OR/AS shoudn't have been made even. It wasn't planned, or else it'd have been released on the 10 year anniversary like the other remakes. They made the games out of pressure from hoenbabbies screaming HOENN CONFIRMED everytime there was an announcement.
Sequels? Sure, I'd love a second round in Sinnoh or Unova. But Platinum, HG/SS and B/W/B2/W2 all stand out just fine, with Unova games even connected to the PokéBank.
Genwun is the only games I could understand getting remakes, for the 20th. Other than that, no more. They dont want to do it, and the amount of generations is stacking up on them.
Do people honestly expect Gen 7 to have a Gen 1, 2 and 4 remake for each of their respective anniversaries? Along with a new Region? Nah.
OR/AS, and MAYBE genwun remakes on the 20th, will be the last.