Welcome to the Pokémon anime discussion thread. Talk about new episodes, old episodes, upcoming episodes, anime Pokégirls, sub releases, discuss, speculate, bitch and moan, etc etc.
http://pocketmonsters.edwardk.info/#PocketMonstersXYSubbed Trailer for upcoming events:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83nfUeTDJWk >Movie 18: "The Archdjinni of Rings: Hoopa" / "Pikachu and the Pokémon Musicians" [July 18th] http://www.pokemon-movie.jp/ Next episode:
>XY60: Aim to Become Kalos Queen! Serena's Grand Debut!! [February 12th] http://www.tv-tokyo.co.jp/anime/pokemon_xy/trailer/ Upcoming episodes:
>XY61: Into the Badlands! Fight, Goomy!! [February 19th] >XY62: Protect the Future of Science! The Labyrinth of Electricity!! [February 26th] >XY63: Being Lost and Torn is the Road to Separation!? Jessie and Wobbuffet!! [March 5th] >XY64: Fennekin VS Delphox! A Gorgeous Performance Battle!! [March 12th] >XY Special: The Strongest Mega Evolution Act III [March 19th] Shit people will ask:
>Is this season good? I haven't watched the anime in [x] years and- Yes, it's fucking good just start watching it already.
>Will Serena win da Ash? The long answer: No. |The short answer: Maybe.
>Will May return as part of ORAS hype? KAORI has recently returned to voice acting, so we'll see.
>Muh subs when? [PM] is subbing XY but their releases can happen any time of the week.
>Muh dubs when? February 28th, A Stealthy Challenge!
Last thread:
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http://pocketmonsters.edwardk.info/ [PM]Pocket_Monsters_XY_058_Hiyoku_Gym_Match!_Gekogashira_VS_Gogoat!![H264_720P][9F3CBC88].mkv.torrent
http://www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=652833 MOVIE 17 SHORT SUBS:
http://pocketmonsters.edwardk.info/ [PM]Pocket_Monsters_XY_Movie_1_Short_-_Pikachu,_What_Kind_of_Keys_are_These[H264_1080P][D3964C4D].mkv.torrent
http://pocketmonsters.edwardk.info/ [PM-RAW]Pocket_Monsters_XY_Movie_1_-_The_Cocoon_of_Destruction_and_Diancie[H264_1080P][C24D7CD2].mkv.torrent
>Serena attempts her very first Tripokalon. She's completely surrounded by strong rivals. What will be the result of Serena's debut performance? In addition, shocking developments for Serena await in this episode...! >Summary: >Today is finally the day of Serena's Tripokalon debut. Serena is unable to hide how nervous she is for it, but Sana's words "We'll be rivals from here on!" gets her motivated and ready for this. And then the actual performance finally begins... and Serena finds herself surrounded by lots of rivals, including both Sana and Musashi. Will Serena be able to win in her debut performance? It's finally time for the Hiyoku Tripokalon tournament to start! >Voice Cast: >Rica Matsumoto: Satoshi >Ikue Ohtani: Pikachu >Mayuki Makiguchi: Serena >Yuki Kaji: Citron >Mariya Ise: Eureka >Megumi Sato: Dedenne >Megumi Hayashibara: Musashi >Shinichiro Miki: Kojiro >Inuko Inuyama: Nyarth >Yuji Ueda: Sonansu >Noriko Shitaya: Yancham >Hitomi Nabatame: Harimaron >Yurie Kobori: Sana >Rei Sakuma: Yashio >Kenta Miyake: Pierre >Chinatsu Akasaki: Attendant >Unsho Ishizuka: Narration Anonymous
UPCOMING SHIT POKEMON GET TV EPISODE 69: (Feb 15th)>Rescue Ralts! Hurry, Masato! / In the New Segment 'PokéTV Collection Team', Trendy Angel Battles Nagareboshi / The Latest Info on the Pokémon Movie / Shoko-tan Performs 'DreaDrea' Live! XY61: Into the Badlands! Fight, Goomy!! (Feb 19th)>Ash and friends have been caught by Team Rocket. Goomy fights a Grumpig and suddenly starts to... XY62: Protect the Future of Science! The Labyrinth of Electricity!! (Feb 26th)>An incident has occurred at the Coumarine City Power Plant! Clemont and Luxio do their best to solve it! XY63: Being Lost and Torn is the Road to Separation!? Jessie and Wobbuffet!! (Mar 5th)>Jessie seems to have fallen in love with a doctor at first sight. XY64: Fennekin VS Delphox! A Gorgeous Performance Battle!! (Mar 12th)>Serena ends up going really hard on Fennekin and Pancham while training for a tournament. The Strongest Mega Evolution Act III (Mar 19th)>Alan continues his journey to master Mega Evolution and stand on the top as the strongest. Together with Steven, he pursues the legendary megalith that disappeared together with Mega Rayquaza. During this search, he receives information that Groudon has suddenly appeared in the sea. Alan and the others hurry to the location in question, where not only Groudon appears before them, but Kyogre as well. Furthermore, Rayquaza descends from the heavens and a grand battle between the legendary trio begins! What will this mean for Hoenn's future!? Will Alan and the others even survive this!?
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>>22761410 >>Jessie seems to have fallen in love with a doctor at first sight. Reminder
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>>22761397 >Those jewels We Sonic now?
Based Director
>>22761534 Nice try, Tierno
Jesus last thread was awful. Fucking Amour roleplayers.
Will Ash's journey in Kalos? I can't imagine him losing the league this time around unless he does the same shit he did in AG and only use his XY pokemon during the league. Which probably is unlikely considering the gen. prior to this (BW) showcased his old pokemon which probably means he's gonna go all out in XY. I really really can't imagine Ash losing and seeing Serena sad from Ash's loss during the league. But I think i'm being fucking delusional since I just don't want another BW happening. If that happens I don't think I have enough energy and life force in me to come back to the pokemon anime. Please for the love of God let Ash's journey end with Kalos together with his waifu Serena. (Seriously can you guys imagine Ash losing the league this time? Any scenarios? They can't pull bullshit like Takuto with his Darkrai/Latios anymore, no rivals that would compete in the league since Alain isn't, and clearly no retard Ash to hinder his win against a retard like Cameron.)
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>>22761534 >pretend to be a corni bro by using our joke >its really only a fatty lover shitposter into the trash you go faggot
>>22761561 >Amour roleplayers Nice false-flagging.
>>22761564 I hope we at least don't get another Cameron. Another Tobias, maybe, but god damn do I wish they don't introduce another Cameron.
And the closest thing Ash has to a rival right now is Sanpei.
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>>22761627 No, we're done with that Tobias bullshit.
Who's getting Binacle and Clauncher?>Kanto: Ash got Krabby which became Kingler >Hoenn: Ash got Corphish >Unova: Cilan got Dwebble, which became Crustle
>>22761597 Is it me, or does the second that amour/serena fans get accused of literally ANYTHING they start going "hurr le falseflagging"
Please don't actually like you guys don't ever screw up. Nobody's perfect
Not Tierno
>>22761555 TIERNO > ASH
>>22761675 Serena wants Ash's D instead of Tierno's.
Ash > Tierno
Now go work out and lose some weight you fucking fatass.
>>22761564 the series is still at best done with 2/5 of it's length they can introduce a rival and what not, but I think they wouldn't pull another Tobias. Mega evolutions could be what get him this time some broken bullshit like mega mom or mega mence can potentially be what ends his way through the league. Regardless of what I just said I really hope he gets his highest positioning in any league yet. I would also love to see the elite four rooms animated even in game they were outstanding with their little gimmicks.
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>>22761650 >yfw Bonnie gets them Anonymous
>new english opening only features clips from Megavolt and not Getta Ban ban This is why the dub is shit
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>>22761655 There really was no role-playing. Talk about amour, sure, but the topic shifted to something else when someone changed the topic.
>>22761655 BUT you are confusing serenafags/waifufags and amourfags we've gone this over a dozen times.
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>>22761697 We're going to the Elite Four rooms. Gotta have that final waltz against Diantha and Mega Waifu.
>>22761697 I think this guy is on the right track. I really think Ash got lucky with Korrina cause she was a shitty trainer. Meanwhile, Astrid easily put his ass in the dirt. Ash really needs to get on the mega evolution train if he really wants to get anywhere near the top ranks
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>>22761704 Cathcart > Adamant
I think Ash losing the league again can be handled if they make him lose to Alain. After all, he wants to become the strongest of all mega evolutions. Picture this: Lysandre tells Alain that if he wants to fulfill his goal of being the strongest, he needs to prove it at the Pokémon League, where the strongest trainers of all Kalos participate. Then, he goes on a quest to get all the gym badges. They don't show how he gets his badges, though, they only show he's in the league. After an intense Mega Charizard Y vs X, Alain wins and becomes the champion, then Ash goes to the next region.
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>>22761736 >implying luck >implying that's not why Charizardite Y is there for Anonymous
>>22761704 That's cause spoilers though. It's gonna be a while before they get to frogadier, goodra, and treecko boy
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>>22761760 Ash is going to loose against the Treecko guy, and you will like Cameron.
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>>22761704 At least the song wasn't bad.
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>>22761760 I like Alan but he doesn't deseve to win. He is Lyssandre
fucktoy puppet
>>22761760 Lysandre's using him for the Team Flare shit. Plus, you had that exhibition match with Diantha and what seemed like a League winner and he didn't have a mega evolution.
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>>22761760 Lysandre is evil on the low though. I don't think Alain being champ does anything for his goals
>>22761784 Well, we don't know if he was a league winner.
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>>22761796 How do you think he was able to get an exhibition match with Diantha in front of a whole stadium?
>>22761784 Didn't they say he was a region champ?
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>>22761736 Ash sort of did what he did with Tobias and his Darkrai against Korrina and mega lucario. He did get some damage in with his two previous pokemon before throwing Pikachu in to finish the job. Not only that but the anime made its effort to explain that Korrina and Lucario were suppose to be stronger than when they first met.
>>22761760 Alain doesn't really need to be at the league, and if Lysandre wants Alain and Diantha to fight he can probably set it up.
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>people actually want Ash to lose
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Speaking of Exhibitions, I really wanna see a Diantha vs Cynthia match. Diantha has just been styling on people left and right. Wanna se how she fares against another champ, especially one like Cynthia who's all super Hyper offense
Character I want in the league: Alan,Treecko guy, Tierno ,Calem
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I wanted a boicot at the Pokémon league by Team Plasma, but that never happened. For some reason, I want a boicot at the Kalos league by Team Flare, with Alain as its main threat after Lysandre lied and made a fool of him. After that, the trainers at the league battle Team Flare and Ash battles Alain. I always picture this scenario even though its likeliness is absolutely impossible.
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>>22761809 He was a local tournament champion, but not a Pokemon League Champion.
>>22761717 By foul craft, Saruman has crossed Amourshippers with Serenafags.
>>22761597 Hurr durr fuck off. You guys shit up these threads half the time and blame it on "falseflaggers."
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>>22761564 > Please for the love of God let Ash's journey end with Kalos together with his waifu Serena. > But I think i'm being fucking delusional Yes anon, you are very much so.
>>22761924 >Blaming Saruman >Not just idiots blindly staring into the palantiri like dumbasses and getting corrupted Anonymous
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>>22761924 It's all Iris' Jungle Juju.
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>>22761936 You are part of the problem by keeping these fucking arguments going, you dipshit
Just shut up and fuck off already and we can finally have peace from your arseblasted shittake mushroom twatfuckery
Fuck offerino m8
>>22761949 They stared far too long at the Eye of Sauron, in land of aMourdor.
Missed the last few threads, how disappointing was the Ash and Serena date episode?
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>>22761968 It was only disappointing for those who didn't know a lick of Japanese culture.
>>22761968 Serena got BTFO by Ash. Ash gave her a useless ribbon he won for free.
>>22761968 You've been asking this these past few threads.
Favorite pokemovies? Mine ar Destiny Deoxys and Lucario and the Mystery of mrw
>>22761968 this meme disappoints
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>>22761983 Same here, also
>Jirachi Wish Maker >Zoroark Master Of Illusions >Spell Of The Unown >Pokemon Heroes >Pokemon 4Ever >Genesect And The Legend Awakened >Diancie And The Cocoon Of Destruction Anonymous
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>>22761983 1. Pokemon 1st Movie
2. Pokemon 2000
3. Rise of Darkrai
4. Jirachi
5. Destiny Deoxys
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>>22761983 The first Mewtwo one and Pokemon 2000 were the only great ones.
>>22761968 In Japan they loved the episode. For them, gift giving is a big deal when it comes to romance, so they went nuts over that scene.
Is asking how disappointing the date episode was in every thread some sort of new shitposting? Anonymous
>>22761981 >>22761989 >This is actually a meme now I was actually looking forward to it, and missed it. It wasn't bait, surprisingly.
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>>22761968 Ash gave her a gift, but he didn't buy it himself and he abandoned her for most of the "date."
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>>22761983 Pokemon 2000, DP trilogy, Unknown
>>22761983 Giratina and the Sky Warrior
>Based box legendaries that are actually intelligent and don't just mindlessly rampage >Sweet as shit scenery and reverse world >Everybody gets temporary /m/ power boosts >Cotd isn't a mary sue with psychic powers that somehow knows the plot, but a friendly researcher who spent a long time gathering firsthand data on the plot details >Local townspeople legend is actually believable >Kickass /m/ final battle in two worlds simultaneously After seeing this the Arceus movie felt utterly subpar.
Why do must of you say the date episode wasn't bad at all? It could have been good if Ash didn't ditch Serena after two minutes, or if the gift wasn't something he won by accident. Don't get me wrong, I liked the episode, but not enough to say it wasn't disappointing. If only one of those two things hadn't happened, I would agree with what most of you say.
>>22762021 Serena wanted to spend time with Ash, Ash went looking for gifts for his Pokemon, couldn't find shit, wins a ribbon that Serena likes then she gives him an idea on what to get his Pokemon, shit happens, and denialfags and emofags go full damage control with webm related when Ash gives Serena the ribbon as a thank you gift.
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>>22762078 *It could have been better, not good.
>>22762080 Nobody is being a denialfag you numbnut. The gift would have meant something as this anon says:
>>22762078 Anonymous
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>>22762080 >that webm Looks pretty sweet to me
>>22762103 They went out to get gifts for their pokemon and not for each other. If anything Ash if the first in between the two to give a gift to the other since she had made cookies for everyone back in XY07. And then thought of why he did it is what counts and she clearly appreciated it.
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>>22762103 He didn't even know what to get his Pokemon, which people know are important to him.
I hope Clemont and Bonnie leave for some episodes, for the Luminose gym battle. Not only because I want Ash and Serena spend time alone but because I want a episode with Clemont alone training
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>>22762141 They seem to enter at the same time in the gym, so I don;t think they're separating.
Not Tierno
>>22762117 >>22762117 SERENA GIVING TIERNO A GIFT WHEN?
Based Director
A Greater Force of the Universe
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>>22762165 >>22762183 Well, Tierno, first we have to make sure Flygon gets a Mega, Ridley becomes playable in Smash Bros, Hell freezes over, and pigs gain the ability to fly. Oh, I almost forgot, we also have to make sure Crash Bandicoot isn't all but forgotten to the younger folk on Earth.
So wait until all that's taken care of.
>>22761963 What's with all the LOTR references as of late?
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>>22762103 It's the fact that Ash gave Serena SOMETHING as a token of appreciation (even if he wasn't able to buy it himself) that makes it a big deal, especially in Japan given their culture. The fact that he gave it to her with the nervous tic is even more telling. Put that together and you can see why Japan thinks Amour got a huge boost in that scene.
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>>22762198 It's phonefag, just ignore him.
I only want Amourshipping canon to spite Misty fans/Pokeshippers. They must pay for their crimes for the way they acted a decade ago when Misty was replaced by May. The reason so many Advanceshippers like Amourshipping is it feels like "revenge" for the way Misty fans acted years ago May the spirit of Advanceshipping live on in Amourshipping. Misty fans shall repent!
>Looks like Serena is making a commitment haircut next episode >i.imgur.com/YZebL5q.jpg >Focusing more on coordinating, less Ash? >Is the ship sinking? Anonymous
>>22762230 Would you prefer we go back to Trek references?
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>>22762286 Please stop talking about Serebiifaggots. Goddamn.
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Why pokeshippers and amourshippers hate each other?
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>>22762287 No, I like this one better.
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>>22762280 Shut up. You posted this shit last thread.
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>>22762286 >bringing another forums shit to us >probably promoting your own posts get the hell out
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>>22762058 Wow is THAT great?
Gotta watch it soon.
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>>22762280 Some Pearlshippers and fujoshits will be mad too.
But yeah, when I read that Serena knew Ash before my brain instantly thought about pokeshippers
We are my fellow irisfags at? Have some qt chocogirl
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>>22762358 Stop being such a kid.
Its a shame that one of the best girls (May) took the brunt of heat from Pokeshippers, when Serena is the one with the heavy crush who is "stealing Ash away from Misty" as they would put it. Then again May was/is the most popular main girl to come into the series after Johto, as well as the character who successfully replaced Misty a decade ago, so being the first new main girl did have its merits.
>>22762286 I really hope not. I really want Serena to keep her crush still. I'm still waiting for an episode where Serena gets lost in the forest again and Ash finds her and hold hands again only to strengthen Serena's crush.
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>>22761858 Tierno is going to win the Kalos League, faggots.
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>>22762358 As far as the animu goes, there are plenty of better delicious brown girls out there.
In the vidya, Iris is all right. >back to the classic number captcha Anonymous
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>>22762371 Seriously? All that's going to happen is that Serena's going to end up training too much. That's the reason episode 64 has Serena training Fennekin and Pancham too hard. Her losing the TriPokalon has nothing to with her liking Ash, especially since she's been training for it since episode 47. That post sounds pretty Nymphia-tier.
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>>22762358 I like her being an annoying bitch
>>22762286 In that picture is Serena cutting her hair confirmed?
>>22762438 Where were you last week?
>Serena tries to hold Ash's hand, and blushes about it as he hand sweats. >Serena blushes at Ash while they are sitting together on the monorail. >Serena blushes and pouts when Ash runs off on her because she wanted more time alone with him. >Ash gives her a gift with a nervous nose tick, and Serena blushes telling him she'll cherish it. How was this episode disappointing again...?
>>22762426 maybe one day you'll be right
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>>22762475 It's only disappointing to uncultured swine.
Give it up ash will never will never a single Pokemon league, he will never fall in love with a girl and most of all this series will continue in an endless cycle every time a new gen of games come out.
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>>22762480 >yfw he's right Anonymous
>new dub opening only shows scenes from megavolt, not from getter banban BRAVO CATHCART
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>>22762471 Studying for midterms. I was dreading it so much but finally finished and just caught up. Sorry anon I couldn't join the hype when the date episode was airing. It was really good though! Well, the present to Serena part and her cute expression(s).
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>>22762508 >Forgetting the Ash ramen Anonymous
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>People said Ash was going to friendzone Serena in the date episode. >Ash ended up giving her a gift, which only increased her lust for his D. post yfw
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mega sceptile: dragon guardian of the forest mega swampert: power battler of the swamp mega metagross: brainy attacker mega blaziken: crimson martial arts master mega salamence: red crescent moon slicing the sky mega slowbro: impredictable impenetrable defender primal groudon: fiery ruler of the land primal kyogre: the master of the deep I had no idea they had already dubbed all those shorts
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>>22762475 It wasn't, except for the most autistic faggots out there. And then emofag/denialfag shitposters went on a falseflag rampage trying to make it look like Amourfags got BTFO, even though the episode only made Amour stronger.
>>22761564 Ash'll win, but the series won't end here. Kalos will have the biggest impact on the series. Once Ash becomes a champ, Oak'll probably send him around the world to perform various task, such as capturing legendary Pokemon, collecting mega stones, and taking down Giovanni's forces.
It'd be cool if Ash is still the protagonist of the league, but he's not the one doing the gym battling and league challenging. That should be left to the traveling companion. My point is that Ash could still be the protagonist without having to reuse the same old tired formula.
Origins and Mega Evolution show that Pokemon anime can be done without Ash. What if the "Strong Mega Evolution Special" of the Gen VII anime focuses on Ash defeating champions of various regions and capturing mega compatible Pokemon while the main series is the same ol' 7 Badges Quest, but with a new protagonist?
>>22762475 The only bad thing was Ash fucking off during the "date" after like a minute
>>22762607 Even then, he gave her that gift at the end of the episode, which clearly made up for it in Serena's eyes and which caused the Japs to go nuts (some of them basically said it suggests Amour is on its way to habbening).
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>>22762607 >yfw there's an actual date after Lumiose >yfw they combine the playground and skate park outside Lumiose into an amusement park Anonymous
>>22762503 See
>>22761774 >>22762475 >Shippers actually like this Confirmed for anorexic cause that's literally fucking nothing. This is also why Serena is shit without her looks. Fucking make a move already, you stupid beta bitch
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>>22762605 My theory is that his improvement as a trainer, plus Serena's support/inspiration serving as that long-missing X factor, pushes him to victory at the Kalos League. What happens after that, who knows.
>>22762627 >Confirmed for anorexic cause that's literally fucking nothing. Confirmed for not knowing shit about Jap culture.
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Will we have another amourshipping poster this valentine's day?
>>22762617 Well, it wasn't like she was mad about it at the end. She knew he was doing it for his Pokemon.
>>22762636 So, what I also want to know is, WHY is it a big deal in Jap culture? Western audiences didn't see the significance of the gift giving, and even now that I've seen it, I want to know WHERE that significance comes from.
>>22762426 Why it always end with a 4?
>>22762671 Because four is "shi" in Japanese. "Shi" also represents death. Well, that's my guess, anyway.
>>22762716 So you're saying Iris is gonna come back in XY74?
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>>22762726 I said death, not blackness.
>>22762657 Ash is just making fall more in love with him, but at the same time it's probably making her even more beta. It's a vicious cycle.
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>>22761514 Hegh, get that hermaphrodite the fuck out of here.
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>>22762280 You're so retarded. Holy fucking shit.
Don't you realize that Amourshippers are pretty much this generation's version of hardcore Pokeshippers?
>>22762636 So in addition to being boring "teasing" bullshit, it's weeaboo shit on top of that?
Get this bullshit out of my pokeymans and get back to the training/battling.
Shit man, this is actually making me start to miss Iris. I hated her for being an unlikeable bitch, but at least she focused on relevant shit with her dragon mons and all that
>>22762769 >it's weeaboo shit on top of that? Hate to break it to ya, but Pokemon is a Japanese franchise.
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>>22762777 holy shit trips! Based Anon, is it happening?
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>>22761514 Duck Hunt takes aim!
>>22762769 >weaboo shit >Pokemon >Japanese franchise >mfw this faggola Anonymous
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>>22762777 I'd say something about the silliness of this statement, but right now, those trips need to be checked and kek'd. Jolly good show sire
>>22762368 I'm betting you right now the show team has realized shipping means business. So they'll do more shipping with Gen 7 girl. Guarantee you when that happens, the same cyclical shit will repeat with Amourshippers this time.
>>22762804 I support Ochoshipping Anonymous
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>>22762804 >shipping is now financially viable, ergo it's just beginning Kill me now
>>22762811 No wait, fuck it's Nueveshipping I'm too tired for this shite Anonymous
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>>22762804 I hope to everything that is holy that that doesn't occur.
>>22762769 >watching anime >complaining about weeaboo shit in it >not even counting the fact that Pokemon is a Japanese franchise Anonymous
>>22762804 So, what will gen 7 girl be like?
Better be a kuudere. Or wearing glasses. Anonymous
>>22762804 It's not unheard of. Places like tumblr, Serebii, and Youtube already have Amourshippers acting entitled about their ship, even though it wasn't the first on this show.
Watch Gen 7 Ash see new girl and do a scratch-at-first-sight and BOOM wait for the uproar.
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>>22762811 >>22762818 >Wait until we know what the region is based on before naming the next ship. It could be Italy, or Germany, or, hell, even Russia. Anonymous
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>>22762748 Ash will just keep bleeding out his heart then.
>>22762833 >Gen 7 twist >Ash wants the grill >The grill doesn't know it/doesn't want him >yfw Anonymous
>>22762830 Funny and clumsy. She'll also wear glasses. It'll be manly Gen 7 Ash teasing her.
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>>22762748 Her spilling spaghetti during hand-holding makes sense. This spaghetti kind of loses me?
>>22761564 >>22761564 Why does everyone (possibly including the writers) think Ash's journey has to end if he gets the girl or wins a league?
I mean, he was supposed to win the Sinnoh League, but lost because the writers decided to toss in an Uberfag and let Dawn go because CotD said so.
Black and White was a joke and shouldn't exist in the continuity.
Ash can win the Kalos league and get the girl and still continue on to Gen7. I wish the writers could see that.
That said, I really like the idea of Bonnie becoming the new protag. A female would add an interesting spin on the series, and might give the series a breath of fresh air. Anonymous
>>22762844 Pokemon is a Japanese franchise, therefore "weeaboo shit", as you call it, is expected. Don't like it? Move on to a different franchise, preferably one that appeals to your anti-weeb tastes.
>people writing Serena off >not having Ash travel with Serena and they both help out the new girl if she's starting out/new girl be the onee-san leading everyone to crazy adventures
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>>22762866 >Ash wins the league >beats the Elite Four >beats Diantha >denies the title of Kalos Champion >gets the Serena >Serena wants to see contests in other regions and explore the world with Ash >the two of them continue onwards to Gen 7 Anonymous
>>22762901 >Ash will always travel with one male his age and one female his age >Ash will never have a harem follow him around Gen 7 Anonymous
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>>22762426 Did someone said Korni?
>>22762866 >>22762901 They won't have 2 main females. And Serena is useless in Gen 7 for promotion. Boys need new eyecandy and she'll become more bland if she stays on.
>>22762850 YES, for once, let's have this twist. Ash wants the girl.
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>>22762908 >>Ash will always travel with the bare minimum of one male his age and one female his age Max was the second male in the AG group and Bonnie was the second female in the XY group.
>time travel shenanigans episode >we saw future Ash successfully become a Pokemon master >along with him is a mysterious woman At least we know Ash finally reached his dream even though he'll still lose on every region except the final one. And we can still shitpost on who win the Ashbowl.
>>22762916 >. And Serena is useless in Gen 7 for promotion. Boys need new eyecandy and she'll become more bland if she stays on Nice try, Worst Director
>>22762893 I'm not even that anon. I just thought all of you were stupid for dodging the question and harping on his fuckup
>>22762930 You're watching wrong show if you think Ash/Serena will start dating and she stays on in Gen 7 and forms harem trio. This isn't SAO.
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>>22762924 >implying they'll ever run out of regions What other places do you think they'll base regions on?
>yfw a region based on London >yfw the girl is a QT Brit >>22762940 Nymphia pls
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>>22762940 I'm not the harem guy. But is it really such a crazy notion that it's POSSIBLE Serena might follow Ash? Granted, every time a new Tripokelon episode comes up, we risk finding the reason why Serena stays in Kalos.
But considering XY has broken alot of status quo shit, everything can arguably go either way.
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>>22762940 >This isn't SAO. You're right. It's Naruto.
>>22762866 >Bonnie becoming the new protag. HELL yeah! Sign me up for that show!
>But little boys won't like a female pro- FUCK YOU. Make her a badass battler and they'll get over it real fast. Her brother's a damn gym leader, she probably learned a fuckton of stuff by just watching him
>>22762976 Fuck off, Tierno.
>>22762935 The question was "So in addition to being boring 'teasing' bullshit, it's weeaboo shit on top of that?"
The only correct answer I can think of is "This is a Japanese anime of a Japanese franchise, of course there's going to be weeaboo shit."
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>>22762978 >yfw Ash is a mentor to new based protagonist Bonnie >yfw Serena is still there as Ash's future waifu and she acts like a sister figure toward her >yfw Bonnie has to take on Elite Four Clemont Anonymous
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>>22762981 That "weeaboo shit" guy was clearly just trolling, just ignore it, anon.
I honestly feel like if Gen7 is Ash again without Serena, the new protag. Girl has to bring something new to the table or else it really will be dull. The only viable romance that will be okay will probably be the next girl looking up to Ash and Ash teaching her just like how he did with May but with more romance.
>>22762663 >mfw Western >mfw I see Ash giving the gift as a token of appreciation >mfw other Westerners can't see that Anonymous
If Ash becomes Champion this gen, then consider the following for next gen:>Ash remains the protagonist, but deals with other tasks assigned to him by Professor Oak. Optimally, he may be in a long distance relationship with Serena >The badges quest is still done, but it will be the male companion who does that now >Female companion shows off the gimmick of the year >And to follow with the pattern, there's a Gym Leader among the group
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>>22763004 >more romance >In an ACTION show where the focus is supposed to be about forming bonds with intelligent monsters and climbing a competitive ladder Anonymous
>>22763029 >four man group >three guys one girl Now you see triple porking hentai images.
>>22762979 >implying tierno isn't the best person to be serena's husband Anonymous
>>22763029 Make the chick the gym leader. Misty's been the only one so far, aside from Korrina's little stint
>>22763022 Well do you know why the Japs see the gift as something big for Amour? I'm not saying they're wrong, I just want to see what aspect of their dating/romance culture that comes from.
>>22763045 Should Gardenia count as well?
>>22763045 Well, technically Iris too.
In all honesty, what would your reaction be if XY actually confirms in an episode that Ash is more than 11 years old?
>>22763042 >implying Tierno didn't already lose his chance at Serena by targeting her in the triple battle. Anonymous
Let's face it, will you cry during the departure episode for XY? I think I have a huge feeling I'll be pouring mantears if Bonnie or Clemont starts to tear up because of parting ways. Because XY 37 pretty much set the stone for best bond between the group with Ash. 100% guaranteed tears from me. I know it. Based Director will make this departure so great we will all love XY the most by the end.
>>22763068 This would be cool if BW Ash didn't invalidate it.
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>>22763068 >Ash is older than 10 >THEN WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY SO IN THE FIRST PLACE >>22763084 As much as I did during the DP finale
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>>22763068 Then he must have lived a hard life in Unova.
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>>22763093 >what are retcons Anonymous
>>22763084 I will mourn the loss of Ash's bro, waifu, and surrogate daughter.
>>22763084 Will Ash and Serena get anything special when they part ways?
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>>22763132 >>22763136 I know it's a "what if?" scenario; I'm just shoeing my potential reaction. Anonymous
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>>22763119 Ash gets a peck on the cheek from Serena and Serena get a promise with Ash that they will meet again once their goals are achieved in the future. Timeskip, Serena is shown to be tending a child that resembles Ash and Gen 7. is about Ash's son with his goal finding his dad the pokemon master for his mom.
>>22763132 >>22763136 >implying you won't shed a manly tear when the moment comes Don't cut yourself on that edge there, big guy
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>>22763056 I don't. You'd have to ask
>>>/int/ about that.
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>>22763041 >implying the gym leader can't be either the female companion or a second female companion Either way there'd likely be some shipping between the female companion and the male companion.
>>22763060 No, and on second thought Korrina shouldn't count either. Both of those were temporary, while Misty was a part of the main traveling party for an extended amount of time. Additonally, said gym leader shouldn't be green like Korrina and Flannery and a few others, but a more experienced one like Cilan or Clemont. Basically shake up the gender roles for a while. Could be fun
>>22763064 See, if Iris had actually worked up her way to actually being the gym leader, while showing that she had the skills to be the champ, that'd have been LEGIT. Iris would be best girl by a landslide.
Plus dig this! You could have had Iris make a cameo this gen and reveal that she went on to become the champ. This in turn inspires Ash to really man up and git gud. You could even have Iris repent for her past bitchiness by mentoring Ash for a little while
>>22763045 >yfw every team member except Ash is the gym leader Anonymous
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>>22763068 Suddenly his dub voice is fitting cause it sounds like he's at least 12
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>>22763181 >yfw he has all the gym leaders for Gen 7 follwing him around Anonymous
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>>22763178 Iris wasn't gym leader, they were having her learn so she'd inherit the Opelucid Gym. Misty supposedly was gym leader, but she'd do just as many fucks as OS Ash.
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>>22763150 >implying you crying is why you're being called an emofag Anonymous
>>22761703 >Serena is pregnant >which means they procreated Anonymous
>>22763275 Why is Eureka so based?
>>22763071 he wants her to become stronger
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>>22763296 She acts like a child but not to the point of annoyance, plus she genuinely loves his older sibling and respects older people.
>>22763353 And in doing so he activated Ash's Sweep Mode.
The lesson is: Don't fuck with the waifu.
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>>22763064 Yet another reason why BW was such wasted opportunity.
From the beginning, I suspected Iris was a Gym Leader in training, since she wouldn't admit off the bat what her goal really was.
But then again, B2/W2 probably fucked over that saga big time.
Time for some nostalgia. What was the first episode you watched? For me, it was the Cleafery episode from OS. It was so interesting for me because the professor was talking about creatures from space... I was into that shit because i loved Star wars at that age I watched pokemon as much as i can since that day. I stopped watching it because the latin dub turned into shit from AG and on.
> People actually think that Serena will stick with Ash for next region. > People actually think they'll be a timeskip where him and her are married and have a kid. Lel you must be joking.
>>22763369 >don't fuck with the waifu i got some bad news
>>22763394 It's still good in DP.
>>22763397 It's not that unlikely. The writers are pushing the shipping for a reason, I believe.
>>22763408 Especially DP, shit is unwatchable.
>Mexican regionalisms in my foreign media I fucking that shit.
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>>22763414 >for a reason For fun. Anonymous
Amourshippers, if Serena doesn't win da Ash by the end of XY, will you stop shipping in Pokemon? Because if this shipping doesn't become canon, there's no way any other shipping will ever be canon.
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>>22763394 First episode of OS. Not even nostalgia.
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>>22763397 >yfw Serena leaves but there's still a time skip scene Anonymous
>>22763424 It's not bad if you're mexican. Heh.
>>22763414 For marketing. Serena's not marketable in Gen 7.
Can you guys photoshop bribri as serena?
>>22763434 > Because if this shipping doesn't become canon, there's no way any other shipping will ever be canon. Not true at all.
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>>22763444 Could have been done easily without the whole shipping thing.
>>22763434 You can't say that. In a timeskip, they could make the original pairing of Poke canon as they originally planned. Or they could bring back the DP co-star and platonic friend Dawn and make it romantic. Or Gen 7 girl could be a case where Ash is in love with a girl who's oblivious, and in the future she reciprocates. Or they pick some COTD who liked him like Angie or Anabel so not to have to choose among main girls.
>>22763441 I cringed every time when one of the characthers said dumb mexican shit.
>>22763394 AJ episode. I noticed how everyone of the characters seemed to be giant dicks.
>>22763479 >pokeshipping canon >ever Anonymous
>>22763004 How would it be dull? Serena acts like a girly beta around Ash. Gen 7 shipping could be flirtatious banter between Ash and chick.
>>22763481 I'm mexican, and the only things I don't like about the dub is that the characters usually say "que padre". "Que increible" could also work, and it is not mexicanized. Also, the one thing I hate is team rocket's motto: "pondremos a los buenos a echarse un coyotin". It sounds so fucking stupid. I could understand if they used it once, but every episode? Please, no.
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>>22763494 It kinda was, but I won't go there to convince you. Most of the general already accepts this anyway.
>>22763499 >yfw gen 8 will be all out ToLoveRu shit Anonymous
>>22763489 >AJ episode. Que
>>22763499 >>22763508 Now that the writers recognize shipping power, I want Gen 7 girl/Ash to have an Okabe/Kurisu type of interaction.
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>>22763505 Thanks god the XY dub will be more neutral
>>22763515 >not Gen 7 girl and Ash/Serena's kid Anonymous
>>22763515 >chuuni Ash teasing tsundere gen 7 girl Anonymous
>>22763509 What's the matter? Personally, it was a very cringey episode since not only did Ash get his ass handed to him he then proceed to ask AJ's pokemon to join him and when they didn't even respond, good lord, I asked myself "What is this niggah doing?" (or is its equivalent in 9 year old terms)
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>yfw gen 8 they go full shin-chan and use toilet and sex jokes >constant panty shots like in doraemon from gen girl >ash is a massive pervert
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>>22763548 No, I'm just not familiar with the episode
>>22763529 > Ash/Serena's kid It's time to wake up anon. That will never happen.
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>>22763561 Did you smash her head into the glass?
Weird. We haven't talked about this kid for awhile.
Did we start going back to status quo fags now?
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>>22763565 We can believe. And it's not a bad idea. I'd prefer if Bonnie was the next protagonist, though.
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>>22763591 Because we really don't have much else to go on. Best we can guess is he shows up in Lumiose or some shit from a Hoenn plane ride.
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We need a new discussion topic.TODAY!
>>22763592 Part of me wonders whether a lot of these faggots are just in denial after they keep getting BTFO by how much Amour keeps advancing, how based Ash is in XY, how the water curse was broken, etc.[/spoiler:lit]
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>>22763592 Part of me wonders whether a lot of these faggots are just in denial after they keep getting BTFO by how much Amour keeps advancing, how based Ash is in XY, how the water curse was broken, etc. Anonymous
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>>22763620 Nope, people have limits to their autistry. Thinking Ash and Serena will become a couple and form harem trio or their kid will be next protagonist is retarded shit.
End of Amour will be Serena saying tearfully goodbye, Ash scratching his nose and saying to never give up, and he leaves.
Can someone please tell me why there's always someone talking about how XY is destroying status quo? That's false. The "water starter curse" is just a coincidence. Serena liking Ash is not something new, Misty also liked Ash. The fully evolved pseudo isn't something I would consider breaking the status quo. So I don't really get it. I love XY, but I don't believe it's breaking the status quo.
Okay so I was gone all of today What happened? I see a lot of...odd discussion it misses the tenor
>>22763664 Emofags and denialfags are at it again. Janitors and mods are asleep making it ripe for the Tierno roleplaying faggot to shitpost.
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>>22763664 >What happened? Nothing unusual, just another day at anime thread.
>>22763664 The same old. Emofaggotry, denialfaggotry, status quofaggotry. We've almost come full-circle.
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>>22763675 And you dipshits think making a new thread every 6 fucking hours solves the problem. Adorable.
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>>22763692 >Ash's Goomy is a boy. This is obvious; Goodra looks similar to Spyro, who is a male dragon.
>>22763692 >armourshipping not canon on only Serena's part >Ash winning the Kalos league You guys are truly pathetic.
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>>22763727 post the paul one
>>22763727 >armourshipping kek
>>22763649 >>22763718 Oh fuck looks like I got her just in time, bring it on
>>22763735 fuck you you know what I meant I'm not fucking french I don't speak their "romance" language
>>22763678 Can someone make a list of XY's broken status quos that we can all agree on?
>>22763655 it doesn't matter if you think it's just a coincidence, it's a long-running pattern that's been broken.
the water starter is now the ace
the girl's feelings about ash aren't ambiguous
he's getting a fucking pseudo-legendary
there is no older mentor type like brock, tracey or cilan
two female companions
all of his victories are legitimate
he finally beat lucario, mega no less
flashing backgrounds fucking gone
>>22763664 >>22763678 I don't get it, I mean I guess there was denialism, but that's usually trolling anyways. Emofags, I really haven't seen much if anything.
Is it a sin to emofag?
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>>22763745 You're dyslexic too.
>>22763747 >Ash beating a Lucario Anonymous
>>22763758 Emofags aren't necessarily going to end up being wrong, but every time they post here it just pisses people off. We don't want to be constantly reminded of how sad it's going to be when sadness happens at the end of the series. Also some of these faggots act like it's absolutely impossible for any sort of change in direction in the series, as if it's one of the 10 commandments of the Pokeani. I'm not saying change is likely to happen, I just wish these faggots would quit insisting that it's absolutely impossible. Anonymous
>>22763754 >pseudo-legendary Isn't that some garbage term thought up by autists?
It's just another pokemon like every other that's not legendary.
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>>22763768 Luckily one of the anons who posted just after me took care of that list for us.
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>>22763738 I like what i'm seeing.
>>22763754 >he finally beat lucario, mega no less Why do people keep doing this? It's not like it was the same Lucario that he kept going against and losing against, it's an entirely different pokemon, with a completely different trainer.
>>22763770 >garbage term just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's not a thing. ash never had anything with legendary stats.
>>22763786 The anime doesn't work on game terms though.
>>22763754 >flashing backgrounds fucking gone That's just a better budget.
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>>22763782 >same Lucario that he kept going against and losing against but that's exactly what happened, on top of all his previous losses to other lucarios.
it's a pokemon that got the mary sue treatment in every appearance, until now, when it finally lost, and in its strongest incarnation.
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>>22763769 They've ended up wrong a lot of times so far.
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>>22763801 what the fuck does it matter why it's gone? the point is it's gone. they used flashing backgrounds even when they didn't have to, it was just inherent to pokemon's style. but not anymore.
>>22763795 no, in fact it makes pseudos even MORE powerful than in the games. except when they're owned by jobber trainers like iris and louie, they've been shown to be pretty much unstoppable.
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>>22761704 I think that the images will be updated with the new opening with the new look of Serena :)
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>>22763769 Personally, my brand of emofagging is for hearts lost, but not forgotten
Well shit, there was a purge.
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>>22761703 >Marrying the first girl to admit her feelings to you OH SHIT NIGGER, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?
That said, this is mildly cute, so you can live for now. Plus, since this is 4chan...
>Tfw Ash will get laid before you do Anonymous
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>>22763909 Mods sure are adverse to images on an imageboard.
>>22763909 It's a known fact that there's very little tolerance for anti-Amour posts here, whether those posts are trolls, falseflagging, or serious posts.
Mami Kawada Lover !aNRFNkpkG.
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>>22763983 It's been a while since Spoink appeared in the anime right?
I can't help but find that particular picture cute.
>>22763987 Actually, the purge was the Serena image dump.
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>>22764010 Yeah, but most posts that get deleted here are the anti-Amour posts.
Mami Kawada Lover !aNRFNkpkG.
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>>22764029 Spoink episode seems to involve Dedenne and Team Rocket. My Japanese is too poor to comprehend the rest.
>>22764029 XY61, from Dephender:
>While traveling through the Badlands, Ash and friends save an injured "Bounce Pokémon" Spoink. It appears that it used to live peacefully at an oasis, but had ran away because it had been bullied by the "Manipulate Pokémon" Grumpig. Ash and fiends accompany the Spoink back to the oasis in order to help, but they end up getting caught in a trap set up by Team Rocket, who had secretly been behind everything. Anonymous
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>>22764085 Did someone say...the Badlands?
>>22764085 XY62:
>Ash and friends decide to visit the Kalos Power Plant. As they approach the power plant, Pikachu and the others suddenly start acting weird. As the group start investigating this, they learn that Team Rocket has taken over the power plant and are manipulating Electric type Pokémon. XY63:
>After a battle with Ash and his friends, Jessie ends up separated from James and Meowth. While she searches for them, she falls into a river and nearly drowns, but is saved by Dr. White who happens to be nearby. Jessie falls in love with White at first sight and starts struggling with whether she wants to follow her love or her mission of evil. Anonymous
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>>22764109 XY62 sounds like that one Pikachu ReVolts episode
XY63...Doctor Who jokes are a-comin'
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>>22764109 >Dr. White I call racism.
>>22764109 >White JESSIE, WE HAVE TO COOK Anonymous
>>22764155 Nice forum tags nigger.
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>>22764109 >White JESSIE, WE HAVE TO COOK
>>22764157 They work on other boards, I forgot that 4chan is shit
>>22764085 >One day, as Ash and his friends are walking through the Badlands, they discover an injured Spoink. After they learn it has been bullied by a Grumpig, they set of to help. However, this is just them falling for the plan set up by Team Rocket, who were behind everything, and they all end up captured and put into a cage. However, soon after, Dedenne and the others manage to escape, and as they confront the Grumpig, Goomy suddenly starts changing. OH SHIT IT'S HAPPENING!
Mami Kawada Lover !aNRFNkpkG.
>>22764170 >Goomy suddenly starts changing Too bad. I'm kind of going to miss that cute little purple blob. Sligoo just isn't cute for me.
>>22764173 Fuck you, we're jumping straight to shit wrecker.
Mami Kawada Lover !aNRFNkpkG.
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>>22764177 Goodra is okay though.
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>>22764170 [Volt intensifies]
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>>22764181 >tfw Sliggoo won't probably evolve until after Lumiose because of the Badlands being dry Anonymous
>>22764109 And another XY63 summary:
>Jessie and Wobbuffet from Team Rocket end up getting separated from James and Meowth because of a battle against Ash and his friends. The two fall in a river and nearly drown, but get saved by a doctor named White. And then, Jessie falls in love with White at first sight! Wobbuffet also hits it off well with White's partner Pokémon, who's also a Wobbuffet, so... Jessie struggles with choosing between her love and her mission. What will happen with Team Rocket!? Mami Kawada Lover !aNRFNkpkG.
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>>22764210 >>22764109 So it's the seasonal TR split-up episode. It's kind of obvious though that Jessie would reject the guy, but I guess Japanese kids are too young to remember all those previous ones.
XY61 Goomy evolves XY62 Luxio evolves XY64 Fennekin evolves Are you guys ready for a month of Volt?
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New thread, Rei Sakuma edition
>>22764212 >>22764212 >>22764212 Anonymous