[816 / 38 / ?]
Quoted By:
1. When doing a giveaway, make sure you state:
>What Pokemon you are giving away.
>Relevant info about said pokemon (eg. If it is shiny, has HA, etc)
>What pokemon on the GTS you want for it
>What message the above pokemon should have to be noticed
2. When possible, avoid responding to GTS giveaways that have already been confirmed by other people.
3. Reply to yourself when your giveaway is finished informing the thread it is done. You may wish to adopt a name or tripcode to avoid spoofing.
4. No begging giveaway hosts for specific giveaways (unless specifically asked for)
5. Event Pokémon should be traded through Acquaintances after a Disc-for-Disc trade.
6. Keep smaller giveaways like breeding leftovers elsewhere to avoid clutter. We have /wfg/ for that.
7. Common pokemon asked for by givers for GTS giveaways include, but are not limited to (recent givers in the first bracket, less common in second):
>(Aipom, Skitty, Trapinch, Totodile)
>(Joltik, Taillow, Bagon, Litwick, Luvdisc)
This is not a comprehensive list. You are responsible for getting these pokemon.
>Why do givers do this?
Because Zigzagoons (amongst others) often don't show up, Luvdiscs can flood the GTS by multiple giveaways. This makes it easier and faster for both givers and jews to do what they do best, you are not entitled to free shit.
Please refrain from overjewing, unless the host gives the okay. This means taking more than one pokemon from the same giveaway and making it unfair for others to get things out of a giveaway.
>IGN is not required when responding to GTS giveaways unless specifically asked for/you are initially confirming the giveaway.
tinyurl com/pmw7cu6
>What Pokemon you are giving away.
>Relevant info about said pokemon (eg. If it is shiny, has HA, etc)
>What pokemon on the GTS you want for it
>What message the above pokemon should have to be noticed
2. When possible, avoid responding to GTS giveaways that have already been confirmed by other people.
3. Reply to yourself when your giveaway is finished informing the thread it is done. You may wish to adopt a name or tripcode to avoid spoofing.
4. No begging giveaway hosts for specific giveaways (unless specifically asked for)
5. Event Pokémon should be traded through Acquaintances after a Disc-for-Disc trade.
6. Keep smaller giveaways like breeding leftovers elsewhere to avoid clutter. We have /wfg/ for that.
7. Common pokemon asked for by givers for GTS giveaways include, but are not limited to (recent givers in the first bracket, less common in second):
>(Aipom, Skitty, Trapinch, Totodile)
>(Joltik, Taillow, Bagon, Litwick, Luvdisc)
This is not a comprehensive list. You are responsible for getting these pokemon.
>Why do givers do this?
Because Zigzagoons (amongst others) often don't show up, Luvdiscs can flood the GTS by multiple giveaways. This makes it easier and faster for both givers and jews to do what they do best, you are not entitled to free shit.
Please refrain from overjewing, unless the host gives the okay. This means taking more than one pokemon from the same giveaway and making it unfair for others to get things out of a giveaway.
>IGN is not required when responding to GTS giveaways unless specifically asked for/you are initially confirming the giveaway.
tinyurl com/pmw7cu6