My reasons: 2 was my favorite (obviously) it introduced most of my favorite parts of the series such as breeding,shinnies,pokerus, and an internal clock. 6 gen gave me something i always wanted... a 3D pokemon experience, also i love the mini games now exist to let you EV train. Everyone hates on gen 1 but i don't, I understand that Mewtwo and the Abra evolution line are way over powered because of the single special stat, I know that it was a glich fest, I know it needed the physical special split... But who really cares?? It is almost 20 years old and it did not have anything near the budget a pokemon game has today. Nintendo originally said no to making the game. People want judge it by how Fire Red or Leaf Green plays. I don't think gen 1 was the best gen by any means, but it laid the foundation for every gen that followed and it was a really good game. The only other GB RPG that I can think of that stood the test of time and can be bought on the 3DS is final fantasy. But final fantasy wasn't solely relying on Nintendo either. My least favorite gen was 4, and it had probably one of my favorite legendary plot line. My problems with it include how slow the game was, The long & straight paths you were forced to take, forgettable gym leaders, and probably my least favorite starters to choose from. Gen 4 was all bad though don't get me wrong, I'm just sick of people saying it's their favorite and gen 1 sucked. I really don't have anything bad to say about 5 or 3, they were both good games in my opinion.