>>23129266Come on, think about it. You don't mention details, they get left to assumption. I made assumptions. You get cross when I make said assumptions.
But hey, I'll be the voice of reason here and say I'm sorry for whatever I said that made this turn hostile.
Being here a long time does allow you to know the place better, and attube yourself to its locale, but that shouldn't be worn as a badge of merit, so that's my fault to bear.
But to be honest your wall of text is much better worded and well structured than your previous posts, so you have warranted my respect in that regard.
I dunno anon, I'm one of the few folk here that doesn't hunt for a fight. So I'll call it at that and won't judge you any further; what you do from here is your call.
But do go easy on the mods; they do a good job in keeping the place tidy most of the time. It would be much worse without them; goodrafag can vouch for that. It was probably a janitor exercising his abilities that deleted your posts; but they come a dime a dozen.
And typically when your posts are removed that neans you shouldn't draw attention to them, less they take further action from there. Just a word of advice.
Have a good one.