>>22522933The thread is still up, and the post that details how to order is still up too.
Is linking a NSFW pixiv page okay? I know in FF general, linking to a NSFW story is okay so long as it is in spoilers. Meh, fuck it.
http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=48158094To order, send an e-mail to Doujin Press with this info.
1) Event Info
Name: 新春けもケット
Date: 2015年 1月 18日(日)
Location: 東京卸商センター(東京都台東区柳橋2-1-9)
2) Circle Name
きりや (Kiriya)
Space on floor: D-05
3) Items you wish to buy
4) total estimated cost
No price currently, but it'll probably be bewteen 400-600 yen for the book. I'm unsure of what the travel fee will be.
5) Country of residence
>>22522941Some people collect doujins. You'd be surprised how much doesn't get scanned, espcially SFW stuff.