Fred 4656 - 8219 - 9295
>>22509442 Mind working on my Suicune and Conkeldurr when you're free?
IVs 31/x/31/30/30/31
EVs HP 252 Def 252 SpD 4
and Conkeldurr nickname changed to Rocky Horror
Nemo 4398-9992-6237
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>>22509603 Oh, alright.
Don't worry about it. I have a bunch from Pokemiles, just an Ability Capsule.
I deleted those moves whenever you're available again.
>>22509616 No prob.
>>22509614 I can do your Suicune but can't nickname your Conkeldurr. Can't powersave names.
>>22509502 Don't worry, dude. I haven't forgotten you.
This /r/ is a three part-er so it'll take a bit.
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Don't worry, take your time :)
Fred 4656 - 8219 - 9295
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>>22509636 That's fine. Just added you
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>>22509636 Thank you very much.
IGN: Hero FC: 1950-7994-9186
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>>22492564 can someone shiny me a few pokes? 3?
Manaphy dude, you online?
Fred 4656 - 8219 - 9295
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I was just challenged to a battle, I'll be ready shortly
IGN: Hero FC: 1950-7994-9186
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Is there anyone active here that can help?
Get your shit together, people.
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>>22509791 That's what you get for trying to help these drooling retards.
Fred 4656 - 8219 - 9295
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>>22509791 Thanks so much!
Are you still taking requests? If yes, could you change my Skrelp's IVs to 31/0/31/30/31/30 and change its nature to Adaptability?
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>>22509791 Thanks! Sorry for taking so long :/
>>22509903 Never knew adaptibility was a nature xD
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>>22509911 >xD get the fuck out
Hoping to get some help since yesterday was less-than-fruitful. I have a Conkeldurr that needs an IV change to the following: 31/31/31/1/31/31 I have a Togepi that needs a nature change to Bold, gender change to female, ball change to Luxury Ball and the IVs set to the following: 31/0/31/31/31/31 IGN:Edgardo FC: 2036-6962-1172 Thanks to the anon who can help.
can someone shinify my mareep give it 31/30/31/31/31/30 ivs and change his nature to modest?
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>>22509946 forgot to add name and fc
>>22510014 ty a lot adding you right now
IGN: Hero FC: 1950-7994-9186
>>22510014 Can you shinyfy just 1 pokemon for me? A meditite? Please?
I'll make sure not to make you wait long and try my best to be as quick as possible
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>>22510014 Thank you, anon. I will be online shortly.
>>22509922 Anonymous
>>22509791 Miku when you un-shiny'd my Suicine it swapped the OT to you. Is there a way to fix that?
>>22510076 None that I know. Sorry.
>>22510046 Sure. It'll be a bit though since I'm doing
>>22510037 >>22509922 Right now.
IGN: Hero FC: 1950-7994-9186
>>22510105 Thank you so much, I can wait
Fluke 5301-0993-8775
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>>22509903 Forgot to add FC.
>>22510115 Add me and be ready.
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>>22510105 had a problem with my conection im back online now
IGN: Hero FC: 1950-7994-9186
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thanks a lot miku
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
Taking requests, but I don't generate new pokemon just modify the ones you have, and I'm also looking for some pokes Mewtwo Ho-Oh Lugia Alakazam Dragonite (HA)
IGN: Hero FC: 1950-7994-9186
>>22510240 Can you shinyfy 2 pokes for me and change balls on two others?
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
>>22510257 if I'm doing it for free, then I cant do both
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>>22510267 haha jesus fuck
Fluke 5301-0993-8775
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>>22510240 Can you change my Skrelp's IVs to 31/0/31/30/31/30 and change its ability to Adaptability?
IGN: Hero FC: 1950-7994-9186
>>22510267 Alright then can you change the balls on two pokes?
No shinyfying, I prefer the ball change
Zero FC: 2964-8588-1752
>>22510240 Looking to complete the living dex? If so I can pitch a Ho-oh your way.
I do need my Snivy shinified and IV's changed to 31/30/31/30/31/30 (for HP Fire)
>>22510240 I have a Timid Alakazam and I assume you're able to clone it with powersaves? I have a couple of requests. Give me a few minutes as I need to step out for a bit.
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
IGN: Hero FC: 1950-7994-9186
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>>22510305 Cool, moonball electabuzz, and level ball rhydon
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
>>22510297 not that its just that the powersaves currently cannot generation legit legends unless they come with the event code
Zero FC: 2964-8588-1752
>>22510313 Ah, gotchya. The Ho-oh is just a normal catch.. the IV's and nature aren't good or anything.. did you still want it?
IGN: Hero FC: 1950-7994-9186
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>>22510313 Alright added you :)
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
>>22510318 that's why I want it I could change the iv and nature
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
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>>22510318 After Hero you're next ok?
Stephan 1306-7918-8351
>>22510240 i have ha dratini jolly 4v , would you 6v , timid nature my darkai for it?
Zero FC: 2964-8588-1752
>>22510325 Sounds good. Ill be ready.
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
>>22510342 already doing two requests before you if you don't mind waiting then I can do, don't need the darkrai
>>22510325 >>22510303 Alright I'm back. I have an Alakazam for whatever purposes you need, but clone it so I can have it back (unless you're doing dex completion).
I need my Charmander to have a Careful Nature and perfect IVs across the board.
Same for Kangaskahn except a change to Jolly.
Another is just a name change for a Bagon I have. Just change the name to Salamence.
If you can do all three, that would be great, but if you can only do one or two, I'd understand.
FC: 2036-6962-1172
Stephan 1306-7918-8351
>>22510352 idk what you mean you dont need the darkrai , i would like it to be 6v and timid nature and then keep it .
i can wait yes
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>>22510366 Too many request fuck off begger
>>22510366 Can I just change the request to just the Charmander? I think I'm being a little too greedy.
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
>>22510346 Get ready, and send me your request again
Fluke 5301-0993-8775
Quoted By:
>>22510105 >>22510240 Can one of you change my Skrelp's IVs to 31/0/31/30/31/30 and change its ability to Adaptability? I have basically any mon to offer.
Zero FC: 2964-8588-1752
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>>22510429 >I do need my Snivy shinified and IV's changed to 31/30/31/30/31/30 (for HP Fire) Anonymous
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>>22510425 Actually never mind on the whole request. Turns out I don't need it.
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>>22510429 Can u change my Diancies nature to timid please I have a Lugia
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
>>22510367 if you are there still, you are next
Zero FC: 2964-8588-1752
>>22510429 Yo, did you not want that Zoroark back?
Stephan 1306-7918-8351
>>22510544 ill add you m8
also can i change my request?
i want my darkrai to be 6v modest and shiny pls ty
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
>>22510546 no, I have many
Zero FC: 2964-8588-1752
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>>22510554 Alright. Thanks for the help, my friend.
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
>>22510552 having it shiny might mess things up it might be shiny locked
Stephan 1306-7918-8351
>>22510565 alright just 6v modest then
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
>>22510571 might take a while
Stephan 1306-7918-8351
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Need a kind Anon willing to change the IVs and natures of my Diancie or willing to make one with the following spread: Hasty 31/31/30/30/31/30 Thanks in advance
Owac 2638-2192-3061
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I´m in need of some help, can someone be kind enough to change two iv of my heatran, just need to ajust the spattack and speed to 31