[7 / 3 / ?]
Quoted By:
>Occasionally deal with Wally during ORAS, you know the deal
>He's a little wimp, kind of a pushover during battle
>Often considered the lamest of the series rivals
>Encounter Wally at the end of Victory Road
>Expect him to be a little weakling, like usual
>Then pic related happens
>Then his battle theme starts playing
Holy shit, that actually surprised me. This timid little twerp actually put on his big-boy pants and took a level in badass for that fight.
Granted, the battle was a non-issue since my Mega-Gardevoir shredded his Mega-Gallade with a single Moonblast, but still.
Was anyone else surprised by this? I certainly didn't expect it from a kid like Wally.
>He's a little wimp, kind of a pushover during battle
>Often considered the lamest of the series rivals
>Encounter Wally at the end of Victory Road
>Expect him to be a little weakling, like usual
>Then pic related happens
>Then his battle theme starts playing
Holy shit, that actually surprised me. This timid little twerp actually put on his big-boy pants and took a level in badass for that fight.
Granted, the battle was a non-issue since my Mega-Gardevoir shredded his Mega-Gallade with a single Moonblast, but still.
Was anyone else surprised by this? I certainly didn't expect it from a kid like Wally.