Future meta edition
Tournaments are available on the PTCGO! Two tournaments are available 24/7 and weekends add two more tournaments to the pool (with formats changing every weekend for the weekend tournaments). You can find the prize structure in the TCGO client when they're available.
Double Crisis has been released! Are you picking up any blisters? Only available online via codes. Can't be purchased with coins.
Daily quests added to PTCGO!
The in-client store's products consists of theme decks (LTR-on), 5-card packs (NXD-on), and a 1-pack blister mimicking those found in the checklanes of big box stores like Target. Every now and then, other products like 3-pack blisters and products mimicking IRL value products like boxes are available for a short time.
The best decks for beginners and theme deck tournaments are still as follows (But not in terms of consistency)...
>Yveltal/Xerneas Battle Pack >Red Genesect Collection (not available in the TCGO) >Resilient Life >Psy Crusher >Destruction Rush >Dark Hammer >Ocean's Core >DragonSpeed Any starter deck released before LTR cannot be found on the in-client shop and must be redeemed from a code card.
PTCGO client:
>http://www.pokemon.com/us/pokemon-tcg/play-online/download/ Decklists from Worlds:
>http://www.pokemon.com/us/play-pokemon/worlds/2014/decks/popular/ News for TCG:
>http://pokebeach.com/ Standard Legal card list:
>http://pokegym.net/forums/view.php?pg=stdformat Tier list for Tournament-level decks with skeleton lists:
>http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/forum-metagame-deck-discussion Your old cards aren't worth shit don't ask. To learn what your digital cards are worth, look for the Top Cut thread on the PTCGO forums in the trading section. Your pack codes are worth about 25-30 cents while other codes are worth around a dollar or two.
This is your life now, get used to it.
first 4 we need a toad killer right now
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>>23233337 Leafeon does it well.
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>>23233337 trevenant-ex too bad it sucks against everything else Anonymous
>>23233337 Sceptile-EX pls
>DCE >50 damage plus 50 if opponent is an EX It would be so simple
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>>23233607 If that happened Kyogre and Groudon would be so dead primal or not. I'm really hoping the sceptile doesn't follow suit with the rest of the Hoenn gang but I know if I expect it to counter toad I'll just be disappointed.
A couple nights ago I was talking with a friend about what I don't like of the current metagame. It's all based on EX mons. Either you have an EX based deck, or you have an anti EX deck. Otherwise your deck will suck. What I believe the message is, is that they don't really want to use evolutions and would rather have a basics only game. Which would be just fine if they straight did that, but they don't. A 2nd stage mon requires at least 9 cards (usually 12 or 13) for a weaker effect than most EX cards which only require 3 or 4. For me, this talks about poor design and balance, which I straight don't like. Hell, even Spirit Link had to be added to the Mega Evolution mechanic or it would suck major ass. And I think this message comes from SP Pokemon during the DPPt era, where all major decks had almost no evolution cards (only Claydol was common because it helped the consistency of all decks) and Garchomp dominated the meta. Now, a guy overheard us, and said I'm wrong. He said EX mons aren't a mechanic (which I said they were, as they are clearly distinct from regular Pokemon cards) and that before EX we had the Prime cards (which I argued was a moot point, because Prime pokemon had no extra effect, they were just a pretty card with interesting effects). He even compared me to an oldfag complaining about how Synchros killed YGO. He didn't care about my point and got frustrated when he didn't get to convince me, and then ended the discussion. What do you think?
>>23233677 EX are just cards. They're not special. People need to get over this 'EX cards are too overpowered" thing.
>>23233677 I agree. The game has a lot to do with EX but that isn't a bad thing. You are giving up 2 rewards for a bigger basic pokemon so your opponent needs to only kill 3 pokemon. I like them and the way they are designed you get more from them if you mix them with none EX because they take 1 then 2 then 2 and then they need to kill 4 pokemon instead of their 3.
>>23233754 >They're not special That's what I don't agree with. Double a regular mon's HP, basic, and need to be kept in check by abilities and moves, or else they'd run rampant.
At this rate, I'd rather have PCL remove evolutions if they're going to continue this trend, instead of trying to make evolutions fit.
>>23233765 The issue is that the whole game revolves around that, instead of it being just one possible option.
>>23233677 I'm in the same boat as you and agree with most of your points
However it also pains me to say that this, but this format is one of the most rapidly changing and diverse we've had. I believe this to be because of big basics and the agility to mix them so easily because they do not need in between cards that literally only exist to get you to that stage 2. Even the dreaded Seismitoad has many different ways to play.
It is a bummer that if you want to play evolutions you're pretty much locked into Flareon if you want to be making top cut. Sadly I have no idea how the developers of the game can make evolution work to be balanced alongside basics aside from dropping the evolution mechanic entirely or making every pokemon like the crobat line with a added benefit to evolving up normally.
As for the guy you were arguing with, EX is most definitely a mechanic where certain cards specify the Pokemon type out right (Hawlucha, Dialga EX, safeguarders etc.) the primes never had such distinction. I can't comment on whether you are an oldfag or not, as my answer would likely be hypocritical.
>>23233283 >3 E cards >100 attack power Good thing I run an Manaretk deck
>>23233754 Some are a lot better than others. Landorus and Lucario come to mind because of being fighting and their crazy damage boosters.
>>23233788 The problem is people would prefer a deck full of ex and only having 3 pokemon than mixing them and having 4-6. Their are other decks that preform just as well as decks full of exs like Night March and Flareon, and Leafeon.
>>23233793 >because they do not need in between cards that literally only exist to get you to that stage 2 Yes, you worded it way better than I'd have. Stage 2 cards need completely useless cards that are for the most part deadweight in your deck to get to that Stage 2, and you need extra cards if you want to pull it on T2, whereas an EX is ready to be used at T1.
>I have no idea how the developers of the game can make evolution work to be balanced alongside basics aside from dropping the evolution mechanic entirely or making every pokemon like the crobat line with a added benefit to evolving up normally. This is why I believe they should either stop the whole EX thing or just kill all evo lines and make a game about strong basics. Strong basics aren't my issue, but when the whole meta revolves around them then there's clearly a problem.
>>23233808 How many of those non-EX decks, besides Flareon, don't revolve around EX being there? Pyroar is an example of a deck that revolves around EX cards (it's not even a tier 1 deck but it was/is successful because it can stop EX mons and nothing else).
>>23233857 Leafeon and Night march also don't require them to use Exs.
>>23233867 >don't require them to use Exs I talk about decks that exist because of EXs, such as pyroar. They don't neccesarely need EXs to work. And most if not all decks need a tech to stop EX mons.
Leafeon though could survive if EXs stopped existing. Could Night March do that, given that (afaik) Mew EX is a must?
>>23233900 Mew ex isn't a must, he just makes it that much better. All of those decks would be in this format with or without Ex's unlike Pyroar.
>>23233912 Alright, I'll concede, three decks. And that's about it. Doesn't stop EXs from having that issue and making (almost) the whole meta revolve around them.
As I said my issue isn't directly with EXs, but how all the meta is about them, and how it makes me think they'd rather have a game with no evolution mechanics (note how none of the listed decks use stage 2 cards).
>>23233935 It's a problem with players that a company has to follow. In YGO when they created XYZ it didn't make syncros worthless but people choose to use those more than the other. I feel like this is that situation where they presented players an option and everyone just chooses that option.
>>23233935 If you imagine a game without the EX, there would be plenty of decks. You'd see donphans, you'd see lots of fighting with Machamp. You'd see big basics. You'd see fairy toolbox, you'd see shit like victreebel, shiftry, bats of all kinds, ect.
>>23233945 In this case, EXs do make stage 2 obsolete because of a number of reasons. They're at least as powerful and even way more than that, take less space in decks (in turn making them easy to incorporate in any deck), take less time and juggling around your deck to put in play, and even endure more. They're better than stage 2s in every possible way.
>>23233958 Which would be a healthy meta imo. Big basics alongside evo decks, and no overcentralization.
>>23233965 The meta is already fine with the exception of toad having DCE attack and not W-C attack. There is a pretty great variety of playable decks right now. Seriously, it's great.
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>>23233972 I'm not saying the meta isn't good. I just dislike having one single mechanic take almost the whole meta.
>>23233857 >>23233900 I'm not sure you'll ever really get the answer you are looking for. EX are here to stay as they have the most energy efficient attacks and are also the most consistent cards to play. I believe Night March requires Mew-EX to be consistent enough to face other decks that play heavy EX lines. If it weren't for opponent's high HP night march could function well without it, but the prize trade would be killer.
I had a hard time with this as well and nearly quit the TCG again until the EX had rotated out. because I didn't like the idea of stage 2's being basics like the late dppt era. As I stated before, until I took a step back to see how diverse the meta has been this year, I had also thought the game was saturated with "unfair" Pokemon EX. It is hard to argue a meta with this much diversity is bad for the game in my opinion. While most decks in the meta contain EX there are like what, 8 different viable decks right now that have taken first at different states?
If you can't deal with the EX Pokemon try finding a group of like minded people and play with additional rules(No EX, etc) or older formats. There are many people that dislike the EX craze as much as you. Aside from that you'll just have to sit the standard format out for another few years.
>>23233989 >I'm not sure you'll ever really get the answer you are looking for. All I want to know are other PoVs. I'm already set, but I wasn't so sure if I was just being a whiny bitch or if other players had the same complaint, which would make mine legitimate even if not all people shared the same opinion.
>EX are here to stay I noticed that once EXs were confirmed for XY.
>try finding a group of like minded people and play with additional rules I already quit though. The game, as is, is not fun for me anymore.
>>23234030 Have you thought about maybe just using some exs? I just started playing again from at least 2 years ago when mother gengar is legal which had stage 2s up the ass and 4 rare candys where required. I love exs and I think the meta is a lot bigger than it was when I was playing. I can basically grab any Ex and make a pretty decent deck around it.
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>>23233989 Replying to myself here. I just looked at the results for states on the Charizard Lounge because I was interested in just how many different decks made first. One thing stood out as a glaring outlier. How the hell did tool drop win first in Minnesota?
>>23234066 Re-read again my argument. I'm not saying big basics are the issue, but how about everything revolves around them and not having them or a way to counter them means your deck suck (unless you play flareon or leafeon).
My issue aren't new and interesting mechanics. My issue are mechanics that take the whole game with them.
>>23234077 I got that but I mean, just play with it and you don't need counter them if you just play it. I don't run any of their counters but I do run their speed hitters like Mewtwo ex and Yveltal EX. Why not just play with them and use them?
>>23234091 Because it's not fun. It's not fun how speed hitters are the whole of the game due to how efficient they are, instead of making more options viable.
>>23234091 It's as this anon says. You don't necessarily need to run a straight counter to the mechanic.You can create workable decks that may not be tier 1 but can keep up if you embrace the EX pokemon for support early game while you set up your evolved pokemon. While I have access to most the meta stuff he deck I play online most often is a really crappy Mega Manectric-EX and Yanmega PHF deck because Yanmega is one of my favorite Pokemon. To be honest Manectric is just there as energy acceleration and to offer free retreat to score dank knock outs on grass weak pokemon with surprise strike. Together the two pull about just as much weight as each other.
>>23234123 It isn't just about speed hitters, there are some tanky decks like Donphan/walls or even no energy snorlax/waillord. People just like to hit fast and hard and think winning is fun so yes, they will use speedy hard hitters like people playing wow will play rouges and decks like Donphan counters them.
>>23234143 >if you embrace the EX pokemon for support early game while you set up your evolved pokemon Well that's an interesting way to view it, I'll agree. Instead of making an EX the main 'mon, make the stage 2 the main one.
My only issue is that almost all stage 2s are REALLY bad. Pic related is a decent stage 2, and an EX mon will be much better than this.
>>23234150 This I agree with, some decks are (kinda) slow hitters.
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>>23234196 Actually now that I think about it I would really like it if they started giving resistance to all non-EX Pokemon. If I recall there aren't any grass Pokemon that have resistance to water since within the XY block which is a shame when trying to make a easy to use answer to toad.
>>23234196 These two stage two pokemen are actually decent stage two pokemon when you use them with other cards. Don't compare them to exs by themselves. Like, that Blaziken can attack first turn you use him with zero energy just because Blacksmith exists.
>>23234223 I forgot pic but I think you can understand why he's good.
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>>23234223 >>23234226 >when you use them with other cards That's the issue, most EXs don't need other cards while these are inefficient. I mean, you need the useless Machop/Machoke/Torchic/Combusken cards while your opponent is already hitting hard with an EX mon. You need those cards in your deck, which can easily make around 9 cards only for the Pokemon plus the cards to accelerate the evolution, totalling 12 to 15 cards for only ONE pokemon. An EX mon can do the same or even better with less cards in the deck and far more consistency, and most of the time they're easier to bring up.
I'm not saying Blaziken and Machamp are bad, I'm saying EXs are better, one of the points being how many cards they need in order to work, which kills consistency.
>>23233989 >>23234066 6 years is enough time for a lasting game to change. But we have good decks with or without Exs
- night march
- miltank/greninja (underrated)
- eggs
- tool drop
- etc
Are Exs a mistake? Maybe
Is toad a mistake? Most say so but
realize maintaning a power creep is a lucrative way where you keep getting fun paying for one card or so to your deck in each collection. While it may not be fun to you it is being to each person that subscribed competitive streams, and they may also get bored of the game in the future.
I stopped buying packs months ago and I'm just on tcgo, we are on the same boat; Just remember half of the decks will lose strength in the rotation including toad
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>>23234311 >miltank greninja I was surprised how awesome Miltank is with bats. Fuck the Mewtwo, I'll just keep running the tank.
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>>23234311 Tool drop and night march make me laugh so hard.
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I wish there were more useful evolution lines like bats.
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EX's aren't better than regular cards, it's just that there more convenient to use in this fast pace meta. They don't require running the pre-evolutions and support needed for stage 1 and 2 decks.
>people get "put x y pokemon into play" >don't play an army of "call for family" pokemon
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>>23233677 The issue with EXs is that they are stronger than Stage 2s. Ideally when making a deck you should have to choose between the quick set-up and high risk of an EX or the slower start of a powerful Stage 2.
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>>23234585 Flooding the bench is easy without the attacks. Its getting them off the bench that's the hard part.
One start I feel would help make the game more interesting is if Stage 2 Pokemon could evolve into their mega evolutions still. I mean if you're going to have all that work to get out something like a Stage 2 Charizard, it should at least be able to mega evolve as well since it's still worse than Charizard EX even after all that effort.
How likely would it be for Max Potion to stay after a rotation? I have one in the online client, and considering trading it since I probably won't be able to get a full playset anytime soon, but that would change if it stays.
Binder Guy !!GyXpj9Zujh5
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>>23235031 Not likely at all, the next rotation is supposedly XY-on and Max Potion is only legal because of its SR print from PLF.
I made a helpful tip sheet for new players.
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>>23234690 >>23235031 Like Binder Guy said it'll get rotated out and even if it does get reprinted in future it'll loose value so it's best to trade it off wile it's worth something if your not going to use it.
Hit 5k trainer tokens. Hoping we get the Regirock promo in the shop when it comes out. Sorry if this is a stupid question but are the packs we get from the weekly special trade locked?
>>23235172 Yeah they are, everything bought in the shop with tokens is always locked
don't quote me on that though Anonymous
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>>23235183 I kind of figured that'd be the case. Oh well not like code cards are that expensive in the first place.
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>>23235066 Doesnt say anything about earning tradable packs and getting cards you need.
Doesnt mention importance of trainers.
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My two cents on the whole EX thing is that I want to take a minute to look at the viable EX-centric decks>Yveltal Variants >Aromatisse Fairy (Gardevoir and Fairybox) >Bronzong Steel (Aegislash and/or Dialga variants) >Landorus-EX >Megaman variants >Kyogre >Primal Groudon >VirGen (Still relevant?) >Plasma (I've only seen turbo plasma recently) >Toad Variants Then looking at the viable non-EX decks>Eeveelutions >Donphan (non-Primal Groudon variants) >Night March >Wobbuffet bats and other basic bats >Eggs >Miltank apparently >Tool Drop also apparently >Pyroar variants(still relevant? Maybe just expanded) >Archie's Ace in the Hole/Maxie's Hidden Ball Trick nonsense (I don't even know like what these would actually fall under) Overall it feels like for every viable EX centric deck (because really, there are a bunch of EXes that aren't even viable without proper support and a bunch of trash EXes that just aren't usable) there's another deck just about as powerful. Even for shittier gimmick decks revolving around bad EXes like Wailord, there's going to be other shitty gimmick decks like zero energy Politoed that work about as often. That's not even counting more rogue things that haven't made their presence known like Swampert+Slurpuff or Weavile.
>>23235681 thanks friend
only took the last two to so others can get something as well, you are a saint
>>23235693 >not posting pulls Anonymous
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>>23235681 Thanks I got a Greninja-EX promo with the first one
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>>23235681 >poings furieux >mon visage quand Anonymous
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>>23235714 grinding daily challenges
give me a bit
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>>23235827 and nothing of value was gained...
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>>23235827 I never pull good stuff
>All the fucking autists in this thread complaining standard is too fast paced. If you don't think that is a good thing for the meta (it is) than play theme, where there are no EXs and every match takes 20 turns.
>>23236597 I was just thinking today that there needs to be a Theme-X meta, where X can be any number of cards that the player can replace with ones from the Standard format. Say Theme-5 would allow you to replace up to five cards from the Theme deck, but no more.
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>>23234077 > baliza went better than empoleon and blastoise > someone actually tought about baliza in states > toad did not went tier s in most cities > virgen went back because no pyroar > eggs in sixth overall that's fine for me.
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>>23235066 It also tells you to waste tokens on a bundle that isn't legal for standard.
>>23236798 >Theme-X meta, where X can be any number of cards that the player can replace with ones from the Standard format. Say Theme-5 would allow you to replace up to five cards from the Theme deck, but no more. Mite b cool. Would love to replace the dead end evo lines with some draw support. Or they could just make the theme decks better. I don't care too much for them not having EX like some of the half decks in japan have but throw in a full playset of Tiernos at least and drop the pyramid and dead end evo lines.
Anyone have 2-3 non-FA Seismitoad EX for trade? I have EX and a decent collection of FA trainers. Also looking for just one Keldeo EX, a boring-ass promo one, in fact.
>>23237509 legendary treasures keldeo should be cheapest
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>>23237638 Promo's cheaper since it's guaranteed compared to LTR's chance of getting a Shaymin-EX instead.
>>23237429 The decks you get from the Kyogre/Groudon tin codes are really good actually. Wish you could use them in theme deck tournaments or trainer challenge.
"What's that? You ONLY have 50+3 to finish your tournament match? Sorry to hear that..."
>>23237692 Every one of my matches at States ran over-time because of this fucking card.
>>23237700 why? all it is is shuffling. People can't shuffle in a timely manner?
>>23237700 Are you sure it wasn't just because we're in toad format where every other match is attacking for 30 damage per turn while the opponent has to figure out what options they have if they can't play supporters?
>>23237706 Well in my case my locals has a ton of Eevee and Night March players and their first turns take a gorillion years each to go through their decks. And if I trump card, they just take another 5 minutes to do all of that again.
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>>23237724 Oh okay. Yeah fuck flareon; deck takes forever to play against.
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>>23237709 More like shuffling the deck five times a match to play 6 Crushing Hammers per turn.
>lysandre's trump card doesn't shuffle itself so you can't infinite deck >lysandre's trump card+VS seeker gives you infinite deck anyway What's the point?
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>>23237706 It also recycles the deck. Most decks are so fast they'd grind themselves to shit in nothing flat. Trump Card makes deck-outs impossible and prolongs those matches.
>>23237758 They're in the same fucking set and VS seeker it getting repreinted in Roaring Skies. We're in it for the long haul, folks.
Welcome to the Toad/Trump meta.
4 codes from my booster box and 2 others I found. Hidden the last character so its fairer to everyone. If I find any other of my code cards I've misplaced I'll post them too.
>>23237783 It's fine, our savior will come soon enough
If only this was grass it would be the perfect toad counter. Would 2KO the nigga with a band.
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>>23237817 Shame about it's HP. Wish it had at least 130 so it could take a few hits the as the EX classification is killer on it. I'm not sure its the answer to Toad though. Once you're item locked your hand fills up pretty quickly. Jirachi can at least net you a Juniper to dump the dead cards.
>>23237790 I got the last one. Nothing good.
>>23237790 Grabbed the bottom middle one. Thanks, bro.
>>23237847 Sorry to hear that man.
>>23237870 No worries pal.
Hopefully these will be better.
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>>23237881 tfw I gut rused
>>23237881 Thanks for the bidoof I needed it
>>23237881 Omg where was I ?? plz anymore ?
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>>23237817 Worst Jirachi but it has a neat attack to get it out of play
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>>23237928 I don't think I have any more laying around. If I find any I'll post.
>>23237881 The least people could do is thank you or even post the pulls, I bet they just trade them away as packs.
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>>23237949 I'm not bothered man so it's all cool. Better doing that than the codes sitting in a draw gathering dust.
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>>23237911 I have some friends who are trying to make a binder full of nothing but those Bidoofs.
>>23237429 I'd much rather the theme decks be a well made deck of sub-par cards than a shittily made deck that sometimes has good cards.
>>23238135 But then nobody would buy booster packs. Buddyfight tried making better theme decks, then quickly dropped it once they realized people were buying a small smattering of cards to lightly fluff the starters.
It's pure money-grubbing.
>>23238237 I said sub-par for a reason. No-one is going to be competitive running Kyogre/ spinda with Tierno and birch's observations as their draw support and Pokeballs as their main tutor.
>>23238264 I do think at least including a basic strategy would be useful in the decks. I made a simple poison deck that can defeat every starter deck and any hodge-podge deck, but loses to any competently built deck (I call it "The Litmus Test Deck" for a reason).
Then again, Birch's Observations will get more into the meta once N and Colress vanish.
>>23238286 That's kinda what I meant. Include some form of strategy, like spinda/kyogre doing bench damage. Give it a good amount of draw, some tutor and the kind of support trainers that deck would need. But don't make it particularly strong so that anyone who wants to get serious has to make a new deck rather than what you said about buddyfight where they are almost competitive on their own.
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I love theme deck battles and it's okay that the theme decks are inconsistent but I just wish they'd include less absolutely useless cards. See: The psychic types in Resilient Life that have two retreat cost, no damage, and no evolutions. Literally dead draws.
>>23238327 You mean like the Xerneas deck? To be fair, the Groudon and Kyogre decks are the worst I've seen in years.
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>>23238286 "Nidoqueen Laserbank", by the way. That's my litmus test deck. I play to win, so the only way I give the kids at league a fair shot is deliberately playing a weaker deck.
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>>23238375 Not exactly. Basically imagine you are making a competetive style deck, but pick weak pokemon to build around and choose the worst trainers for that job. e.g. Tierno for draw, Trevor/Pokeball for tutor, using regular potions. That kind of thing. Xeranas deck (assuming you mean the one from the battle decks) still has pointless cards, way too many mons, and only a couple cards that let you draw. It also has some good cards like Ultra ball and Sycamore.
The grind is finally over.Didn't pull anything good from the packs of course.
> Mfw my friend won Florida state championship yesterday. > Mfw he won it with a deck that everyone thought wasn't good enough (M Gardevoir).
Can someone pls FUG-ify the OP image
>>23238909 Awesome! Did you participate as well by chance?
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>>23233283 >an EX that isn't Yoshinob or 5ban B A S E D
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>>23238965 Yeah, but I failed miserably due to half the people I played against were using Leafeon. I was using Toadpuff and went 3-4-0
On the bright side, I did manage to play a league tournament right after and did decent enough with my fun deck. (Emolga EX/Virizion EX /Dragonite EX )
>>23239129 What a wasted opportunity.
What do if I can't keep up with new sets??
>>23239267 What do you mean by that exactly?
>>23239267 Join a league. They tend to keep up for you.
>>23239276 In TCGO at least sets come faster than I can adapt. I stopped playing tcgo once the set after... FF I think came, all my unopened boosters became kinda worthless.
>>23239286 The tcg community here is kinda toxic and leagues don't work as they're supposed to do. I'd rather play online.
>>23239333 You can still use them to trade for some staple trainers that have come out in the more recent sets. I'm sorry to hear your local community is toxic, as I find it much more enjoyable to have the idle chitchat when play testing or playing bad decks for fun.
I obviously don't know what your financial situation is but 35$, often times less, can get you 100 codes. You can build just about any deck that interests you for that price which I find agreeable with how deep I am in the game.
This meta has also moved at a much faster pace than previous ones with many different viable decks. Hell tool drop won first at a state championship this past weekend somehow.
Well, I got my prize from the Primal Clash contest. This is the package the pack came in. I'm currently uploading a video with my pulls (its a big deal to me since it's the first pack I've opened in 14 years), so I'll post it when it's done (~30 minutes, my upload speed is kind of shitty). I actually got some pretty awesome pulls. I didn't expect anything half as awesome as what I got. I'll post an image for the lazy when I post the video as well, but I'll spoiler it in case someone actually wants to watch the video.
>>23239606 Here's the unopened pack, by the way.
Unfortunately, my camera's quality is pretty bad, but eh, it's what I've got to work with.
>>23239364 >You can still use them to trade for some staple trainers that have come out in the more recent sets. Uh damn. Can't I realistically get anything else with FuF packs?
>I'm sorry to hear your local community is toxic, as I find it much more enjoyable to have the idle chitchat when play testing or playing bad decks for fun. If I found someone actually willing to lend me a hand I'd love it, but instead I have to turn to the internet. I'm much more comfortable staying home and playing.
>I obviously don't know what your financial situation is but 35$, often times less, can get you 100 codes. I don't have that budget though.
>This meta has also moved at a much faster pace than previous ones with many different viable decks. Which means I have to keep up with the meta, which in turn makes it hard to adapt given limited resources.
>>23239609 And here is my pull from the code in the pack. I actually got better pulls in the real pack, ha.
>>23239643 When will you post the video?
>>23239657 Youtube says 8 minutes till it's done, so shortly after that, I suppose.
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>>23239665 It says it's processing. Any idea how long that takes?
>>23235066 I have like over hundreds of card codes from a bunch of packs and boxes.
Would that make the game easy for me?
>this only 10% of my FA collection Anonymous
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>>23239710 I'm so glad they're doing megas as full art now rather than gold bordered.
Okay so here it is. My first Pokemon TCG pack opening in 14 years.
https://youtu.be/euWSX0D5vRY Surprisingly good pulls within.
Click the image to see the pulls if you're lazy.
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>>23239730 I wish I had that bidoof
Anyone know how I can fix this?
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>>23239730 I just started again too because I liked the pin in Double Crisis. First pull was Team Magma's Groudon EX, I then bought a Primal Clash blister and got FA Trevenant EX.
>>23239730 nice reddit post :^)
>>23239618 Alright I was checking where I left off. I have the following:
A Pyroar deck with
>1 Mewtwo-EX >2 Charizard-EX >4-4 Pyroar >Some few staples, some useful cards for a Pyroar deck, and a Computer Search Aswell as 15 FuF packs.
What can/should I do with all of this?
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>>23239860 Nice Reddit lurk.
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>>23238909 There were a few people in the top 16 with Fairy Decks. I had one, another person who bubbled had one, and obviously the winner had one. It was the perfect play. Nobody played Steel, and the amount of Egg decks at the tournament made it an easy day for Fairy Players.
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>>23239730 Nice job brah, that's one of the most valuable regular EX cards in the set
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>>23238237 > Buddyfight tried making better theme decks, then quickly dropped it once they realized people were buying a small smattering of cards to lightly fluff the starters. Buddyfight actually has a really good model for that though and still does it. Like in the beginning it was Dragon/Danger/Ninja worlds with the trial decks (dragon had 2 goddamn it), and in the packs were the only ways you could get things like Magic World cards and stuff. So if you wanted to build Magic World, you needed packs. Then you'd get the fluff for the other worlds, or there'd be different subclans of the same decks so you're introduced to the playstyle via the trial deck and you can play basically an entirely different deck from the same clan with what you get from boosters. So you play Armorknights from danger world who are all aggro and then you find all these Duel Dragons from danger world who are all aggro in such a different way.
Like even now we only just got a Magic World deck and it was all Asmodai stuff while the rest of the magic world stuff is almost nothing like it. There's a market for everyone, and then standard power creep applies, but then legacy support happens so it's something almost like a balanced game.
That's half the reason I'm still into the game.
>>23240218 If the 15 FUF packs are tradable, then you could honestly build a lot of decks for just that. Especially if you already have staple trainers in the Pyroar deck.
What specifically would you like to do?
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>>23240238 They're tradable. And I'm not sure what I could do with this, or even what I can afford.
>>23240218 Open the packs and pray for toads
>>23240292 Oh I think I already have a toad but it's non-tradable as far as I remember.
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>>23239730 I started playing casually and my pulls have been rediculous. How rare are ultra/secrets meant to be, because every time I buy 3-4 packs I get a full art or an EX in them.
>>23240299 If you get any you can either trade them for a lot of packs or use them in a deck. Right now toad is the kind of the dominant card in the meta
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>>23239730 Not bad, that one EX card is worth about $10 bucks on ebay.
I just started getting back into Pokemon cards like half a year ago, and I have gotten alot of lucky pulls.
>>23240339 However is that my safest bet? Because if I don't get any I may lose my chance to use those packs on something else.
>>23239760 embrace the void
>>23238909 check the tier grind (it isnt in the description and I dont have it here) fairies are tier 1 for one more year or so
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>>23240350 Not really, but I personally get a high from open in packs so im biased
Binder Guy !!GyXpj9Zujh5
New Daily Challenges drop in less than five minutes, let's all hope we get a good selection!
>>23240400 >It isn't in the description and I don't have it here. We have a link to Pokebeach's tier list and that has M Gardevoir EX/Aromatisse/Xerneas as a Tier 3 deck.
>>23240436 Does this explain why loading assets takes so long and why I try to login with a "server is in maintenance" message?
Binder Guy !!GyXpj9Zujh5
>>23240458 Sadly, no...
But the maintenance message error may be from a faulty internet connection.
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>>23240517 Maybe. There was a blackout earlier today and since then internet has been sluggish. I'll try reinstalling though.
Ahahaha, what the fuck? 800 damage!? For 1 XP? Like, how are you even supposed to do that? You would need like Gallade with 20 energy in play against a psychic-weak opponent in order to do that. What kind of retarded shit is this?
>>23240691 Maybe it means total, not at once.
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>draw bad hand against eggs as wobbats >never once use a supporter >opponent goes through their deck three times >win anyways because Crobat just powers through the low damage. and snipes eggs. Well that was silly.
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>>23237709 My toad deck does either 50 a turn or whatever the fuck x ball will be.
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>>23239760 When you start up TCGO, press Alt + Enter to make it fullscreen. This tends to be a temporary fix for me at least.
>>23240704 it's total. I did 800 damage with fire in just 2 games.
>burn this will take a while
>>23242301 At least you've got Vulpix in the fire deck
>Got confusion Anonymous
>>23242306 does it still count if I burn someone with vulpix then immediately forfeit?
I kind of want to make a burn deck that actually tries to win, but the search bar in my collection apparently doesn't look for text inside the cards other than pokemon name and attack name. I'm sure it wasn't like that ... last year. Why would they change this? Is there any online database that I can look for all the pokemon that burn?
Whoa whoa, if a public trade doesn't go through you can't trade that card anymore?
>>23242454 restart your client and it will be tradable again
How much are Virbank City and Hypnotoxic lasers worth now?
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>>23242482 1.5 packs each I would say, but good luck finding them for anything less than 2 packs a piece on pubtrades
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>>23239863 Guys I still need a hand for this. I've also got around 140 coins thanks to two daily challenges.
>>23233677 EX is overpowered. Everyone who sees a single EX card and can think logically can say that, even if he dosen't know the rules.
>>23242537 Disagree. There are some terrible EXs that I'd rather use a freaking theme deck then be forced to use them.
>>23242569 and there is not one EX that is so bad that it is worse than your average stage 2
>>23242671 Bench mon in Round decks
>>23242687 Pretty sure random trash Stage 2 Pokemon with Miltank is more useful than a Round deck.
>>23242594 What is Magnezone, what is Emolga, what is M-blastoise, what is pretty much all promo EXs, what is Palkia and many more, its like you're a moron that talks out their ass on the internet?...
>>23242687 Even in round decks, Exploud is a 100 times better
>>23242745 >>23242778 I agree it's shit attack wise but Round does x damage times the number of Pokémon in play with Round. Meloetta-EX being a basic makes that easy compare to a bench full of stage 3 Exploud + Seimitoad
>>23242671 HURRR DURR
I bet you think Jirachi is bad too
>>23242763 Magnezone is a basic with attacks that are better than the Stage 2 versions of itself. Go check.
M-Blastoise only isnt used because there's no Spirit Link. WWW for 120 and 30 on two benched is actually really good.
>what is pretty much all promo EXs Oh, now I get it. You're a troll, and a pretty bad one at that.
>>23242912 Someone with a brain. Meloetta's Round is only 20 damage less per instance, but it's a basic, so you run 4x and use Exploud as your attacker, and hit for 50x 4 with only one Rare Candy. There arent any other basics with the round attack, and that makes Meloetta better than every other round user because the whole premise is getting Round users INTO PLAY.
>>23242958 Mad on the Internet
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>>23242974 better than wrong on the internet
Friends at my local card shop are into Pokemon and I'm slowly getting into it. I really like machamp, I'm trying to make a deck with 3 1 3 Machamp line, but I'm not sure what other pokemon to get. I'm looking at Landorus and Lucario Ex's. Just need some input. Im not looking to make super top tier whatever, Im just trying to make it the best it can be with Machamp in it.
>>23243106 Medicham from Primal Clash is not too bad if you pair it with Machamp, plus it's cheap compare to Lucario's and Landorus
>>23243157 I dont really care about price, I just want it to be good.
>>23239863 Make a Pyroar deck with 2 Mewtwo-EX.
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>>23243106 3 Lucario EX
2 M lucario EX
4 Strong energy
2 Fighting Stadium
4 Muscle Band
and you can play some Hawlucha either the EX for counter damage or the normal Hawlucha to kill ex.
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>>23243222 Pyroar isn't a decent deck though even if I played with 2 Mewtwo-EX. It was tier 2 back then and I don't know how it fares in the current meta, but I lost several times with it. So I'd rather build something else.
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>>23240691 >he gets dark missions total jelly
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>>23243157 >>23243165 Medicham confirmed BAWS
Use baby Lando (x2) the same way as baby Yveltal, run 4-4 Medicham, 2-3 Shining Spirit Hawlucha, 4 Korrina, 3-3 Muscleband/Silver bangle, 4x strong energy and fighting stadium, and a PCL Solrock for easy Strong Energy in the hand. A casual focus sash is very nice, Celebi-ex lets you use medicham's 20 base damage attack for F and it hits for SE damage, and actually Life Dew is useful here since prize trade is the name of the game and you run no EX.
I would say ignore machamp completely since Medicham can kill everything that isnt Mega in one turn without it
((30 base + 20 Muscle Band + 20 Strong energy + 20 Fighting Stadium) x 2) = 180
This deck is super consistent and fast.
>>23242958 go play it in a tournament then
>>23243383 Why?
There are much better decks; this was never me trying to make a case about the viability of Round decks.
>>23243383 Your missing the point, they were talking about bad EX's and stage 2's so it's not right to compare them to tournament worthy decks
What are your thoughts on forfeits? I think it's fine to if you know you have no chance of winning
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Just because a bad EX is better than a bad stage 2 does not make it a good nor overpowered card. In fact, a majority of EX cards are actually trash. There are more bad ones than good ones, just like Stage 2 pokemon. EX cards are just cards, get over it.
So I'm playing a game, the 0:15 second timer appears, I click resume and then I can't do anything else other than quit. This happened 3 times today already. Am I the only one experiencing this?
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>>23243765 No, client has been shit since double crisis patch
>>23243806 max possible NM damage is 500 with silver bangle against an EX with Psychic weakness
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>>23244028 Yeah, im just saying that if it were the other way, even NM couldnt do it
I just ordered a Furious Fists box. What do you think?
>>23244622 PHF or pre ordering RS probably would've been a better investment
>>23244622 Post pulls when you get it and I would of gotten PCL or RS instead
>>23244679 Okay, for you anon
>>23244679 >>23244656 So you think Phantom Forces, Primal Clash or Roaring Skies would be better? Why?
>>23244729 Newer sets, PCL has a higher chance to get usable things or more expensive things with the secret rares and number of EXes, and the latest set will always have the most value at launch because of hype.
Phantom Forces still has more usable Pokemon than the two or three total usable ones in Furious Toads and sometimes Lucario
>>23244765 Would you actually recommend to buy blister?
>>23244774 Blisters are even worse than actual boxes unless you're doing what binder guy does and scaling packs to guarantee full arts and EXes
FuF is just not that good of a set
>>23244784 So no boxes or blisters then? What do you buy? Sorry for asking, seems like I made some mistakes in the past
>>23244801 Singles are generally best.
>>23244801 Get a box, just dont pick the worst one next time.
You can probably still cancel your order if it was online
>>23244801 It just depends on the set, if it has anything worthwhile and normally singles have better pulls compare to the set amount in boxes
>>23244839 >>23244832 >>23244897 Okay seems like I fucked it up then. I ordered in a local shop. Should remember your advice for the next time.
Whatever, I will post my pulls then
and hope for a Heracross Anonymous
>>23244939 Not sure if you want to show me the price or just how awesome heracross is
Well it is for sure
>>23245036 Think his trying to show you it's worth it just to buy it individually rather than a whole box
>>23245063 Yeah, never buy a box to try and get a single card you want. But boxes aren't 100% bad, if you're wanting a large part of the set for instance. And the obvious fun of opening boosters.
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>>23245120 That pic describes everything
>>23245109 Needed another Shadow Circle thanks
>>23245182 6SR-4R3Y-8E9-DQW
Think the new theme decks for RS will be any good? Aurora Blast might if it has the Delta Trait Articuno in
>>23245189 i got a Clawitzer thanks for the code
>>23245246 Post pic please
>>23245251 Everything else was common stuff like Drowzee and Poliwag
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>>23245277 This is the new Donphan for poor people. I see a few of these every now and then when I use my donphan.
>>23246261 It'd be fine if it, like donphan, had amazing typing support.
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>>23246301 I know its worse but people are trying to hype it because Donphan is weak to water. I don't recommend it.
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>>23246261 The whole thing making Donphan work is strong energies and fighting stadiums turning 30 damage into 90+ on the first turn
You're never gonna get that with Clawitzer
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>>23245214 Cover card is non-AT Articuno
The Zapdos looks good though. It'll come with Electrode that can semi-consistently do 70 damage. No clue what Grass Pokemon it could actually come with though, there are a lot this set.
I'm really hoping Articuno comes with the Talonflame so we can get that [C]Triple Draw+Switch. Even if not, regular Articuno deck thins like crazy by adding 3 of those infinite [W] Energies from your deck to your hand every turn
Seems like Articuno deck would run better on speculation alone while Zapdos does more consistent damage. Zapdos Thunder Fall, placing the damage onto your Voltorb on the bench, then Explode for 2 energy sounds solid at least.
My last 5 battles were against seismitoad slurpuff I can't take this shit anymore. What is the deck that has the best matchup against it? I don't mind if that deck loses to every other deck as long as it consistently beats seismitoad.
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>>23246449 Play supporters like Cilan so their hammers are meaningless :^) And poke center lady so their lasers are shit :^)
>>23246449 Also interested in a counter deck, fuck toad
Shitty image drawn by me for MSP /vp/ Anonymous
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>>23246449 I play toad, Leafeon/flareon is the best counter.
>>23246481 I drew this It sucks, but that's okay Anonymous
>>23242958 I'm a troll because most promo only EXs are not good? Calling me a troll is not a valid argument. Don't be a child.
Night March Guy !jLgQm10tTI
Im thinking of making a control deck, using mosly cards from Double Crisis. Aqua Control Deck Pokemon 3 Team Aqua's Kyogre 3 Team Aqua's Grimer 3 Team Aqua's Muk 2 Seismitoad EX 2 Team aqua's sharpedo 2 Team Aqua's Carvanha Trainer 2 Aqua Diffuser 3 Hypnotoxic Laser 1 Virbank City Gym 2 Team Aqua's Secret Base 3 Skyla 2 Team Aqua's Great Ball 2 Team Aqua Admin 1 Archie's ace in the hole 2 N 1 Prof. Sycamore 2 Team Aqua Grunt 3 VS Seeker 2 Enhanced Hammer 2 Team Flare Grunt 1 Silent Lab 3 Robo Substitutes Energy 2 DCE 2 Double Aqua Energy 9 Water
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>>23247426 You might want to consider running a Lysandre's Trump card over something like Team Aqua Grunt to stop Night March running through you
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>>23246527 I laughed heartily when you first posted it. Now it only triggers my PTSD involving quaking toads.
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>>23247426 Loses to good cards.
I really wanted to say that this board is the kindest of all boards. Take this code as a thank you gift and post results VDY-YBLH-VXS-MV6
>>23248127 Got trash. Thanks anyway.
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>>23248177 P96-9HVB-W6K-NBT
>>23247275 Either skip Virbank and run haeavier Silent Lab, or skip Aqua Base and run Sevipers and Dimension Valley if you want real energy control
I actually dont see much control here at all.
All you do is increase retreat costs, yet you're not eve running Startling megaphone for float stone removal.
You need at least 3x of crushing hammer and Enhanced Hammer, 2-3x Megaphone, and 1-2 Xerosic (also nice for removing Head ringers).
You also 100% need at least one float stone or a few switches for your Seismitoad which will basically be unretreatable under Muk and Aqua Stadium, and whats the point of making it so your opponent can't retreat if you cant either?
3x Robosub
1x Aqua Kyogre
2x Skyla
1x Virbank
2x DAE
2x Aqua Admin
2x Silent Lab
2x Sycamore
2x Crushing Hammer
2x Switch
1x Xerosic
2x Lysandre
>>23247275 Are there actually any good promo only EXes that are still legal? Everything good I can think of has been a reprint
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>>23246449 Primal Groudon kinda shits all over that deck since their deck is full of disruptive Trainers and Groudon doesn't give half a fuck about that. So all they can do is hit you for 30 while you toss down a stadium and kill for 200 which they can't stop
>>23249026 Only Promo-exclusive EXs are W-Kyurem and B-Kyurem afaik.
>>23249060 Those are reprints, the only promo exclusives are Charizard, Flygon, Garchomp, Krookodile, Gallade and the Kalos starters. Metagross, Diancie, Absol and the Hoenn starters have both regular and megas.
>Only semi viable one is Flygon but that's a stretch Anonymous
>>23249125 Promo Gallade might be cool with the mega coming out. Switching something in that has no energy/using Xerosic or Team Flare Grunt and hitting it for 80/160 for [P] [C] in dimension Valley is interesting on its own. I'd run a shittier Toad deck starring Gallade EX if it would remove some of the monotony of playing toad.
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Found two more codes from last summer. I think they are Flash Fire if this matters?! Take 'em I don't need. Screen'd pulls are welcome, thoBDK-APHM-BGC-874 HM3-UUVY-JPR-5WT
Found two more codes from last summer. I think they are Flash Fire if this matters?! Take 'em I don't need. Screen'd pulls are welcome, thoBDK-APHM-BGC-874 HM3-UUVY-JPR-5WT
>>23249224 The M Gallade is so good. Imagine using Golbat's sweep across to put a damage counter on all of their pokemon and then using M Gallade.
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>>23249318 Got the bottom one thanks
>>23249331 That and the Latios donk deck is what I'm looking forward to in Roaring Skies
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>>23249360 You talking about the Latios that attacks turn one? If so yeah I am looking forward to that. I will get 4.
>>23249360 I just want a supporter that can remove bench now
>>23249423 What do you mean remove bench?
>>23249423 If you mean return a Pokémon from play to your hand, AZ does that already
Apparently if you Super Scoop Up a Pokémon that's asleep it will still look like that to your opponent
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>finally level 3 Now I can start choosing challenges, right?
>>23249435 Like so
>>23249480 That doesn't remove any Pokemon from your opponent's field at all.
I want a decent way to deal with Garbodor and Donphan besides Lysandre aside from the donk possibilities
>>23249505 >your opponent only has one benched pokemon >you do that and put it back in his hand >KO his active >win Seems too good to me.
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>>23249505 This card seems too strong but I'm still new to Pokemon.
Basically have this issue.
>>23249511 Where if you didn't draw 3 basics you lose.
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>>23249505 It would need to be nerfed in some sort of way like EX's only, it would kill off stage 2 decks
>>23249511 Seeker was one of the most bullshit cards of the era. People will go "but it required strategic use". Fuck them. It was a Super Scoop Up that also forced your opponent to return one of their benched Pokemon to their hand. There were so many ways to abuse that card.
Hell, it's one of the big reasons for the "donk" era that was so terrible that they had to do an emergency rotation right before Worlds.
>>23249541 Ha, I'd just pull out any card that says something along the lines of discard a card to draw a card (you must have a card to discard) because this card doesn't say they require a pokemon for you to do it.
>>23249554 One of the most "fun" combos with Seeker was Weavile. When it evolved, you could look at your opponent's hand and discard something. That means that if you had two Sneasel in play, you could evolve one, get rid of one of their draw supporters, use Seeker to scoop up the Weavile, then use it to evolve the other Sneasel and discard whatever basic they just returned to their hand.
>>23249564 At least it isn't Forceful Sentry, Delinquent Duo.
>>23249571 Pokemon had that in the early days in the form of Imposter Prof Oak + Rocket's Sneak Attack + Rocket's Trap. That combo was so gamebreaking that 15/3 nearly became the new format because of it.
>>23249591 This is harsh but YGO doesn't have 4 copies of 2 cards that say draw a new hand.
>>23249601 Not just draw a new hand, draw fucking 7 cards. 10 in Colress's case
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>>23249662 I started using Ghetsis in my Toad deck, this game doesn't give a single fuck about drawing cards. I draw my whole deck muilple times a game now because of LY's trump card.
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On PTCGO does anyone have 1 Slurpuff Tasting 1 Vs seeker and 2 Crushing hammers for trade I can trade 1 primal clash pack and 1 phantom force pack.
Before anyone asks they just released the HeartGold & SoulSilver bundle in the store and they are NOT standard legal.
>>23249601 This was in the format at the same time as the Trapper Combo.
>>23249689 Why can't they release a Emerging Powers bundle already, all I want is some Max Potions
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>>23249706 Nope, no thank you. Pokemon is too fucking crazy sometimes. I couldn't use this on the PTCGO with their horrible coin system. In real life I flip heads like its my job.
>>23249710 LOL they don't want to give you cards you can play in standard for coins you crazy. They want you to waste coins on garbage.
>>23249719 Not them but what's the best thing to buy with coins in the shop? I have 342 now
>>23249790 I'm at 1000 and I'm just saving for Roaring Skies release.
>>23249790 Theme decks, tournament entry for tickets, and someone told me when they release RS they will add 10 packs for coins in the store for a limited time.
>tfw you don't want to throw the packaging away because they looks so pretty
>>23249809 Packaging to what? I saw some really cool boxes at Walmart with Kyorge, that I would keep.
>>23249799 >>23249800 I'll save up for RS then, know how much the packs will be?
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>>23249827 I would assume 195 like the LT 10 card packs.
>>23249824 Only normal boosters. I keep em all, they are way to valuable to be thrown away
>>23249833 Lol, why? I mean in other games like L5R you can trade them in for promo exclusives but why? Do you have a picture of your collection?
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>>23249836 Not yet, will try to take one when I get home
>>23249833 You'd probably be interested in these
>>23249853 ?
Sorry for redditing but I don't get it
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>>23249876 he liked the packaging of boosters. They're binders with the booster's art.
>bundle deck has 2 nidokings with pokebody that gives them +20 hp for each nidoqueen in play >Deck has no nidoqueen.
>none of the current meta decks pick my interest that much and Empoleon doesn't seem to do that well in this format >remember some anon wanting to use Emolga EX because it's cute >decide fuck it, why not It's either that or Goodra, but other than the healing ability, Goodra's attack seems awful with the cost. And last time I tried a defensive deck it would lose badly to any EX Pokémon due to dealing too little damage and not having enough healing to counter the opponent.
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>>23249906 Its literally garbage for 1K+tokens. I want them to bring back the Psycrusher deck for a deck so I can buy 2.
>>23249908 Empoleon is fucking crazy right now with Archie and eggsecute. It's still very viable. Use Leafeon to kill toads.
I also think the current meta is huge with 6 different viable fighting decks alone.
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>>23249924 I've seen Empoleon in every deck going, Toads, Fairies even Night March. It's far beyond unplayable
>>23249924 I'm assuming Archie lets you put Empoleon directly into play from the discard? Because that does seem really good.
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>>23250047 Correct. You just skip to stage 2 and the combo is very easy.
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>>23250047 Imagine this deck, except with more aggression using Leafeon or with exeggutor and controlling your opponent while you draw infinite cards.
>>23250047 >no vs seeker Is this what hell looks like?
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>>23250177 Looks like an old deck, I see Cheren in there an no one runs that either.
>>23250177 I can't remember exactly at which point I made that deck, but there was no VS Seeker back then in the format IIRC. After that I quit the game for a while, came back recently, and haven't modified it other than removing two First Tickets I had for the Teammates and... I forget what was the other card.
Might as well start upgrading it since Empoleon will probably go out after rotation.
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>>23250202 Empoleon will go, but he might get replaced by Ancient Trait/Ability Swampert.
Aren't we on the bump limit already?
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>Buy ditto promo primal clash blister pack from target >first pack is shit >second pack is foil HA Swampert and FA Wailord-EX Sweet.
>>23250299 Yeah we did, anyone gonna make a new thread?