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QR Thread

No.22880930 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
To get a poke off a QR code
>Save your game
>Make sure your Box1 Slot1 is free
>Close the PC
>Open the camera and scan pic related
>Open the link in browser and wait till you get an error. The browser will close inmediately.
>Now check your game, volcanion should be in Box1 Slot1
>If it doesnt work clean your browser cache and history.

If you want your pokemon to register, place it in the bank or daycare, then retrieve it. It should register.

If you have a bad egg, reset, or place it in the box1slot1, then overwrite it with a working QR code.

Before you make a request look at this reddit, yes reddit, thread. A lot of requests have been event pokes, and that thread will not only clear up the clutter, but send the redditors lurking here back home.



Also, if you're looking for premade files, look here

This is the site you drag and drop your file to generate a QR code