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I just got halfway through Delta Episode, so that's where I'm coming from but there's some really lazy game design. If you're gonna make me fight Team Magma 3 more times and you just unlocked the new Pokedex then why not give them some actual Pokemon instead of Mightyena, Golbat, Weezing, and Camperupt. Also what's the point of having 3 admins for Magma when they all just use Camperupt. Also, why are they still just using Zubats and Tentacools for all caves and water, shits boring. Also, why are there no good fire types in Gen 3 if you don't pick Torchic. Also, why can't I ride Wailord. Also, why is Super Training straight up imported from XY, I've already done that shit for 30+ Pokemon it stopped being fun a while ago. Also, why are HM's still a thing just make them all TMs so I can give my team an actual moveset. That's all i got.