>>23243028the first time I saw a pokemon I was like wtf is this shit that is everywhere. then I got into it and I really liked until gen 3
gen3 was weird, sprtites were awful, pokemon were wierd, felt really odd. but frlg fixed that and emerald was a blast. back on track
when gen4 came out designs felt weird, but not as much as initially gen3 felt. anyway, it was for DS and i was poor so that was the end for pokemon games as there were no emulators at the moment. also I got inro the army and I had little time to check news and shit.
later I quit the army and found nosgba. tried platinum but I felt it wasnt as good. HGSS was the highlight of gen 4
gen V was awesome. BW are one of the best games. BW2 was pretty good too.
gen VI introduced mega evos and I hated the concept. but Ive warmed to the idea and I kinda liked it. ORAS may have problems but I really enjoyed it,
cant wait for the next games and the 20th anniversary