Mewtwo is pretty awesome. He's light, but you should be able to smash opponents fast enough off the screen to make up for it.
Heard a lot of people online right now are simply rolling away and being general shitheads, so don't play with faggots with mewtwo online.
3DS has a new Mewtwo trophy for both Classic and All Star Mode (a regular one, and the orange variant)
Wii U I don't think has any in the main game modes, but I haven't checked. I know it gives you the Alt one, and there's a regular Mewtwo trophy you can find in the wild too.
>>23248943Mewtwo's voice is masculine, he doesn't say any dialogue, but his laugh is male. Actually kind of sounds like the original voice actor so I dunno. Mega Mewtwo lets out the same game cry, so its whatever.