>>22564246Not him but
>Still a plus for gen 4.It's not a feature of gen 4 but a feature of the console it was on.
>Not as boring as going through a region I've already played through again.Yes, it's a remake what did you expect?
You only buy it if you enjoyed it the first time round but Sinnoh is without a doubt the most uninspired and bland region so far with it essentially being Kanto with a mountain.
>more new than R/S with megas slapped in.Again, it's a remake. What did you expect?
>Every new gen game has a significant number of new characters compared to other gamesNo shit because they're new games but literally every game but HG/SS has added new important characters into the mix it's not a plus for gen 4.
>Most of the evolutions were great and were far more useful than a glorified restrictive forme change.That's why only Gliscor is really used over mons with a mega huh?
>There's a reason why ORAS is called the worst remake you know.In your opinion, objectively that goes to HG/SS because it was made for similar reasons as ORAS but improved nothing over the original region wise, Kanto still had nothing to do in it beyond a fetch quest and the leaders, that awful level scaling was carried over, the Gym leaders were nerfed and not just half of them like in ORAS but all of them, a bunch of johto mon are still only available in the post game unless you want to sit through the safari zone that somehow makes the mechanics even more tedious than the norm, it also copy and pasted the frontier and somehow made it easier, forced you to play voltorb flip for coins and last but not least battles still moved at a crawl against high HP mon or defensive ones despite the "fix"