Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
I may or may not be taking requests
Brian 4012-4179-4760
>>22531862 if you are, could I get a Serperior IVs edited to 31/30/31/30/31/30 and given an Ability capsule? i'd appreciate it a ton.
>>22531878 Nope I don't generate new pokes, just modify the ones you have, and don't feel like doing requests
Brian 4012-4179-4760
>>22531964 Oh I already have the Serperior, just needed the IVs edited for HP Fire.
But if you aren't taking requests then I guess it doesn't matter anyway.
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>>22531974 Sorry I'm just working on a team, I'm sure there are other people doing requests
Im looking for someone to change the balls on the JPN event monkeys. Someone had genned them for me but in the wrong ball. Feel free to clone them if you want Pic for reference
Looking for someone to clone two extra copies of my (Timid) 6IV Japanese ditto.
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Can someone modify my pokemon to adamant nature and give it 5ivs?
Chris FC: 1091-8598-1282
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Would someone be willing to change the EVs/IVs on my slurpuff. It was almost perfect but I screwed it up ;_;
I guess I'll take some requests. Let me clear my friends list out a little first.
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If anyone would be willing to clone a Meloetta for me I'll give you either a Mewtwo from firered or a Diancie, I'm trying to go for a completionist box.
Landon 4570 7978 1538
>>22531862 Looking to shiny up some mons, thanks if you decide to take mine.
James 3652-0643-0302
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I need someone to change the IV spread on my Latias to match HP Fire
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>>22532547 Can u make my Rakiou HP ice and give out these evs 252 spa 25 SPD n 233 spe
>>22532547 I need Raikou to be HP ice n have these evs 252 spa 252 spe n 6 hp
Double K 1693-1998-2404
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>>22532342 Samefag here. Feel free to take clones of the following: Meloetta, Diance, Mew, Darkrai
no Keldeo Landon 4570 7978 1538
>>22532547 Do you mind helping me with this?
>>22532561 Ponder 5386-9515-7784
>>22532701 I need to go catch some Zigzagoons to trade but add me. Shouldn't be too long before I add you. anything else besides HP ice and EVs?
>>22532756 Depends how many and If you care about your TID changing. I know XY change the trainer ID but I'm not sure if it's different in ORAS.
Gabriel 3995-6605-9789
can someone shinify give 6ivs and give my fletchling gale wings ? anyone please?
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>>22532839 No that's it thank u
Ponder 5386-9515-7784
>>22532849 Powersaves doesn't let you change abilities, you gotta get that yourself.
Gabriel 3995-6605-9789
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>>22532861 oh never mind can you shinify and give 6ivs to my roselia?
Kyle ~1048 - 9233 - 2741~
>>22532839 Hey can you help me change an IV on my shone Froakster?
>>22532839 Actually after your done with my Raikou can u make my Salamance jolly nature
Ponder 5386-9515-7784
>>22532907 Yeah, what's your IGN?
Hey I can do a request, but Only for a Mew Mewtwo Dragonite (HA) Slyveon (HA) Slowking (HA)
Ponder 5386-9515-7784
>>22532894 Yeah, i'll add you and gonzo right now
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
Kyle ~1048 - 9233 - 2741~
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>>22532945 Alright already got you added, let me name him real quick and I'll be good
Chris FC: 1091-8598-1282
>>22532950 Fuck u you Ponder will help us
Landon 4570 7978 1538
>>22532839 I I don't mind the TID. About 8-9, some EV spreads too, but that's just for 4 mons.
Kyle ~1048 - 9233 - 2741~
>>22532945 pls just give him all 6 31 IVs
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
>>22532970 Ouch man I have been doing requests for free for a long time, is it so bad to ask for something in return?
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So, you could do the unreleased pokes also?
Stephan 1306-7918-8351
>>22533019 i can give you a dratini with ha if u want
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
>>22533035 Thanks man what's your request?
Ponder 5386-9515-7784
>>22533013 Got it, shouldn't be too long
>>22533012 I'll get you after Kyle and gonzo
Kyle ~1048 - 9233 - 2741~
Ponder 5386-9515-7784
>>22532938 by the way, do you want your raikou to be rash nature?
>>22533019 fuck off retard, we don't owe you anything
Stephan 1306-7918-8351
>>22533060 well id give you for trashpoke since u helped me out one time
Stephan 1306-7918-8351
>>22533102 or i have a better idea
can i give you my 5v jolly dnte with ha , and u clone it 2 times and send me one jolly and one adamant back?
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
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>>22533093 Ok, I'm sorry I will never ask for anything. I just thought since somebody else was doing requests I'd just ask for something and in return doing your request this was just a one time thing never will do again
Ponder 5386-9515-7784
>>22533092 Raikou should have HP Ice, if it doesn't for whatever reason just tell me
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>>22533138 Thank u Ponder u da man
>>22533138 C-can you help me with mine based ponder?
>>22532070 Moose E Mo 2681-1485-7189 IGN: Seth
Hey, I can take one or two Powersave requests if anyone's interested
Landon 4570 7978 1538
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>>22533072 Alright I'll add you this is what I need EV Wise, and it's just 8.
252 SP DEF/ 252 HP
252 DEF/ 252 HP
252 ATK/ 252 SPE
252 SP ATK/ 252 SPE
Stephan 1306-7918-8351
>>22533165 i have 2 pokes id like to get 6v and shinyfied if thats cool with you
Kyle ~1048 - 9233 - 2741~
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>>22533138 Thanks man I appreciate your hospitality
Ponder 5386-9515-7784
>>22533160 Yeah, just add me and i'll add you and Landon in a sec after I clone some trade fodder
Moose E Mo 2681-1485-7189 IGN: Seth
>>22533177 Sure, add me real quick and I'll get right on that
Landon 4570 7978 1538
>>22533186 Alright I'll be online send the TR when you're ready for me.
Stephan 1306-7918-8351
>>22533207 added
now that i think about the litwick id like to be 31,0,31,31,31,31 , the other all 31
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>>22533186 5344-0555-7960.
Ign Alex. Im online now, so whenever youre ready
Ponder 5386-9515-7784
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>>22533217 So you want them all shinified as well as EV trained, right?
Chris FC: 1091-8598-1282
>>22533186 Do you think you could help me with something as well? I'd like to change the EVs of my Slurpuff to 188 attack, 188 speed, and 132 HP. Also, if the IVs aren't all 31 would it be possible to make them that way?
Stephan 1306-7918-8351
>>22533222 and if u can ev the litwick 252 spatk 252 speed , and the carvanha 252 atk and speed that would be cool
Moose E Mo 2681-1485-7189 IGN: Seth
Ponder 5386-9515-7784
>>22533238 i can get you after Landon and alex, otherwise another powersaver can help you
Looking for shiny honedge 6 iv
Stephan 1306-7918-8351
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>>22533265 Good for you. You can head over to /gg/ for that.
>>22533258 Just to clarify with the monkeys all I want is for them to be in dream balls
Ponder 5386-9515-7784
>>22533317 I got it, sorry for the long wait
Stephan 1306-7918-8351
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>>22533247 nice guy , u in need of a ha dratini or swirlix or skrelp?
Alexia 3282-3093-3230
Hey, I'm looking for someone to 6 IV my ditto. Thanks.
Moose E Mo 2681-1485-7189 IGN: Seth
>>22533335 I'll do it. Go 'head and add me. I will offer a Castform
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Does anyone know if the cloning glitch involving the two DS systems still works?
Alexia 3282-3093-3230
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>>22533342 Added, you're not showing up though, I'll retry adding you.
>>22533321 Not a prob. Online whenever youre ready
Alexia 3282-3093-3230
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>>22533342 Thanks for that.
Ponder 5386-9515-7784
>>22533413 I'll send a trade right now, Landon after that
Landon 4570 7978 1538
Moose E Mo 2681-1485-7189 IGN: Seth
I got time for one more, any takers?
Salvador 2105-8899-0137
>>22533523 Changing these mons:
Hitmontop and Elekid to adamant and give them 31 IVs across the board.
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I need someone to make my lvl1 honedge shiny
Moose E Mo 2681-1485-7189 IGN: Seth
>>22533528 Alright, add me
Salvador 2105-8899-0137
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>>22533541 Thanks, added you already, also a minor change, I'll trade you a tyrogue and an elekid, just change tyrogue to adamant, elekid is jolly (which is alsoo good, so don't change its nature just its Ivs) and change their IVs to 31 please.
Moose E Mo 2681-1485-7189 IGN: Seth
>>22533528 I'll give you an event surperior for the first trade, go ahead and keep it
Ponder 5386-9515-7784
>>22533517 Blissey might have too many EVs, I think that's why it didn't work. I'll try it again after these other mons but if it doesn't work then i'll correct the EVs and send another TR
Salvador 2105-8899-0137
>>22533584 Thanks, anything you want in return?
Moose E Mo 2681-1485-7189 IGN: Seth
>>22533587 If you're doing EVs you gotta completely get rid of all existing EVs first, otherwise they cant be traded or used in online battles
Moose E Mo 2681-1485-7189 IGN: Seth
>>22533595 Nah, dont worry about it
Salvador 2105-8899-0137
Landon 4570 7978 1538
Quoted By:
>>22533587 Oops just read this, alright thanks man!
Ponder 5386-9515-7784
>>22533600 Yeah, I wish it told you the exact number of EVs
Moose E Mo 2681-1485-7189 IGN: Seth
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>>22533641 Just gotta assume they have a bunch and make everything 0
Landon 4570 7978 1538
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>>22533587 Thanks man, they'll all work online. Thanks seriously, Godspeed.
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Can someone change my ivs of my shiny snorlax
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Can someone give my Garchomp a sex change
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Can I get an anon to please give my Galvantula Pokerus? It would speed up my EV training greatly.
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Any PowerShell?
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Can someone help me
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
Spitfire FC: 1977-1326-4098
>>22534753 Mind editing my Zygarde to be Adamant + 6ivs?
Can offer some 5iv bred Mons with egg moves, like Pinsir, Tyrunt, and so on
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
Spitfire FC: 1977-1326-4098
>>22535018 Thanks man, you good with that Tyrunt?
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
Quoted By:
Still taking requests if anybody is lurking
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
>>22535123 No problem, it's fine
>>22535139 if you're not busy, i'd like a nature change for my thundurus, i want it modest
my FC is 3609-1138-6657
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
>>22535212 thanks, anything you'd like in return? IGN is Rager
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
>>22535237 Nothing comes to mind, but thanks anyway
Stephan 1306-7918-8351
>>22535259 u still want that dnite ha?
>>22533116 Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
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>>22535326 Nah it's good, don't need it
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>>22535339 yeah sorry i was in the bathroom and forgot to take my ds
Stephan 1306-7918-8351
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>>22535339 thanks for cloning it anyway !
5456-0376-3514 || ArchDukeLuke
>>22528200 sup OP, if you're still around, can you make a Goodra of mine shiny? Thanks in advance fo being a bro.
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
>>22535484 Don't think Op is around, but I'm taking requests for a while
5456-0376-3514 || ArchDukeLuke
Quoted By:
>>22535505 nice, I'm online now, think you can help me out?
>>22535505 Still taking requests? I'd like to shinify one poke pls
Stephan 1306-7918-8351
>>22535505 hey man if you would like to could you 31,30,31,30,31,30 my diancie?
and 6iv my lucario maybe?
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
>>22535557 Need fc
>>22535584 After this guy
>>22535637 FC is 4570-7620-1933 ign is Bruno Rex
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
>>22535654 I'll be waiting then
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>>22535690 Sorry for the wait, I'm looking for you in game
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
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I just bought powersaves today, is there any way to make non-pentagon pokemon pentagon?
>>22535690 Thanks man, really helped turn my day around
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
>>22535777 Glad to hear that
Stephan 1306-7918-8351
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>>22535810 thanks again :)
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I need someone to change my shiny snorelax ivs nd make my honedge shiny plz
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>>22535637 Can u help me out with 2 of my mons
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Anyone willing to help me out?
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Can someone help me out with making my shiny snorelax 6 ivs then my honedge shiny
IGN: Aria 2638-1271-4569
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Would love to have one of my dittos' IVs changed to 31 for each stat. Thanks in advance.
Ponder 5386-9515-7784
Ponder 5386-9515-7784
>>22537095 What do you need?
>>22537096 I need my shiny snorelax ivs changed then I would appreciate if u can make my shiny 6 iv honedge shiny
Ponder 5386-9515-7784
>>22537103 Need your friend code and IGN so I can add you
>>22537116 3840-6816-0317 Jammdog
IGN: Hero
>>22537096 Can you either change ball or shiny a pokemon for me?
Ponder 5386-9515-7784
>>22537123 So, give snorlax 6 IVs and make it shiny as well as shinifying honedge?
>>22537126 I can do both
>>22537133 Snorelax is shiny but would u make my munchlax shiny also if it's not to much to ask
Ponder 5386-9515-7784
>>22537139 Yep I can do that
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Ok r u trying to trade me now?I'm in trade with someone now
IGN: Hero
>>22537133 Can you make the following shiny?
And change IVs of slow bro to 31/x/31/31/31/31?
>>22537150 Alright I got u
Ponder 5386-9515-7784
>>22537167 Do you want Slowbro to have 0 attack IVs or just leave it as is?
IGN: Hero
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>>22537185 I meant slowpoke, but yes 0 Atk will do
Ponder 5386-9515-7784
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>>22537170 What do you want done with cloyster?
>>22537185 I don't have my munch anymore can u make cloyster perfect nature nd ivs shiny plz
IGN: Hero FC: 1950-7994-9186
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>>22537185 I just passed by someone with eon ticket today so you'll have it too
Stephan 1306-7918-8351
>>22537185 if someone gives you a cloyster id really appreciate if u could clone it for me and make it 6v adamant
>>22537237 I got 6 v shellders non shiny tho
Stephan 1306-7918-8351
>>22537246 sick , what do you want for one
have a few ha mons:
Ponder 5386-9515-7784
>>22537209 I assume you want an Adamant cloyster?
>>22537267 I would take venipede after I get my mons back if they didn't clone one for u
Stephan 1306-7918-8351
>>22537283 cool but ill wait for a response from first cause less hassle with evs and training
>>22537278 can give you a venipede either way
>>22537314 Wat u mean either way?
Stephan 1306-7918-8351
Quoted By:
>>22537319 if ponder clones me one or not
Ponder 5386-9515-7784
Powersaves is shitting itself right now, I'm not sure if it'll work or not but if it doesn't I'll just trade these back to you guys.
>>22537314 Damn none of my shellders r adamant
IGN: Hero FC: 1950-7994-9186
>>22537328 Ok, thanks for the effort though
Stephan 1306-7918-8351
>>22537329 no prob , but do you have a skill link one by any chance?
>>22537380 That I do forsure
Ponder 5386-9515-7784
>>22537379 Sorry for wasting your guys' time, right now the loading bar is stalling but once that stops I'll send you guys a TR.
Stephan 1306-7918-8351
>>22537385 cool , u wanna trade via gts or fc m8?
>>22537393 So there's no telling if u could figure it out
>>22537396 Gts is easier for me put vene up for sheller lvl1
Stephan 1306-7918-8351
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>>22537405 sure , pede is up
Ponder 5386-9515-7784
>>22537400 I don't think i'm the only one having this problem
IGN: Hero FC: 1950-7994-9186
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>>22537424 It's cool, at least you tried to help out
Ahmed [4871-5917-7467]
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So, yeah. My brother's birthday is coming up and being the little feg he is, he told me there's nothing he wants more than an Arceus. Since I missed the Toys' r Us event that was the only legit, apart from the DW one, way to obtain one, I desperately need one today.
Apart from the stuff in the text list below, I can offer my RS Shiny Rayqauza, or a 3IV Timid Shiny Darkrai. I don't care if the Arceus is hacked or powersave/action replay'd as long as it's in XY and is tradable.
http://pastebin.com/URSuU5Gs (All legit)
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Can anyone help me?
What is the minimum level for a special Pokémon to be traded? My friend wanted to start Alpha Sapphire with his bros from Y but on low level. I set them to 1000EXP (level 9) but they couldn't be traded. Is the minimum level equal to the minimum level a Pokémon is obtainable or is it just level 10 to keep people from sniping other GTS mons that demand a specific Pokémon up to level 9?
FC [Neluz 3024-5346-7834] (IGN huisbaas bob)
FC [Neluz 3024-5346-7834] (IGN huisbaas bob) Thu 15 Jan 2015 20:02:28 No. 22541608 Report will anyone let me clone a defog lati? i'd really appreciate it and wil trade any maison item, and any legendary holding said item
>>22541596 Garchomp and a few legendaries
>>22541618 Well, one problem I could see is that you're trying to trade a level 9 Garchomp. I don't know for sure, but that could prevent it from being traded. As far as legendaries go, some just can't be traded on GTS at all (event pokemon). The rest that can be traded I assume run into the same problem as Garchomp, for example Kyogre can only legitimately be level 45 at the very least.
>>22541659 Setting them to level 10 didn't do the trick, looks like they really set a unique minimum level for every single Pokémon (which surprises me - I mean it's Nintendingus). I just thought maybe one here already made experiments with that, I'll just play around a bit tomorrow (since I gotta go now), thanks for the quick help, though.
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>>22541724 Just send him a Gible instead and tell him better luck next time on the legendaries.
IGN: Hero FC: 1950-7994-9186
>>22541608 Is there anyone here now that can shiny my swirlix and change its ball to luxury?
FC [Neluz 3024-5346-7834] (IGN huisbaas bob)
FC [Neluz 3024-5346-7834] (IGN huisbaas bob) Thu 15 Jan 2015 20:24:03 No. 22541759 Report >>22541752 i can, but about that defog lati tho...?
Ponder 5386-9515-7784
Quoted By:
Can someone change my shiny snorelax ivs make my honedge shiny nd my cloysters nature nd make shiny also plz
IGN: Hero FC: 1950-7994-9186
>>22541759 So do I add you?
And would I don't have a defog lati, but I do have eon ticket? If that helps.
Also would it be too much if I asked you to change a ball on my charizard? Would that make his trainer ID your ID?
FC [Neluz 3024-5346-7834] (IGN huisbaas bob)
FC [Neluz 3024-5346-7834] (IGN huisbaas bob) Thu 15 Jan 2015 20:28:48 No. 22541804 Report pls /vp/ i really need that defog lati@s, anyone?
Ponder 5386-9515-7784
>>22541804 Just get someone to gen one for you
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
Quoted By:
Taking requests
FC [Neluz 3024-5346-7834] (IGN huisbaas bob)
FC [Neluz 3024-5346-7834] (IGN huisbaas bob) Thu 15 Jan 2015 20:32:21 No. 22541828 Report Quoted By:
>>22541809 i've been trying to, but to no avail. lati@s cant be tutored defog since hg/ss right? so it's a pain in the ass to get one
>>22541802 sure, add me. i dont need anyting in return. just reply with what you want me to change to you mons. and nope changing the ball it's "caught" in won't change the ID's i think
IGN: Hero FC: 1950-7994-9186
>>22541804 Hey! You're in luck! My brother has a shiny level 100 latias with defog, healing wish, Draco meteor, psyshock! Timid, and flawless.
I can ask him to trade it to me then I can trade it to me and you can clone one for yourself
FC [Neluz 3024-5346-7834] (IGN huisbaas bob)
FC [Neluz 3024-5346-7834] (IGN huisbaas bob) Thu 15 Jan 2015 20:36:06 No. 22541852 Report >>22541835 wow, that'd be awesome bro! i'm adding you for the Zard and Swirlix now. but if i'm to shinify any of your mons, they will change into a traded mon so you'll need to nickname em before you send them to me
FC [Neluz 3024-5346-7834] (IGN huisbaas bob)
FC [Neluz 3024-5346-7834] (IGN huisbaas bob) Thu 15 Jan 2015 20:39:22 No. 22541868 Report Quoted By:
>>22541835 i'm online now, send me a TR if you're ready man
IGN: Hero FC: 1950-7994-9186
>>22541852 Okay, I don't mean to sound like a greedy b*tch,
But can you do these?
change ball:
Charizard- Dive Ball
Swirlix- Luxury Ball
Swinub- Dive Ball
Change IVs of slowpoke to 31/0/31/31/31/31?
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
>>22541884 That seems to be a lot for one person to handle mind if I do the shiny part?
FC [Neluz 3024-5346-7834] (IGN huisbaas bob)
FC [Neluz 3024-5346-7834] (IGN huisbaas bob) Thu 15 Jan 2015 20:47:09 No. 22541908 Report >>22541895 thanks bro, but were trading the mons now so it'll be a right mess if you'd join in now lol
IGN: Hero FC: 1950-7994-9186
>>22541895 Oh dam, sorry I don't know how this works. I don't powersave I thought you guys just did these things in a flash
Can you just do the shinyfying the slowpoke and changing its IVs?
IGN: Hero FC: 1950-7994-9186
>>22541908 My deepest apologies, you can trade back whatever you can't do.
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
>>22541935 Didn't you already trade your pokes?
FC [Neluz 3024-5346-7834] (IGN huisbaas bob)
FC [Neluz 3024-5346-7834] (IGN huisbaas bob) Thu 15 Jan 2015 20:54:33 No. 22541967 Report Quoted By:
>>22541951 don't sweat it bruh, ill shinify swirlix and ryhorn and change the balls for your zard and said swirlix lol
IGN: Hero FC: 1950-7994-9186
>>22541953 Nope, I read your post and decided not to trade two of them. The Swinub and slowpoke
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
Quoted By:
>>22541975 Sure I'll do it
FC [Neluz 3024-5346-7834] (IGN huisbaas bob)
FC [Neluz 3024-5346-7834] (IGN huisbaas bob) Thu 15 Jan 2015 21:03:13 No. 22542039 Report >>22541975 charizard's ball is good and swirlix and ryhorn are shiny. just need to change swirlix's ball. it needs to be in box 1 slot 1 to change the ball so i need to start up the game and move it to slot 1 box 1. ill trade your mons back in a minute
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
IGN: Hero FC: 1950-7994-9186
>>22542039 I apologize, I didn't know you have to do all that for the changes.
FC [Neluz 3024-5346-7834] (IGN huisbaas bob)
FC [Neluz 3024-5346-7834] (IGN huisbaas bob) Thu 15 Jan 2015 21:10:19 No. 22542114 Report Quoted By:
>>22542096 no prob man, you have my undying thanks for the defog lati. im cloning that now and then ill trade you back
IGN: Hero FC: 1950-7994-9186
>>22542055 Thank you, you've helped me before I like your name. That's how I remember you. :)
FC [Neluz 3024-5346-7834] (IGN huisbaas bob)
FC [Neluz 3024-5346-7834] (IGN huisbaas bob) Thu 15 Jan 2015 21:15:05 No. 22542166 Report >>22542096 k i'm done.
>charizard in a dive ball >swirlix, shiny, in a luxury ball >ryhorn, shiny >and of course the cloned latias, wich i gave a soul dew to hold as a treat Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
>>22542096 Yeah the powersaves are not like pokegen. PS is a great tool but in terms of speed not so good
IGN: Hero FC: 1950-7994-9186
>>22542166 >>22542173 Thank you both so much, I'm very grateful for your services. :)
Next time I know, not to put too much on your plates. It won't happen again and thank you for being patient and understanding of my ignorance.
FC [Neluz 3024-5346-7834] (IGN huisbaas bob)
FC [Neluz 3024-5346-7834] (IGN huisbaas bob) Thu 15 Jan 2015 21:24:03 No. 22542271 Report Quoted By:
>>22542155 thanks bruh, remember my name lol. mebbe we'll trade again
FC [Neluz 3024-5346-7834] (IGN huisbaas bob)
FC [Neluz 3024-5346-7834] (IGN huisbaas bob) Thu 15 Jan 2015 21:26:29 No. 22542295 Report >>22542270 compared to the early jew thread when x and y came out, this is no hassle at all. it just takes some time switching between slot 1 in box 1 for some edits. cloning and shinifying goes per 6 mons but changing the pokeball can only be done on b1 s1
IGN: Hero FC: 1950-7994-9186
>>22542295 Awesome, now I know.
I'll be back here tomorrow around the same time lol :)
I'll put your name in my notes, maybe when my teams are ready we can battle or something :)
Well I'm off to breed egg moves onto the Swinub :)
Have a splendid day :)
FC [Neluz 3024-5346-7834] (IGN huisbaas bob)
FC [Neluz 3024-5346-7834] (IGN huisbaas bob) Thu 15 Jan 2015 21:34:04 No. 22542358 Report Quoted By:
>>22542335 have a good one and enjoy your mons bro!
Z 0318-7059-6177
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heyo, does anyone have a keldeo, meloetta,, genesect, or a diancie they'd be willing to dupe me? i need a few others too but these are top priority
wait, i'm confused. powersaves can generate event pokemon but not normal pokemon? how does this work?
Sara 0516-8030-2192
Can anyone turn my honedge into a shiny please?
Ponder 5386-9515-7784
>>22542939 You can use the Winder Card master ball code to generate any pokemon, but there are also event wonder cards on there as well. Like the Diancie event, E-Speed linoone, XY torchic, etc.
>>22543111 I can, just add me and i'll send you a TR
Sara 0516-8030-2192
Ponder 5386-9515-7784
>>22543254 Should be pretty quick work, you're ok with the trained ID changing, right?
Sara 0516-8030-2192
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>>22543288 Yeah no problem
Sara 0516-8030-2192
Zer0 FC: 2964-8588-1752
So I've got 2 pokemon that I need cloned. Anyone willing to help out?
Ponder 5386-9515-7784
>>22543356 No problem
>>22543364 Just one clone of each?
Chris FC: 1091-8598-1282
>>22543288 Would you be okay with changing the EVs of my slurpuff? If so, could you make them 132 hp, 188 attack, 188 speed?
Zer0 FC: 2964-8588-1752
>>22543365 Right, just one. Couple GA's that a friend and I want split.
>>22543365 Would you mind fulfilling
>>22543196 or genning any Arceus? It's literally the last thing I need for my living dex.
Ponder 5386-9515-7784
>>22543372 Sure, I got you added
>>22543376 I can clone them for you, add me and i'll get it done
>>22543386 I have an event arceus I can trade you, let me get it out of bank first.
Zer0 FC: 2964-8588-1752
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>>22543415 Awesome. Thank you, my friend. I'll be idling online, whenever you're ready.
Chris FC: 1091-8598-1282
>>22543415 Thanks, trade me whenever you're ready. If possible, could you make him level 100 as well? Hope I'm not being too greedy.
>>22543415 That would be great. I'll add you now.
Ponder 5386-9515-7784
>>22543444 What's your IGN, Asuka?
Chris FC: 1091-8598-1282
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>>22543478 Yeah, it's Asuka
Chris FC: 1091-8598-1282
>>22543478 >shiny magikarp named gyarados c-can I keep it? this is cool as hell. If not that's chill
>>22543454 My IGN is Greg, by the way.
Ponder 5386-9515-7784
>>22543530 If you want to yeah, I was going to clone a bunch of them and wonder trade them sometime soon.
>>22543531 Hold on, let me get another Arceus out of bank.
Chris FC: 1091-8598-1282
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>>22543537 Hell yeah!
I'll give you some breeding leftovers. It's all I got, but it's something.
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>>22543537 Thanks for helping me complete my dex, buddy! Have a great night.
Ponder 5386-9515-7784
Should be done pretty quick here, need to finish EV training slurpuff
Chris FC: 1091-8598-1282
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>>22543685 thank you so much man!
Zer0 FC: 2964-8588-1752
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>>22543685 Thanks bro. I appreciate the help.
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Can anyone help me change my snorelax ivs my cloysters nature nd make it nd my honedge shiny
>>22543174 how do you use the card thing to generate any pokemon? the site just says 'look at the instructions' but i don't see anything about it? i'm just looking to create some legendaries i don't have.
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>>22544531 sorry for asking stupid questions, i have a powersave, i just don't know how to use it really... and there aren't many instructions or good tutorials or anything that i can find.
>>22544531 You use the Master Ball code to get 999 master balls. For example, let's say you want a Victini. So you'd take 999 minus Victini's national dex number (494). 999-494 = 505, so you'd toss 505 master balls. Then you save, go back into powersaves, then use the wonder card modifier code and you just pick up your Victini from the girl in the Pokemon Center.
Anyone need anything done? Seems like we've got lots of PSers today.
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>>22544614 ahh awesome. okay, it's really similar to how action replays used to do catch codes. thanks a lot!!
Heshieok 2423 3211 7566
>>22544910 >>22544886 Yes. What do you need?
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>>22544926 Can u make my Emboar jolly nature n put these evs 252 atk 252 spe n 6 hp
>>22544926 I need my shiny snorelax Iv nd nature change then I want my homepage shiny as well as my cloysters nature nd make it shiny plz
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Any around that can help me?
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>>22545026 Was this even in English?
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Idk I'm not 100 on that if u look it up nd it is I'll teach others to speak it
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>>22545026 "want my homepage shiny?"
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Can someone please PLEASE hand me over a destiny knot I'm about to loose my shit over the contests and that couple who don't hand over shit the only thing I can offer are breeding rejects I was planning to breed once I got it
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Is anyone around that can help me?
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
Taking requests for a while
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Need a Diance pronto!
>>22546026 Can u help me with a few things?
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
>>22546070 Let me see it first
>>22546090 I want my shiny snorelax iv nd nature changed then I want my honedge shiny nd my cloyster shiny nd nature changed to adamant
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
>>22546112 Ok I need fc and be more specific with the IVs
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>>22546134 3840-6816-0317 Jammdog the iv my shiny snorelax has is 1 I want all 6 nd adamant nature as well as my cloysters nature then make my cloyster nd honedge shiny
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is there any way to make the fake wonder carded pokemon tradeable? like, i can't put them on the gts or wondertrade them...
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
No, you need to breed with the fake wonder card pokemon the offsprings will be legit
>>22546166 Is this u trading me now?
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
>>22546188 Ok Wats gn so I know
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
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>>22546196 Jajuan, and I'll just wait till you're done trading
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One sec my bad
>>22546166 like breed them with a ditto? hhahahah, okay. that's rather amusing, thanks for the tip though!
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
>>22546278 Yup but the ditto/breeding parent
Must be legit
>>22546311 Would be a hassle to ask if u can changed my golurk nature nd make shiny also?
>>22546311 i'm trying this now and it says they prefer to play with other pokemon, doesn't this mean they won't make an egg? the ditto is legit, btw.
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I need a different trainer I'd ditto I think
Kyle 1521 3987 4706
>>22546311 hi can you help me change the iv, ball, nature of my pokemon?
Feebas- Bold 31/0/31/31/31/31 Heal Ball
Thank you in advance
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
>>22546354 That's weird it should work
>>22546362 After I'm done
>>22546325 After I'm finished
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>>22546379 Ok thank you a lot
>>22546379 i'm trying it with legendaries, i guess that's why it wont work, since you can't normally breed legendaries. so i guess there's no way to make those wondercarded legendaries tradeable?
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
>>22546413 Oh you trying to breed legendarys yea they can't breed, I just trade for my legends
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
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>>22546443 Adamant nd shiny
I know ps can shiny but can they UN shiny?
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
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>>22546433 yeah that's what i figured. i can't find anyone to trade so i made my own, but i wanted to make some for my friends too. oh well.
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>>22546465 R u help anyone else after this?
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
>>22546362 I'm ready for you now, just tell me when you're ready
Kyle 1521 3987 4706
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>>22546465 i added your fc :)
>>22546465 I forgot the last Mon I needed changed on my magmorter thank you tho I appreciate it alot
Kyle 1521 3987 4706
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>>22546508 i'm online and ready
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
Kyle 1521 3987 4706
>>22546573 I wanted him shiny nd nature changed also
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
>>22546609 Bro, you gotta be more specific what nature?
Ploffy 0619-5977-1919
Hi there, any chance anyone can make me some event pokemon? I need Darkrai, Meloetta and Hoopa. First time in one of these threads so please let me know if I need to do anything, thanks!
>>22546621 Modest for magmortar nd very last thing give my shiny ditto it's last Iv it's missing
Ploffy 0619-5977-1919
>>22546628 Er, I meant Diancie, I don't think Hoopa is even out yet
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
>>22546647 Sorry man you said last for the magmortar after this I'm done for the night
>>22546652 Sorry bro try again around in the afternoon I think I'm the only powersaver
Ploffy 0619-5977-1919
>>22546665 how long is that, I'm in New Zealand and it's afternoon now here, I can't into time zones
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>>22546665 Ok thank you for the help I appreciate it a lot
Jajuan 3325-4375-4007
>>22546669 Oh it's 12:00am over in here try and figure out the time zones and try again later
Ploffy 0619-5977-1919
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>>22546692 okay, thank you
Yazzy 0087-2442-7719
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Hi, is anyone willing to change my Jirachi's nature to Jolly and it's Speed and Atk to 31 IV's? I'd greatly appreciate it.
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Any Powersavers up? Need ball changed
Ploffy 0619-5977-1919
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Is anyone around at the moment? I need help with some events