>>23189765Because even I don't know the entire thing, I only know the basic gist of it
Style is a new player to competitive pokemon, she's like really really new to it, not been playing for anymore than 6 months. But she has consistently destroyed top tier players in ST and had perfect matchups against everyone, while having almost perfect plays every game.
Keep in mind, these top players have been playing for a long ass time, years, but Style comes out of nowhere (she has like 10 forum posts, never appears on the irc, only appears on the server for ST games etc) and is apparently a girl who has recently started, like I said no more than 6 months.
On top of that, she always uses her phone, and you know what that means? An almost untraceable IP to anybody else on Smogon, but apparently the argument that shes an alt has been thrown out the window.
Onto the battling shit, she has 100% perfect matchups every time and she makes perfect plays almost every single turn. Keep in mind she has ONLY been playing for 5 months or so. And like CTC said, she has perfect counter teams, ie HP Electric Keldeo w/ Leftovers or that Mega Aerodactyl set.
This leads to people thinking that someone is behind this (Bloo), giving her sets and telling her other teams because people that have played in SR have let Bloo test and use their teams, which leads to suspicion there obviously.
Anyway, just read CTCs post, he can't into grammar, but you can see his point