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Bros vs Foes

No.23186641 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Step 1: Laugh at other people's shit taste.

Step 2: create a team of 6 pokemon constisting of:
1. Your favorite starter
2. Your favorite legendary
3. Your favorite pseudo-legendary.
4. Your favorite Eeveelution
5. Your favorite Pikachu
6. Your favorite that doesn't fall in any of the above categories.

Step 3: Same as Step 2 only with your least favorite/most hated pokemon of each category

Which team's the better one? Would you stand a chance against your hated team? Are the teams even competitively viable?
Rate others.

Starting with mine
I guess... pretty shit team I have there, too much psychic, very unbalanced, but should at least have a chance against the evil ones, which luckily have no dark or bug types.