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Box 1 has in game team and utility mons, like foreign/hidden power/6iv dittos, suction cups low level mon, compound eyes low level mon, frisk thief high level mon, sweet scent fly multi-target move mon, flame body fly mon. Then it's boxes of competitive, followed by ev trained mons that need to evolve/learn moves, then perfect mons that haven't been traded. After that are the imperfects, with a box for 3IV, 4IV, and a bunch of boxes for 5IV, then a 6IV parent box. There's a bunch of empty boxes for TSV breeding. Next are boxes with one pokemon with every last 2 digits of TID combination, so that I'm guaranteed at least a PP Up every day from the lotto. Then some imperfect hidden power mons/stuff only kept for egg moves but with no good IVs, shinies for trade, and trade fodder. On ORAS I also have a box with farmed event beldums since they can't go in bank with the megastone. In Bank itself I have a living dex, boxes full of shinies, and 40 boxes full of leftovers/rejects for farming BP (have over 1600 BP unredeemed right now).