[336 / 45 / ?]
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Rotten apples all the way; this is Showderp!
It's quite simple: a stallfag claims the Stallthrone. We give him six stallmons so he can stall out kids until they ragequit or use Skarmory/Sableye/Taunt. He keeps battling until he gets tired of his own shit, and then he can either call for a new team or he can abandon his throne to someone else. The cycle continues forever, because it's on an encore.
Didn't understand? Lurk more, but try not to struggle too much!
akkeshi !HLtjLvv0V
If you're having fun, you're on the right place!
It's quite simple: a stallfag claims the Stallthrone. We give him six stallmons so he can stall out kids until they ragequit or use Skarmory/Sableye/Taunt. He keeps battling until he gets tired of his own shit, and then he can either call for a new team or he can abandon his throne to someone else. The cycle continues forever, because it's on an encore.
Didn't understand? Lurk more, but try not to struggle too much!
akkeshi !HLtjLvv0V
If you're having fun, you're on the right place!