[55 / 6 / ?]

514KiB, 720x540, day_3__fav_1st_gen_pokemon__kangaskhan_by_capitanozippy-d60vmz4.png
Quoted By: >>23256708 >>23256714 >>23257193 >>23257225 >>23257283 >>23257289 >>23257625 >>23261461 >>23261624 >>23263625
>Children are the main audience of Pokémon games
>Newest Pokémon games are easier because the lastest generation of children are mentally disable by the smartphones
>You're the parents of the next childrens generation
What would you do to revert the actual situation?
>Newest Pokémon games are easier because the lastest generation of children are mentally disable by the smartphones
>You're the parents of the next childrens generation
What would you do to revert the actual situation?