To tell the truth, B/W just feels boring to me. I just think of it, and I just don't feel like playing it. I watched a playthrough recently, and I found out why. I can no longer respect the plot of this game. It makes no sense in world, and it makes no sense for those playing it as well. Not to mention, after X/Y and OR/AS, this game doesn't look as appealing anymore. It's no better than the 4th gen. The animations may have been amazing then, but X/Y is just so much better. Then again, I'm pretty sure I feel that way for whatever the current gen is. I'm sure whatever the next gen looks like, it will make this one look inferior, too. I have been able to play some older games without bothering about the graphics, but this one really doesn't have anything to offer, not even in pokemon. There are too few of them that I even care about. I just cannot get into it. I'd rather play X/Y again, for the third time. I've already replayed the other 4 gens in some form, and I don't plan on doing it again.