[22 / 13 / ?]

384KiB, 1024x1060, 257___blaziken___art_v_2_by_tails19950-d5vltjk.png
>gen 3, 15 years old
>have a fetish for chicken eggs and drowing birds
>pick torchic as a starter and train her until she's a blaziken
>breed many blaziken eggs
>hatch them all
>put only blaziken on team
>go to the pc box
>start releasing the torchics, imagining blaziken throwing them all on a river
>cum on pants
>start masturbating
>best day ever
>have a fetish for chicken eggs and drowing birds
>pick torchic as a starter and train her until she's a blaziken
>breed many blaziken eggs
>hatch them all
>put only blaziken on team
>go to the pc box
>start releasing the torchics, imagining blaziken throwing them all on a river
>cum on pants
>start masturbating
>best day ever