>>22872669 My other thread got too long, so I'm continuing here.
To get a poke off a QR code
>Save your game >Make sure your Box1 Slot1 is free >Close the PC >Open the camera and scan pic related >Open the link in browser and wait till you get an error. The browser will close inmediately. >Now check your game, pokemon should be in Box1 Slot1 >If it doesnt work clean your browser cache and history. If you want your pokemon to register, place it in the bank or daycare, then retrieve it. It should register.
If you have a bad egg, reset, or place it in the box1slot1, then overwrite it with a working QR code.
>species >shiny? >nickname >level >nature >item >ability >iv's >ev's >attacks pic related, proof- a perma primal shiny level 1 groudon with aqua jet and fly.
(Willpower) Azelf @ Focus Sash Type: Psychic Ability: Levitate Nature: Jolly 252 Attack 252 Speed 4 Defense -Explosion -U Turn -Taunt -Stealth Rocks
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Shiny btw (and is that formatting alright or no)
Request QR Codes
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>>22881238 Use the format please. I'm confused on a few things.
>species >shiny? >nickname >level >nature >item >ability >iv's >ev's >attacks Anonymous
Azelf Yes Level 50 Jolly Focus sash Levitate 6ivs 252 Attack 252 Speed 4 Defense Moves: -Explosion -U Turn -Taunt -Stealth Rocks
Request QR Codes
Request QR Codes
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>>22881292 hail nigger ogrelord
Aerodactyl Shiny Level 50 Jolly Aerodactylite Type: Rock/Flying Ability: Pressure 6iv 252 Attack 252 Speed 4 Defense Moves: -Stone Edge -Aerial Ace -Aqua Tail -Hone Claws
Yanmega Shiny Yes Nick No Level 100 Nature Timid @choice specs Ability Tinted Lens IVs perfecft 252 SpA 4 SpD 252 Spe Bug Buzz Air Slash Giga Drain U-turn Maybe a net ball or something?
Hoopa-C. Shiny: Yes. Nickname: Djinn Level 1. Timid, preferably a highly curious characteristic Item: Surprise me! Magician. I don't care about stats, I just want it for Contests and Amie. EVs: 0 Moves: Hyperspace Hole, Trick, Destiny Bond, Ally Switch.
Nincada Shiny yes Nickname no Level 99 Nature Impish Item Surprise me. Ability (whatever the standard one is) IVs Perfect EV 248 HP 220 Def 36 Spe Moves Substitute Protect X-Scizor ......4 Sorry to post these in both threads.. but im not so sure i trust the other guy.
Request QR Codes
Request QR Codes
Lucario Shiny Level 50 Nature: Adamant Life orb Justified 6iv 252 Attack 252 Speed 4 Defense -Close Combat -Extremespeed -Ice Punch -Swords Dance
Hey injectionfags, does a Pokemon start out with 0 in all of its contest stats?
Request QR Codes
Haxorus Shiny Level 100 Nature: Jolly Lum berry Mold breaker 252 Attack 252 Speed 4 Defense -Outrage -Earthquake -Poison Jab -Dragon Dance
Request QR Codes
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>>22881355 They can be maxed if requested
>>22881348 It has aqua tail instead of Gigadrain. not gonna whine too much cause its still awesome, but is that normal?
Request QR Codes
Request QR Codes
>>22881384 sorry, I think I was confusing two different posts. want me to fix it?
Slurpuff @ Sitrus Berry Type: Fairy Ability: Unburden Nature: Adamant 56 Hp 252 Attack 200 Speed -Play Rough -Drain Punch -Return -Belly Drum Shiny
Request QR Codes
Espeon Shiny Nature: Timid Light clay Magic bounce 6iv 252 Hp 252 Speed 4 Defense -Psychic -Baton Pass -Reflect -Light Screen
>>22881394 Since apparently i GD can only be learned from BW tutors, it would be suuuuper appreciated.
you rock,, like .. alot
Request QR Codes
Request QR Codes
Request QR Codes
Request QR Codes
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Scizor Shiny Level 100 Impish Scizorite Technician 6iv 248 hp 252 defense 8 attack Defog Roost Bullet punch Knock off
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Muk lv 50 Poison touch Non shiny no nickname Poke ball Adamant 252 HP 252 atk 6 def 6IV Poison jab shadow sneak ice punch curse
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>species Mawile>shiny? Yes>nickname Nep-Nep>level 60>item Mawilite>gender Female
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>>22881208 Weezing
Not shiny
No nickname
level 50
Calm nature
Black Sludge
5IV none in attack
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD
>attacks: - Will-O-Wisp
- Pain Split
- Haze
- Flamethrower
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Cloyster Shiny Level 50 Jolly Focus sash Skill link 6iv 252 attack 4 defense 252 speed Razor shell Icicle spear Ice shard Shell smash
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Bidoof Yes Swagmonsta 100 Adamant Choice specs Sheer force 6ivs perf 252 in sp def and def 4 in atk Protect Detect Splash Fissure
What I don't understand is, why the hell people don't do it themselves? It's so fucking simple even my 5yo sister could do it.
>>22881633 Some people dont have computers
>>22881633 It's ok if you just saved a file as .ekx and then appears as .ek6? I don't know if I did something wrong.
>>22881639 Well too bad; that's their problem. If they don't have something that is pretty much a requirement nowadays, they shouldn't have cool stuff like this.
>>22881656 The QR generator should be able to handle .ek6 files.
>>22881668 Yeah it did. You are right, this thread is pointless. This is easy as fuck.
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>>22881690 This picture is fantastic. Saved, printed it out, made a copy and sent it to my Mom, everything.
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So what do you do when the 3DS doesn't even recognize the QR code? Like, I get it lined up in the camera frame, and it just keeps saying it's searching for a code. Do you have to use something other than the camera function it comes with?
Does anyone have the QR for AZ Floette?
>>22881659 sorry, my computer is broken and im too poor from losing my second job to pay for it.
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>>22881898 It's in the OP for the other QR thread
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Fuck this is easy, if anyone is unable to do it they are literally retarded
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Can I use these injected pokemon in wifi battles? Sorry Im a newfag in this matter
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Acan u please change level met and zone please.
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>QR injections off to the filter list you go
>species: Scizor >shiny? No >nickname: No Nickname >level: 100 >nature: Adamant >item: Lucky Egg >ability: Technician >iv's: 6IV or just missing SpA >ev's: 252HP/252ATK/4[Whatever] >attacks: -Bullet Punch; Knock Off; Swords Dance; Roost
>species: Alakazam >shiny? yes >nickname: No Nickname >level: 100 >nature: Timid/Modest >item: Destiny Knot >ability: Magic Guard >iv's: 5IV (Missing Attack Stat) >ev's: 252SpA/252Spe/4[whatever] >attacks: Psyshock; Shadow Ball; Focus Blast; Dazzling Gleam Thanks in advance
Dallas 3394 3837 3011
>>22881208 My camera doesnt work. Could sombody make me a random poke holding a tyranitarite and sent it to me in a trade?
>>22883216 http://pastebin.com/8yeWz8Qh Go to the url in that pastebin on your 3ds browser while ingame like you would normally when scanning QR codes, but directly into the browser. This should work.
>species: Gengar >shiny?: Yes >nickname: Phantomsky >level: 100 >nature: timid >item: Heracronite (dun judge me Its the only mega stone I am missing XD) >ability: Levitate >iv's: All Perfect IV except Attack >ev's: 252 SpA/ 252 Spe >attacks: Sludge Bomb; Shadow Ball; Pain Split; Substitue Thanks in advance ;)
Dallas 3394 3837 3011
>>22883237 No, I mean my 3ds Camera always Crashes everytime i go into 3ds camera or otherwise try to turn on the camera.
>>22883255 Instead of using the QR code to link you to the website, type that link into your 3ds browser and it will link you instead.
>species: Feraligatr >shiny? No >nickname? [No Nick] >level: 100 >nature: Jolly >item: Life Orb >ability: Sheer Force >iv's: All Perfect IV >ev's: 252 ATK/ 252 Spe and 4 in a random stat >attacks: Waterfall; Crunch; Aqua Jet; Dragon Dance Thanks :)
Skuntank Shiny - yes nickname: Pepé Le Pew (male of course) level: 50 nature: adamant item: none ability: Aftermath 6IV or 5IV, don't care much for Sp.Atk EV: just leave it at zero, i'll do the ev training by myself Moves: Sucker Punch, Defog, Poison Jab, Taunt
Dallas 3394 3837 3011
>>22883264 It says an error has occured save any data and restart the system.
>species: Lucario >shiny? No >level: 100 >nature: Jolly >item: Expert Belt >ability: Justified >iv's: All Perfect IV >ev's: 252 Atk/252 Speed >attacks: Bullet Punch; Close Combat; Blaze Kick; Swords Dance
>>22883270 Skuntank here.
>>22883288 That is normal for injecting, return to the game and your pokemon will be in box1slot1. Don't close the game.
>species: Gyarados >shiny? No >nickname: Ao Kuang >level: 80 >nature: Adamant >item: Lucky Egg >ability: Intimidate >iv's: All Perfect >ev's: N Evs please because I am still a bit unsure and I prefer to EV train myself >attacks: Waterfall; Crunch; Dragon Dance; Substitute
Sylveon Not Shiny No Nickname Level 80 Lum Berry Pixilate All Perfect IV except attack 252 HP and Special Defense Calm Mind, Shadow Ball; Hyper Voice and Wish
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Oh and the sylveon Nature put any that gives special attack plz Thanks for the hard work creating and posting the codes ;)
Dallas 3394 3837 3011
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>>22883300 >>22883300 Thats not doing anything
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>>22883300 thanks m8, i would have never considered injecting before but there are moves that you can only get through previous game or special distributions, also this method is pretty easy as well
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>species: Diggersby >shiny? No >nickname: Big Ears >level: 100 >nature: Jolly >item: life Orb >ability: Huge Power >iv's: all perfect Iv >ev's: 252 atk and 252 spees (the remaining can be random) >attacks: return, quick attack, EQuake, swords dance -------------------------------------------------------------------->species: Greninja >shiny? Yes >nickname: The One >level: 100 >nature: timid >item: Latiosite (if that causes error on pokemon X then can put expert Belt) >ability: Protean >iv's: All perfect except attack >ev's: 252 Special Attack and 252 Speed >attacks: Dark Pulse, Gunk Shot, Scald, Ice beam I am posting 2 to be more easier than post one at the time, thanks in advance ;)
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Lucario Shiny Lucario Level 50 Timid Lucarite Justified IV and EV maximum Moves : -Close Combat -Extremespeed -Ice Punch -Swords Dance
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Thanks for doing this, this is a precious help!!!>species: Landorus-Incarnate >shiny?: No >nickname: No Nickname >level: 100 >nature: timid >item: Life Orb >ability: Sheer Force >iv's: 5IV (missing Attack) >ev's: 252 SpA/ 252 Spe/4 Special Defense >attacks: Earth Power; Psychic; Sludge Bomb; Focus Blast
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Honedge Yes Nay Level 5 Don't care Masterball No guard 0 0 Tackle Fury cutter Flash Cannon Destiny Bond
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>species: gliscor >shiny? No >nickname: skorgro >level: 100 >nature: Impish >item: toxic Orb >ability: poison heal >iv's: all perfect Iv >ev's: 252 def, 126 atk and 126 hp >attacks: poison jab, protect, earthquake, defog
>species: nidoking >shiny? No >nickname: Nidoking >level: 100 >nature: adamant >item: life Orb >ability: sheer force >iv's: all perfect Iv >ev's: 252 atk and 252speed >attacks: earthquake, poison jab, ice punch, thunder punch
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Avalugg Shiny Nickname: Muh bulk 100 Bold Item: Surprise me! Sturdy 6iv 252 def, 252 hp, 4 atk Moves: Rapid spin Recover Earthquake Avalanche
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>species: claydol >shiny? No >nickname: Lepumentas >level: 100 >nature: bold >item: red card >ability: levitate >iv's: all perfect Iv >ev's: 252 sp def and 252def >attacks: earth power, Psyshock, Stealth Rock, Reflect
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>Species: Azelf >shiny? Yes >Nickname: none >Level: 100 >nature: Jolly >item: Focus Sash >ability: Levitate >IVs: 6iv >evs: 252atk/252spe/4def >moves: Knock Off, U-Turn, Stealth Rocks, Taunt This time put where it was met as Nameless Cavern Level met: 50 The first azelf you made is unusable because you left out this information.
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Anonymous 02/22/15(Sun)23:34:05 No.22881622 Bidoof Yes Swagmonsta 100 Adamant Choice specs Sheer force 6ivs perf 252 in sp def and def 4 in atk Protect Detect Splash Fissure
can you guys like not do this shit yourselves? kiddies pls
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Species: Yvetal Shiny? : No Nickname: Necrosis Level: 50 Nature: Naive Item: Up-Grade Ability: Dark Aura IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: 4HP, 252 Sp. Atk, 252 speed Attacks: Oblivion Wing, Shadow Ball, Hurricane, Dark Pulse It doesnt seem my last request went through but I was more than likely late for it. If you would be so kind, many thanks :)
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>>22883675 This. These threads are so full of obvious new.
>>22883675 I'd like to do it myself but I don't know where to go or what to do
I can't even find a tutorial
I'm kind of retarded I know
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>>22883712 Hey look I rolled my age
>>22883712 It's not like there's a complete post explaining you how to use this in the injection thread, right? You shithead.
>>22883722 What injection thread?
>>22883734 I don't know, maybe the one in the catalog dumbfuck?
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>species Torkoal >shiny? No >nickname No >level 50 >nature Bold >item Kee Berry >ability Shell Armor >iv's 31|31|31|31|31|31 >ev's 252 hp 252 def 4 sp. atk >attacks Rapid spin, Lava plume, yawn, stealth rock
>>22883734 Literally lurk moar.
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>species: Aegislash >shiny: No >nickname: (none) >level: 100 >nature: Brave >item: weakness policy >ability: stance change >iv's: 6 perfect >ev's: 252HP / 252Atk / 4 Speed >attacks >King's sheild >Flash cannon >Sacred sword >Shadow sneak Could it be in a repeat ball if you can.
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Yesterday I got a Pokémon on the last thread and it was met at mystery zone in Lv.0... Can anyone check if yours are legal? I really want some pokémons but if I can't use online then nevermind.
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>species Froslass >shiny? no >nickname no >level 50 >nature Timid >item Focus sash >ability Cursed Body >iv's 31\31\31\x\31\31 >ev's 252 speed 252 hp 4 atk >attacks Ice shard, Spikes, taunt, Destiny bond
>>22883745 I looked in the catalog and there were no injection thread I swear
>>22883757 Thanks for not insulting me
>>22883767 Must be hard to be such a useless piece of shit.
I'm so sorry for your parents.
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>>22883783 In the time you waited for someone else to do that, you could have easily figured out how to do it yourself.
>Jirachi >Shiny please >Aine >10 >Best fitting Nature >Comet Shard >Serene Grace >Perfect IVs >Best EV spread (not good with this t ing)>Moon Blast Doom Desire Healing Wish Psychic
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>>22883814 >Doesn't even competitive stuff. >Stupid autistic muh waifu nickname. Why am I not surprised?
>>22883780 It's actually very easy
I just have to lurk around a bit, look how offensive people get against people requesting things and do the same
Now breath in and out, relax, or you'll get a heart attack
>>22883843 Fuck off, it's not my fault that you are stupid.
Can you do a shiny hooh and shiny raikou. Idc about the levels or move sets. Thanks
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>>22883872 Brave yourself, hydropump ho-oh and bravebird raikou incoming
>>22883850 So I am stupid bc I pretended to be stupid and found what I was looking for w/o effort and you're not bc you got mad at some anon on the internet?
>>22883904 Damn, you got me kid.
>>22883907 Can a kid call another persona a kid?
>>22883910 Ohhh #BURNbc2hot4me
Man, I just made a QR No bad eggs or shit, I swear I just want to stop arguing like a baboon on the internet, ok? N hard feelings
>>22883934 Who is this for?
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>>22883945 It's for
>>22883911 He's mad at me and I wanted to apologize
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>>22881208 Milotic
Assault Vest
252 HP/252 Def/4 Sp. Att
Scald/Ice Beam/Hydro Pump/Hidden Power
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Could you do the GAME Darkrai?
Magneton Yes Tesla 50 Modest Leftovers Levitate 5IVs, missing attack 252 Special Attack 252 Defense 4 HP Fusion Bolt Doom Desire Ice Beam King's Sheild
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>species Pikachu Cosplay belle>shiny? No>nickname Swaggy>level 50>nature Adamant>item Suprise me>ability Lightling rod>iv's 6iv all>ev's 252 EV atk / 252 EV spe / 4hp>attacks Knock Off Icicle Crash - - Thank You <3
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perfect shiny permamegagallade Nickname : Galagladi (adamant, 6 ivs, hidden abillity, evs 252 HP & Atck 4 Speed ...) V-create , shadow force , bolt strike , pecipride blades And a perfect shiny chandelure - nickname : Skelabra (modest, hidden abillity, 6iv, evs 252 HP & SpA 4 Speed ...) With Celebrate, Origin Pulse, Judgment and Moonblast. Thank you soo much!
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Beedrill Yes If possible korean name 100 Jolly Nothing Swarm 31 31 31 0 31 31 31 Nothing Poison jab U-turn Protect Moon ball if possible
Wow! Arguing with people you don't even know and insulting them? Shame on you , and YOUR parents for raising you to be such a horrible human being. Some people don't have computers, I for instance have a tablet and phone instead. & a child to care for that takes all my money so no a computer isn't on the top of my list. If being able to do it is so ridiculously easy get off this thread & go do it then.
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Azelf Yes Mugen 50 Timid Light clay Levitation 31 everywhere but attack (0) 240 hp 44 def 224 speed 0 everywhere else Taunt/ stealth rock/ ligth screen/ reflect Thx a lot
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>>22884299 1/10
Made me reply
>Riolu >no banana mon for me >doge >50 >adamant >focus sash >prankster >perfect 31s all around >4hp, 252 attack, 252 sped >copycat, reversal, quick attack, endure
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>>22884339 It's too bad gen 6 removed the benefit of prankster/copycat on low priority moves like dragon tail.
The original set would have been copycat and dragon tail with skarmory to setup rocks and spikes
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greninja shiny NO nickname 40 quirky protean max iv
Male Absolutely Non shiny Level 100 Any nature Ability capsual Super luck It's and Eva for power Dark pulse Mega horn Nights lash Psycho cut OT Cameron
Would anyone be able to do me one of these? Poké: Mightyena Shiny: No thanks Nickname: Septimus Lvl: 50 Nature:Adamant Item: Toxic orb Ability: Quick feet IV's: Perfect please EV'S: 252attack 252 speed and 4hp Attacks: Facade, Play rough, protect, sucker punch Thanks in advance.
I will do a few while I wait for a few downloads to finish reply to this if you have any request
Can some one make me a Male chesnaught Non shiny Lv 100 Any nature Heart scale Bulletproof Powerful ivs Hammer arm Spiky shield Vine wipe Seed bomb thanks
If anyone could do this I would be so grateful. Salamence Yes SWEEP TIME 100 jolly salamenceite moxie 6iv 252 atk 252 speed 4 HP Earthquake Dragon dance Outrage Iron head
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>>22884523 I'd like the GAME Darkrai or the Japanese equivalent.
requesting cryogonal shiny:yes nickname:Tyndall level: 8 modest expert belt levitate 6IVs 252 sp atk/252 speed ice beam signal beam water pulse flash cannon
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>>22884511 >>22884502 Lol dude you need to register your username if you want it not to be stolen, Put your email in your name after a * to register.
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>>22884604 Sorry but...
>Not named SWEEP TIME >Intimidate not moxie DoingShitForRetards
>>22884574 Can't give Magneton levitate
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Sceptile male Non shiny Lv100 Jolly Sceptilite Overgrow Perfect ivs Dragon pluse Leaf blade Bullet seed Leaf storm
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>>22884683 You can, activate the hack mode for PkHex.
Hey :) Requesting Dratini Male Adamant, and Hidden Ability 6 IV level and Ev dont matter Moves: E-Speed Iron head Ice punch dragon dance Thank you :)
Rotom-W Shiny Nickname: Waterboard 100 Bold chesto berry Rotom only gets levitate 6iv 252hp 44 def 212 special atk Thunderbolt Hydro pump Will-o-Wisp Rest
Gardevoir Non shiny Lv 78 Seriouse nature Heart scale Synchronize Perfect ivs Magical leaf Shadow ball Dazzling Gleam Moonblast OT Diantha
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>>22884747 Nice autism you got there.
>>22884779 What do you thing retard?
Male Dragonite Non Shiny Lvl 70 Adamant Nature Max IV @Weakness Policy No Ev Moves: Dragon Dance Extreme Speed Ice Punch Iron Head
Hoopster (Hoopa) @ Assault Vest Ability: Magician Level: 35 EVs: 244 HP / 20 Atk / 244 SpA Mild Nature - Ice Punch - Hyperspace Hole - Shadow Ball - Knock Off ID 01144 OT Ava
>>22884786 i don't know, thats why ask, nigger-
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>>22884809 Rude.
It's not like there's a pastebin in the injection thread right?
>>22884809 It doesnt work on new 3ds
>>22884818 Thanks, what a shame.
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Thundurus Lv 100 modest nature Prankster Sitrus berry IVS 31 30 30 31 31 31 Thunderbolt taunt thunder wave hp ice
>>22882022 Thats no fuckin excuse. You are playing on a $200 system and a $40 cart. Not to mention you are posting here somehow so you obviously have a shiny smartphone worth money and have internet access.
This general is a waste of space and people like you are just lazy fucks that should be wiped from this planet.
>>22884861 You dont have a 3ds or 2ds?
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>>22884864 >you are just lazy fucks that should be wiped from this planet. >>>/b/ Anonymous
>>22884864 >Implying he cant use a library computer and internet Anonymous
>>22884848 Sry I forgot to say it should have Hidden Ability :/
Could you make me a Male Sceptile Non shiny Lv100 Nature Jolly Held item Sceptilite Ability Overgrow Can it have Perfect ivs Moves Dragon pluse Leaf blade Bullet seed Leaf storm Thanks ️
>>22884886 >browsing 4chan on a public computer Anonymous
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Thundurus Lv 100 calm nature Prankster Sitrus berry IVS 31 30 30 31 31 31 Thunderbolt taunt thunder wave hp ice shiny
>>22884799 give sauce and i'll gen that for you
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>>22884909 Welcome to /vp/, enjoy your stay.
HB BR Scarf Landorus-T Have fun creating a shit storm of remove genies :^)
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>>22884871 Nop, i only have the NEWXL
>>22884937 Shit forgot image
>>22884902 >3 grass type moves Have fun
Thanks for the pokemon if it's ok could you make me Male Beedrill Non shiny Jolly nature Swarm ability Powerful ivs With Aerial ace Fury attack Venoshock and Brick break thanks :) for these two pokemon
>species Pikachu Cosplay belle>shiny? No>nickname Swaggy>level 50>nature Adamant>item Suprise me>ability Lightling rod>iv's 6iv all>ev's 252 EV atk / 252 EV spe / 4hp>attacks Knock Off Icicle Crash - - Thank You <3
>>22884949 >>22884962 Why do you need your dick sucked so bad?
>>22884966 Venoshock but no poison?
No item?
Thundurus Lv 100 modest nature Prankster Sitrus berry IVS 31 30 30 31 31 31 Thunderbolt taunt thunder wave hp ice ^ No shiny
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>>22884992 >Expecting retards to ask for useful things. Anonymous
Thundurus Lv 100 calm nature Prankster Sitrus berry IVS 31 30 30 31 31 31 Thunderbolt taunt thunder wave hp ice shiny
Can I plz have Shiny Adamant Tirtuga Lvl 25 6iv Max evs in speed and attack rest of the evs defense Moves: Rock tomb Water gun Iron defense Mud slap
>>22885000 >>22885007 >Posting the same shit 2 times instead of asking for shiny and not shiny in the same post. >>22885011 >plz >l >z Anonymous
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>>22881420 I knew something was up on battle spot when the fucker's yanmega GD'd. Great, now I have to worry about the shitmons being hacked.
>>22884799 Here. Only because of the gif.
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>>22885011 > Attack Evs >Special set >Speed Tirtuga Top kek
>>22885016 >Bashes people >Isnt doing shit Anonymous
wew (Chansey) @ Leftovers Ability: Serene Grace Level: 34 EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA Bold Nature - Soft-Boiled - Metronome - Ice Beam - Charge Beam Max happiness :^)
>>22885051 I don't feel like wasting time doing your shitmons and feeding your autism, what's your point again?
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>>22885041 Forgot the nickname.
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>>22885018 Sorry but it's not a cosplay pikachu :( Anonymous
>Arcanine >shiny >Harbinger >Owner: Billy >ID: 48404 >100 >Adamant >metronome >Desolate land (i think thats possible) >6IV >252 attack, 252 speed, 6 hp >Iron tail >fire fang >thunder fang >morning sun If i may request this, and thank you in advance.
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wew (Chansey) @ Leftovers Ability: Serene Grace Level: 34 EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA Bold Nature - Soft-Boiled - Metronome - Ice Beam - Charge Beam Max happiness :^) shiny
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>>22885078 not legit but hackable.
>>22885078 >arcanine >fire fang Nigger, what are you doing?
Could some one please make me a Male Non shiny Torterra Level 100 with a jolly nature perfect ivs and Eva maxed I'm attack and speed could you make it know Synthesis, energy ball, rock climb(if you can) and leaf storm :) thank you so much for helping
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>>22885083 Maymay master*
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>>22885057 >Def Chansey I dont even....
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>>22885095 Now you're just baiting.
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>>22885095 >Ash'sPikachu It's like you are doing this on purpose people.
>>22885092 I dont like recoil moves. What would you suggest?
>>22885111 Recoil moves. You have Morning Sun, why does it matter if a move damages you a bit?
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>>22885111 Stop using shitmons it's a good start. If you are doing "muh legendary desolate land dog" at least use "muh secret unique moves" retard.
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Can somebody make me Vulpix(no nickname) Shiny Timid Drought 252 evs in SpAtk 252 evs in speed 4 in HP Holding life orb Lvl 1
PokeFag !wVKma/yAig
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>>22885111 I suggest smogon
>>22884505 Could some fig gen this based 'mon.
>>22885143 >Septimus the death dog of darkness PleaseILoveYou
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>species Pikachu COSPLAY>shiny? No>nickname EauCalme>level 50>nature Adamant>item Suprise me>ability Lightling rod>iv's 6iv all>ev's 252 EV atk / 252 EV spe / 4hp>attacks Knock Off Icicle Crash - - Thank You / Sorry for the triple post ...
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Can you please make me a thundurus calm, 244hp-108 def--64 spA-72spD-20speed with 31/30/30/31/31/31, no nicks and not shiny please :)
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>>22885128 Good point, so flare blitz, and kings rock so if it survives it could flinch. either that or use sheer force and life orb pokemon, those are so glitchy
Sorry, this may be hard request, but can i have a level 3 pidgey with sand attack? Thanks in advance.
>>22884799 Do you get the bottle to transform it with these?
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>>22885167 I think you have to either bank it or put it in the Daycare and take it out.
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>>22885167 Yeah, go to any pokemart.
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>>22885151 It's all about the ears.
PokeFag !wVKma/yAig
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>>22885160 That was really hard
Shiny Entei No Nickname Level 30 Adamant Life Orb Pressure IV MAX 252 ATK 4 HP 252 SPE Sacred Fire Stone Edge Extremespeed Iron Head arigato anon san, I am posting from a chromebook that can't use the software id make one myself if i could
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Someone Fucking post
PokeFag wVKma/yAig
>>22885231 Do you shit deathly ramens?
suck it nat :3
vileplume lvl 100 ev 252 spatk 252 hp 4 def modest effect sore moonblast giga drain infestion sludge bomb
>mfw dont even know how to scan the code
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Does this work for the new 3ds?
Can i request a B-kyurem? Nickname: Yang Teravolt Not shiny Level 100 EVs:252atk 252speed 6hp 5ivs, everything perfect but spatk Adamant -Fusion bolt -Freeze shock -Dragon claw -Roost Item:Jaboca berry
Is my Torterra asking to much :( ??? if it is I'm sorry he was my partner in platinum but my brother broke the game so now I found this he's my first choice to make so could you please help ?
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>>22885279 You need to rub your 3ds in it.
PokeFag wVKma/yAig
>>22885260 >>22885282 Legendarys take extra time
>>22885268 Pic related
>>22885293 >Is my Torterra asking to much :( ??? Holy shit fuck off
Friendly neighborhood Tripfag !kGJUI3L/GE
Friendly neighborhood Tripfag !kGJUI3L/GE Mon 23 Feb 2015 19:10:13 No. 22885329 Report Quoted By:
I miss when Reddit wasn't here. Or at least wasn't as blatant.
>>22884799 Hoopa
Mild Nature
Not shiny
Hyperspace Fury and Hole
Ice Punch
>>22885317 just figured out how the camera is opened. Never knew how people took screencaps
I cant see my post anywhere :/ do i have to make it again? Something like the pic, and shiny, and i want it to be usable for online battle. :/
PokeFag wVKma/yAig
>>22885342 DUMBSHIT!
>>22885345 Yes
>>22885322 Ehm no how about you do all you do is annoy people you think we're all stupid you fuck off lol as for me first time I ask from what seems a great place for a pokemon of meaning and you start shit yh great way to help people dickwad
>>22885349 and do you have to close the game when scaning for it to work?
It hasn't worked for me, I got nothing
Friendly neighborhood Tripfag !kGJUI3L/GE
Friendly neighborhood Tripfag !kGJUI3L/GE Mon 23 Feb 2015 19:17:00 No. 22885384 Report Quoted By:
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>>22885376 Delete all the cache and history from ur 3DS. From the browser
PokeFag !wVKma/yAig
>>22885364 Fuck off you dont get shit
>>22885376 Its weird sometimes. Delete internet history/Cache and try again. Try restarting you system
>>22885377 Just make a new fucking post?
slowpoke god
Can somebody make me a shiny bold 6iv regenarator slowpoke lvl 1 with water I gun?
>>22885376 >Save your game >Make sure your Box1 Slot1 is free >Close the PC [Not actually a step. You can quickly switch to box 2 and then go back to box 1 it saves you the trip] >Open the camera and scan pic related WITHOUT QUITTING THE GAME >Open the link in browser and wait till you GET AN ERROR. The browser will close inmediately. >Now check your game, pokemon should be in Box1 Slot1 >If it doesnt work clean your browser cache and history. PokeFag !wVKma/yAig
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>>22885392 The format is a god
Friendly neighborhood Tripfag !USBrQzB4qI
Friendly neighborhood Tripfag !USBrQzB4qI Mon 23 Feb 2015 19:21:09 No. 22885414 Report Quoted By:
@22885391 Stop being an asshole
Quoted By:
>>22885422 >@ Captcha: WHYar
PokeFag !wVKma/yAig
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>>22885422 Email Spam commence
>>22885407 Thank you, way better. I'll give it another try
>>22885391 Gardevoir shiny & Female
Ability : Trace
Lvl 100
EV Maxed in Sp Attk, sp def.
Moonblast, psyshock, Shadow ball, encore.
OT Aerith
Sorry bout earlier.
Quoted By:
>>22885422 I sure do love me some EPIC memes.
>species Torkoal >shiny? No >nickname No >level 50 >nature Bold >item Kee Berry >ability Shell Armor >iv's 31|31|31|31|31|31 >ev's 252 hp 252 def 4 sp. atk >attacks Rapid spin, Lava plume, yawn, stealth rock
Level 100 Non shiny male delphox Blaze jolly Perfect ivs Mystical fire and other good moves for him thanks
PokeFag !wVKma/yAig
Quoted By:
>>22885439 Well, my camera doesn't even scan shit now
>>22885441 ohh and IV max to if you can. Sorry ><
Friendly neighborhood Tripfag !USBrQzB4qI
Friendly neighborhood Tripfag !USBrQzB4qI Mon 23 Feb 2015 19:31:19 No. 22885509 Report Quoted By:
>>22885484 >jolly delphox >giving it special moves to boot Oh my god.
>>22885493 You are a faggot.
Quoted By:
does this allow you to have illegal abilities?
Quoted By:
>>22885503 Are you autistic?
Are there any legal non-shiny Hoopa and Volcanion codes?
Quoted By:
I wanted to gen. Some QR codes for anons but stupid autistic sets and names are making me cringe
PokeFag !wVKma/yAig
>>22885484 Fagget specify moves and make my life easier i chose chespin
>>22885503 already did
>>22885475 Pic related
>>22885516 PokeFAG blind fuck
Zekrom: Red Eyes Naughty Bolt Strike Volt Switch Dragon Claw Earth Quake
I believe 80% of the requests here are from autistic redditors
Quoted By:
>>22885533 Use the catalog and look for other QR threads. I know for a fact they were.
PokeFag !wVKma/yAig
Quoted By:
>>22885543 No fucking legendaries
>>22885547 No shit
>>22885542 what makes legendaries take longer, pokefag?
Quoted By:
Look at all you plebs begging for perfect IV's on your special attackers. It's like you're begging to take maximum foul play and confusion damage. Git gud newbs and start giving your special attackers a 0 attack IV.
Lv 50 Male steelix Bold Perfect ivs Holding heart scale Flash cannon Hyper beam Rock tomb Gyro ball cheers for this
QR code for level 999 sunkern in pic
Quoted By:
>>22885547 Knowing that the injection has brought a massive influx of shitters and retards is satisfying, isn't it?
>>22885542 Ok mystical Fire
Fire blast
Flamethrower and psyh strike
PokeFag !wVKma/yAig
Quoted By:
>>22885553 making them legit does. Game, date, place, etc.
>>22885556 >Hyper Beam Steelix Go back to reddit
Level 30 Shiny Darumaka Adamant 252 ATK, 4 HP, 252 SPE Holding Razor Fang 6 Perfect IVs Flare Blitz U Turn SuperPower Rock Slide
Why is it recomended to put them in the care center and back out?
Quoted By:
>>22885597 that registers them in your pokedex
>>22885597 Show they show in your Dex
Quoted By:
Tentacruel Bold nature Max HP/Defense Scald, Acid Spray, Sludge Bomb and Rapid spin Ability: Rain Dish
Slurpuff (F) Lvl 100 Unburden Ev max Attack, defense, sp def. Belly drum, play rough, drain punch, giga impact. OT Aerith Item a good berry for when i use belly drum. Last one for today >< thank you
>>22885606 >Show they show PokeFag !wVKma/yAig
>>22885558 kek
>>22885578 Remake your post w/ format
>>22885587 Finally someone who isnt autistic
>>22885597 dex entry
Quoted By:
>>22885606 Oh okay makes sense
Quoted By:
>>22885615 thank you for the daru pokefag, you are based
>>22885612 Man, I just woke up, didnt even notice
Shiny male Aurorus Lv50 Jolly Perfect ivs and evs refrigerate Never melt ice Ice beam Frost breath Ancient power Thunderbolt Thanks
Quoted By:
>>22885611 are you autistic?
PokeFag !wVKma/yAig
Quoted By:
>>22885611 Fuck man! Why don't you just ask me for a team? Pic related(Sitrus Berry & autism included)
Male delphox Lv 100 Jolly Ability capsule Perfect ivs and evs Mystical fire Flamethrower fire blast psyhstrike
>Espeon >shiny >no nickname >100 >timid >metronome >Magic Bounce >0IV-atk, >31 IV hp, def, sp. atk, sp. def, spd, >252EV sp. atk, 252EV spd, 6EV hp >shadow ball, psychic, dazzling gleam, morning sun Thank you in advance.
PokeFag !wVKma/yAig
>>22885639 >>22885626 >>22885646 Y'all are prolly the last three.
>>22885656 Stupid cock drizzling nigger i told him to post it again
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>>22885656 He told me to redo it so I did
Garchomp Shiny? Yes Nickname: Jib-Jab v3 lvl: 50 Nature: jolly item: Garchompite Ability: Rough Skin 6iv 252 attack 252 speed 4 defense Outrage Iron Head Earthquake Rock Slide
Friendly neighborhood Tripfag !USBrQzB4qI
Friendly neighborhood Tripfag !USBrQzB4qI Mon 23 Feb 2015 19:54:00 No. 22885671 Report What I don't get is, why the people injecting for people are still injecting even while knowing this place is infested with underageb& cancer. Is this truly how you get your jollies? A bit of empty praise from cancerous Redditors? All you do is encourage it by submitting to their retarded whims. As long as you are giving them what they want, they will not leave. So good luck shitting up the board even further. It's really sad to watch, but that doesn't make it any less entertaining.
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>>22885663 Sorry but I'm only the delphox the only one I actually need sorry to burst your bubble
>>22885671 I really like this pasta, can I save it?
Quoted By:
>>22885668 And OT as "May" preferably
is anyone having trouble getting the codes from 4chan read? other QR code sources read instnatly and bring up the internet browser error but here, nothing happens
>species Froslass >shiny? no >nickname no >level 50 >nature Timid >item Focus sash >ability Cursed Body >iv's 31\31\31\x\31\31 >ev's 252 speed 252 hp 4 atk >attacks Ice shard, Spikes, taunt, Destiny bond
Friendly neighborhood Tripfag !USBrQzB4qI
Friendly neighborhood Tripfag !USBrQzB4qI Mon 23 Feb 2015 19:56:53 No. 22885691 Report Quoted By:
>>22885678 It's all yours, my friend.
>>22885686 no, its just you, did you try clicking on the picture to enlarge it?
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>>22885688 >nature Timid >iv's 31\31\31\x\31\31 Nice waifu faggot.
>>22885693 yeah. other sources read super sensitively, but not the ones from pokefag.
i guess im just dumb gay and autistic
Quoted By:
>>22885697 with that attitude youre asking for ridicule. But i dont know. I know all the ones i tried werent super sensitive
PokeFag !wVKma/yAig
>>22885646 Your welcome
Last one for today
Friendly neighborhood Tripfag !USBrQzB4qI
Friendly neighborhood Tripfag !USBrQzB4qI Mon 23 Feb 2015 20:01:33 No. 22885721 Report Quoted By:
>>22885688 you're waifu a shit.
PokeFag !wVKma/yAig
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>>22885697 Not sure if sarcasm?
>>22885717 What about delphox ?
PokeFag !wVKma/yAig
Quoted By:
species Haxorus>shiny? no >nickname no >level 50 >nature Jolly >item lum berry >ability Mold breaker >iv's 31\31\31\x\31\31 >ev's 252 atk 252 speed 4 hp >attacks dragon dance, taunt, dragon claw, earthquake
PokeFag !wVKma/yAig
Quoted By:
Seriously this time. Thats it. Ill come back later. Maybe around 5:00 Eastern
PokeFag !wVKma/yAig
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Follow ifunny joseraph for more
Junior: 2337-5601-3535
Could you build a Raichu based off of LT. Surges from the anime? I know it has Body slam and "Dundabolt"
>>22885870 It's a Raichu, not a Pikachu.
>species: gliscor >shiny? No >nickname: skorgro >level: 100 >nature: Impish >item: toxic Orb >ability: poison heal >iv's: all perfect Iv >ev's: 252 def, 126 atk and 126 hp >attacks: poison jab, protect, earthquake, defog can you do this please ? i need it so much
PokeFag !wVKma/yAig
Quoted By:
>>22885877 whats wrong with this sentence
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>>22885916 Save your game with it in party and softreset. It'll show the gliscor
use this as a template for anything that can hatch
>>22885941 Program is called PKHeX, are people really this retarded?
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>>22885916 i don't get it. don't know why?
>Specie: Kyogre >Shiny: Yes >Nickname: Abyss >Lv:50 >Nature: Modest >Item: None >Ability: Primordial Sea >IV: Full31 >EV: 4 HP/252 SpA/ 252 Spe >Attacks:Origin Pulse, Thunder, Ice Beam, Calm Mind Tjank you in advance!
Junior: 2337-5601-3535
Quoted By:
>>22885993 Just downloaded PKHeX on my Mac and wineskining it now
I'm gonna try this
I may fuck up
Junior: 2337-5601-3535
I fucked up before I could even start Can't even load up the damn thing
PokeFag !wVKma/yAig
Quoted By:
Because of that faggot earlier, my request got ignored. So, here it is again :)>Pokémon: Jirachi>Shiny: Yes please>Nickname: Aine>Level: 10>Nature: Best fitting Nature>Item: Comet Shard>Ability: Serene Grace>IVs: Perfect IVs>EVs: Best EV spread (not good with this t ing)>Moves: Moon Blast Doom Desire Healing Wish Psychic And I add this one, too.>Pokémon: Dratini (female)>Shiny: Yes please>Nickname: Tanith>Level: 40>Nature: Best fitting Nature>Item: Starf Berry>Ability: Marvel Scale>IVs: Perfect IVs>EVs: Best EV spread (not good with this t ing)>Moves: Surprise me! :D Trainer ID is Fede
>>22881208 >Lampent >male >shiny > Nickname "Elegy" >Lv 61 >modest >Destiny Knot (damn ORAS's rng) >Flame Body >31/1/31/31/31/10 >252HP/4Def/252SpAtk >PainSplit/Calm Mind/Heat Wave/Shadow Ball Can I request the OT to say "AJ," or if that's not possible, it's okay..
Junior: 2337-5601-3535
Quoted By:
>>22886183 Hey I got it cheap when I worked there
which qrcode generator do you use? tell me please so i can do this by myself
Quoted By:
>>22885775 Politely requesting
>>22886245 Anonymous
>>22885827 >>22885916 Yeah, these egg ones don't seem to be working for me
Junior: 2337-5601-3535
>>22886431 Neither for the raichu
>>22886431 >>22886461 Same here. They're staying eggs no matter what I do
Could I get a shiny Cresselia Lvl 50 Holding leftover Any moves work. Please
Quoted By:
requesting pokeball patten vivillon shiny:no level 100 no nickname ability:compoundeyes item:insect plate 6Ivs 252 sp atk/252 speed oblivion wing dark void judgement sacred fire
Junior: 2337-5601-3535
>>22886482 I'm gonna try to hatch it
PokeFag !wVKma/yAig
Junior: 2337-5601-3535
Quoted By:
>>22886482 Hopefully it turns out better than my attempts at breeding
Junior: 2337-5601-3535
Quoted By:
>>22886637 They just have "????" On em
I thought bad eggs had them named "bad egg"
>species Alakazam>shiny? yes>nickname no>level 100>nature Modest>item Alakazamite>ability Magic Guard>iv's 6 ivs>ev's 252 HP, 252 Sp.atk OT Dr.Doyourmom Legal one pls>attacks Psychic Focus Blast Shadow Ball Recover if yoh could please do this and make it legal that would be amazing I need him to beat my friend
i want mamoswine whit ancien power and thick fast please
PokeFag !wVKma/yAig
>>22886768 Enjoy the look of horror on your friends face when you beat him
>>22886847 Use the format, and give a full set
Quoted By:
Lopunny @ Ability Capsule Type: Normal Ability: Limber Nature: Jolly -Ice Punch -Thunder Punch -Return -High Jump Kick Shiny
Quoted By:
Lugia Shiny Nickname: For my boo Multiscale 6iv Any filler moves
Junior: 2337-5601-3535
>>22886854 Could you make a Lt. Surge inspired raichu?
I can't hatch the egg either....
Captcha: samie
Quoted By:
>species Shaymin>shiny? no>nickname no>level 100>nature Modest>item Meadow Plate>ability Natural Cure>iv's 6 ivs>ev's 252 Speed and 252 Special attack OT Pie>attacks Seed flare Dazzling Gleam Psychic Earth Power legal please
requesting pokeball patten vivillon shiny:no level 100 no nickname nature:Modest ability:compoundeyes item:insect plate 6Ivs 252 sp atk/252 speed oblivion wing dark void judgement sacred fire
PokeFag !wVKma/yAig
Quoted By:
>>22886959 HG/SS Rematch inspired Raichu because you didn't give me a set
PokeFag !wVKma/yAig
>>22886959 That one was shiny sorry
Make it legal pls! Species> Lopunny Nickname> Easter Bunny Shiny> Yes Nature> Jolly Item> Ability Capsule Ability> Limber Iv's> 6 Iv Ev's> 252 Atk 6 Def 252 Speed cause max EV's are 510 ( If not, 4 Ev's in Def then) Ice Punch Fire Punch Return High Jump Kick Legal Pls! OT: Kakashi
Junior: 2337-5601-3535
>>22887015 It's perfect!
I can feel as badass as surge himself!
Junior: 2337-5601-3535
Quoted By:
>>22887140 I can get bodyslam from tutor that's the only thing
Junior: 2337-5601-3535
Quoted By:
Awww... I can't teach it bodyslam it's gen I exclusive
PokeFag !wVKma/yAig
>>22887049 No level specified, i default to 70
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>>22887001 seconding this
make vivillon the true bringer of death
Quoted By:
>Garchomp >shiny >Garchump >100 >adamant >focus band >Rough Skin >Max >252 attack/252 speed 4hp >Hone Claws, Dragon Rush, Earthquake, Stone Edge
PokeFag !wVKma/yAig
Quoted By:
>species: nidoking >shiny? No >nickname: Nidoking >level: 100 >nature: adamant >item: life Orb >ability: sheer force >iv's: all perfect Iv >ev's: 252 atk and 252speed >attacks: earthquake, poison jab, ice punch, thunder punch can you do pls?
Hey guys, did I do this right?
PokeFag !wVKma/yAig
Quoted By:
Alakazam Shiny Huizun 100 Timid No item Magic guard Perfect IVs 32 HP 252 SpA 224 Spe
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Hey, why doesn't my QR reader recognize any these? Captcha: yelly
Quoted By:
>species Gardevoir (Female if possible) >shiny? Y >nickname:Gardevuah >level:100 >nature: Timid >item: Leftovers >ability: Trace >iv's 6 ivs >ev's 252 SpA/4 SpD/252 Spe >attacks Calm mind/Psychic/Thunderbolt/Attraction AO >Porchetta
Quoted By:
>>22887554 The worst thing that can happen is a Bad Egg...right?
Do you have an old or a new 3DS?
Quoted By:
>>22887627 It won't work with a New 3DS.
Quoted By:
Can i get a Shiny Muk Named Jeffery?
Junior: 2337-5601-3535
Quoted By:
>>22887961 It will... It already has once it goes under page 5
PokeFag !wVKma/yAig
>>22887961 Ill make a new thread if i need to tommorow
Quoted By:
>>22888004 It's on page 9, you may be doing it now if you plan to
PokeFag !wVKma/yAig
Quoted By:
>>22884799 I still need sauce on this
slowpoke god
Quoted By:
Hi can I get a shiny lvl one bold oblivious 6iv slowpoke? No evs male please and thank you!
do injected pokemon count as caught in the dex? they showed up as seen when i used them in a battle but not caught.
Quoted By:
>species: Kyogre >shiny: No >nickname: Kyogre E >level: 70 >nature: Hardy >item: No >ability: Drizzle >iv's: 31 full >ev's: No >attacks: Origin Pulse, Double Edge, Calm Mind, Hydro Pump
Junior: 2337-5601-3535
>>22888246 Place in daycare or bank and retrieve them back
Quoted By:
>species:Vivillon pokeball pattern >Shiny:no >nickname:Death >level:100 >nature:Modest >item:insect plate >ability:compound eyes >6IVs >252 sp atk/252 speed >attacks: oblivion wing,dark void,sacred fire,judgement
Quoted By:
>>22886607 I've been trying, and it hasn't even changed the description after an hour and a half
Can someone try redoing this request?
>>22885668 Shadow
Can anyone please make me a level 100 shiny 6iv Arceus with judgement and the three dragon moves (roar of time, spacial rend, and shadow force) if you can't then ok it's fine I just really want him
Quoted By:
>>22888455 Holy fuck everything about your post just screams Newfag.
Would you be so kind as to make a perfect 6IV ditto with japanese region? :3
>>22888647 This one benefits everyone
Quoted By:
Are you still doing these?
Quoted By:
>>22888430 There you go buddy
Quoted By:
>>22888647 >>22888668 I think I have one. Let me check