>>22941441>KangaskhanFuck this ugly piece of shit. There's at least hope for Jinx becoming a fat opera singer as a Mega Evolution.
>StantlerShitty design, cry, annoying and makes training weaker Pokemon hell for absolutely no XP.
I literally had to look just now in the second volume for the HGSS strategy guide and see if there was a Gen III Pokemon I hated enough to want to retcon and I couldn't find any.
>MamoswineOne of the biggest offenders for ruining Swinub. The rest of you faggots can weep over your shitty cross-gen evos that don't use a Dawn Stone or Dusk Stone.
>Vanilluxe or PatratAs someone who actually really liked Vanillite and Vanillish, I hate this thing with a fucking passion. Kill it and replace it with cute, durable mountain of ice cream with straws for cannons and no shitty 2 scoop. Killing Patrat removes the evolutionary line altogether and leaves room for Sadfish.
>GoodraDisgrace to dragons and a generally shitty design that puts Goomy and Sligoo to shame. What a horrible peak.
>>22941552>SwalotKill yourself.
>>22941639>Shuckle>SableyeKill yourself.
>>22941642>>22941710>hurr look how cool I am for hating Charizard/Eevee>fucking Ampharos>hating Torkoal>actual good cross-gen evo from Gen IV>giant mustached octopus over anything like Vanilluxe>sound dragon bat over GoodraEnd your fucking life and end it as painfully as possible.