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/vp/'s MS Paint Topic Day 429: Guardians Of Nothing Edition!

!!5FVS7Ai6IW9 No.23020561 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>New to these threads? Give this a quick read: (Updated: January 1st, 2015)

What kind of thing always follows the exact same flight pattern on patrol? Seems kinda easy to take ad̘vͭ᷃āntag̹e ̩of if you ask me. I know it's a video game and these kind of dumbasses are supposed to be easy to avoid in stealth missions, but they're Psychic-types; they should know better.

Moral: Psychic-type doesn't instantly make you not stupid.

I also cannot picture these things flying forward in a way that doesn't look awkward or retarded.

>Pokemon 429: Sigilyph
>Hard Mode: No References or Fixes

You know the drill. Pokemon is selected at random daily, you get in this topic, you draw a Sigilyph in MS Paint (or similar program), and post results.

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