[23 / 3 / ?]
There are some Pokemon that appear in almost every game and generation regional dex and some that only appear in one or two. Are you tired of seeing the same mons over and over again while the other ones are kicked into post game? Common ones: Zubat, Machop, Abra, Tentacool, Geodude, Pikachu, Gastly, Wingull, Staryu, Koffing, Rhyhorn Sandshrew, Psyduck, Magnemite, Goldeen, Magikarp, Eevee, Marill, Ralts, Riolu, Nosepass, Aron,Meditite, Roselia, Rare ones: Mankey, Tyrouge, Drowzee, Paras, Venonat, Meowth, Ponyta, Seel, Krabby, Kangaskhan, Porygon, Ledyba, Spinarak, Natu, Suddowoodo, Sunkern, Pineco, Girafarig, Snubbull, Qwilfish, Teddiursa, Phanpy, Stantler, Seedot,Slakoth,Shroomish, Numel, Spinda, Cacnea, Corphish, Tropius, Kricketot, Cherubi, Shellos, Glameow, Bronzor, Finneon. I listed only first evos.
>>23036091 >Girafarig >rare Johto: check
Hoenn: check
Sinnoh: check
Dunno bout the rest but i wooden be surprizd if it was in Kalos too
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>>23036131 Girafarig is in a postgame area in B2W2
It's not in Kalos.
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>>23036131 Ok so there may be some Pokemon that appear in more than 2 games but you wouldnt call Girafarig a common sight in Pokemon games would you?
>>23036091 >Shitmons >Rare >Implying somebody actually gives a fuck about caughting a Finneon or a Cacnea Anonymous
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>Tentacool Fuck this piece of garbage, makes surfing and fishing a lot more tedious.
>>23036220 >caughting I like Lumineon, m8.
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>>23036283 I hate almost all of the shitmons OP listed as "rare".
>>23036220 You nigger, Cacnea is qt and Cacturnes a bro
>>23036298 >Sunkern used Brave Bird! Anonymous
>>23036302 How the fuck did it manage that?
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>>23036305 It's one of those anunumouse hackers
>>23036091 Machop, Abra, Gastly and Geodude are in almost every gen for a reason
>>23036332 The trade aspect? I know it had sense in first 2-3 generations but now people trade like crazy, there's a lot more pokemon that evolve through trade. Also version exclusives are also good reason to trade.
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>>23036091 Ponyta rare? Wtf did you smoke?
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>>23036269 you are not alone.
I use one in doubles.
>>23036091 >Rare ones: Pineco Fuck this so much.
>Forretress is one of my two favorite Pokemon >Gen II and their remakes: Available early in the game >RSE: Post-game exclusive to Emerald >FRLG: Not found >DPPt: Post-game only with the help of Emerald >BW(2): Swarm and post-game only >XY: Post-game only at Friend Safari >ORAS: Not available Seriously Game Freak, fuck you. Purrloin is pretty much the only Pokemon that is more uncommon than Pineco. It's not like I wanted to play with my favorites or anything.
>>23036547 I think you meant Glameow. Purrloin is way too common in generation V and Liepard is in XY
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>>23036659 Yeah, I meant Glameow, I always mix their names. I guess it's because Purrloin - Purugly sounds much more logical than Glameow - Purugly.
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>>23036342 No. Because up until gen IV-V, Alakazam, Machamp, Gengar and Golem were pretty much the quintessential or poster boys for their type
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>>23036131 Stop nigger talking
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>>23036220 starting fights again? Didn't I tell you to try and calm down with that? We can all be friends
>caughting Are you even trying anymore?