I can't wait to go back to Sinnoh though, that place felt like home to me. Played more of Pearl and Platinum than every other main game combined, and more than any specific spinoff by a long shot.
>Underground, actually getting to meet people in their bases, using traps to hurl them across the region, mining for items, stealing flags/catching thieves was actually fun
>longest postgame and best... maybe second-best Battle Frontier
>best Safari
>best legendaries
>best starter of all
>Route 216, and the other music in general being comfy as fuck
>bravest bird
>best champ
>best exploration, though admittedly I know the place like the back of my hand by now
>hardest single player, at least in Platinum, fun Nuzlocke
>cutest Pokegirl
>contests are a thing
>Amity Square... I guess?
>best main villain
>no hyper-linear map
I'm sure I'm missing things, I feel like I've posted a better list before.