>>23028726I pity how little you know about owls. There are species kill mostly rodents, but the tiny ones and the big ones are crazy. Smaller owls will take out birds bigger than they are, and large species like Great Horned Owls and other eagle-owls will take birds as large as herons and geese, porcupines, skunks, raccoons, snakes, and in some cases cats and small dogs. Snowy Owls were thought to eat primarily lemmings (rodents) because that's what they feed their young, but they are just as powerful and opportunistic as other eagle-owls, and more agile in flight. They can catch fish and take a wide range of mammals and birds. Some spend their winters on the Arctic sea ice in total darkness, hunting waterfowl in the open water areas. Even individuals that visit southern regions will fly to offshore buoys miles out and hunt for seabirds. Generally, having silent flight, great maneuverability, and powerful weaponry makes owls seriously accomplished predators.
That said, owls are generally all fluff in terms of body mass and dismissing them with "got killed by cat" is belittling to the incredible hunting prowess of felines. Cats are like terrestrial owls in terms of intensity and prey variety, plus they get larger and more muscular in exchange for no flying.