>>23344126you know, the reason so many people are upset with the current ou is _because_ of the diversity right. you've got legitimate threats in lower tiers. in nu you've got quagsire, ludicolo and seismitoed in rain, in ru you've got alomomola amoonguss, tangrowth, slowking, reuniclus, omastar and kabutops in rain, reg kyurem, feraligatr, dragalge and cresselia, in uu you've got suicune, rotom-h, kingdra in rain, lucario, hydreigon, hippowdon, chesnaught, mega aero, along with everything in bl with the exception of venomoth, in addition to the mons in ou and probably a few mons i missed. you obviously either want to shit on ou blindly or have no idea where to look. hell, a pikachu even won an spl match