>>22675966While this is correct, it should be mentioned that it does not ENSURE we're getting two more Gen VI games, merely that they made sure they would have the capacity for two more beyond OR and AS.
We could get two, we could get one, we could get none (though I personally feel we have at least one more game in Gen VI). The next Gen could simply be coded to read values 28 and 29 as some sort of Gen VII pentagon symbol, and as there'd be no way to move mons back to Gen VII, it wouldn't matter for XYORAS. The important point is we can ONLY get AT MOST two more if the Gen VI games are all meant to share the Pentagon.
Actually, I wonder how Pokebank is going to work beyond Gen VI? Obviously, they'll patch it to allow new mons, but how will this affect Gen VI's use of it? I guess it could just refuse to let you deposit mons originating from beyond Gen VI (new pokemon or not) down into a Gen VI game. Since all withdrawing and depositing is done in the Bank App itself, not the actual games, the Gen VI games not recognizing them would never come into play.
I wonder if it would, in fact, let you move Gen I-VI mons generated in Gen VII back to Gen VI game, as long as they didn't have any non-Gen VI traits or moves or whatever. They obviously wouldn't have a pentagon beyond the third game from now, but I guess it wouldn't matter by then.