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The Complete origin lore: My theory

No.23066411 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Arceus creates the earth using a thousand ''arms'' (Unown)

>Creates Dialga Palkia and Giratina to uphold Time, Space and Law respectively

>Arceus then creates 4 imps, Uxie to uphold knowladge, Mespirit to uphold emotion, and Azelf to uphold willpower.

>The last Imp and leader of the trio Mew, to uphold Life.

>Arceus creates thousands of Mew to be the ideal species. Small, powerful, and able to adapt to anything.

>Eventually survival becomes hard and Mew are forced to transform into more adaptable species like Rhydon, Aerodactyl, Tyrantrum etc.

>Weaker Mew transform into plants and trees to avoid pradators (Grass types)

>Eventually Arceus creates a dominant species, humans, gived with knowladge, emotion and willpower blessed by the Imps.

>Humans start off primitive, but eventually dominate the humans thanks to their intelligence and command giving nature.

>By this time, changed with breeding have occured. Transformed Mew have bred with other transformed Mew leading to offspring with no Mew DNA. Original Mew die off.

>New species are born with new and strange abilities, often times to naturally satisfy human's needs (longer reach, stronger bodies, etc.)

>Humans use these creatures to serve themselves.

>Despite the Mew ancestry having almost vanished, Pokemon still have the ability to transform into new creatures in their DNA...

>This is Pokémon Evolution

Mew is the leader of the Lake Guardians. Pokemon evolve because they are decendants of Mew.

Have your minds been blown or is this a shit theory?