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Showderp: Anime and Waifu Edition

!FxGXJpDESU No.22541779 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Konnichiwa Onii-san~ Showderp youkoso! ^o^

Showderp is a very sugoii place. At Showderp, we have one Onii-san~ whose name is Champ-kun~. Champ-kun~ battles the warui smogonites with his meamu teamu that his tomodachis gave to him. When Champ-kun~ feels like it, he can call for an atarashii teamu and the first 6 meamus his tomodachis give him replace the old ones. When Champ-kun~ no longer wants to battle, he can call for an atarashii Champ-kun~ to replace him. The first tomodachi with a trip to reply becomes the atarashii Champ-kun~! When a new Champ-kun~ takes control, all of his tomodachis give him an atarashii teamu to use against the warui smogonites. It's very sugoii and I hope that you find it totemo tanoshii, Onii-san~! ^-^

>Meamus for Teamus

Smegmalord !kHVv2gzang

I daisuki all of my tomodachis at Showderp! I hope you have a very sugoii day. (*≧▽≦)

Remember to tell your waifu that you daisuki her, Onii-san~!
Also, Onii-san~, post your waifus kudasai!