50 HP
25 Atk
25 Def
70 SpA
80 SpD
50 Spe
One of the shittiest of shitmons. Only 300 BST. Dies from a stiff breeze against physical attacks.
100 HP
45 Atk
60 Def
90 SpA
100 Spd
55 Spe
450 BST
Still a shitmon, but it has the bulk to use Eviolite now.
110 HP
75 Atk
80 Def
110 SpA
125 SpD
60 Spe
560 BST
I made special Defense their best stat so they can resist nonsense like magical attacks. After all, Arceus Judgment is a special move. Made it's SpD it 5 points higher than Arceus' SpA just so it can laugh off neutral ones with bulk investment.
Signature Move:
Euphoria- Status move that Sharply raises user's special defense. Causes Taunt on Arceus and anything with 600 BST or higher, since those are basically gods anyway.