>>23330492>You're forgetting that said species of birds went extinct because they jumped and either they flew or diedNo, they went extinct because the species with poor flying skills couldn't escape predators as efficiently as the good flyers. Skilled fliers also benefited from more availability of food, since they were able to cover more ground and see more. Did you learn about evolution in an Alabama classroom, or just from Pokemon?
>And for slaking, I don't see why a sloth wouldn't SLACK OFF at their lazy turn.Slaking is an ornery sloth. Slaking won't do what you tell it to. Say what you will about Truant's viability, but it gives Slaking a lot of personality and plays into the jerkish lazy sloth concept very, very well.
I mean your ideas are cool and all, but they're not what Archeops, or even Slaking, are based on.
(Though it would be nice and still on-concept if Slaking got back some HP on its lazy turns.)