>>22875608OP please put this in the middle of the letter:
I know it’s petty, but it really irritates me how nobody ever goes to Bulbagarden for breaking pokemon news. It’s always Serebii or PokeJungle or PokeBeach, but never Bulbagarden, even though all of those other sites, in some way, try to mimic Bulbagarden or Bulbapedia’s style of delivering information. We break the exact same news at the exact same time from the exact same sources, yet even on our own Facebook page we get people telling other commenters to “go to Serebii for confirmation” when it takes us 0.02358734 seconds longer to post something because people are incapable of typing at twice the speed of light, and that’s not counting the time we actually take to confirm that what we’re saying is complete and accurate to the best of our knowledge and ability. No fan site has any authority to confirm anything, and no site is any more or less credible than any other. If Serebii or PJ or WPM couldn’t update their sites for some reason, the news would still break. Bulbagarden does have a Facebook page, a Twitter account, another Twitter account dedicated to breaking news, and even a Tumblr page, all of which you should totally be following, and at least has the advantage of having multiple moderators for all of its social media sites across many time zones, but no one ever seems to believe anything until Serebii posts about it, and that just makes me sad.
In this fandom, every time new info is leaked or revealed, everyone starts screaming “Serebii confirmed!” like he’s some kind of official source, even on our own Facebook page. Serebii tends to post first and ask questions later, which is fine if you’re into that kind of thing, but at Bulbagarden we pride ourselves on taking that extra bit of time to make sure that the information we’re presenting is accurate to the best of our ability, and a lot of times it feels like that effort is just completely unappreciated.