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I actually think mega-pinsir is incredibly underutilized in Battlespot, but you really need your team built around him to let him shine because he still struggles with many common birdspam checks. He can get past Heatran, but he still has trouble with all the other ones, and I don't know how I feel about Pinsir without SD. I guess it's more viable in 3v3 than 6v6, though.
Anyway, Pinsir loses to a lot of offensive threats as well as birdspam checks. Talonflame, Garchomp, many common sash mons, Mega-manny, thundurus and Raikou, Mega-mom, Mega-mence, and a lot of common scarfers, specifically Lando-T. This is where you build your team around mega-pinsir. You'll need something that checks birdspam, birdspam checkers, and something that can either tank or kill common threats. I don't really like Heatran or gengar as teammates here, but I do really like Rotom-W and Mold Breaker Exca because Rotom deals with opposing birdspam and can cripple physical attackers allowing you to switch into things easier. Excadrill is a 4x resist to rock and handles Pinsir checks with Rock/Ground coverage. You could also forego Hyper Cutter in favor of Mold Breaker on Pinsir, and put maybe Landorus-T or Garchomp on to eat up hits and force switches
Then just throw in some more checks for whatever you feel you're weak to and you're good to go