>>23274077What went wrong is that they didn't do that. Some of the things that got Fairy make little sense as to why they have it, and others should have it by the same logic used on other pokes, and yet, they don't have it. Finally, they JUST MADE this type, and it has only a handful of evo lines to it's name. Why? This thing is even less than Ghost, and I didn't think that could be possible. There should've been a MASSIVE retype to compensate for the matter Fairy hasn't been around for years, but nope, it still gets treated like it's 2000 and we don't need that many pokes in the same type. Who makes these decisions? Even for your stupid balance, this makes no sense.
Mind you, typings that make no sense have been around in Pokemon for ages, and the only reason I have for it is their crazy sense of "balance". I don't think that should matter. Fuck balance and fuck competitive. Just have the pokemon make sense.