What is Pokemon Clover?
>FireRed hack >151 (eventually more) Fakemon, created by /vp/ >Fairy type and Physical/Special split added >Some Gen 4/5 moves and abilities added >Trainers will be made more challenging and edited to use the new Pokemon >Towns/Routes will be the same, but minimally edited to add new events, with a couple of new areas >TMs and HMs are the same >Uses MrDollSteak's decap/attack patch >Battle Facility where you can rematch people and buy rare items. What is Pokemon DubsClover?
>Essentials Game >A completely new region, the Inavia region >Some new characters, some old characters >Completely new plot >A new dex of around 275 Pokemon - some new, some old, all created by /vp/ >Challenging game >Links: Inavia map:
http://i.imgur.com/aHVWpkj.png Inavia mapped in Essentials so far:
http://i.imgur.com/nnFzUmX.png Post-game region map:
http://s22.postimg.org/wuc9jup9t/1419462360999.png Google Doc:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DIWPeo3EaFguJlvKS-kz54ZJchIHnmmrpiPGmVsfAoY/edit#gid=0 Wiki:
http://pgenvp.wikia.com/ - PLEASE HELP UPDATE THIS
Clover is being made by Camerupt. So far we only need sprites.
DubsClover is being made by Numel. Feel free to help with mapping, designing towns and more!
We are no longer taking Pokemon submissions at this time
We also need this completed with the pokemon as soon as possible, ask Camerupt what is needed if you want to do some work
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xyAHTaYG4FsTDDsiUpTid5ocrt69pIjq8RtzfeFCzsA WHAT WE NEED FOR THE DEMO:
- XSE Scripters and scripting advice/help
- Graphics help
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
New thread reminder, i need these indexed to the listed palettes and split into individual 16x16's
The Ungracious One !!N/rXIUiSjoZ
Dat Crystaking sugi.Ebin starters sugi when?
Post nicknames for your bros
>>22692897 Not before 4chun starters sugi Anonymous
Reposting Hyletrack sprites for review.
Niglett !OJYHJylH52
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>>22692905 >Spookscare named Cranky Kong Anonymous
>>22692905 Krokizon named
77777 Blobbos name Exodia
Mantrake named Flygon
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>>22692905 Toxiraptor named
Egoraptor Anonymous
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>>22692966 >Raidenetti named Jetstream >Adesign named My Mom's >Nonamestro named >KLK >Condoom named Accident >Lizakbar named Bin Lizard >Rectreem named Woody's Ass >Toxiraptor named Aussie >Demiwaifu named Cum Dump >Mozzamazel named CP Bait Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
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a bump in the night
What's the difference between these two versions.
Lorekeeper !nijq7fZGeY
>>22693238 I have. I don't get it. Why not just merge the two?
>>22693243 One is a ROMhack of FireRed, the other is made using Pokemon Essentials in RPGMaker.
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>>22693257 The split happened due to Numel's frustration working on the hack version.
If Anderson Silva loses the fight, i'll sprite clovenix tomorrow ;)
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>>22693257 The hack is faster to make, while the Essentials version has its own region and other features.
>>22693278 Thanks for spriting bruh.
I thin we need to focus on the important things. like the fact that NOBODY HAS RECORDED THE CLOVER POKERAP YET
>>22693426 I did a looooong time ago. I still regret it. Anonymous
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link now please
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
>>22693438 Repost it immediately
And make a Ebin followup based on the Johto pokerap Anonymous
>>22693450 It's in the doc
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I saw that. but is there video of you singing it?
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
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>>22693458 That is the musicless version, i mean the finished one
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>>22693458 sing us the song of our people
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>>22692905 >Nicknaming your Pokemon Anonymous
ok this was my first time spriting from scratch. So here are back sprites of haremit i made.
>>22693691 It looks pretty good! It seems a little long, though, perhaps shrink its width?
>>22693891 you sure? its inside 64x64
>>22693907 Well, I know it's within the right width, it just seems a little wide in terms of the Pokemon itself.
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>>22693960 Much better!
Also, don't include the black borders, that just makes it tedious to put into the game.
>>22693960 and without lines
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>>22693998 Its not audio. The doc just has the writen rap.
Are there any sprites left that need a shiny form? This is much better than /vp/s other two mods already and I want to do something, even if it's just recolouring a sprite.
Here is Tankube backspriteI Cheated a bit
>>22694110 Yes, The google spreadsheet shows everything that needs to be done. the ones that need shinies areTittai, Octai, and Unjoy
D.I.O !KBgk.53lJg
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUTYzCf8bKw New music suggestion. I noticed on the doc that we have a team leader track but not one for the grunts. This track would be good if it was shortened a bit. If we did the whole thing then by the end it'd be too fast and the RSE soundfont would just sound like a dying cat.
I made Haremit blend a bit better
D.I.O !KBgk.53lJg
>>22694201 I always thought Haremit was cute but damn.
>>22694208 I only did the back sprites.
D.I.O !KBgk.53lJg
>>22694219 Either way. Good job though.
>>22694221 Thanks. I just noticed that we were missing a lot of back sprites so i gave it a shot. This was my first time doing sprites.
D.I.O !KBgk.53lJg
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7eVshVPUNe4 Also we NEED the town themes from Age of Mythology as town or route themes.
>>22694235 Well you did a pretty good job for your first attempt! I tried doing a Singlets sprite ages ago and it was so bad it just got completely ignored.
>>22694287 Haremit took me about an hour.
>>22694126 And here is Coolcube
I cheated again Anonymous
>>22694134 It's an attempt.
>>22693972 Its a good start
the lines of its shell should be more circular
Numel !X.jt37ypTM
Numel !X.jt37ypTM
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>>22692882 Dat dog from rpgmaker2k
>>22695179 I thought nobody would walk that way.
(Crap. Do you want me to send u a fixed version?)
Just dropping this thing right here...
Numel !X.jt37ypTM
>>22695197 That would be good.
Numel !X.jt37ypTM
>>22695276 It's good to see you working again.
Socckat now? Fifz
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>>22695284 Today, i need to sleep and solve some RL stuff
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>>22695276 I really like the way you changed the design.
Maybe you should make the "armor" look a little less smooth though, so it looks more like rocks
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>>22695276 There is why the jewel on the shiny is black Fifz
>>22692882 Splited into 16X16
Paint Dude
>>22692861 >>22695276 Who are these?!
>>22694388 That is very clever. I like it.
>>22695160 >>22695282 Comfy.
By the way, for the OWs, is it cheating to base them on current GBA game sprites? Because Spriters Resource have tons of sprite sheets that might provide easy tweaks for OWs. You could probably get a Nauseon, Haremit and Sabreck sprite from this sheet with a little light tweaking...
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>>22695282 Wow this looks nice!
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>>22695423 As long as we keep the style, I don't see why we shouldn't use other sprites.
Paint Dude
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>>22695282 You probably know, but there's a half-tree in two positions - right of the house near the pokemon center, and right of the left-side exit.
Paint Dude
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Maybe these aren't helpful for spriters at all... but anyway. Here's a potential template to make a Spanke OW sprite from.
>>22691163 Reposting Toxiraptor resprite from last thread
>>22695611 It still looks awkward
Fifz pls wii kneed you Fifz
>>22695282 Didn't you say you would add some bikes around town?
Paint Dude
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>>22695646 I *think* that was a suggestion for the next town, in order to give it a little flair.
>>22694300 I appreciate the effort, but just editing Coolocube's frontsprite to use as a backsprite isn't the best idea, since now it's back sprite is very small compared to most other mons. Tankube looks all right with this, but it still may need to be enlarged.
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
>>22695404 I meant individual 16x16 files, indexed to the palette listed plz
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Is there a way to make a Ghost/Ghost mon? Double everything. Weakness, resistance, STAB
The Ungracious One !!N/rXIUiSjoZ
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>>22695276 Aside from the "arms" and "tail" not being gaseous like pic related's legs, I kinda like this redesign.
>>22695823 How i do index this?
>Captcha:Trypp Digidex !uy/Egg/em.
>>22696112 I can't be arsed to write a whole tutorial so just send em over to me and i'll do it
>>22696150 Ok, I'll put the individual sprites into the doc
Digidex !uy/Egg/em.
>>22696207 wait what? put em in a zip file and upload them to tiny upload or something
The Ungracious One !!N/rXIUiSjoZ
>>22696207 By the way, which palette did you use to redo Oburonyxo?
>>22696246 I'll put them into an album on imgur
>>22696295 Baltoy for rock parts and eye
Inbitween for the pink part
Shiny Machamp for the Jewel
The Ungracious One !!N/rXIUiSjoZ
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>>22696327 Thanks. I'm trying to slightly recolor it and try to make the arms and tail gaseous.
>>22696327 Using other pokemon's palletes are retarded.
Please stop.
>>22696327 Did't you use Jarape too?>
>22696377 Can you sprite? No? Then shut the fuck up.
>>22696391 I can though? I even fixed some of Fifz's copypaste colors months ago.
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>>22696377 Ok, i'll use the shitty default MSPaint colours
>>22696391 Original Jarape used Baltoy's pallete ;)
>>22696409 Fixing colors =/= Spriting.
That's like me saying if I took a picture of the sky makes me a photographer.
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>>22696427 I made sprites as well if that's what you want to know.
>>22696409 Sorry, but i don't have Photoshop or any similar programs, only MSPaint
The only way to have palettes is ripping from other sprites
>>22696459 I don't think there's a color palette for the battle sprites. There's only a 16 color limitation.
Ask Camerupt for confirmation.
>>22696474 No, its only the 16 color limitation.
Most of the errors could have been for the allignment things, but now i take care about thet
Digidex !uy/Egg/em.
>>22696505 I'm waiting for the overworld sprites fifz...
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>>22696528 Oh, i forgot them
just wait a minute
Digidex !uy/Egg/em.
>>22696586 just zip them and upload them somewhere, imgur says the album is too large so i have to wait for them to e-mail me the album, this is retarded.
>>22694899 ok heres Haremit again.
>>22695667 ya i figured. I saw it on the list but didnt have the energy to make a real one. so I just posted this to see if it would work.
>>22696705 I always forget the damn file
Paint Dude
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>>22696520 "It's a question of principles"
LMAO, to be fair it sounds like the disdain for 'sloppy seconds' originates from a power-mad Aus leader and not everyone.
The Ungracious One !!N/rXIUiSjoZ
Still need to make the arms and tail gaseous. Do you guys want the shiny to be white and red or stay the same?
>>22696758 I like the green body, but maybe a different armor color?
>>22696714 It's looking really noice! Just fix up the head a bit - round it out, and give it a slightly lighter outline near the top left of the head, kind of like the frontsprites.
Does Edgie have an encounter theme yet? If not, I nominate this (vocals aren't necessary):
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kTBbTSjZpI The Ungracious One !!N/rXIUiSjoZ
>>22696804 That can work or All Hail Shadow.
>>22696758 I'll see what I can do.
The Ungracious One !!N/rXIUiSjoZ
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>>22696835 Fug. I meant to reply to you.
>>22696771 Anonymous
>>22696846 Yup! Looks great now, doc this lil guy.
What about canging the "tail" a little to make it look more three-dimensional?
>>22696850 Anyone can just add sprites to the doc? i figured it had to be camerupt or numel
>>22696863 I like it
The Ungracious One !!N/rXIUiSjoZ
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>>22696863 Excellent. Will update the sprite along with shiny later.
Digidex !uy/Egg/em.
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>>22696863 looks better but the light source is still wrong, on the armor the light is coming from the left and on the tail its coming from the right, change the shading on the tail so the light source is from the left and its all good.
>>22696905 shh
we need to whisper Anonymous
I want to see a mega sprite done because of muh hype.
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
>>22696931 Camerupt is awake, blobo is sleep
>>22696905 I think hes on to us>>22696942 So how do you like the Haremit? Anonymous
>>22696966 Are you sure this is properly aligned? It seems off.
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>>22696987 The boxes of proof
Is Numel in the house?This guys learns Dive, r-right?
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
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should be fixed now
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>>22697090 so shall i add it to the doc?
>>22697078 Is that a pre-evo?
Also, yeah. Socckat gets an extremely wide movepool, including Zen Headbutt, Triple Kick, and of course, Dive.
>>22697156 No, its socckat
Bocckat sounds like boquete, blowjob in portuguese. That's the filename joke Digidex !uy/Egg/em.
Numel !X.jt37ypTM
>>22697173 Ah, okay. Well, could you make him taller?
I made this to see whats needed still spritewise. Also people can put stuff here untill it is done.
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zYurzVlkywoCS9yA5wLacCgkJVTEOuj4Ar1zotikgQA/edit?usp=sharing Anonymous
>>22697325 >Deemdow >Dowster U wot
The Ungracious One !!N/rXIUiSjoZ
I'm aware there are still issues with the sprite(s) such as the shading, arms and tail.
>>22697257 I also had a idea for DC, Socckat could have differents shirts based on National teams (Yellow for Brazil, Orange for NL, Stripped Blue and White for Argentina...) Anonymous
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>>22697347 shhhh its fixed
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I'll remake the Coolcube line's backsprites once I finish my homework.
Numel !X.jt37ypTM
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>>22697352 Looking pretty gud
The Ungracious One !!N/rXIUiSjoZ
I'm feeling conflicted. Should the shiny stay green or red?
>>22697492 That's supposed to be red? The color makes it look like actual excrement. The Ungracious One !!N/rXIUiSjoZ
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>>22697531 Kek. More of a brownish red.
I'm settled with the green shiny. Fifz
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>>22697545 My vote is for the New England Ball Deflators.
This looks great!
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
Alright guys, all the OW for the demo are in and inserted next order of business is the "big graphics" this includes: -dowster/ribbizap intro -2004 game freak screen -intro character sprites -intro pikotton -s4s-tan bag -fly sprites -badges im going to be gone for a while tonight for a superbowl party so ill post later tonight when i can work, im not leaving until 5pm eastern murica so lets get shit done untill then
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>>22697662 Here's Zack's stuff if you don't have it already.
Title screen:
http://a.pomf.se/omefot.rar 2004 Game Freak -> 2015 /vp/:
http://a.pomf.se/rsgjvc.rar Freaky G to 4chan logo:
http://a.pomf.se/xfyghr.rar Intro text:
http://a.pomf.se/qcmxzs.rar Intro sequence:
http://a.pomf.se/hwjyse.rar Pikachu to Pikcotton (before Oak starts to talk):
http://a.pomf.se/jzkavu.rar Viol and Eddie overworlds (ignore second .txt file if you didn't insert the other palette Viol OW):
http://a.pomf.se/qbfmcv.zip s4s-tan overworlds:
http://a.pomf.se/ufaumn.zip Viol and s4s-tan flying overworlds:
http://a.pomf.se/qfslkk.zip Anonymous
>>22696940 Please do mega sprites.
I've never been more hyped about Clover.
Sven the friend !qbhz/q8HqQ
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>Tfw no tardigrade mon
>>22696520 Congrats toxic shit poster for derailing Aus
At least you're good for something
>>22696940 >>22697975 Also nice samefag mega dick sucker Why do you love megastones up your butt so much? Anonymous
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>>22696505 If that's the only problem, you can get any color you want with MS Paint's Edit Color option or whatever the name of that is in Portuguese. No Photoshop needed.
>>22698011 Go back to Aus-tism, Vandash.
>>22698033 I'm not the one trying to get my reject in their project. The only thing I ever posted in Aus was just that; proof that you wanted your reject in their project. Pathetic.
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>>22698155 >tfw no Socckat Vuvuzela Forme Anonymous
>>22698130 I don't give a shit. Go back to aus so you can bitch more about dinosaurs, Toxifaggot.
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>>22698179 Nice projections. :^)
Nice argument. :^)
dubs, 0 or 5 picks next sprite i'll do
>>22698212 Bukitlee (Ebin) Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
Can someone please index this to the same palette as Leaf's bag?
Digidex !uy/Egg/em.
>>22698252 i did that already, you probably got the wrong version because it was working on my rom with no prob
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
>>22698326 I have a non indexed .png, i cant even insert it and trying to properly index it is problematic for me.
>>22698359 what program are you using?
have to use imgur 4chan is being an aus Anonymous
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someone else do pretzelys backsprite i Just cant.
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
>>22698372 What do you mean by what program?
Digidex !uy/Egg/em.
>>22698418 that was me, my QR derped, anyway.
what program are you using to insert the bag?
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
Found this little guy while playtesting, literally the first battle after the rom loaded up
Digidex !uy/Egg/em.
>>22698478 we are using completely different software for this, i use unLZ and it takes png files but here, I made it work with NSE
hopefully http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=24491516438240870016 Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
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Oddly the shiny stars were black, anyone know why this is? Guess we found a new graphics bug.
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
Here is a screenshot of the black stars glitch
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Coolcube backsprite remake.
>>22698605 You should use a shiny gampster in your boss battle after this.
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
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We should make the first battle be a guaranteed shiny if the player has no pokeballs, just to fuck with people.
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No, really. Fifz should make Toxiraptor's sprite. All the ones we got were scaledowns that look like shit.
>>22698605 What happens if you remove two colors from a spritesheet?
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
>>22698970 what do you mean? is that the cause?
>>22699018 I have no idea, but I was just guessing that since the star is two colors, maybe there needs to be only 14 colors in a spritesheet to allow for the star to properly render.
That's just a guess, I have no idea how the ROM works.
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
>>22699101 the star colors arent part of anything's shiny palette
>>22699108 Perhaps changing the palette of some unrelated thing altered the star's palette as well.
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
>>22699132 mabye, possibly an intro palette, hey pallete guy, can you look into what palette those stars use
>>22692861 This is a /b/ tier pokedex
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>>22699305 Glad you like it :^)
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Tankube Backsprite redone. This one just needed a bit of a re-sizing.
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>>22699305 > no porn > no gore > no underage Not really
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>>22699305 No, /b/ isn't into Pokemon.
>>22699234 You rang?
I'll get right on it
>>22699586 >Outdated Charagon and Hyletrack sprites Bruh
>>22699603 My shiny star sprite looks fine, but I'll look into the palette and image offsets for you
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>>22699608 I don't work on this dex. I just post it when nobody else does.
>>22699643 Well that's because you're playing just FireRed.
Go home no name, you're drunk.
>>22699659 It says firered because I've been editing a different ROM than Camerupt has, but I have intro stuff and some overworlds inserted
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
>>22699681 mabye its the decap/attack patch?
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>>22699705 That could be...
Didn't the palettes for the type colors get changed in that patch? That could be what's causing it.
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>>22699705 No, it's not that, I've used that before and it hasn't done this.
I think I found the image offset, let me search around for it's unLZ number
>>22699705 Check and see what this looks like for you, searxh around 626 for it
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>>22699728 *search
>>22699659 was right and I am drunk.
dubs, 0 or 5 picks first sprite of tomorrow
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>>22699771 What about the Bruhkid sprite Niglett was having trouble with?
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
>>22699728 I cant righr now im at that superbowl party posting from my phone
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Been lurking for the past few days, and I must admit, I'm pretty hyped for this game
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>>22699823 Alrighty
Well I've been inserting different colors into this palette with unLZ and nothing else really seems to be effected, so I'm pretty sure this can just be solved by importing a new palette to edit the 3 colors in the shiny star. Pic related, made the shiny star into an edgy star.
>>22699771 Toxiraptor for sake of quality.
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Goraurum and Chimcholio better fuckin be in the Hoenn dex.
>>22699771 Clovenix :^^^^^^^)
>>22699905 Sorry bruh, you're too late
>>22699895 Winrar
The Ungracious One !!N/rXIUiSjoZ
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Added the claws that it originally had since I didn't like the hands that much.
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>>22699895 Touchdown for the Patriots :^)
For future reference, here's the Electric Hedgehog Pokemon evolution chart.
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>>22699990 >Implying this will ever get in Anonymous
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
>>22699990 hahaha fuck off with that cancer please
>>22700025 I'm gonna attempt to work on the intro sprites again, but is there anything else you need that I can help out with right now?
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>>22699914 Fifz can do both, don't start a shitwar
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
>>22700045 getting the other intro stuff inserted at some point would be cool, us there some way i can send you the rom without leeks everywhere?
>>22700134 I could set up a throwaway email for you to send it to, if you'd like
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
>>22700192 sounds good mane
We are so close to this fucking demo
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
>>22700395 The great thing about the demo is that it allows us to get all the base shit out of the way so the rest of dev will go by like nothing
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>>22700435 That's why I'm happy.
>>22699694 >>22700510 MEANWHILE IN AUS 2: Electric Boogaloo
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
>>22700548 I feel like we make fun Aus too much
it's like making fun of a disabled kid that's really trying Anonymous
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Any emulators for Advanced so I can play this on my phone?
>>22700573 I-Is this a ruse? My inbox is empty Anonymous
Hey guys. I got a funny idea.What if we made a Pokemon for Aus? What if they accepted it without realizing it was from us?
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>>22700627 well now they will
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>>22700584 Yeah, but don't you see what they treat us like? They wouldn't take Vinerex because they think they're too good to take rejects.
Like a tard trying to charge at you but then you punch him and he starts to cry. Digidex !uy/Egg/em.
>>22700622 w-wait, so you didn't get my dick pics neither?dammit.
:^) Niglett !OJYHJylH52
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We should just send them all of our rejects
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>>22700645 Y-You mean I could see D-Digi-kun's ochinchin? Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
>>22700622 i just sent it with that email? mabye it hasnt showed up yet?
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>>22700388 Check the email.
>>22700667 The only thing I have is from rusebird
Le Ruse Bird
Le Ruse Bird
>>22700725 Glad you got it bby
Wouldn't you agree that it would make an ebin Clovermon? :^D
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>>22700584 It's like making fun of CWC But, he always give a reason to people make fun of him !!rcCvUnfyVuz
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>>22700732 Simply ebin bb <3
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
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Okay, i had to make a tinyupload link because the file is too big to attach, re-sent it just now
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^o> It's Toxiraptor if you think hard enough. *oo* And this is Cheerly.
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
>>22700822 What all am I inserting?
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
>>22700834 -Fixed shiny stars
-2004 gamefreak
-Dowster/Ribbizap sequence
-Intro pikotton
-Intro characters
-Intro edgie OW sprites (see nse 2.1 bookmarks)
-s4s-tan bag
-Spooky scary skeleton
godspeed palette guy, godspeed
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
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>>22700851 Oh and the fossil item sprites
>>22700851 Dawg, did the bag not work still?
Palette guy here is the working bag
>>22698536 !!rcCvUnfyVuz
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>>22700890 No but I'll go get to work >>22700893 Noted
Digidex !uy/Egg/em.
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>>22700893 fug my g chan i kno i must b trippin cuz ma trip didnt trip dawg
>>22700890 Man this is beyond a demo, 420/10
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
>>22700890 Damn! All my hard work squandered!
Someone edit this with blobbo please Anonymous
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>>22700890 you glorious bastard
The Ungracious One !!N/rXIUiSjoZ
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Is Silverhaws going to win again?
http://youtu.be/CLmqlyCVEYc Lorekeeper !nijq7fZGeY
>>22700890 Not clicking.
I don't want to spoil myself. Fifz
>>22701143 Nah, it's fine.
It's just
___P0rn____ Lorekeeper !nijq7fZGeY
>>22701169 Still not taking the risk of spoiling myself. !!rcCvUnfyVuz
>>22700931 Okay so I cheated a lil.
I made an IPS patch from a clean fire red ROM with the edited ROM I've been using to test things, and it works flawlessly. Things that are now done:
- Intro movie
- 2004 gamefreak
- Pikotton
In the process, town names may have gotten a little messy.
Working on shiny stars now.
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
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>>22701191 Nice, Town names are easily fixable in Advance map so no worries, as long as other shit dosent get fuqed up
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How about this for Dubsclover?
After beating the E4, you can go in /v/ town and everyone will be gathered around a stage. As you approach people, they'll hint on a new president. Once you go up there, you're challenged by the president himself. He has a team that uses Marionetti, Tripecs, Dowster, Pasdawg, Sonnanos and Raidenetti. His name is Steve Toughhand, staying true to it with muscular arms, and his theme should be this...https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aaSnrp0DbQc (=゚ω゚)ノ
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
>>22701191 Actually none of those graphical resourced were on free space right? Because that may have fucked up any number of things dude.
>>22701227 I've been exploring a bit and I don't see anything that's been changed unintentionally. Sprites are all the same, text hasn't been changed unless you changed it, maps haven't been changed, etc.
I could keep moving on to see if there's anything else, but off the top of my head I can't think of much else that could've been changed by this.
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
>>22701251 Text has been changed, a LOT of text has been changed...
>>22701265 I've been looking on Advance Text and the only thing I see that's unchanged from the original Fire Red is the Viridian PokeMart and Brock's gym. How far did you get with text?
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
>>22701343 All the way up to Cerulean mane, the end of the demo except Tumblrita's gym which i need to do still, as well as the poizookie fossil event that i need scripz for
>>22701429 >Demo is released >People try to play past the demo to find any secrets >Their fw all they come across is garbled text !!rcCvUnfyVuz
>>22701429 Wait, I'm stupid. Brock's gym is changed, I just didn't notice it.
Sorry, my blood sugar's low, feeling a little out of it. In that case, the only thing I see unchanged is the PokeMart in Viridian.
In other news, I have no idea what's causing the black star glitch. Do you know what palette that is?
>inb4 "it's because you did the patch thing" That palette screenshot at the top is from an unpatched clover>>22701467 It won't happen, I'm sure of it. I'm both playing through it a little and reading it on A-Text and nothing is original aside from Oak's Parcel script !!rcCvUnfyVuz
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>>22701478 I forgot to end my second spoiler, whoops
Again, sorry, I blame blood sugar
Can we march to Aus to tell them how fucking stupid they are?
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
>>22701478 Not sure what palette it is
>>22701510 No, if anything we should be nice to aus and sage so we don't stoop to faggot level like a bunch of edgy tween dipshits
>>22701525 I'm gonna hit the shower then go to bed, do you want me to send you what I changed so far so you can look it over and check over the text before I go?
>>22701510 >>22701525 I agree, let's be the better fangame and stay professional.
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
>>22701552 sent :^)
Well, I'm off for the night.
Night everyone.
P.S. - Camerupt, if that changed anything else, just let me know and I'll try to insert it the right way. I'll work on more tomorrow. Also, feel free to use that email to contact me whenever with hack stuff. Or not with hack stuff if you wanna be my bff <3 Anonymous
>>22701510 >"rejects are not allowed" >"clover is shit" >"sugi designs are good" >"if you like x you are toxiraptor" >"hahaha surveys" Lets do it.
>>22701525 >>22701537 Traitors.
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
>>22701592 Night man
>>22701605 If we act retarded to them, then we are as bad as they are. And we are not aus, for the love of god we are not aus.
So lets get some mothafuckin diplomacy up in here
>>22701605 I'd rather not piss off the Austists and make them raid the Doc.
Le Ruse Bird
Daily reminder that only Aus bullies Aus.
Lorekeeper !nijq7fZGeY
>>22701605 We can't be faggots to Aus.
Only Aus can be faggots to Aus. Niglett !OJYHJylH52
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>>22701621 Morales in 4chan? Why bother?
>>22701624 We have backups.
>>22701631 Atleast the good side.
>>22701636 Above.
>>22701672 Yes.
Alright, I'll have "the talk" with Aus. Hostility will not be used until provoked. Anyone who wants to join me is free to do so in honor.
Niglett !OJYHJylH52
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>>22701794 That looked pretty pathetic to me. You didn't need to bash them right away.
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
Alright guys im going to bed, goodnight Clover, hopefully if me and based palette-san pull through we can have the demo out this week Get hyped, Clover, get hyped
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>>22702029 The hype is real. Very real
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
DrawingPad anon
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>>22697352 I love the shiny finish in the armor