[323 / 82 / ?]
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What is Pokemon Clover?
>FireRed hack >151 (eventually more) Fakemon, created by /vp/ >Fairy type and Physical/Special split added >Some Gen 4/5 moves and abilities added >Trainers will be made more challenging and edited to use the new Pokemon >Towns/Routes will be the same, but minimally edited to add new events, with a couple of new areas >TMs and HMs are the same >Uses MrDollSteak's decap/attack patch >Battle Facility where you can rematch people and buy rare items. What is Pokemon DubsClover?
>Essentials Game >A completely new region, the Inavia region >Some new characters, some old characters >Completely new plot >A new dex of around 275 Pokemon - some new, some old, all created by /vp/ >Challenging game >Links: Inavia map:
http://i.imgur.com/aHVWpkj.png Inavia mapped in Essentials so far:
http://i.imgur.com/nnFzUmX.png Post-game region map:
http://s22.postimg.org/wuc9jup9t/1419462360999.png Google Doc:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DIWPeo3EaFguJlvKS-kz54ZJchIHnmmrpiPGmVsfAoY/edit#gid=0 Wiki:
http://pgenvp.wikia.com/ - PLEASE HELP UPDATE THIS
Clover is being made by Camerupt. So far we only need sprites.
DubsClover is being made by Numel. Feel free to help with mapping, designing towns and more!
We are no longer taking Pokemon submissions at this time
We also need this completed with the pokemon as soon as possible, ask Camerupt what is needed if you want to do some work
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xyAHTaYG4FsTDDsiUpTid5ocrt69pIjq8RtzfeFCzsA WHAT WE NEED FOR THE DEMO:
- XSE Scripters and scripting advice/help
- Graphics help
Genthree dex in progress!:
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
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Reposting for palette guy: Graphics: -Item graphics for the fossils Scripz: -Make the super nerd give the player a raptor claw (old amber) -make Tumblrita cry rape after you beat her , then have the closest gym trainer console her and get the badge -Make the blobbo and Birdhouse scripz work if you havent already -Check the Victory/defeat lines of all the NPC trainers for non-clover things -Put some blockades on nugget bride after edgie's part for the end of the demo area :^)
Niglett !OJYHJylH52
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The OP image should've been the hype gif with the dancing Blobbos. Also I want to design a Mega for Blobbos.
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
Alright guys lets talk legendaries here, any ideas?
>>22718497 I like this one :^)
>>22718387 Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
Niglett !OJYHJylH52
Grass starter concept? Y/N
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
Oh and can you guys make the psuedo fire/electric please? Thinking standalone legend could be third to Endranther/Vivaiger
>>22718542 It's evolutions should definitely be based on frogposters.
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>>22718497 Blue and tan mon to rival it up with Foryu
Design is partly inspired by military aircrafts.
Niglett !OJYHJylH52
>>22718548 If it's a third, it needs to be different. Maybe an ice type, or something.
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Im too tired to design it, but our legendary should be a dropbear. It would fuck with Aus so much
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
>>22718558 Since endranther and vivaiger are the end and beginning of life, how about an ice type cryogenic freeze mon, based on the artificial extending of life
Niglett !OJYHJylH52
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
Ok, should have a cold, neutural personality to contrast with edgy and violent endranther and brave and chivalrous vivaiger. Name should have a big cat in it, like endRANTHER (panther), and vivaIGER (tiger)
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I dont know why im having so much trouble with this fucker.
Niglett !OJYHJylH52
Niglett !OJYHJylH52
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>>22718613 Cryodog, my bad. I'm amerifat and need sleep.
captcha: oosma
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
>>22718613 Holy fuck dont make me feel Anonymous
Hey guys I have struck genius Guys Listen up It's ability isEarly Bird
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
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>>22718655 w-were sorry bolbi you can go back to s-slepp now. OH GOD DONT DO THAT, NO NOOOOO (Eviceration noises) Niglett !OJYHJylH52
>>22718625 I'm serious about the name, though. First of all, we already have an ice cat, and since extending "lifespan" through that method is unnatural, so the fakemon could be less related to the others.
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
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>>22718665 Sounds good man, any ideas for the legend do or trio, keep em tasteful (not super memeish)
Well if you want legendary suggestions, how about a little something uncanny. And surely, this thing has a legend.
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
>>22718736 Yes, can we do the honor of simply calling it "m00t"
Small screens and large button-puzzles are not close friends.
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>>22718753 Then I guess we can.
But it needs a better design.
we find it in a super secret area called "Mexico" D.I.O !KBgk.53lJg
>>22718497 HARVEY
His backstory is that he's half snake, half unicorn and half butterfly. He's a roaming legend only encountered in water. He can't actually swim hence the floatation ring he has. He propels himself across the water with the trumpet lodged in his spine. As such those who've encountered Harvey hear him long before they see him. Also is tail is a snail with wings and he has a gold tooth because he was in a gang for a while.
He could be part of the duo or trio of legendaries.
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
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>>22718795 Awesome, now what is he gonna be duo'd with
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>>22718655 HA in Dubs should be a custom one that deals damage to opponent whenever it wakes up.
>>22718553 >>22718542 Created these frogposter mememon
>>22718766 Why are the bridges shiny, but not the platforms? They look like they are the same thing.
>>22718855 No, that will be fixed, no reflect for anything. This just happens because there is water on the lower layer of the bridge.
Lorekeeper M. !nijq7fZGeY
>>22718855 >>22718879 I thought those were stairs, but then how would handicapped trainers make it onto those platforms?
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>>22718896 I'm talking about the tan bridges.
And handicap people will do it the same way they navigate through mountains and woodlands.
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
>>22718896 >Game has a "handicapped" option at start >If you pick it, every map has a straight shorcut with no obstacles on it. >Every step you get reminded on how much you are fighting to achieve your goals. Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
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>>22718937 go back to tumblr Pokemon Reborn
D.I.O !KBgk.53lJg
>>22718934 FUCK YEAH
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
>>22718970 Mabye they got kicked out of kanto for destroying Saffron and Celadon city too many times?
Ya know cause Saffron = Tokyo
D.I.O !KBgk.53lJg
Even though we already have a DIO mon, I thought I'd repost my shitty one. It'd be called Wryyykachu and evolve into Raiwarudo, which is basically THE WORLD except with a Raichu tail and cheek pouches. The idea was that instead of transplanting his head onto Johnathon it got transplanted onto a Pikachu.
D.I.O !KBgk.53lJg
>>22718999 Trips confirms. They should be hobo kaiju, since they were kicked out.
D.I.O !KBgk.53lJg
Also general idea dump. Edgerigar (edge + budgerigar) needs to get in somewhere.
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
>>22719004 sorry but no dice, we full (and we got a dio and pika-based mon already)
Hey what would be a good duo for Harvey, and can we change the weird name to something fitting its lore, we already have the /vp/ knight Dave with the person name around here.
>>22719015 Lore confirmed! Still serious legends though, mabye they were spawned when the atom bomb hit Hoenn in WWII, since Hoenn = Kyoto
>>22719026 Sorry but general mons are full :^) only design slots left are for a funny fire starter, and a fire/electric psuedo legend line
D.I.O !KBgk.53lJg
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>>22719026 Pineapple Kaiju. I don't know why I made it.
D.I.O !KBgk.53lJg
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>>22719034 Hmm. Letting the idea juices flow. Brb with some maybe not shit designs.
The Ungracious One !!N/rXIUiSjoZ
>>22719034 >funny fire starter I have good news for you Camerupt!
:^) Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
>>22719062 Yessss
he has no style...
>>22719034 What's the pika-based mon for Hoenn? Or is it just Pikotton?
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
>>22719087 I was taking about Pikotton, one is enough lol
You better actually be making that fire lanky
Lorekeeper M. !nijq7fZGeY
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Why is it so difficult to put my idea onto paint-?
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>>22718853 !!! really good
>>22718970 Call them Tyranitar, Hydreigon, and Volcarona.
Lorekeeper M. !nijq7fZGeY
D.I.O !KBgk.53lJg
FIRE/ELECTRIC PSEUDO IDEA I had this idea way back when Clover was a wee babby, but I never tried drawing it. Basically it's like the Cheshire Cat except its super speedy. The electricity it produces cause it to twitch and have random lightning bolt shaped tufts of hair to point out all over it, and paralysing its mouth into a fuckhueg grin for all eternity. In its final stage it's quadrupedal and aerodynamic as fuck, and it's huge grin has bugs splattered all over it like a car windshield. It moves so fast it leaves little flaming footprints everywhere it goes. It has to have the highest speed out of every Clovermon.
>>22719293 I like it! Maybe just change the dicklegs, though.
Lorekeeper M. !nijq7fZGeY
>>22719293 >It has to have the highest speed out of every Clovermon. If MinMaxelot gets in, then your idea will have to settle for being tied with that in speed.
D.I.O !KBgk.53lJg
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>>22719302 Oh wow I didn't even notice I drew dick legs.
>>22719306 GAHH WHO ARE YOU MY DAD?!?!?!
But yeah that's fine ^_^
Reposting some designs i posted earlier
>>22719676 Grizzlow, the pillow bear. It hides its body and eats things trying to sit on it.
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>>22719676 First and third forms look like they belong in Zelda.
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>>22719676 Looks neat but I don't think it is really right for this project. If /clover/ does something serious, I'd be all for it. Honestly, I think we should collect all the designs that don't fit the flavor of this project and save them for a post-DC game.
>>22719689 This one I can get behind. Just make sure we don't stat it to be an Ursaring clone. Can we get a fast bear mon for once?
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How about ign themed fire cat starter? 'cause ign is afraid of water
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>>22719095 Fire lanky confirmed for handstand ability.
Renamed sturdy, but he only does it when he needs to.
>>22718655 Early Bird? It should clearly be
INSOMNIA Anonymous
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
>>22719293 we alredy have enough cats though
>>22719676 >>22720217 general designs are full
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
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bump, where is everyone
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I just wake up
Digidex !uy/Egg/em.
>mfw the hoenn dex was created and locked all while i was asleep >mfw my Pokrena didn't get in >mfw i didn't get to develop that idea with those anons about other monster game designs >mfw i feel legit sad
>>22720706 I'm sure we'll decide on a more final hoenn dex later. Many of the designs are just basic ideas, and we should (and probably will) look over them again later to get the best mons we can in there.
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
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>>22720783 this, this hoenn dex is preliminary like the ebin dex was, and we arent even gonna need it untill after the full fochun and ebin game is released.
Hey is palette guy awake yet? Just wanted to check and see how he is doing.
>>22720257 >general designs are full but ... genthree is open, isn't it?
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
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>>22720847 sorta, feel free to post designs right now since we aee in demo waiting, the hoenn dex is going to be getting refined like ebins, the only truly locked mons are the inavia ones
DrawingPad anon
How should the pseudo look like?
>>22720931 A dragon with a 4x weakness
>>22720947 Do we have any
Dragon/Fighting ?
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
>>22720931 not sure, its a fire/electric type, and i want it to have levitate to kill its 4x weakness
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>>22720972 The 4 armed dragon thing if i remember
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>>22720164 How is he supposed to take advantage of rest? Anonymous
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>>22720972 Yeah, it's one of Ebin's starters.
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
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>>22721098 nice, using this one
>>22721166 HE should be the electric/fire psuedo legend, becoming inflated like a baloon for the last evo explaing the levitate ability
>>22721098 Fire/Dragon chinese dragon fire dog final evo? SHUT UP AND TAKE MY VOTE
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>>22721280 chinese fire dragon in a hotdog bread imo
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Close-up of the face
Lorekeeper M. !nijq7fZGeY
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>>22720225 It's a booby trap.
>>22721333 What the fuck? Why?
Nanomachs is an oldie that got removed so we could add more Pokemon in Ebin. People didn't hate it like some others. It's a funny meme, so what's the problem.
>>22721339 Nanomachs was renamed Sonnanos.
>>22721350 It was a two stage Pokemon, newfag. Sonnanos was the preevo.
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>>22721098 We already have a hotdog mon tho. I stil like this one nontheless. We could add the lines toghether into 1?
>>22721354 #ude
Pls consider going back to
>>>/aus/ And if you were truly here to recall the events, Nanomachs was replaced with a Raiden mon.
Numel !X.jt37ypTM
>>22721394 Neither, just keep the FRLG
Numel !X.jt37ypTM
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>>22721405 Sorry, missed that one.
>>22721405 Does that mean we need to redo all the maps we made?
Numel !X.jt37ypTM
>>22721418 No, we replace the major tiles (land, buildings, sand, etc) on thetileset with new ones. Interiors can just be redone, we only have a few of them so it doesn't matter.
>>22721383 They wouldn't accept mememons, you dumbass. Nanomachs was in Ebin Dex for a long ass time, and the original designer submitted it for Clover, so fuck you. I'm not a two-faced faggot anyway.
>got removed so we could add more Pokemon >was replaced with a Raiden mon > Raidenneti or whatever was removed fron Ebin either way.
>>22721424 What are the max dimensions for each tile in Essentials? 32x32? I could whip some up real quick.
normal normal/fighting or whatever
Numel !X.jt37ypTM
Lorekeeper M. !nijq7fZGeY
>>22721508 >Banageddon >no hammer equipped Paint Dude
>>22721098 Random colouring in fun.
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
So i just want to know, would you guys want the routes and dungeons in clover remapped enough that they feel fresh but not too different, ex: new geography, same map size, same map connections. Certain areas would need to stay the same for scripts. We have talented mappers here so it wouldnt really push the demo back any further, i just feel like after going through the same kanto routes for 19 years, clover could use freshening up so should i hold the demo a bit, or just remaster the areas post-demo, and release the demo witht the current fr maps? advance map is pretty easy to work with digidex.
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>>22721521 fixed
also it should be magikarp-like situation. Warneys one and only attack is "Warn" - there is 20% chance that enemy wont attack him.
Lorekeeper M. !nijq7fZGeY
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Oi, I just thought of a counterpart to Foryu. I call it Forfree.
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>>22721499 Alright, maybe Aus won't accept Nanomachs, but maybe the KnowYourMeme hack will.
Also stop taking this shit so seriously.
>>22721576 This concept was never fleshed out, anyway.
Just delete it so Vaultevour can go in Inavia.
Lorekeeper M. !nijq7fZGeY
>inb4 Showderp makes mememons of our mememons
Digidex !uy/Egg/em.
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>>22721586 I would say release the demo with vanilla maps, halt any further development on scripts for now and then resume post demo along with re-vamped maps.
>>22721702 We should have a "Showderp Tower" in our battle frontier where you fight SD champs with sets/teams made by showderp, complete with renames and stuff
Digidex !uy/Egg/em.
>>22721586 Also, advanced map is a breeze to work with, i love it.
Re-posting my clovermon before it gets shafted again
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>>22721642 It actually almost got a mega, and was accepted by numel himself.
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>>22721747 Looks great
For aus or sage Anonymous
>>22721737 We actually already accepted that idea loads of threads ago :^)
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>>22721782 Oh, didn't know. Anyway, thanks for telling me.
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>>22721747 It's actually stunning how well this fits.
As if it was stolen and GF got to take Chesnaught as a settlement.
DrawingPad anon
Fire electric eel pseudo ? Named Adolfdidnothingwrong captcha: rbals
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Instead of making a pseudo with three stages, why not make possibly just two stages?
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Can someone post the image of the full Inavia map? The one with the in game tiles.
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
>>22721747 daussage is kill, guess who has a slot now
Digidex !uy/Egg/em.
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>>22721954 Pokrena Dex:
http://pastebin.com/EsfX4pJA I would love to make some new graphics for the new moves, do you know how to, or have a link to a tutorial?
Found a bunch of custom, public use tiles on deviantArt they're all 32x32 I believe
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I don't understand, why are more pokemon being submitted? I thought it was closed now
>>22722046 this is for ds games though
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>>22722077 They can be used in Essentials, or DubsClover.
However they aren't in proper tileset placement
>>22721954 :( can we atleast put the pseudo hotdog thing in?
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>>22722046 Are those really custom tiles?
They look exactly like a part of the HG/SS tilesets.
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
>>22722195 yeah the hotdog to chinese dragon line are starters, thats why daussage is kill
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>>22722342 I can live with that
gonna name him Daussage in game anyway Anonymous
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wait, a new starter based on pepe? I dig it.
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>>22722417 Suggested learnset:
Start Tackle
3 Growl
7 Bite
9 Vine Whip
13 Fake Tears
13 Torment
15 Take Down
19 Razor Leaf
21 Taunt
25 Growth
27 Double-Edge
31 Worry Seed
33 Synthesis
37 Seed Bomb
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What happened to all the artwork in the Gen 3 dex?
So since we kinda like the idea of moot being a legendary, here's a better design, with inspiration from the short cat moot and the humanized pantsu ears moot. Hammer is seperate because I am limited with this drawing app.
Can we remove mom's hacking devices and add
>>22721508 OR
>>22719689 OR
>>22721747 and
>>22721314 ?
My fucking PS4 got removed, why should we have pic related
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>>22722677 Well shit. Forgot the bow
Numel !X.jt37ypTM
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>>22722777 >not injecting your Pokemon Anonymous
>>22721098 worked some more
>>22721576 I haven't seen it before, well, 1st stage is almost the same. It's like he is now of a starter. You should be glad.
>>22722925 So Vaultevour isn't going to be in Inavia?
Numel !X.jt37ypTM
>>22722965 Well, by locked, I kinda meant 'you can't edit it, I'm sorting the final dex out'. I forgot who Vault is, pic please?
>>22722980 Evolves via Metal Coat
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>>22722980 >>22722998 It's Chompest's evo.
Numel !X.jt37ypTM
>>22722998 Oh yeah. Thanks. Added. I'll get rid of some designs, most likely mons that are not Pokemon-like or just animals with random objects on them.
>>22722961 I am glad. That thing is awesome. For what version is it a starter tho? Inavia? Ebin and fochun already have their own starters.
Hear me out on this one, Camerupt. I set up the Type calculation in the Heonn Dex, and we have 19 Fire types (more than any other type). That's way too much, and Fire types are pretty common in Fochun, Inavia and Ebin dexes. There's no need to overcompensate. Our Pseudo-legendary is just another Fire type, and it doesn't have a design yet. Is it possible to make an Ice/Psychic(or Rock) pseudo legendary based off of this meme? Although Wallace is the Water champ and Steven is the Steel champ, we have too many of those types already. Steven's secondary type is Rock, and his ace is part Psychic. Wallace's Pokemon mostly have Ice type moves, and the only Pokemon that doesn't have primary Water type is Ice/Water. Ice is a very needed type in Heonn (with only 2 Pokemon), and overall it is one of the types with less Pokemon. While we have a considerable amount of Psychic Pokemon in Heonn, but excluding the rare Dragons, it's the scarcest type. Rock type is decent in the amount of Pokemon it has overall, but it would probably also be a good pick due to so many fossils.
anyone who knows how to make a showdown server for our 'mons?
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>>22723132 Didn't think of this either, but this is important. We definitely have to revisit some parts of the dex for this.
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>>22723132 Wallace's clothes look like the X on Metagross's head (the part covering his belly and scrotum).
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>>22722961 I really disliked hotdoge mon, but you made it a lot better.
Thank god.
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>>22723155 They're too family-friendly for Grasshole.
>>22721314 Sonnanos has a high BST, but maybe we can make it like Scyther and Scizor
Steel / Fighting
Huge Power
>>22723055 Hausant is literally that
>>22723323 Stopped reading at huge power. Fo real guys, why does everyone want to give everything huge power.
>>22723364 >i-it still has a low BST! Anonymous
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>>22723364 Huge Power is an excuse to give Pokemon with muscles something ebin.
In other cases, there's mememons that have it to be a mixed attacker.
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>>22723364 Either that or minmaxing. It's like Scyther and Scizor. Eviolite Sonnanos would be better than Nanomachs without one of those. We can't change it's type (from a shitty one to a great one), because it's the only type that fits. We could give it a bunch of new moves though.
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>>22723386 He said Sonnanos has too high of a BST to evolve normally.
Don't try to cause shitstorms
or learn how to read Anonymous
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>>22723364 Kuurōba gets Huge Power because he's Clover's Lucario.
I set the birdhouses so they respawn after you leave the map, I'm still doing some minor text edits, but hell, I might be done today
>>22723913 HYPE now
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>>22723920 >The Birdhouse is aggressive Anonymous
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>>22723920 >I might be done today FUCK YES
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>>22724110 We already have a Erinmon
It's called Toxiraptor Lorekeeper M. !nijq7fZGeY
>>22724110 I was going to comment on >no fourchin
Digidex !uy/Egg/em.
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>>22723920 This, this is a good day
Paint Dude
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>>22723920 Praise jeebus we are the based project. HYPE
>>22723920 Update: Something hecked up the entrances to the forest but I fixed it. Everything is checked up to the forest. Gonna keep progressing and checking for bugs
Paint Dude
The Ungracious One !!N/rXIUiSjoZ
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>>22721166 The Ungracious Psuedo Legendary.
>mfw Flandre's theme is legendary theme
>>22724275 Who the fuck said we were gonna have your chinese cartoons in our games fuck off back to jaypee you cunt
>>22724330 Nice doc edit you pillow fucker
>>22724336 >implying i can make RSEfied music so fast and upload it to clypit Anonymous
>>22724352 But that could be any music.
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>>22718655 Mega Blobbos
Sleepy Bolbi - triples MegaBlobbos's stats (except HP) when it goes to Sleep.
42/17/46/45/55/45 (250)
Blobbos can't learn Sleep Talk Anonymous
>>22724384 You didn't check. Understandably so, because
Flandre is a slut Paint Dude
>>22724413 Would you say she's a
philanderer? :^) !!rcCvUnfyVuz
Who's ready for more hype?
Lorekeeper M. !nijq7fZGeY
>>22724446 Carlos is underageb& though. That's clearly Mr. Ramon who made that post you replied to.
Paint Dude
>>22724446 >>22724511 Who is Carlos? I'm just a shitty Paint Dude that's been here since the beginning.
You can't have someone mention slut and Flandre in the same sentence and expect me to overlook the incredibly obvious Flandre/Philandrerer pun play-on-words.
>>22724499 I swear to god you better not have woken Blobbos. !!rcCvUnfyVuz
>>22724549 I put him right back into the box. Blobbos needs rest. Paint Dude
>>22724563 You're a good man, exclamation mark exclamation mark rcCvUnfyVuz.
>>22724577 Palette guy or Zack works too, m8
>>22724549 Carlos is a memenace Paint Dude
>>22724580 Cool, keep up the sterling work Zack.
>>22724586 Oh. Well I'm not Carlos. Though my bad Paint drawings might be considered a nuisance...
What should the Gadech (Pewter) City motto be?If you're unsure what this is, Pewter City's is "A Stone Gray City"
>>22718934 Saffroth (Saffron Moth)
Godzilladon (Godzilla+Celadon)
Dranto (Dragon+Kanto)
AstroHamsta !!HUBXGXyPg7N
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>>22724618 a city full of shit
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>>22724607 Nuisance? That would be
nope jk :^) :^) Fifz
>>22724618 Go and see Brock's rock hard snake Anonymous
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>>22724618 >"Sneaky Minerals City" >"A Rock Hard City" Paint Dude
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>>22724618 "Le epic ruse city"
(because it's got Brock and seems normal but it's just a ruse)
>>22724618 Oh yeah, I also neglected to mention that I did a small hex edit so you can
run INDOORS Anonymous
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>>22724275 >mfw not even a weeb and know that Flandre's theme isn't even at the right pitch in the doc I thought you liked 2hu.
>>22724499 Being confined to mobile hurts. I want to see the Blobbos shenanigans
>>22724716 Let me make a .gif real quick for you then
>>22724727 People like you are the sole reason why I still come to /vp/, if only for Clover.
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
>>22723920 >>22724499 >>22724687 Have you been masahiro sakurai this whole time because you are BASED!
>>22724742 Spoilered is a selfie of me
:^) Anonymous
How much longer until I can play this? Also will it work on an my phone emulator? I use My Boy! Free
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
>>22724753 oh and for the slogan, gadech is based on /g/
>>22724761 Don't cut NotRidley, p-pls... >>22724773 Probably the demo goes out this week
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>>22724773 You'll have to patch it on a computer, then it should be playable on your phone.
Two gym demo coming very soon.
>>22724781 I'll think of something soon for it
>>22724783 NotRidley confirmed for Clover5 Anonymous
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>>22724742 >sakurai >based Welp. Time for my /v/ instincts to kick in so I can argue about how shitty of a person he is because of Smash.
You cuck.
AstroHamsta !!HUBXGXyPg7N
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your hype made blobli wake up. keep it quiet.
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>>22724781 Welcom to gadech!!!
There's a lot of machines, son!!! !!rcCvUnfyVuz
>>22724499 >>22724753 >>22724781 By the way Camerupt, did you notice that I made a custom tile so that sign doesn't look out of place? Thought I should mention that I can do some custom tilemap editing as well
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
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>>22724900 Nice, you have seriously put so much work into this man you are awesome!
>>22718934 One of you has to recreate Grass/Poisondorah, Flame/Fairyothra, and Water/Groundzilla
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This entire thread exudes HYPE.
Magikarp salesman is now Troubait salesman
>>22725042 >not "took the Troubait" It's the little things.
Lorekeeper M. !nijq7fZGeY
>>22725042 Change it to <Player> took the Troubait...
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
One slot left open in the hoenn dex, who's challenger shall approach! Kicked 2 unnecessary cross-gen evos too
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>>22725066 A rival for Pokrena.
>>22725066 Don't lose your way!!!
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
(Put in Warney and Bannageddon over the cross-gens btw)
Now all we need is:
Legendary and psuedo designs
Names for the nameless, types for the typeless
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>>22725104 Moot idea being like a Mew thing
>>22725082 We already have KLK mons.
>>22725104 Damnit Camerupt
Lorekeeper M. !nijq7fZGeY
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>>22725104 Are the Heonn mons in the docs yet?
DrawingPad anon
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If the fire electric pseudo doesnt have a design yet, I proppse an eel
>>22725140 b-but he was kicked from ebin and from Inavia...;_;
>>22725104 Sonichu legendary?? Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
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>>22725181 Araketsu was first post and it got kickedtwice so it has legacy
And no, that... filth shall not touch clover
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
Hey guys, 2-stage fish design contest, go!
>>22725251 Camerupt, while I'm at editing, should I implement the black/white repel system where you don't have to enter your bag to do use another repel?
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
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>>22725312 Holy shit you are based.
Dexanon !kvZbpSuVgI
What mons do we still need? I know we need to revise the dexes to balance out the types a bit, but we do need starters, correct?
>>22725365 Well, this is something I wasn't expecting.
Benis !kvZbpSuVgI
We ought to balance out the types before we release the demo, any thought on how to do this?
>>22725372 I basically zoned out and typed the wrong thing, I go by benis now, it was docanon
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
>>22725365 -Ice/Psychic psuedo line, see doc for details
-2-stage fish line
-Godzilla, mothra, and K.Gidorrah inspired trio
-Legendary Duo partner with "Harvey" who needs renaming and good lore too
>>22725376 Fochun dex has been locked for months buddy :^)
Benis !kvZbpSuVgI
>>22725381 We could just put the daikaiju trio in, its not like we have to deal with copyrights (assuming this is nonprofit)
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
Benis !kvZbpSuVgI
>>22725402 Godzilla, mothera, and Gidorrah
We should probably make a poll on the decision
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
Decided to use the kaiju names from
>>22724623 And the types from:
>>22724930 Lets make the designs a bit genwun-ish since their lore says they came from kanto
Benis !kvZbpSuVgI
>>22725415 Someone call in drawpad, stat
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
>>22725422 Actually changed the types and make K.gidorrah "Cinnadorah"
>Hanginy line not Ghost/Fairy git gid scrubs
Benis !kvZbpSuVgI
>>22725430 What types? I have my pen and pencil out and I'll try to draw at least one of them, i'm not really awake
>Unjoy >not Bissery like misery
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>>22725452 The Happiny line isn't Fairy :^)
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
>>22725455 Godzilladon Dragon Ground
Saffroth Bug Fairy
Cinnadorah Grass Poison
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
Oh and for the fish contest, bonus points for a Water/Ice fish
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
>>22725481 or Water/Electric
>>22725488 We already have a water/fire type
>>22725495 Ok, I'll try ice and electric fishes.
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>>22725500 We already have a Ice/Electric type :^) Anonymous
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>>22725470 Well we didn't use Blissey as the basis of the design.
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
>>22725500 Needs to be half water type
>>22725488 Also can these replace out water/fire hot water bottle mons Scaldagard and it's evo in both hoenn and inavia, i looked at them and they are super dumb looking
Benis !kvZbpSuVgI
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>>22725475 I think cinnadorah would look nicer with feelers instead of eyes, but that looks more like a bug type. I'm so conflicted here
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>>22725518 I meant Water/Ice and water/electric ones, not Ice/electric.
Niglett !OJYHJylH52
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>>22725481 My mom's iceberg. !!rcCvUnfyVuz
>>22725312 So the blobbo script gets activated when I try to put in the values for the Black/White repel system, so it doesn't look like that's gonna work out.
Sorry everyone.
Now, back to editing.
The Ungracious One !!N/rXIUiSjoZ
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Meanwhile on the Ebin side of things...
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>>22725581 Invisible blobbo
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
>>22725581 Did you pull the script directly from somewherre else, because it could be the offset from that script interfering, try finding it some new free space
>>22725597 I allocated it to completely new free space, but there is byte edits that may have interfered and caused invisible bilbo
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
Does anyone have a Team Karma trainer sprite? If it's on the doc, I missed it.
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
>>22725619 No we need the battle sprite still, nobody made one
Niglett !OJYHJylH52
>>22725628 Can we use custom palettes for those?
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
>>22725645 Go right on ahead, battle sprites all have individual palettes
>>22725651 If there aren't any other submissions, this is auto winrar
Niglett !OJYHJylH52
>>22725674 Low quality. Think someone can fix the shading, or is it too late?
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
>>22725757 Thats not what team karma looks like, can someone post the art that we used for the OW please
Niglett !OJYHJylH52
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>>22725757 Looks great! Though, maybe change the split of red and green? The over worlds take the right-facing sprite by flipping the left-facing sprite, so the colors will be messed up if the outfit is asymmetrical.
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>>22725783 That's the grill OW, I posted art for the man OW.
Benis !kvZbpSuVgI
>>22725784 You've woken up blobbi again
Fossils are done, just gotta edit the fossil guy's script
The Ungracious One !!N/rXIUiSjoZ
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>>22725804 Quick! Put that thing back to sleep.
Lorekeeper B.
Hi clover, just passing by to say thanks for the concept for pic related. We made it a mesh with the Swamp Thing liked it very much. We will pet it, groom it and give it lots of love~Also if any of you still go around Aus try to avoid names and trips whenever possible. That goes specially for you (=゚ω゚)ノ Is there anywhere I can lend a hand btw?
Niglett !OJYHJylH52
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
>>22725813 Can you also go into the back area of the pewter museum and make it so the guy there gives you something else instead of the old amber, mabye a tm that works nice on the fossils?
It wont be accessible in the demo but just so we dont have to backtrack, make daisy in "edgie's house" into prof.stump's wife too, have her give you the map/ happiness massages, change sign outside that house to "Stump's house as well"
Also did you edit the oak's parcel text for when you go to the mart?
Benis !kvZbpSuVgI
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>>22725827 That's a terrible idea, this is where it's really at.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGp2oWR7bWk !!rcCvUnfyVuz
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>>22725842 I can go back tomorrow, it won't be that big of a deal.
Will do Daisy stuff now
Changed the parcel stuff earlier in the day
>>22725251 >>22725495 It has a trading card on it's forehead. The first stage has big cheeks for storing electricity a la pikachu and the second stage shoots lightning out of it's tail.
Benis !kvZbpSuVgI
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>>22725833 That's a terrible idea, just play this
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGp2oWR7bWk Sped up on some parts with that oh so sweet sound editing.
In other news ive given up on my drawing when it was almost done because it didn't resemble gidorah enough, another day for that.
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Question. You need pokemon designs/conceps for Genthree, right? Just saying because I could try thinking something up since you seem to be going for a pretty different thing than the usual mememons from what I've seen so far. Still dilly, but actually pretty cool this time around.
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>>22725869 IT'S ALL DIKEIDO'S FAULT Lorekeeper M. !nijq7fZGeY
Niglett !OJYHJylH52
>>22725963 Hoenn hack would have to be more advanced than a DS at least, because DC is going to be made in essentials with HG/SS graphics.
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>>22725978 6 gen game with models.
Alrighty so I'm about to head off for the night, sorry I couldn't finish it today folks. So what I have to do for tomorrow is: - Make super nerd give raptor claw as well - Tumblrina/Whitney script - Keep checking for text errors and whatnot - Dancing for no reason (or other blockade) That all?
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>>22726024 The blockade should totally be
a pack of Ninoop, as an ultimate Ebin cocktease. Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
>>22725963 >http://strawpoll.me/3565948 My plan for the hoenn hack is that it wont be, a "hoenn dex sequel hack" Will use the FR decap/attack patch as a base again, and more specifiically, dev would go like this:
-Add hoenn dex mons into Clover V.2
-Release that as Clover V.3
-Make new region over Fochun and Ebin, all pokemon are already inserted in the game
Doing a hack over ruby or emerald would lose all of the following:
-All gen 4/5 moves
-All custom moves
-Fairy type
-Physical/special split
>>22726024 Make the roadblock a bunch of those "pool is closed due to aids" guys
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>>22726106 Alrighty
Is that all?
Lorekeeper M. !nijq7fZGeY
>>22726106 But what will the two Clover hacks be called? Clover Red and Clover Blue? Clover Red and Clover Green?
I should start a new strawpoll.
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
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>>22726135 lets not worry about that until ~2017
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>>22718934 Please be serious
Camerupt !HJU5nyxb9c
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new thread:
>>22726171 >>22726171 >>22726171 NO GENTHREE TALK IN THIS ONE!
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Alright Clover, I'm off for the night. See you all tomorrow! Hopefully I'll be done around 5 EST if I kick it in to high-gear with the scripting. Friendly reminder to make a new bread